De Grote Drie
Door Paul Boersma
348 Pagina’s | 2024 | Softcover | Milinda Uitgevers (Synthese) | ISBN 9789062711819
Het idee dat er één universele metafysische visie in alle religies aanwezig is, werd in de vorige eeuw in Frankrijk gelanceerd door René Guénon en sindsdien uitgewerkt en in leven gehouden door een kleine, onopvallende stroming auteurs in vele landen. De school die in het kielzog van Guénon, Coomaraswamy en Schuon ontstond wordt ook wel ’traditionalisme’ of ‘perennialisme’ genoemd.
In dit boek worden de drie kopstukken van deze stroming geïntroduceerd. Het veronderstelt geen speciale voorkennis, maar wel een levendige belangstelling voor religie of spiritualiteit. Het poogt niet de ideeën van de drie auteurs samen te vatten of te vereenvoudigen, maar wel begrip ervan te bevorderen door een didactisch verantwoorde volgorde van uitleg. Dankzij de vele citaten komen de drie auteurs werkelijk tot leven en dringt de scherpte van hun inzichten tot de lezer door.
Een aanrader voor iedereen die belangstelling heeft voor de innerlijke en de symbolische kant van religie.
Paul Boersma (1948) besteedde een groot deel van zijn leven aan het schaken, waarin hij de Nederlandse top bereikte, is filosoof in academische zin, maar vooral in de zin van ‘verlangend naar wijsheid’. Deze werd bereikbaar toen hij in 1981 beslissend werd aangeraakt door de vipassana-meditatie. Hij vertaalde de Dhammapada in versvorm, en verscheidene boeken van Frithjof Schuon en Titus Burckhardt.
Viveka-Cudamani or Crest-Jewel of Wisdom of Śrī Samkarācārya
Text in Devanāgarī and translation by Mohini Mohun Chatterji (1858 – 1936).
228 Pages | First edition 1932, 2nd to 5th reprints 1947 – 1983, 6th reprint 1995, 7th reprint 1999 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592526.
The English translation appeared for the first time in Vols. VII (1885 – 18886 and IX (1887 – 1888) of The Theosophist.
Vivekachudamani literally means ‘crest jewel of wisdom’. It is an important work of Śrī Samkarācārya, one of the greatest sages of Ancient India. Endowed with lofty and sharp intellect, he wrote many incisive commentaries on great standard works of Hindu philosophy. But they are beyond the reach of those, who have not attained a high proficiency in Sanskrit and other collateral philosophical disciplines. Here in Vivekachudamani he distils the quintessence of what he taught, that is, the non-dual or Vedanta or Advaita Vedanta in easy Sanskrit verses, whose sublimity of content is matched only by their lyrical beauty. Each verse is presented here with a free-running English translation.
Joyful Gnosis: Gnostic Light on Blavatsky’s Wisdom
25 Pages | Sunday July 27th, 2003 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.
The Blavatsky Lecture delivered at the Summer School of The Theosophical Society in England, the University of Loughborough.
An exploration of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) teachings in the light of the embodiment of the Ancient Wisdom known as Gnosticism. The title of this lecture alludes to three specific topics:
- The teachings of the foundress and principal teacher of what has been called Modern Theosophy.
- The earlier embodiment of the Ancient Wisdom Tradition known as Gnosticism.
- The character of this same Wisdom tradition described here as ‘joyful Gnosis’.
From page 5:
” Gnosticism is the teaching based on Gnosis, the knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means. Although Gnosticism thus rests on personal religious experience, it is a mistake to assume all such experience results in Gnostic recognitions. It is nearer the truth to say that Gnosticism expresses a specific religious experience, an experience that does not lend itself to the language of theology or philosophy, but which is instead closely affinitized to, and expresses itself through, the medium of myth. Indeed, one finds that most Gnostic scriptures take the forms of myths. The term ‘myth’ should not be taken to mean ‘stories that are not true’, but rather, that the truths embodied in these myths are of a different order from the dogmas of theology or the statements of philosophy. “
Theosophy – A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages
226 Pages | A Quest original, first edition 1986, second printing 1994 | Quest Books, The Theosophical Publishing House, London. | ISBN: 0835606074.
Now over hundred years old, the Theosophical Society and its philosophy have grown to be an important voice in today’s world. The theosophical overview of creation is affecting the lives of an increasing number of people. More and more books are being addressed to the ideas of reïncarnation, karma, evolution, the Oneness of all life, the cyclic nature of creation, and the mystery of consciousness.
These are some of the major concepts that emanate from the ancient Wisdom and which are considered by Dr. Ellwood in this book. All of this new attention and respect is not surprising. For though theosophical ideas frequently antedate science as we know it by many millenia, these views, in their broad outline are consistent with present-day scientific knowledge.
