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Westerse Esoterie

4 oktober 2024

De Grote Drie

Door Paul Boersma

348 Pagina’s | 2024 | Softcover | Milinda Uitgevers (Synthese) | ISBN 9789062711819

Het idee dat er één universele metafysische visie in alle religies aanwezig is, werd in de vorige eeuw in Frankrijk gelanceerd door René Guénon en sindsdien uitgewerkt en in leven gehouden door een kleine, onopvallende stroming auteurs in vele landen. De school die in het kielzog van Guénon, Coomaraswamy en Schuon ontstond wordt ook wel ’traditionalisme’ of ‘perennialisme’ genoemd.
In dit boek worden de drie kopstukken van deze stroming geïntroduceerd. Het veronderstelt geen speciale voorkennis, maar wel een levendige belangstelling voor religie of spiritualiteit. Het poogt niet de ideeën van de drie auteurs samen te vatten of te vereenvoudigen, maar wel begrip ervan te bevorderen door een didactisch verantwoorde volgorde van uitleg. Dankzij de vele citaten komen de drie auteurs werkelijk tot leven en dringt de scherpte van hun inzichten tot de lezer door.
Een aanrader voor iedereen die belangstelling heeft voor de innerlijke en de symbolische kant van religie.

Paul Boersma (1948) besteedde een groot deel van zijn leven aan het schaken, waarin hij de Nederlandse top bereikte, is filosoof in academische zin, maar vooral in de zin van ‘verlangend naar wijsheid’. Deze werd bereikbaar toen hij in 1981 beslissend werd aangeraakt door de vipassana-meditatie. Hij vertaalde de Dhammapada in versvorm, en verscheidene boeken van Frithjof Schuon en Titus Burckhardt.

Author: P. Boersma
ISBN: 9789062711819
classic-editor-remember: block-editor

Prijs: € 29,95

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Esoteric Psychology – The Theosophical Janus

By John S. Gordon.

36 Pages | Soft cover | August 2008 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.

‘The Blavatsky Lecture’  delivered at the Summer School of The Foundation for Theosophical Studies, Wills Hall, The University of Bristol, Sunday August 2008.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), as we know, at least once remarked that ‘Theosophy is not for dumbskulls!’ By that, her writings clearly demonstrate, she meant that the operative principles behind this all-embracing form of wisdom-philosophy have to be studied carefully and followed in practice before it can even begin to be properly understood. However, those principles are not be taken on board like some religious ritual, driven by blind faith and a happy assumption that somebody else will take up the full responsibility for explaining their full significance.

What Theosophy is and how it works cannot really be understood other than through direct experience of the principles behind the operation of consciousness itself is regarded by the cutting edge of modern science as the next major frontier to be crossed, it is this subject which I propose to address today – although not perhaps in the manner which an orthodox scientist might adopt.

auteur: Gordon, J.S.

Prijs: € 4,00

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A Dictionary of Western Alchemy

By Jordan Stratford, with a Foreword by Jeffrey S. Kupperman, Ph.D.

135 Pages | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608978.

‘ And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places. ‘ – Isa, 45:3 (King James Version).

From Arabic al-kimia (of Egypt) and old Egyptian khem (black, fertile soil), alchemy is the ancient science of elements and interactions in both the natural and spiritual realms. Spanning 2.500 years and informed by Hermetic and Neoplatonist influences, it has been practiced in the classical Greco-Roman world, medieval Europe and the medieval Middle-East and Orient, and in current esoteric circles.

From page 40:

” This is true and remote from all cover of falsehood.

Whatever is below is similar to that which is above. Through this the marvels of the work of one thing are procured and perfected.

Also, as all things are made from one, by the consideration of one, so all things were made from this one, by conjunction.

The father of it is the sun, the mother the moon.

The wind bore it in the womb, the nurse is the earth, the mother of all perfection. 

Its power is perfected if it is turned into earth.

Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle and thin from the crude and coarse, prudently, with modesty and wisdom. 

This ascents from the earth into the sky and again descends from the sky to the earth, and receives the power and efficacy of things above and of things below.

