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12 mei 2021

When knowing becomes love – Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry

By Arthur Zajonc.

211 Pagina’s | 2009 | Paperback | Lindisfarne Books, Massachusetts | ISBN: 9781584200628.

When we turn to meditation, we turn toward renewal, peace, and insight. We may take up contemplative practice as a means of tapping into the abundant resources of the mind and heart that bring serenity, but the meditative journey leads further, to the place where wisdom and love unite.

In Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry, Arthur Zajonc offers an overview of the meditative life, weaving practical instruction together with the guidance and inspiration of the world’s great teachers, from Rudolf Steiner to Rumi, and from Goethe to the sages of Asia. Zajonc reminds us that an ethic of humility grounds all practice, and that care of the soul is the basis for sound spiritual reflection and understanding. He describes each stage of the path and includes many recommended practices.

This book is the fruit of many years of personal practice and teaching. Arthur Zajonc developed his orientation toward meditation through working with hundreds of university students and professors, as well as with contemplative groups in the U.S., Europe, and Australia.

”Arthur Zajonc is one of our best guides in the new art of traversing the narrowing gulf between science, consciousness, and social change. This beautiful book embodies the best in his writing. ”
— Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline

”A glistening gem of a book.”
— Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Coming to Our Senses

Auteur: Zajonc, A.
ISBN: 9781584200628

Prijs: € 24,95

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Vier levensvrienden – Geleide meditatieoefeningen voor vriendelijkheid, compassie, medevreugde en gelijkmoedigheid

Door Frits Koster, Erik van den Brink & Jetty Heynekamp.

57 Pagina’s | 2013 | Paperback |Milinda Uitgevers bv, Rotterdam | ISBN: 9789056703042. Boek + 2 CD’s Speelduur: 160 minuten

Vier levensvrienden biedt een uitnodiging om met vriendelijke, compassievolle, vreugdevolle of onpartijdige ogen te kunnen kijken naar onszelf en naar de wereld.

Maak kennis met de vier verheven gemoedstoestanden (brahmaviharā’s): vriendelijkheid, compassie, (mede)vreugde en gelijkmoedigheid. Deze vier ego-overstijgende levensvrienden bestrijken ieder een ander terrein. Spreek je van een welzijnsthermometer dan richt compassie zich op het gebied onder nul graden. Vriendelijkheid richt zich op het gebied boven nul, terwijl medevreugde zich specifiek right op de extra aangename en warme temperatuur. Gelijkmoedigheid dient als een beschermend omhulsel en bij extreme temperaturen.

Net zoals we onze lichamelijke conditie, concentratie of mindfulness (open aandacht) kunnen trainen en ontwikkelen, zo kunnen we de vier levensvrienden ontwikkelen door regelmatige beoefening. Het bijzondere hiervan is dat het religie-overstijgend is; ieder mens kan zijn of haar leven verrijken met de kracht van mildheid.

Op de bijgevoegde cd’s staan geleide meditatieoefeningen om de vier verheven gemoedstoestanden tot ontwikkeling te brengen. Het boekje dient als ondersteuning, biedt achtergrondinformatie en beschrijft de valkuilen die kunnen optreden.

Auteur: Koster, F / Van den Brink, E. / Heynekamp, J.
ISBN: 9789056703042

Prijs: € 20,50

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Een Yoga van Licht

Door Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

18 Pagina’s | 2021 | Paperback | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereninging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061751007. | Dharma Reeks 3

Oorspronkelijke titel: A Yoga of Light , Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170590149
Het eerste doel van meditatie is je eigen spirituele zelf te ontdekken. Het tweede doel is te beseffen dat jouw spirituele zelf voor altijd een integraal onderdeel is van het spirituele zelf van het universum.
Dit boekje is bedoeld als eerste leidraad voor degenen die op zoek zijn naar een beproefde en veilige methode.
Zij volgt het Theosofische mensbeeld, en kan daarmee met recht een eigentijdse ”Theosofische meditatie techniek” genoemd worden, terwijl zij tegelijkertijd geworteld is in de eeuwenoude yogatraditie.

Auteur: Hodson, G.
ISBN: 9789061751007

Prijs: € 4,00

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Wijsheidles van Kwan Yin – Healing, Meditatie & Rust

Door Klaske Goedhart.

103 Pagina’s | Jaar van uitgave onbekend | Uitgeverij Lumeria, Noardburgum | Hardcover met spiraal | ISBN: 9789492484185.

In dit ‘Wijsheidsboekje’ leer je de energie van Kwan Yin kennen. Deze vrouwelijke Boeddha leert je op zachte wijze te voelen en kijken naar omstandigheden in je leven. Ze zal je helpen met de lessen in je leven en het verwerken van emotionele uitdagingen. Ga je mee op een reis naar jezelf?

Afkomstig van p. 8 & 9:

Energie van Kwan Yin

” Kwan Yin is een oude, Chinese godin. Er zijn verschillende legenden over haar bekend. De meest bekende is dat zij als prinses van een koning leefde. De legenden zijn het over een aantal zaken eens: Kwan Yin is intens genadig, Kwan Yin kan je leren hoe je kunt vergeven, Kwan Yin is de beschermvrouwe van vrouwen en kinderen, Kwan Yin is een leerling van Gautama Boeddha geweest.