From Chapter 3 – ‘The Human Experience’ (p. 104):
” Being, Consciousness and Mind or Bliss, are the divine Trinity within reflecting the cosmic, our ultimate nature and our inward highway to the Oneness of the universe. Yet we mostly know of these levels through their manifestations on more familiair planes, and then only if we are perceptive enough to have amid those manifestations, in the words of the poet:
. . . a sense sublime
Of something far more deeply interfused,
Whose dwelling is the light of the setting suns,
And the round ocean and the living air,
And the blue sky, and in the mind of man;
A motion and a spirit, that impels
All thinking things, all objects of all thought,
And rolls through all things. “
- Worthsworth, ‘Tintern Abbey’.
Nederlandse vertaling: Wat is Theosofie? Kosmos/Z&K Uitgevers, Utrecht/Antwerpen
Seven Great Religions
By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).
319 Pages | Third edition, 2nd reprint, 2013 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595083.
The religious life is a life of love and understanding, serving to unite all people and all beings in one Whole. In this brilliant series of lectures, Annie Besant, former President of The Theosophical Society (1907 – 1933), delves into the world’s Seven Great Religions and their intended role of uniting and elevating the world.
Small in compass, but peerless in depth and wisdom, this collection provides essential knowledge about Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, and Sikhism, culminating in the fountainhead of all religions, the Divine Wisdom of Theosophy. In this book, students of Religion, as well as practitioners will find a source of inspiration and knowledge, urging all towards purity of life, universal love and aspiration to Truth.
From page 314:
” In the coming civilization men shall love each other, and worship under many forms the One, the Indivisible. For the truth is that the Divine Wisdom is like the sun in heaven that shines upon every part of the earth. It shines down into every man’s compound, no matter how high the walls that he may build around it, for the sun is higher than all. So does the Divine Wisdom shine down into every religion; and though a man build barriers, the sun of the Divine Wisdom is higher than them all and it shines on every man’s face and illuminates it. There are many faiths, because mankind needs manas, the mind, in order to grow and develop. Take a ray of the sunlight and pass it through a prism; on the other side, seven colours will be painted. Take the spiritual truth and pass it through the prism of the human intellect, and the one white Truth shines out in seven different colours. “
The Essential Unity of All Religions
Compiled by Bhagavan Das (1869 – 1958).
683 Pages | Soft cover | First edition 1932, 2nd edition 1939 | Quest Books, U.S.A | ISBN: 9780835600071.
Eleven religions are usually regarded as living and current at present. These, proceeding from East to West, are: 1. Shintoism born in Japan, 2. Taoism (or Laotsism), and 3. Confucianism, in China; Vedism (or Vaidika Dharma, or Sanatana Dharma or Manava Dharma, now commonly called Hinduism), 5. Buddhism, 6. Jainism and 7. Sikhism, in India; 8. Zoroastrianism (or Parsism) in Iran (or Persia); 9. Judaism (or Hebraism, or Israelitism, or the Jewish religion), and 10. Christianity, in Palestine; 11. Islam (or Mohammedanism), in Arabia. Parallel passages have been gathered in this work from the universally recognised Scriptures, and also from some other generally and highly honored writings, of these eleven.
From ‘A Letter to the Reader´ as Preface to the Second Edition (p. xxv):
” Dear Reader, I pray you, unless you have found, and made sure of, a better way, to read about an Ancient Way, leisurely, in this book. Endeavour is made here, albeit very imperfectly, to expound, no new way, but the Way of the Ancients, a Way which is time-tested also to some extent. If you feel satisfied that that Way is worth experimenting with, then I pray you to do all you can to spread, as widely as may be possible for you, this Essential Message of all the Scriptures, as preparation for the Readjustment and Synthesis. “
Your respectful and sincere Well-wisher,
Is Theosophy a Religion?
By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891).
48 Pages | First edition, fourth reprint 2004 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590310.
‘Theosophy is not a Religion‘ says Madame Blavatsky; it is Religion itself, the Wisdom Religion from which individual religions have sprung. It is the one bond of unitym whicb is so universal and all-embracing, that no man as no speck – from the gods and mortals down to animals, the blade of grass and atom – can be outside of its light. Therefore, any organization or body of that name must be necessarily be a Universal Brotherhood.
Theosophy can be practised by Christian or heathen, Jew or Gentile, by agnostic or materialist and atheist, provided that no one of these is a bigoted fanaticm who refuses to recognize as his brother or sister a person outside his own special creed or belief. Theosophy embraces every science in life, moral and physical, because it shows the connection of man and all things in the universe with each other.
From the Introduction:
” Religion is the best armour that man can have, but it is the worst cloak. – Bunyan.
It is no exaggeration to say that there never was – during the present nineteenth century, at any rate – a movement, social or religious, so terribly misunderstood, or more blundered about than Theosophy – whether regarded theoretically as a code of ethics, or practically, in its objective expression, i.e.. the Society known by that name. “
TAO – De Levende Religie van China
Door Lao Tzu (601 BC – unknown), commentaar door Kristofer Schipper.