By this means you will acquire the glory of the whole world, and so you will drive away all shadows and blindness. 

For this by its fortitude snatches the palm from all other fortitude and power. For it is able to penetrate and subdue everything subtle and everything crude and hard. 

By this means the world was founded

And hence the marvelous conjunctions of it and admirable effects, since this is the way by which these marvels may be brought about. 

And because of this they called me Hermes Trismegistus, since I have the three parts of the wisdom and Philosophy of the whole universe.

My speech is finished which I have spoken concerning the Solar Work. “

From: The Emerald Tablet.

auteur: Stratford, Jordan
ISBN: 9780835608978
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
Additional DescriptionMore Details

This concise dictionary of alchemy provides clear access to one of the major roots of Western esoteric thought. Alchemists have three main pursuits: the transmutation of base metals into gold by means of the Lapis Philosophorum, the Philosopher’s Stone; the concoction of the Elixir of Life, a universal medicine; and the reconciliation between spirit and matter and direct knowledge of the Divine. The Dictionary of Western Alchemy contains the definition and etymology of hundreds of words and symbols, all relating to these three noble pursuits. Subjects include alchemical processes and procedures, the natural elements and apparatus used, major practitioners and philosophers, and concepts and beliefs. Distinguishing this guide from similar ones is the addition of etymology, which connects the language of alchemy to its Latin, Greek, and Arabic sources. Symbolic pictographs accompany half of the over four hundred entries, and a fascinating illustration from the long tradition of alchemical art introduces each letter of the alphabet. Most important is the author Jordan Stratford’s unique perspective as both a modern Gnostic priest and a Freemason. He brings to bear extensive knowledge of the depth psychology of C. G. Jung, who based his key concept of individuation on the premise that what the ancient alchemists truly sought was inner transformation.


Prijs: € 19,95

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Hidden Wisdom – A Guide to Western Inner Traditions

By Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney.

400 Pages | First edition 1999, revised edition 2006, incl. suggested reading lists per chapter | Softcover | Quest Books U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608442.

For decades, our modern society has looked to the East for spiritual guidance and renewal. Here is a guide much closer to home. Its subjects range comprehensibly from Jungian psychology to the Kabbalah and Gnosticism, and from Freemasonry and the Templars to Alchemy, Shamanism, the work of Gurdjieff, Neopaganism, Sufism and esoteric Christianity.

Authors Smoley and Kinney speak with sensible, even-handed objectivity, covering the strengths and weaknesses as well as the history and ideas of each tradition. They also end each chapter with a wealth of resources for further exploration. Whether you are just beginning to seek a spiritual practice or want to know more about a particular teaching; Hidden Wisdom is an invaluable resource for finding the Path, that is right for you.

From Chapter 5 – ‘Magicians: Sculptors of the Astral Light’ (p. 105):

” Magic is the traditional science of the secrets of Nature, which has been transmitted to us from the Magi. By means of this science the Adept is invested with a species of relative omnipotence and can operate superhumanly – that is, after a manner which transcends the normal possibility of man. “

Richard Smoley is the former editor of <em>Gnosis</em> magazine and today is editor of Quest Books.



auteur: Smoley, R./Kinney, J.
ISBN: 9780835608442
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
Additional DescriptionMore Details

“Covering the gamut from Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and Sufism to shamanism, Neopaganism, Theosophy, and mystical Christianity, Hidden Wisdom is the handbook to the Western wisdom traditions. Also included are the teachings of C.G. Jung, G.I. Gurdjieff, Alice Bailey, and Rudolf Steiner. Authors Smoley and Kinney examine the key figures and movements of these traditions throughout history to offer a balanced and coherent view of esoteric Western practices. Accessible to all readers—whether they’re considering membership or long-term practice of any one tradition or teaching or they’re simply curious about their options—this book lends advice on how to find groups and like-minded individuals and how to best avoid possible pitfalls. This book is a reliable and truly helpful guide. It is clear, intelligent, grounded, and appropriately critical. If you want to add a vital dimension to your life, start with this book and discover a fascinating world that lies hidden all around you”. —Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and Dark Nights of the Soul


Prijs: € 21,95

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The Chaldean Account of Genesis

By George Smith (1840 – 1876).