Volgens de legenden heeft Kwan Yin 800 jaar hier op aarde geleefd. Kwan Yin is een opgestegen meester, dit betekend dat zij in de sferen van 5 tot 7 leeft en hier een belangrijke plaats inneemt. Kwam Yin werkt samen met de meesters, die het beheer hebben over liefde, vergeving en loslaten van energie en is samen met Aartsengel Ariël en Aartsengel Zadkiël de beheerder van de Violette Vlam. Ze is lid van de Orde van Melchizedek. “


Prijs: € 14,99

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Meditation as a Way of Life – Philosophy and Practice rooted in the Teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda

By Alan L. Pritz.

261 Pages | First Quest Edition 2014 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, India | ISBN: 9780835609289.

Meditation as a Way of Life – an informal sequel to Pritz’ Pocket Guide to Meditation – renders acquired knowledge in a down-to-earth way to help people create a lifestyle grounded in spiritual discipline and a meditative practice, that is effective, regardless of religious affiliation and applicable to all faiths. The methods involved and principles governing them are presented through the lens of the author’s perspective, which is based on teachings of the modern spiritual master Paramahansa Yogananda.

For those unfamiliair with meditation, it is not, as some expressions would depict it, a method to enhance health, boost creativity or reduce stress. Those may be by-product of meditation, but they are not what meditation is about. Meditation is founded on a worldview that ascribes to life a profound spiritual purpose and chronicles the Soul’s descent from Spirit into embodiment and its ultimate goal of reuniting with the Divine.

From Chapter 12 – ‘Meditation – Absorption in Spirit’: (p. 202):

” Before the earth in space was spun
Beneath the heaven’s feet,
There was a mighty spirit, One,
Calm, wondrous, complete!

Changeless, yet moving; from its womb
All things came into birth;
This is the mystic bride and groom,
Maker of heaven and earth.

Something there is, whose veiled creation was
Before the earth or sky began to be;
So silent, so aloof, and so alone.

It changes not, nor fails, but touches all:
Conceive it as the Mother of the world.
I do not know its name;
A name for its is ‘Way’:

The Way begot one,
and the one, two,
and the two begot three
And three, all else . . . “

  • A compilation of Taoist passages.
Auteur: Pritz, A.L.
ISBN: 9780835609289

Prijs: € 17,95

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Door Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), vertaald door Hans van der Kroft, Thecla de Waal en Anneke Korndörffer.

367 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1981, 2de uitgebreide druk 2004, 3de herziene druk 2018 | Softcover | Synthese, een imprint van Milinda Uitgevers B.V. | ISBN: 9789062711499.

Engels origineel: Krishnamurti’s Notebook | Copyright 1976, 2003 (full text edition) | Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, Ltd., Hampshire, England | ISBN: 9781888004632.

Krishnamurti’s Notebook is geen gewoon dagboek, maar een verzameling persoonlijke notities, die Krishnamurti maakte vanaf 18 juni 1961 tot 23 januari 1962, tijdens zijn reizen en zijn verblijf in Amerika, Engeland, Frankrijk, Zwitserland, Italie en India. Op 323 met de hand geschreven en door hemzelf genummerde pagina’s beschrijft hij in dichterlijk proza de beweging van de wolken, de wind, de bomen, het licht, de vogels en de extatische eenheidsbeleving, die hij in deze natuurverschijnselen ervaart. Meditatie, kun je volgens Krishnamurti niet methodisch opwekken, maar is een explosie van ‘gewaar-zijn’ op het moment, waarop je denken stil is en je de feiten ziet zonder ze te willen veranderen.

Afkomstig van blz. 21:

” Het heilige heeft geen attributen. Een steen in een tempel, een beeld in een kerk, een symbool – ze zijn niet heilig. De mens noemt ze heilig, iets dat gewijd is om te worden aanbeden uit gecompliceerde driften, angsten en verlangens. Die ‘heiligheid’ ligt nog in het vlak van het denken; ze is door het denken opgebouwd en in het denken ligt niets nieuws of heiligs. “


Auteur: Krishnamurti, J.
ISBN: 9789062711499

Prijs: € 22,75

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Gifts of the Lotus – A Book of Daily Meditations (Quest Miniature Series)

By Virginia Hanson.

191 Pages | 1974, fourth printing 1988 – A Quest Miniature | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835604500.

Here are 366 Meditations – one for each day of the year. Each from the heart of a spiritually oriented philosopher, from Plato to Emerson to Sri Aurobindo to a host of theosophical students and scholars. Inside of this miniature Quest book is a complete philosophy for living: quiet, short, engaging thoughts, each alive with the spirit of being. In truth, this is not a book to be studied. It is a book to be carried in the pocket or purse. It is a book to be treasured.