317 Bladzijden | Eerste druk 1988, 9de druk 2009 | Softcover | J.M. Meulenhoff Uitgeverij | ISBN:
In TAO beschrijft Kristofer Schipper in heldere taal de geschiedenis van de Chinese Leer. Hij verdiept zich in de rituelen, die erbij horen en de elementen, waaruit de leer is opgebouwd, zoals de grote aandacht voor het mensenlijk lichaam en de kosmologie. Tao is zowel een uitstekende inleiding voor buitenstaanders als waardevol studiemateriaal voor wie al meer vertrouwd is met de leer. Tao is veel meer dan een godsdienst, het is een manier van kijken en een manier van in het leven staan. Een religie zonder gelovigen en zonder canonieke leerstellingen.
Het boek biedt meerwaarde voor iedereen, die meer over China te weten wilt komen. In alles wat in de afgelopen eeuw in dit machtige rijk is voorgevallen, zowel onder het maoïsme als tijdens de gigantische industrialisatie, heeft de Tao bewust of onbewust doorgewerkt.
Kristofer Schipper was hoogleraar aan de Leidse Universiteit en aan de École Pratique des Hautes Études in Parijs en is opgeleid tot taoïstisch meester.
The Doctrine of the Heart – Extracts from Letters of Indian Friends to Annie Besant, with her Foreword
By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).
87 Pages | First edition, 5th reprint, 2011 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170594406.
This series of papers consist chiefly of extracts from letters received by from Indian friends. They contain thoughts that have been found helpful, and hence worth sharing with others. They are intended for those, who seek to learn to separate head-learning from ‘Soul-Wisdom’ and to live the higher life.
By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).
78 Pages | 6th Edition, 2011 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595687.
´Dharma´ is a term, which has now become part of the world vocabulary, but very few know the range and depth of its meaning. Annie Besant (1847 / 1933), having studied the great discourse on dharma of Bhisma in the Mahābhārata, introduces this complex and deep subject to the lay reader. Morality or dharma is subtle, varying from individual to individual, for it is the law by which inner nature unfolds in each one from his or her particular stage of evolution. This is a subject of great relevance to all individuals and nations of the world, treated in this book with the innate Wisdom and intuitive insight of the author.
The Ancient Wisdom – An Outline of Theosophical Teachings
By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).
440 Pages | Second edition, 2015 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595939.
The essence of Theosophical teachings, ‘sufficiently plain to serve the elementary student and sufficiently full to lay a sound foundation for further knowledge‘, is how Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) describes this work. It is an introduction to that ‘Universal Wisdom’, which has been called Theosophy, Brahmā vidyā, the Perennial Philosophy and so on, and provides an all-embracing religion and ethic, as well as a philosophy that is conducive to right understanding and right living.
Even those who have a little knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom can experience the illumination, peace, joy and strength it brings into one’s life. For more than one century, Annie Besant’s exposition has brought light to thousands of seekers.
The Wisdom of the Upanishads
By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).
101 pages | First edition, 9th reprint (2007) | Paperback | Four lectures ath the 31st anniversary Convention of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, December 1906 | The Theosophical Publishing House Adyar | ISBN: 8170590299.
From the Foreword:
” Little need be said in sending out this booklet to tge world. It is an attempt, a very humble attempt, to draw a few drops from the ancient wells of Aryan wisdom, and to offer them to quench the thirst of weary Souls, traveling through the desert of, seeking for Truth. The Upanishad-s are unique in the sacred literature of the world. They stand alone a beacon-lights on a mountain-peak, showing how high man may climb, how much of the Light of the Self may shine out through the vessel of clay, how truly God may speak through man. To speak on them, to write on them, seems presumption for such a one as myself, and yet it may be that help will come to some of my brethren even in this way . . . “
Sojourns of the Soul: One Woman’s Journey around the World and into Her Truth
By Dana Micucci.
278 Pages | First Quest Edition 2011 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608985.
One Woman’s Journey around the World and into Her Truth.
‘And there was a new voice, which you slowly recognized as your own, that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do – determined to save the only life you could save’. – Mary Oliver ‘The Journey’.
Sojourns of the Soul is the quintessential armchair travel book for the spiritual seeker. Dana Micucci’s touching memoir chronicles seven sacred journeys that span 14 years of Micucci’s life, during which she explores the connection of inner growth to world travel that eventually leads to her own enlightenment. Unlike other inspirational travel books, Sojourns of the Soul provides a rare mix of in-depth wisdom and literary insights from the holistic view of an experienced female traveler.