319 Pages | Secret Doctrine Reference Series 1977; photographic reproduction of 1876 edition, with illustrations | Hardcover | Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0913510661.

The complete title of the work is:

The Chaldean Account of Genesis –  Containing the Description of Creation, the Fall of Man, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Times of the Patriarchs and Nimrod; Babylonian Fables, and Legends of the Gods; from the Cuneiform Inscriptions.

George Smith (1840 – 1876) was an English Assyriologist, who earned worldwide fame in 1872 by his translation of the Chaldaean account of the Deluge, which was read before the Society of Biblical Archaeology on the 3rd of December.

From Chapter I – ‘The Discovery of the Genesis Legends’ (p. B):

” The fragments of the Chaldean historian Berosus, preserved in the works of various later writers, have shown that the Babylonians were acquainted with traditions referring to the Creation, the period before the Flood, the Deluge and other matters forming part of Genesis. “

auteur: Smith, G.
ISBN: 0913510661

Prijs: € 22,05

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Ancient Mystic Rites

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

241 Pages | First Quest Edition 1986, 3rd printing 1995 | Softcover | Quest Books, USA | ISBN: 0835606090.

Ancient Mystic Rites is Leadbeater absorbing in-depth study of the Mystery Schools of Egypt, Greece, Judea and Europe in the Middle Ages, up to the emergence of Co-Masonry in the twentieth century. During his lifetime, Leadbeater used his rare capacity for clairvoyance or ‘seeing’ beyond the physical plane for many purposes. He observed and recorded the sub-atomic structure of a number of elements before science had the capacity to determine such things. He described the forms and colors created as a result of our thoughts and the shapes and colors of the human subtle body.

Drawing on these abilities as well as on historical records, Leadbeater relates in this book fascinating, previously unknown facts about the Mystery Schools and their practices and beliefs. His observations and reflections point up many similarities among these schools in spite of distance and time  – a common ‘Mystery-bond’ running through otherwise disparate cultures. As Leadbeater shows, these Ancient Rites have emerged in this century as Freemasonry.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 0835606090
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor

Prijs: € 15,95

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Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy – From the Writings of H.P. Blavatsky

By Helena Petrovna Blavatksy (1831 – 1891) with a foreword and notes by Ianthe H. Hoskins (1912 – 2001).

84 Pages | First Adyar Edition, Fifth reprint 2012 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. | ISBN: 9788170592211.

Dutch translation: Grondslagen van de Esoterische Filosofie – Uit de Geschriften van H.P. Blavatsky | Uitgegeven in 1992 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750673.

Some of the most important statements from the Secret Doctrine of Madame Blavatsky have been extracted and put together in this little book. It is a valuable introduction to the main teachings of the Ancient Wisdom, which Blavatsky said was the common spiritual heritage of humanity. Each passage is briefly introduced by Miss Hoskins, who has added short glossary of terms as an appendix.

For the inquirer, who wishes to learn the fundamental principles underlying the universal Wisdom tradition, this compilation is a stepping stone, but for more ardent students there is material for deep reflection and meditation.

From Chapter ‘Isis Unveiled: A Ten-point Summary’ (p. 72 & 73):

” To sum up all in a few words, MAGIC is spiritual WISDOM; Nature, the material ally, pupil and servant of the magician. One common vital principle pervades all things, and this is controllable by the perfected human will. The Adept can stimulate the movements of the natural forces in plants and animals in a preternatural degree. Such experiments are not obstructions of Nature, but quickenings; the conditions of intenser vital action are given.

The Adept can control the sensations and alter the conditions of the physical and astral bodies of other persons not Adepts; he/she can also govern and employ as he/she chooses the spirits of the elements. He/She cannot control the immortal spirit of any human being, living or dead, for all such spirits are alike sparks of the Divine Essence and not subject to any foreign domination. “

auteur: Hoskins, I.H.
ISBN: 9788170592211

Prijs: € 6,50

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The Golden Thread – The Ageless Wisdom of the Western Mystery Traditions

By Joscelyn Godwin, Foreword by Richard Smoley.