From page 41:

” 25.  A doctrine of ‘Truth’, presenting itself without proof on the bare value of its own nobility, is as disturbing a factor to the majority of men as would be the stranger without name or country. We are afraid of it; it is to us an invasion from an unknown world. And such it is; it is an invasion from another world, from the only real world, the world of Reality . . .


auteur: Hanson, V.
ISBN: 0835604500

Prijs: € 6,10

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Meditation its practice and results

109 pages | paperback | TPH Adyar, 2005

Learn how to realize your inner possibilities and solve life’s riddles through meditation.

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170590442

Prijs: € 4,00

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The Brightened Mind – A Simple Guide to Buddhist Meditation

107 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2011

Helps You Tap Into An Infinite Reservoir of Clarity and Calm

Modern times have created a siege of chaos. Struggling economy, political turmoil, media bombardment and a general culture of isolation all contribute to this unrest. Buddhist author Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu presents a simple path to freedom from such chaos in The Brightened Mind.

“Sumano Bikkhu’s The Brightened Mind is a most precious little jewel, introducing the spiritual armchair traveler to the wonders of the Universal Mind as taught in the Buddhist meditative tradition.” — Glenn Mullin, author of Female Buddhas, The Fourteen Dalai Lamas, and Living in the Face of Death.

auteur: Sumano Bhikku, A.
ISBN: 9780835608992
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Sumano speaks to the modern seeker from a unique perspective, as a former law school graduate and real estate professional in Chicago. He abandoned his comfortable American lifestyle for the begging bowl and simple cave home of an ordained Buddhist monk in the tradition of the Thai forest meditation masters. Now a spiritual teacher in Tibet, Sumano walks the reader through the workings of the mind and how thought processes often affect our experiences. He shows how to quiet the mind, turning off the “rolling documentary of your past and future” to experience the freedom of quiet focus. Through easy-to-follow guided meditations called “mind trainings” or “mind-fitness techniques,” he teaches the reader how to think productively tapping into the ultimate source of wealth, our own divine consciousness. Sumano posits that we all have within us this abundance simply waiting to be utilized. Using these practices readers will find themselves free from the body and the mundane, the I-ego mind. From this place of insight life’s challenges can be navigated with much less stress and with much more hope. As Sumano says, “In order to progress and prosper in peace, we must respond to the challenges of our times not from fear and anxiety but from a place of circumspection —from a brightened mind.”


Prijs: € 11,95

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Concentration – An Approach to Meditation

By Ernest Wood

154 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2001 ISBN 0835601765

This perennial best-seller by a distinguished educator assembles 36 mental and physical exercises for taming the natural drifting of the mind. Newly designed edition of a practical manual for success. Over 100,000 copies sold.

Ernest Wood, scholar, writer, and lecturer, was born in 1883 in England and was attracted to Theosophy at a young age. He arrived in India early in the twentieth century, and assisted Annie Besant in educational work. He was the founder of the Theosophical College, Madanapalle. He wrote many books on philosophical subjects, having a particular interest in Yoga.

auteur: Wood, E.
ISBN: 0835601765
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After World War II, he came to the United States, where he was for several years Dean of the American Academy of Asian Studies in San Francisco and later joined the staff of the University of Houston, Texas. Other titles by the author: – Come Unto Me: And Other Writings – Concentration – Natural Theosophy – The Occult Training of the Hindus – The Seven Rays


Prijs: € 10,50

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The Occult Training of the Hindus

By Ernest Egerton Wood  (1883 – 1965).

120 Pages | First edition 1931, 2nd edition 1952, 3rd edition 1990 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059149X.

As soon as one speaks in the Western world about Occultism in India, the imagination flies to travellers’ stories of marvels that they have seen in this country, of occurences demanding for their explanation faculties of sense, powers of consciousness and facts of nature beyond the common experience of humankind. Regarding these, I could personally relate a number of uncommon experiences, sprinkled among the events of a great many years spent in this land.

From page 120:

” Occultism may be defined as the use of the hidden powers in man to discover the hidden life in the world. It has thus rightfully been said, that it is ātmavidyā, the science of the Self, and that its object is to discover the Divine Mind in Nature and in oneself. Through the faculties and powers of the personality a man comes in contact with phenomena, and learns through them, as a child with toys. But with the powers of the higher Self – its will and love and thought, working in outward things, but unshaken by them, and not confused by personality – a man may penetrate through the veil of appearances, and the hidden reality in him will deal with the hidden reality behind phenomena. This man works through intuition – no longer a child, he deals with realities, not with toys. Such is the occultist, and to such goal is directed the occult training of the Hindus. “

auteur: Wood, E.
ISBN: 817059149X

Prijs: € 7,50

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Lighting the Lamp – An Approach to the Tibetan Path

By Alfred Woll.

158 Pages | A Quest Original, first edition 1992 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606864.

Why should overcommitted Westerners make time in their schedules for meditation? In this down-to-earth book, Alfred Woll, a Westerner who himself benefited from the practice of Tibetan Buddhism, guides the reader in answering these questions:

  • Why does the typical Western lifestyle of ‘consume-orientation’ lead more often to pervasive dissatisfaction than than to lasting happiness?
  • How can the example of the Buddha’s life and teachings lead to an alternative focus on ‘self-evolvement’ and spiritual development?
  • How can meditation, drawn from Tibetan practice, help Westerners?