From Chapter 3: ‘Egypt to Eternity’ (p. 101):
” ‘This mystery must be unveiled some day’, wrote H.P. Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled. ‘The answers are there. They may be found on the time-worn granite pages of cave-temples, on sphinxes, propylons, and obelisks . . . . They key was in the keeping of those who knew how to commune with the invisible Presence, and who had received, from the lips of mother Nature herself, her grand truths. And so stand these monuments like mute forgotten sentinels on the threshold of that unseen world’. “
Dana Micucci gives a compelling account of her growing spiritual illumination through visits to some of the most sacred places on earth. Her lively, engaging narrative takes us through the Australian outback, Angkor in Cambodia, the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, Lhasa in Tibet, Chichen Itza in the Yucatan, the Monastery of Christ in the Desert in New Mexico and Machu Picchu in Peru. As her travels progress, Micucci links each visit to the awakening of a particular chakra – the chakras being the seven energy centers of the body in Hinduism, associated with progressive enlightenment. In the afterword, Micucci reflects on how her experiences continue to shape her life after resuming her career as a journalist in New York City. She finds she is more tolerant, can engage in daily activities with more heart-centered awareness, and can sustain states of joy and gratitude for longer periods of time. Readers who yearn for long-delayed adventure won’t be able to put this book down. With the added benefit that it is not just a journey log but more of a seeker’s manual in which travel is simply the vehicle, they will find it’s unnecessary to travel to far-flung places for the spiritual inspiration available in their everyday lives. As Micucci says, “Each day brings new remembrances of our divinity, of the Divine presence in all beings, and of our eternal connection to each other. I am so grateful to be here NOW . . . with you.” Sojourns of the Soul is neither a theoretical tome nor an otherworldly quest; rather, Micucci takes you on an actual journey as she interacts with the wisdom on the earth in a natural and colorful manner. She returns ‘home’ with wonderful insights and a clearer vision of what matters most. The same thing will happen to you as you tag along with Sojourns of the Soul. This book has universal appeal. You will appreciate this delightful journey as a skillful, professional writer engages those magic places and people that continue to live in our souls. —Dr. Don Beck, founder of the Center for Human Emergence and CEO of Spiral Dynamics Integral. Sojourns of the Soul is a rainbow bridge through time and space. Dana Micucci uses her colorful journeys into diverse cultures to learn for herself and teach us, her readers, about the powers of transformation—and the ecstasy of being fully present in every moment. —John Perkins, New York Times bestselling author of Hoodwinked and Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. In Sojourns of the Soul, Dana Micucci delves into the wisdom and spiritual traditions of other cultures. This is a powerful and rich book describing a passionate journey towards wholeness that emphasizes movement beyond fears and judgments. Dana’s brilliant prose carries you along as if you were journeying right alongside of her. This is an important book in a time when the search for meaning is so urgent. —Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval and How to Thrive in Changing Times. An easy read, elegantly written, this is the gripping story of a woman’s profound transformation, with travel as a spiritual teacher. It is a vivid experience, both well researched and inspiring. —Gay Luce, Ph.D, transpersonal psychologist, author and three-time recipient of the American Psychological Association Award for Journalism. Nothing opens the eyes of a soul like a dive into an unknown pool. Dana Micucci’s journeys into the unknown have transformed her life and she unravels the exciting details in these masterful tales. Sojourns of the Soul is an uplift to the spirit of any armchair traveler. —Jan Phillips, author, No Ordinary Time—The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Consciousness. Reading Dana Micucci’s memoir, Sojourns of the Soul, was like ‘being there too’, as she eloquently describes her powerful and evocative life changing experiences at some of the most sacred and ancient energy centers on the planet. On one hand her story is extremely entertaining. It makes me laugh. It brings tears to my eyes. I see myself more deeply and gain greater clarity of my own journey of the soul through her words. Dana also gives the reader much interesting background information about each of the ancient civilizations she profiles. These people are no more, but they have left their legacy and their messages in stone for us to find and decode. . On a deeper level I am reminded of the timeless nature of my own sojourns of the soul and of the guiding lights within each of us that assist all of us on our eternal journey. I am reminded that faith, love and the trust to follow my own inner light is the generative power that will allow me to create all that I am and all that I have the potential to become, now and forever. —Judy Satori, Spiritual Channel, Author, Teacher
The Guiding Light of Lao Tzu
By Lao Tse (601 BC – unknown), translated by Henry Wei.
234 Pages | First published 1982, 3rd printing 1988 | Paperback | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN:
Twenty-six centuries ago, a man called Lao Tzu offered a daringly new way of life to his countrymen. His work is called the TAO Teh Ching, a philosophy of pure beauty, rare charm, and great spiritual depth and represents a magnificent treatise on human rights. For centuries, it has been a source of inspiration for Chinese art, poetry and painting. In many of its moral viewpoints it is similar to Christianity. Indirectly, it also inspired the development of acupuncture, alchemy, astrology, and the martial arts (kung fu). Its quintessential teaching, however concerns yoga and meditation.
About the ‘Eternal Tao’ (p.22):
” There is something formless and perfect,
Existing before the birth of Heaven and Earth
How still it is! How quiet!
Abiding alone and unchanging,
It pervades everywhere without fail.
Well may it be called Mother of the World.
I do not know its name,
but label it TAO . . . “
The Union of All Faiths – In a Common Act of Worship
By anonymous authors. Authorities quoted amongst others: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934), Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949), Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983) and Alfred Trevor Barker (1893 – 1941).