200 Pages | First Question Edition 2007, second printing 2013 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608602.

The ancient sages of the Western Mystery Traditions passed on a knowledge beyond reason, allowing us to access transcendent states, that reveal our own nature and that of the cosmos. Such sages exist in every age and elevate all of humanity, says Joscelyn Godwin, whether we realize it or not. Among those whose wisdom he traces from antiquity to the present include:

  • Hermes Trismegistus
  • Zoroaster
  • Orpheus
  • Pythagoras
  • Plato
  • The Gnostics
  • The Alchemists
  • The Rosicrucians
  • The Freemasons
  • The Theosophists

Each stage is always with us, Godwin emphasizes, and so offers a potential source of inspiration and action for today.

From Chapter 16 – ‘The End of the Thread?’ (p. 149 & 150):

” The transcendent philosophy that rises above so manu useless arguments has always been there, and never so available as it is today. Knowledge has been put into our hands that was once the closely guarded property of initiates, together with the freedom to discuss and follow it without fear of being executed for heresy. Is this not cause for rejoicing? The price we pay for this historically unique situation is living in the modern world, in which the lunatics quite obviously are running the asylum. So be it. The philosopher knows that the Gods are playing their games, the cosmic machinery turns, and history rattles on. But he also knows the timeless, the secret place from which all this can be surveyed with mild amusement, as a flutter on the surface of the ocean. “


auteur: Godwin, J.
ISBN: 9780835608602
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor

Prijs: € 18,75

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Deity Cosmos And Man – An Outline Of Esoteric Science

By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).

253 Pages | Published in 2010 | Softcover| Blavatsky Trust Publications, London | ISBN: 0913004820.

Esoteric Science, the Wisdom Religion, embraces all that is good and true in the great religions of mankind, but yet transcends them all. As far as can be expressed in words, it reflects ’truth’, insisting on the Unity of the cosmic process in which each individual is as a spark to the flame. We are of nature with the Cosmos, and being of one Essence, we are members of one family, a family that includes all things and all beings.

From this outline of the Wisdom teaching, we learn of the various levels of operation in the Cosmos, and in relation to man. Further, by emphasizing the important distinction between them, it shows how the personality, when unrestrained, tends to be entirely self-concerned, creating for itself a condition of psychological isolation from the rest of humanity. The Individuality, on the other hand, is rooted in the Unity, of which it is a direct expression. As we become increasingly responsive to this Individuality, it exercises a unifying influence in our lives, enabling us to recognize that identity of nature, which makes of all living things one Universal Brotherhood.


” This book is dedicated to those, who would help to alleviate the lot of humanity by liberating the human mind from its imprisonment in ideas generated and perpetuated by institutional and academic orthodoxy in the fields of religion and philosophy. […] The book is further dedicated to those who would work towards establishing peace and harmony among all peoples by promoting the practical realization of the brotherhood of humanity, transcending differences of race, religion, caste, class, political creed, or any other divisive element in human affairs. “

auteur: Farthing, G.A.
ISBN: 0913004820

Prijs: € 17,50

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Giordano Bruno – An Apostle of Theosophy

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933)

109 Pages | Published in 2000 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar | ISBN: 8170594138.

The story of a profound philosopher and religious reformer who incurred the wrath of the Catholic Church for his attacks on Aristotelian logic and his championship of Copernican cosmology. After lifelong persecution he was burnt at the stake as a heretic in 1600. He taught with eloquence the Immanence of God who is Universal Life; the eternity of the Spirit, being part of the Universal Life; and based on these two facts, a life dedicated to the True, the Good, and the Beautiful.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170594138
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}
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Additional DescriptionMore Details

Annie Besant (1847-1933) led the fight for the rights of women and laborers in her native England; later she worked with Mahatma Gandhi and spearheaded India’s struggle for freedom. Theosophist Joy Mills describes her as “a feminist before the movement for women’s rights was fully launched; she stood for freedom when half the world was held in the bonds of colonialism.” A student of India’s spiritual traditions, Annie Besant was famed as an orator, author, and international President of the Theosophical Society.


Prijs: € 4,00

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