Unlike many authors, Woll does not automatically assume that the reader accepts karma and reïncarnation; rather, he presents arguments to help readers make up their own minds. Easy to understand and yet rich in content, this book is ideal for those, who wish to learn more about Tibetan spiritual practice.

From Chapter 15: ‘Selflessness’ (p. 145):

” To stop the samsaric melodrama in which we exist once and for all, we need the realization of selflessness or, as this key Buddhist idea is also called: emptiness. We have seen that our disturbed mental attitudes, such as anger, jealousy, attachment, and so forth, take away our peace of mind. These attitudes are the real troublemakers in our lives. Though, we can certainly reduce the extent to which these negative mind states control our behavior by working on our personality and increasing our mindfullness, in order to eliminate them completely, we have to end our false way of seeing reality. “




auteur: Woll, A.
ISBN: 0835606864

Prijs: € 14,70

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Een Weg tot Zelfontdekking

By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

317 Pages | Uitgave in 1989 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750604.

English original: Self-Culture in the Light of Occultism, this later became: Self-Culture in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom | First edition 1945, 2nd revised edition 1967, 3rd printing 1970, 4th printing 1976 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592792.

Een boek voor diegenen, die de oude occulte leer over de aard van de mens willen begrijpen en die het pad van zelfontplooiing willen ontdekken en bewandelen. Taimni gaat van theorie naar praktische toepassing – van de functies, de beheersing, de zuivering en het gevoelig maken van de fysieke en emotionele lichamen naar het ‘lagere’ denken. Vandaar neemt hij ons stap voor stap mee door de ontwikkeling van het ‘hogere’ denken, het ‘wijsheidsslichaam’ en tenslotte licht hij de rol van de ātma (geest) in ons leven nader toe. In het laatste deel onderzoekt hij de ‘onwerkelijke’ wereld, waarin we leven en gaat hij over tot een zeer indrukwekkend commentaar op de techniek van yoga.

Uit de inhoud (backflap):

” De voornaamste reden waarom zo’n groot aantal mensen, die de werkelijkheden van het spirituele leven willen ervaren blijven steken, zonder enige zichtbare vordering tot hun doel maken, is dat ze geen stappen hebben ondernomen om de noodzakelijke grondslag voor dat leven te leggen en ze zich ermee tevreden stellen alleen maar over deze dingen te lezen en te denken. Maar daar brengen we het niet zo erg ver mee. We moeten onszelf echt aanpakken en de nodige voorwaarden voor werkelijke vooruitgang scheppen, omdat we moeten werken in een wereld, die door wetten wordt geregeerd. “



auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9789061750604
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Prijs: € 15,75

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De Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali

By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

516 Pagina’s| Eerste druk 1975, achtste druk 2018 | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750758.

English original: The Science of Yoga – A Commentary on the Yoga-Sūtra’s of Patañjali in the Light of Modern Thought | First published in 1961, 2010 edition | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592112.

De Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali vormen de basistekst van de klassieke yoga, een van de zes filosofische scholen uit het hindoeïsme. In nog geen tweehonderd uiterst beknopte en veelal raadselachtige aforismen zet Patañjali de wetenschap van yoga uiteen. Hij behandelt achtereenvolgens:

  • samādhi – de toestand van de meditatieve extase
  • sādhanā – de voorbereidende oefeningen
  • vibhūti – de hogere psychische vermogen
  • kaivalya – de toestand van de spirituele bevrijding.

Te midden van de vele Oosterse en Westerse commentaren op deze Yoga-Sūtra’s neemt dat van de Indiase chemicus en theosoof dr. I.K. Taimni een zeer bijzondere plaats in. De meeste commentatoren maken zich met enkele gemeenplaatsen af van het kernthema van de Yoga-Sūtra’s, de toestand van samādhi of extase, alsof het hier gaat om een toestand van bewustzijn, die niet te beschrijven valt. Taimni verklaart deze toestand van hoger bewustzijn – geheel in de geest van Patañjali – echter tot in de details. Hij heeft dit kunnen doen, doordat hij is uitgegaan van de theosofische visie op het menselijk bewustzijn. Als geen ander is Taimni er daardoor in geslaagd de Yoga-Sūtra’s toegankelijker te maken voor de Westerse lezer.

auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9789061750758
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Hij behandelt achtereenvolgens:

  • samadhi: de toestand van meditatieve extase
  • sadhana: de voorbereidende oefeningen
  • vibhuti: de hogere psychische vermogens
  • kaivalya: de toestand van spirituele bevrijding
Te midden van de vele oosterse en westerse commentaren op deze Yoga-Sutra’s neemt dat van de Indiase chemicus en theosoof dr. I.K. Taimni een zeer bijzondere plaats in. De meeste commentatoren maken zich met enkele gemeenplaatsen af van het kernthema van de Yoga-Sutra’s de toestand van samadhi of extase, alsof het hier gaat om een toestand van bewustzijn die niet te beschrijven valt. Tamni verklaart deze toestand van hoger bewustzijn – geheel in de geest van Patanjali – echter tot in de details. Hij heeft dit kunnen doen doordat hij is uitgegaan van de theosofische visie op het menselijk bewustzijn. Als geen ander is Taimni er daardoor in geslaagd de Yoga-Sutra’s toegankelijk te maken voor de westerse lezer. In deze zesde, geheel herziene druk, die in 2010 is verschenen, is de paginering nagenoeg gelijk gebleven aan de eerdere drukken, zodat hij samen met oudere drukken voor studie gebruikt kan worden. Van dr. I.K. Taimni verschenen tevens in Nederlandse vertaling Een weg tot zelfontdekking Het geheim van Zelf-realisatie Zelfrealisatie door liefde


Prijs: € 25,00

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Questions from the City, Answers from the Forest

By Ajahn Sumano Bhikku.

183 Pages | First Quest edition 1999 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607747.

” Sincere inquiry always sparks our movement towards truth. Deep questions signal the manifestation of the very energy through which we outgrow ourselves. “

So writes Ajahn Sumano Bhikku, American-born Buddhist monk now living in a simple meditation cave in Thailand. Born in Chicago, a law school graduate and real estate professional, Sumano abandoned his comfortable American lifestyle for the shaved head, begging bowl, and rigorous meditation schedule of a forest monk. In 1994-1995, Sumano conducted a series of question and answer evenings at a guest house in Thailand’s Kowyai National Park with English-speaking tourists. The heartfelt questions of these city people and the clear answers Sumano gave from his forest perspective form the basis of this remarkable book. Written on a battered,  battery-powered laptop in his meditation cave, Sumano’s fascinating personal story and his refreshingly down-to-earth blend of American sensibility and Eastern practice will fascinate newcomers to Buddhist ideas as well as experienced practitioners.


auteur: Sumano Bhikkhu, A.
ISBN: 0835607747

Prijs: € 20,65

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Buddhist Meditation

172 pages | Second edition, 2nd reprint 2007 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar

This book consists of a series of talks given to a group of international students at The School of Wisdom at the Theosophical Society headquarters in Chennai, India.

Venerable Professor Samdhong Rinpoche was born in Eastern Tibet and arrived in India with His Holiness The Dalai Lama. He is a distinguished Tibetan scholar, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government in exile and the former Director of the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath, Vārānasi.

Does every person who is in training for meditation needs a guru?

A. That depends on the person. According to Buddhist training methods, an absolute beginner cannot do without an instructor; every Śrāvaka needs a guru. But for how long the instructor is needed depends entirely on the progress of the individual pupil. In a few cases, a guru is not needed. A Pratyeka Buddha in the becoming does not need a guru. “

  • From Chapter 5 ‘Progress of Meditation: One-pointedness, Wisdom and Insight’, p. 116
auteur: Samdhong Rinpoche
ISBN: 9788170594536

Prijs: € 7,00

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The Art of Meditation – (Adyar Pamphlet New Series No. 5)

By Marie Poutz.

21 Pages| A talk delivered at ‘Olcott’, Wheaton, Illinois, in the Summer of 1935; first published in 2003 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594413.

When you succeed in building a bridge at first in meditation between the personal self and the world of intuïtion – where brotherhood, joy and beauty are facts – and then gradually spreading it all through your daily life, you will no longer ask whether you’re making progress. You will simply have forgotten all about yourself! And in precisely this forgetting lies your success and achievement . . .

From page 1 & 2:

” People are apt to think that meditation to be successful must be accompanied by some astral phenomenon – seeing forms, colours, hearing sounds, bells, and so forth. Even some purely physical sensations – a shiver along the spine, a tingling in the finger tips – those examples have come to me, and they are hailed with delight and proclaimed on the housetops, to the dismay of those who have had no such experiences, and therefore consider their own meditations as failures. Surely, such trivial and often foolish manifestations do not constitute a succesful meditation. They are rather an obstacle, because they draw the attention away from the inner realities. It is better to see and hear nothing on the psychic planes, so that the consciousness, wholly turned inwards, may reach communion with the Divine and gradually unify the personal self with the Ego consciousness. ” 

auteur: Poutz, M.
ISBN: 8170594413

Prijs: € 1,50

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Everyday Dharma – Seven Weeks to Finding the Buddha in You

by Lama Willa Miller

297 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2009 ISBN: 9780835608831

“This is the kind of handbook I wish I had in those early days. My gift to you … this is the start of your spiritual journey, of discovering within the sage that you really are. Are you ready?” — Lama Willa Miller