27 Pages | Second edition, 7th reprint 2011 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592186.
Prayers offered at International Conventions and Other Important Functions of the Theosophical Society.
From page 27:
” O Hidden Life! vibrant in every atom,
O Hidden Light! shining in every creature,
O Hidden Love! embracing all in Oneness,
May each who feels himself as one with Thee,
Know he is also one with every other. ”
– Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).
Studies in de Bhagavad Gītā
Door Tallapragada Subba Row (1856 – 1890), vertaald door Margreet Meijer-Kouwe met een historisch overzicht door Henk J. Spierenburg.
200 Bladzijden | 1999, Oorspronkelijk verschenen in The Theosophist februari 1886 / juli 1887, Adyar | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9061750784.
English original: The Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gītā – ‘Four Lectures delivered at the 11th Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society, held at Adyar on December 27-30, 1886’ | Published in 1921 by The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN unknown.
Naast een Nederlandse vertaling van vijf lezingen van Subba Row over de Bhagavad Gītā, bevat dit boek een historische beschrijving van zijn leven, voetnoten, bijlagen, een bibliografie, een woordenlijst en een index door Henk Spierenburg.
Al vroeg werd duidelijk dat Subba Row beschikte over meer dan een normaal verstand. Hij studeerde onder andere rechten en geologie en blonk in beide vakken uit. Hoewel hij nimmer aan een universiteit Sanskriet studeerde, had hij een grote kennis van die taal en de Sanskriet literatuur. Wie dit boekje leest, kan niets anders dan doen dan tot dezelfde conclusie komen. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), de belangrijkste stichtster van De Theosofische Vereniging, schreef na zijn overlijden in 1890 – net 1 jaar voor haar eigen overlijden – dat India een van haar grootste geleerden had verloren.
Afkomstig van bladzijde 5:
” Men kan de Bhagavad Gītā zien als de woorden, die een goeroe spreekt tot een chela, die vastbesloten is afstand te doen van alle wereldse begeerten en aspiraties, maar die toch een zekere moedeloosheid voelt, welke veroorzaakt wordt door de schijnbare leegte van zijn bestaan. Dit boek omvat 18 hoofdstukken, die alle nauw met elkaar in verband staan. Ieder hoofdstuk beschrijft een bepaald aspect van het menselijk leven. De studerende moet dit in gedachten houden, wanneer hij/zij een boek leest en hij/zij moet trachten die overeenstemmingen erin op te sporen. ”
T. Subba Row werd op 6 juni 1856 geboren in een Brahmaanse familie die behoorde tot de advaita richting van het hindoeïsme. Al vroeg werd duidelijk dat hij beschikte over een meer dan normaal verstand. Hij studeerde onder andere rechten en geologie en blonk in beide vakken uit. Hoewel hij nimmer aan een universiteit Sanskriet studeerde, had hij een grote kennis van die taal en de Sanskriet literatuur. Wie dit boekje leest kan niets anders doen dan tot dezelfde conclusie komen. H.P. Blavatsky, de belangrijkste stichtster van de Theosofische Vereniging schreef na zijn overlijden in 1890 dat India een van de grootste geleerden had verloren.
Seeking Wisdom
By Nilakanta Sri Ram (1889 – 1973).
233 Pages | Second reprint, 2004 | Softcover |Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590701.
From Chapter I – ‘Seeking Wisdom’:
” In the ‘Dialogue’ dealing with the death of Socrates, Plato explains that the true philosopher meets death as a friend and not as an enemy., because he understands the nature of the change, which death brings about. It is a natural and happy change. One’s attitude towards death depends on one’s understanding of life, the true nature of which is inseparable from the truth with regard to death. Philosophy means literally ‘Love of the Wisdom’. These are two words, each of which has an extraordinary and beautiful meaning. It would be well worth while for us to try to understand what the true nature of Love is, and what is really meant by Wisdom, which of course is not mere knowledge. “
The Transcendent Unity of Religions
Door Frithjof Schuon
173 Pagina’s | 2e Quest uitgave 1993 (oorspr. 1984) | Softcover | Uitgeverij Quest Books | ISBN 0835605876
The Transcendental Unity of Religions is een getuigenis van het leven als holistisch en heilig fenomeen. Elke religie kan worden vergeleken met een lichtstraal, afkomstig van de Goddelijke Bron, zegt Frithjof Schuon, de grote Zwitserse vergelijkende religiewetenschapper. Om religieuze verschillen te overstijgen, legt hij uit, moeten we de esoterische aard van het spirituele pad onderzoeken. Op deze innerlijke reis kunnen we de schitterende straal volgen van verlichting, terug naar de Goddelijke Eenheid die de basis is van alle religies.
Fritjof Schuon (1907-1998) wordt geprezen als de grootste autoriteit op het gebied van vergelijkende religiestudies van de twintigste eeuw. Zijn vele boeken omvatten Into the Face of the Absolute (1989). The Feathered Sun: Plains Indians in Art and Philosophy (1990) en To Have a Center (1990). Hij was een wereldreiziger, en bestudeerde de religie van de Plains Indianen. Hij werd officieel opgenomen in de Sioux-nation.