Everyday Dharma: Seven Weeks to Finding the Buddha in You offers a simple guide to achieving real and lasting personal transformation. This book appeals to any who are open to Buddhism in the broader context, whether one subscribes to a specific religious view or to no view at all. Dharma, a Buddhist term for the actions taken to find one’s inner-wisdom, is really a universal concept. “If wisdom were a destination,” Lama Willa says, “Dharma—played out in our thoughts and actions—is the path leading there.” By applying Dharma’s essential truths to the modern world, Everyday Dharma teaches you how to do the spiritual, emotional and psychological work in order to bring about day-to-day well-being. Lama Willa believes the art of being happy is the true enlightenment available to us all!

auteur: Miller, Lama Willa
ISBN: 9780835608831
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9780835608831";}
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Lama Willa has studied and practiced Tibetan Buddhism since 1987, and was ordained a lama (Tibetan Buddhist minister) in 1999 after completion of ten years of study and retreat. “Like revered and profound spiritual teachers of the past, in this remarkable book, Lama Willa masterfully opens a door for us into our own hearts, where she helps us glimpse, and then bring forth, the profound goodness that we always were. Whoever takes up the meditations and teachings of this book will never be the same.”— Lama John Makransky, PhD, Professor of Buddhist Studies, Boston College, Buddhist teacher and author of Awakening Through Love, Buddhahood Embodied: Sources of Controversy in India and Tibet, and Buddhist Theology. “Here are words from a truly wise woman to help us live more fully, effectively and wisely, and to share our gifts with the world.” — Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D., University of California Medical School, author of Paths Beyond Ego, Essential Spirituality: The Seven Central Practices, A Sociable God, and World of Shamanism.


Prijs: € 10,00

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Life Streams – Journeys into Meditation and Music

By Hal A. Lingerman.

340 Pages | A Quest Original, first published in 1988 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606295.

‘Like a carpet ride, music carries the listener/reader into the Eternal in daily meditations, that both delight and inspire’. 

This inspirational book of daily meditations offers readers, who appreciate music an enriched multi-media experience. Lingerman blends suggested classical and New Age music with daily meditations, anchored by passages from some of the greatest Souls in history. The result is harmony and balance. A meditative theme sets the tone for each day, followed by a quotation from Thoreau, Schweitzer, Franklin, Lincoln, or perhaps Pythagoras. Then guided imagery sets a general course for the reader to ’take off’ on the theme wherever intuïtion may lead. Finally, a selection of music is recommended to highlight the daily theme.

The reader/listener may focus on a daily classical selection from Dvorak, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi or perhaps Ravel. Popular New Age musical selections are listed as alternatives to persons, who may prefer the soundscapes of Zamfir, Paul Horn or perhaps Richard Musk.

From Pages 319 & 320:

December 21st

” FOCUS: The Angels help man as far as he can be helped. They intensify all his highest aspirations, stir up his adoration and his love, and to give effect to the ancient and beautiful words of their traditional Hymn: ‘Glory be to God in the highest, on earth peace to men of goodwill’. – Dora van Gelder.

MEDITATION: Feel the Angels today, stirring your sense of joy and adoration. Let your heart open now; feel the surge of the Spirit, the current of life coursing through you. The glory of God shines through you.

MUSICAL KEYNOTES: Jakub Jan Ryba, ‘Czech Mass’ (Matl-Supraphon). This very ancient setting of the Mass, for soloists, chorus and orchestra, brings a devotional quality and contains many beautiful melodies of adoration.

Zdenek Fibich, Symphony No. 3 (Belohlavek-Supraphon), Love and nature are the themes of this wonderful music. In the adagio (slow movement) a sense of bliss and deep devotion emerge to bathe the listener in sound.

Soundings of the Planet: Joy to the World (box 43512, Tucson, AZ 85733). This contemporary statement of Christmas contains a joyful spirit of adoration. “

auteur: Lingerman, H.A.
ISBN: 0835606295

Prijs: € 8,50

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This Light in Oneself – True Meditation (Home Press)

By J. Krishnamurti

133 pages | Paperback | Shambhala, 1999

These selections present the core of Krishnamurti’s teaching on meditation, taken from discussions with small groups, as well as from public talks to large audiences. His main theme is the essential need to look inward, to know ourselves, in order really to understand our own–and the world’s–conflicts. We are the world, says Krishnamurti, and it is our individual chaos that creates social disorder. He offers timeless insights into the source of true freedom and wisdom.

auteur: Krishnamurti, J.
ISBN: 9781570624421

Prijs: € 12,95

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The Search Within – a Course in Meditation

By Christmas Humphreys

160 pages | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, 1991 ISBN 0722910045

A practical course, quoting from a variety of sources, leads the seeker through the twelve themes thought to be essential for those who search for the Self Within.

Christmas Humphreys (1901-1983) was born in London, the descendant of a line of lawyers. In 1924 he was called to the bar, having read Law at Cambridge. In the same year he founded the Buddhist Lodge of the Theosophical Society, which became The Buddhist Society, led by the author until his death nearly 60 years later. He was regarded as one of the foremost authorities on the religion in Britain, writing some 20 books on the subject.

Other titles by the author:
Studies in the Middle Way
A Western Approach to Zen

auteur: Humphreys, C.
ISBN: 0722910045

Prijs: € 12,50

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The Flower of Yoga – Introductory Notes for the Study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

By Ianthe H. Hoskins (1912 – 2001).

60 Pages | First edition 1994, second reprint 2004 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592399.

Ianthe H. Hoskins was a teacher by profession, who also had several years of experience in teacher-training. Her work for the Theosophical Society has been varied, including administration of the English Section of the Society, writing lecture around the world and talks to those interested in the philosophy of Yoga and Vedanta.

From the Foreword:

” These notes offer an introduction to the theoretical and practical study of yoga. Among the explanatory statements given here, of especial importance are the words ‘self-applied in an individual case’. In modern parlance, yoga is a ‘do-it-yourself’ science. Unless this is understood from the beginning, it is useless to embark on the study. Hidden treasure, says the Viveka-chudamani, does not come out at the mere mention of the word ‘out’: there must be reliable information, digging and the removal of stones. Similarly, the treasure of the Divine Indwelling – the goal of yoga – is not attained without the instruction of Wise Teachers, feminine or masculine, accompanied by the discplines of the yogic life.

The notes are intended to be used in conjunction with one – or preferably more than one – translation of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Some recommended versions are given at the end, together with a short reading list. 

I.H.H. “


auteur: Hoskins, I.H.
ISBN: 8170592399

Prijs: € 4,50

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The Royal Road – A Manual of Kabalistic Meditations on the Tarot

By Stephan A. Hoeller

119 Pages | First edition 1975, third printing 1988 | Softcover | Quest Books, USA | ISBN: 0835604659.

Integrating the two diciplines to heighten the experience of meditation.

Those, who are into Tarot and those, who are interested or involved in meditation will be attracted by this new book by the director of the Sophia Gnostic Center of Los Angeles. Designed to lead the reader easily into a meditative state, it includes 22 illustrations of the Major Arcana each juxtaposed with an appropriate meditation.

As the reader relates the cards to the paths that lead upward on the Kabalistic Tree of Life, heightened spiritual consiousness can result. The author has addressed The Royal Road to the general reader interested in the values in both the Tarot deck and in the Kabalistic interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.

From Chapter 2: ‘Tarot and Kabalah (p.13):

” Can the Tarot predict the future? Perhaps! The true answer, however can not be given so simply. If we recognize that, even though unconsciously, we are constantly shaping our future, it then follows that by establishing a magical contact with our unconscious we can learn much about our future and, what is more, we can influence and alter our future, thereby becoming, at least to a degree, masters of our own destiny. Time is a continuum, not a division, and its mysteries are often pierced when we recognize the proper significance of material clues to spiritual processes. Tarot divination is merely one particular application of these principles to the concerns of daily living. “

auteur: Hoeller, S.A.
ISBN: 0835604659

Prijs: € 8,51

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Meditatie – Een Praktische Studie met Oefeningen

Door Adelaide Gardner, vertaald door E. v.d. Berg – Boldingh.

121 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1978; dit boek maakt deel uit van de Lotusreeks I | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750475.

Engels origineel: Meditation – A Practical Study | Uitgegeven in 1986 | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835601054.

Gardner biedt een eenvoudige, tegelijk zeer praktische handleiding in meditatie voor alle leeftijden. Per hoofdstuk zijn oefeningen opgenomen voor individuele toepassing en groepsmeditatie. De volgende onderwerpen komen onder meer aan de orde: het doel van meditatie, verschillende methoden, concentratie en contemplatie, hindernissen en hulpmiddelen, groepsmeditatie, het helpen van anderen door gedachten en aanbevolen literatuur voor verdere studie.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 2 – ‘De Wezenlijke Achtergrond'(blz. 31):

” Er is een zelf, dat uit de essentie van stof bestaat – er is een ander innerlijk zelf van leven, dat het eerste vult – er is en ander innerlijk zelf van de gedachte – er is een ander innerlijke zelf van waarheid – kennis – er is een ander innerlijk zelf van zaligheid. “ – Taittirīya Upaniṣad.

auteur: Gardner, A.
ISBN: 9789061750475
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De volgende onderwerpen komen onder meer aan de orde:

  • het doel van meditatie
  • de verschillende methoden
  • concentratie en contemplatie
  • hindernissen en hulpmiddelen
  • groepsmeditatie
  • het helpen van anderen door gedachten
  • aanbevolen literatuur voor verdere studie


Prijs: € 4,25

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Finding the Quiet Mind

By Robert Ellwood.

155 Pages | Original edition 1983, seventh printing 2008 | Paperback | Quest Books, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835605762

If you are interested in calming your mind and reaching inner resources of joy and power for daily living, but are not too concerned about exotic-seeming schools and techniques of meditation. then you are the sort of person for whom Finding the Quiest Mind is intended. In writing this guide to meditation, Ellwood has drawn from teaching experience and from a wide range of material Eastern and Western. Ellwood has endeavored to bring it all together into a coherent synthesis and put it into contemporary language for the modern reader.

auteur: Ellwood, R.
ISBN: 9780835605762

Prijs: € 8,95

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The Art of Inner Listening – Pathway to Creativity

By Jessie K. Crum.