“One of the 100 best spiritual books of the twentieth century”
Philip Zaleski, Harper San Francisco
TAO Teh King – A Tentative Translation from the Chinese
Door Lao Tse (601 BC – unknown), vertaald door Dr. Isabella Meers.
105 Pages | First edition 1922, 3rd reprint 1983 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0722903006.
The name ‘Lao Tsu’ means ‘old young’, so that on the very threshold of our study we find a paradox, and we may call the wonderful teacher ’the old philosopher’, ’the old child’ or ’the young old man’. His family surname was Li. He wrote this book Tao Teh King, a book around which cluster much speculation and much literature in Chinese and other languages. The word ‘King’ we may leave out of count as it simply means classic, and was not given by Lao Tzu himself, but was added much later as a mark of respect.
From chapter XLVII (p. 67):
” Without going out of my door
I know the Universe
Without opening my window
I perceive Heavenly Tao
The more I go abroad, the less I understand
That is why the self-controlled man
arrives without going
names things without seeing them,
perfects without activity. “
Quests Old and New
By George R.S. Mead (1863-1933).
338 Pages | Photo copy of the first edition in 1913 by G. Bell & Sons, Ltd, London | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 0922802793.
from the Preface:
” All the studies or sketches in this volume are illustrative of the quest of reality, the search for truth, or the restless striving of the human soul for the satisfaction of its needs, spiritual or philosophical, mystical or psychical. The subjects are gleaned from the past and present, from east and west; and all of them, each in their different ways, seem to the writer to be of deep interest and great importance, even though some are little known and may appear on first acquaintance somewhat strange. “
- The Way of the Spirit of ancient China
- The Doctrine of the true Man in ancient Chinese mystical philosophy
- Spiritual reality in progressive Buddhism
- The ideal life in progressive Buddhism
- Some features of Buddhist psychology
- The doctrine of reincarnation ethically considered
- Some mystical experiments on the frontiers of early Christendom
- The meaning of Gnosis in the higher forms of Hellenistic religion
- ‘The Book of the Hidden Mysteries’ by Hierotheos
- The rising psychic tide
- Vaihinger’s philosophy of the ‘As If’
- Bergon’s intuitionism
- Eucken’s activism.
Sophia – Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God
By Caitlin Matthews.
430 Pages | First Quest Edition 2001, third printing 2009 | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608015.
Sophia, or ‘Wisdom’ in Greek, has been revered in many forms throughout history. From the Dark Goddess of ancient Anatolia; to her Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, and Cabalistic manifestations; to her current forms as Mary and the orthodox St. Sophia. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Sophia sits with God until the creation. Then She falls into matter and becomes manifest in every atom, permeating all things ‘like the sparks that run through charcoal’, as Matthews says. While God is out there,” the Goddess is in here: the mother-wit of practical inspiration and compassion at the heart’s core.
‘ Anyone interested in the feminine face of God throughout the ages will find Sophia an illuminating experience. Caitlin Matthews’ scholarship connects us to past, present, and future in the very depths of our femininity. ‘ – Marion Woodman, Jungian analyst and author of Bone: Dying into Life.
From Chapter 1 – ‘The Black Goddess’ (p. 6):
” The Black Goddess lies at the heart of spiritual knowledge, which is why her image continually appears within many traditions as the Veiled Goddess, the Black Virgin, the Outcast Daughter, the Wailing Widom, the Dark Woman of Knowledge. Our own search for the Goddess is one, that is begun in darkness and unknowing. Ours is the knowing ignorance of the child in the mother’s womb: we have to be born, and we are frightened of the extra womb dimension. Once out of that womb, we begin to be terrified about our origins. But one of the prophecies of Sophia is: ‘I will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. ‘ Those treasures of the Divine Feminine liep deep within us, waiting to be discovered . . . “
This definitive work comprehensively establishes a realistic Goddess theology for Westerners in the twenty-first century: – grounding spirituality in daily life and the natural world – learning to work playfully and play seriously – ending the gender war to enjoy sacred marriage Caitlin Matthews is a world-celebrated teacher of Western spirituality and author of over thirty books. With her husband and frequent coauthor John Matthews, she founded the Foundation of Inspirational and Oracular Studies, in their native Great Britain.
The Monad – And other Essays on the Higher Consciousness
By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).
167 Pages | Second edition, 8th reprint, 2012 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592884.
The Monad is a collection of essays written by Leadbeater and published in Theosophical magazines between 1913 – 1920, pertaining to the Higher Consciousness of man. It casts light with a clairvoyant insight and Theosophical understanding on topics, such as psychic development, the Buddhic consciousness and the meaning of Time. This small volume deals with subjects, that are of the highest importance for students of Theosophy, and over the years it has become a classic of Theosophical literature.