96 Pages | Copyright 1975, fourth printing 1989 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835603032.


Here is a key to personal revolution, a remarkable guide to discovering and exploiting your own creative birthright. The author has written a helpful, hopeful, book about her own experience with self-awakening – how it happened, and the steps in this new and absorbing quest.

The search voor understanding, the far-reaching effects of thought and emotion, IQ and genius, the role of faith, meditation, focus, love, how to contact the higher mind: The Art of Inner Listening offers the touchstone to perception beyond the conscious mind. It is a guide for the most rewarding journey you will ever make!

From the flyleaf:

” Power is available for your use, and the connection also is ready, but it is up to you to turn on the switch. 

You can become your own best self only by remaining true to yourself. There is a clear and simple path to self-discovery, as beautiful and direct as a straight line. 

Every man is potentially creative, and the seeds of genius are asleep within him. “

auteur: Crum, J.K.
ISBN: 0835603032

Prijs: € 5,00

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The Secret of the Golden Flower – A Chinese Book of Life

Translated and explained by Richard Wilhelm (1873 – 1930), with a commentary by Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961)

149 Pages | First published in 1931; new, revised & augmented edition, 1962 | Softcover | Harcourt Brace & Company, USA | ISBN 9780156799805

The Secret of the Golden Flower, the Treatise that forms the central part of this book, was discovered by Professor Wilhelm, who recognized it as essentially a practical guide to the integration of the personality. His German translation, published in the autumn of 1929 shortly before his death, was immediately hailed by Jung as a link between the insights of the East and his own psychological research, a relationship explored by the great analytical psychologist in a brilliant and significant commentary.

This edition also contains part of another Chinese meditation text, the Hui Ming Ching or The Book of Consciousness and Life, and is illustrated with numerous plates and drawings.

A quotation about ‘detachment’ (p. 122):

A halo of light surrounds the world of the law.
We forget one another, quiet and pure, altogether powerful and empty.
The emptiness is irradiated by the light of the heart of heaven.
The water of the sea is smooth and mirrors the moon its surface.
The clouds disappear in blue space; the mountains shine clear.
Consciousness reverts to contemplation; the moondisk rests alone.

From the Hui Ming Ching

auteur: Wilhelm, R.
ISBN: 9780156799805
classic-editor-remember: block-editor

Prijs: € 18,95

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A Blavatsky Quotation Book – Being an Extract for Each Day of the Year

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), compiled by W.A. Parley.

182 Pages| Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2000

Extractions from the many writings of H.P. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society.  The selected texts are presented as meditations or readings suitable for each day of the year.

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Parley, W.A. (comp.)
ISBN: 817059314X

Prijs: € 6,00

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Meditations on the Path and Its Qualifications

By Annie Besant 253 pages | Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2008 ISBN 9788170595571

Compiled by E. G. Cooper

A quotation a day to meditate upon! This charming little book contains thematic selections — a theme for every month — from the voluminous writings of Annie Besant.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170595571

Prijs: € 6,00

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Daily Meditations – Extracts from Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom

Compiled by Katherine A. Beechey

175 Pages |1949, Second edition, fourth reprint 2015 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 9788170591443

The Wisdom contained in the published letters of the Masters, is not merely for those to whom they were addressed but also for all those seeking to tread the Path of Holiness along the line of Devotion.

Glimpses of that Wisdom can be had through the extracts incorporated by the author into Daily Meditations. She has selected passages suitable to be meditated upon – one each for every day of the year. They are arranged as twelve virtues, with one quality assigned for each month, namely: Unselfishness, Compassion, Truth, Devotion, Purity, Sympathy, Courage, Intuition, Tolerance, Self-reliance, Equilibrium and Perseverance.

From page 43:


” Relative to the population of the world

you may be few in numbers,

but spiritual strength and power depend

not upon numbers.

Rather do they depend upon burning sincerity. “

auteur: Beechey, K.A. (comp.)
ISBN: 9788170591443

Prijs: € 12,50

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Meditatie – een bundel essays (Theosofia)

56 blz. | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland , 1975

Diagram of Meditation, door H. P. Blavatsky
Meditatie-Diagram, door H. P. Blavatsky
Meditatie over Tau, door Koeng Foe
Toelichting op het Meditatie-Diagram
Een Meditatie van J. Krishnamurti
Ontspanningsoefeningen, door Ronald Engelse
De Kunst van het Mediteren, door Felix Layton
Ervaring en Meditatie, door Vimala Thakar
Tau is een leeg vat
De Betekenis van Meditatie in het Boeddhisme, door Lama Anagarika Govinda
Het Gras Wordt Groener, door Thich Nhat Hanh
Meditatie, door Chogyam Trungpa
Een Basis voor een Westerse Meditatie-Traditie, door J.H. Dubbink
Tibetaans Boeddhisme
De Yoga-Sutras van Patanjali
Krishnamurti over Meditatie

auteur: Anon.

Prijs: € 4,25

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