An extract from the first Chapter:
” Even when clairvoyance is developed – even when a man opens the sight of his causal body, and looks at the causal body of another man – even then, though he sees a manifestation of the ego on his own plane, he is still far from seeing the real man. “
The Hidden Side of Things
By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).
560 Pages | Third edition, 2nd reprint 2012 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170593386.
‘ A classic work of clairvoyant investigation. ‘
Why is there so much Chaos in this world? This book may help the reader to understand the influence thoughts and actions have on the way we relate to our inner selves, to human and non-human beings and to the universe.
From Chapter One:
“The term ‘occultism’ is one which has been much misunderstood. In the mind of the ignorant it was, even recently, synonymous with magic, and its students were supposed to be practitioners of the black art, veiled in flowing robes of scarlet covered with cabalistic signs, sitting amidst uncanny surroundings with a black cat as a familiar, compounding unholy decoctions by the aid of satanic evocations.
Even now, and among those whose education has raised above such superstition as this, there still remains a good deal of misapprehension. For them, its derivation from the Latin word ‘occultus’ ought to explain at once, that it is the science of the hidden; but they often regard it contemptuously as nonsensical and unpractical […] Students, who should know better, perpetually speak as though the hidden side of things were intentionally concealed, as though knowledge with regard to it ought to be in the hands of all men, but was being deliberately withheld by the caprice or selfishness of a few: whereas the fact is, that nothing is or can be hidden from us by our own limitations, and that for every man as he evolves, the world grows wider and wider, because he is able to see more and more of its grandeur and its loveliness.”
Ancient Mystic Rites
By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).
241 Pages | First Quest Edition 1986, 3rd printing 1995 | Softcover | Quest Books, USA | ISBN: 0835606090.
Ancient Mystic Rites is Leadbeater absorbing in-depth study of the Mystery Schools of Egypt, Greece, Judea and Europe in the Middle Ages, up to the emergence of Co-Masonry in the twentieth century. During his lifetime, Leadbeater used his rare capacity for clairvoyance or ‘seeing’ beyond the physical plane for many purposes. He observed and recorded the sub-atomic structure of a number of elements before science had the capacity to determine such things. He described the forms and colors created as a result of our thoughts and the shapes and colors of the human subtle body.
Drawing on these abilities as well as on historical records, Leadbeater relates in this book fascinating, previously unknown facts about the Mystery Schools and their practices and beliefs. His observations and reflections point up many similarities among these schools in spite of distance and time – a common ‘Mystery-bond’ running through otherwise disparate cultures. As Leadbeater shows, these Ancient Rites have emerged in this century as Freemasonry.
Fragments – From the World of C. Jinarājadāsa (A Quest Miniature)
By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).
62 Pages | Published in 1980 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835605337.
Carefully culled from the writings of Brother ‘Raj’, here is a gathering together of his reflections on many aspects of life. The keynote is ‘inspiration’ and within this little book you will find the true Wisdom and Beauty, that can flow from the intuïtion of a deeply spiritual man. Brother ‘Raj’ provides a rich and sublime literary mosaic to a variety of universally appealing topics as he comments upon art, beauty, children, mysticism, love, liberation, reïncarnation, truth, unity, wisdom, and the Elder Brothers of Humanity.
Mr. Jinarājadāsa was the International President of the Theosophical Society from 1946 until 1953. Author of many books including The New Humanity of Intuition, How We Remember Our Past Lives and Art As Will and Idea, his intense enthusiasm for life, for the arts, and for theosophy, is strongly reflected in these Fragments of Wisdom.
Uncovering the Wisdom of the Heartmind
By Lin Jensen.
201 Pages | First Quest Edition 1999 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607755.
‘Shaking Down Seed and Other Stories of Ordinary Goodness’.
Every ordinary act of kindness is an expression of the intuitive goodness at the heart of every human being. Zen Buddhists call this inborn compassion the ‘Heartmind’. This is exquisitely moving collection of tales helps readers uncover the simple Wisdom of benevolence and sympathy within everyday acts. Each story goes straight to the heart, reminding us what we aspire to be and giving us the confidence that getting there is within reach.
From Chapter – ‘Bad Dog – The Journey through Shame to Compassion’ (p. 41):
” Within all light is darkness:
But explained it cannot be by darkness
that, one-sided, is alone.
In darkness there is light:
But, here again, by light one-sided
it is not explained.
Light goes with darkness:
As the sequence does of steps in walking.
- Sekito Kisen, in: Sandokai.
Shame is born in betrayal. It matters little whether one is victim or perpetrator, for shame adheres in the event itself. and all who participate, and all who participate are tainted by its presence. “
Lin Jensen’s essays read like Zen-precise poetry inviting us (indeed, compelling us) to “have eyes that risk the present moment.” He demonstrates that seeing the world as it is actually means being fully alive. It is not hyperbole to call these teachings transformative. —Sylvia Boorstein, author of Funny, You Don’t Look Buddhist “A feast for the heart. This cornucopia of riches reminds us that compassion and learning happen in the midst of our lives.” – Christina Feldman, author of Soul Food and Principles of Meditation Lin Jensen received lay ordination in the Soto school of Zen Buddhism in 1994. After retiring from a thirty-year college teaching career, he began to write essays reflecting his growing spiritual understanding. His stories have been published in Birding, Bird-Watcher’s Digest, Turning Wheel, and other journals. He makes his home in Chico, California.
The Web in the Sea – Jung, Sophia and the Geometry of the Soul
284 Pages | A Quest Original 1993, including illustrations | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606880.
Geometry is hidden in the symbolism of all religions. In this magical book, Alice O. Howell weaves a ramble on the sacred Isle of Iona with a meditation on the geometrical forms we encounter everyday. With the mediating help of Sophia, the divine feminine principle of Wisdom, she shows how we can decode the inner meaning of shapes, numbers, and other symbols through intuition, to enrich our experience of living and deepen our appreciation of the mystery of form.
A Companion to Howell’s other work; The Dove in the Stone, this book is illustrated with fifty line drawings and figures and includes an entertaining workbook – Sophia’s Mondayschool – with exercises guiding readers in exploring for themselves the mysteries of sacred geometry.
From Chapter IV – ‘Dark within Light, Light within Dark’ (p. 43):
” The Celts have a lovely image called the ‘Tir-nan-Og’ – Land of Youth, the Blessed Isles, the Happy Isles. Each of us has such an island within our Souls – a beautiful space within us to visit. I remember when I was a teacher of children, I assigned a composition exercise called ‘My Island’. Without any hesitation, the children, then about ten and eleven years old, happily began imaging their island. Each made a map and peopled it according to their wishes. Animals, birds, fish, trees, mountains, and springs appeared miraculously full-blown from the unconscious of these children. It was as if they carried a paradise within them, just the right size.
The Happy Isles are an archetypical place, and I mention this, lest anyone get discouraged at the thought that they cannot travel to Scotland and the Hebrides – to Iona, the Isle of the Dove. We have our own Iona within us. A lovely exercise to give oneself as one is falling asleep is to image what one’s Happy Isle would be like. “
The Sage from Concord – The Essence of Ralph Waldo Emerson (A Quest Miniature)
Compiled by V. Hanson and C. Pedersen.
127 Pages | First Quest printing 1985, 2nd printing 1987 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835605930.
In a spiritual sense one might describe the philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson as that of a nineteenth century ‘Voice of America’. Contained within his writings one will find almost incomparable insights into the nature of America, of America’s people and their destiny.
Emerson’s essays are based on his sensitivity to the fundamental fellowship of all that lives. The 301 excerpts in this book have been culled from the author’s best-known works including The Oversoul, Compensation, Fate, Friendship, Nature, Heroism and Self-Reliance. Here then is The Sage from Concord at his transcendental best – a selected digest of his philosophy particularly suitable for today’s seeker, who must ‘read as he/she runs‘.
Terminus (p. 127):
” As the bird trims her to the gale
I trim myself to the storm of time
I man the rudder, reef the sail,
Obey the voice at eve obeyed at prime:
‘Lowly faithful, banish fear,
Right onward drive unharmed;
The port, well worth the cruise, is near,
And every wave is charmed’. “
Deity Cosmos And Man – An Outline Of Esoteric Science
By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).
253 Pages | Published in 2010 | Softcover| Blavatsky Trust Publications, London | ISBN: 0913004820.
Esoteric Science, the Wisdom Religion, embraces all that is good and true in the great religions of mankind, but yet transcends them all. As far as can be expressed in words, it reflects ’truth’, insisting on the Unity of the cosmic process in which each individual is as a spark to the flame. We are of nature with the Cosmos, and being of one Essence, we are members of one family, a family that includes all things and all beings.
From this outline of the Wisdom teaching, we learn of the various levels of operation in the Cosmos, and in relation to man. Further, by emphasizing the important distinction between them, it shows how the personality, when unrestrained, tends to be entirely self-concerned, creating for itself a condition of psychological isolation from the rest of humanity. The Individuality, on the other hand, is rooted in the Unity, of which it is a direct expression. As we become increasingly responsive to this Individuality, it exercises a unifying influence in our lives, enabling us to recognize that identity of nature, which makes of all living things one Universal Brotherhood.
” This book is dedicated to those, who would help to alleviate the lot of humanity by liberating the human mind from its imprisonment in ideas generated and perpetuated by institutional and academic orthodoxy in the fields of religion and philosophy. […] The book is further dedicated to those who would work towards establishing peace and harmony among all peoples by promoting the practical realization of the brotherhood of humanity, transcending differences of race, religion, caste, class, political creed, or any other divisive element in human affairs. “
Tying Rocks To Clouds – Conversations With Wise And Spiritual People
By William Elliott.
267 Pages | First Quest Edition 1995 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607089.
An ordinary person seeks the meaning of life in meetings with extraordinary people.
With intrepid good spirits Elliott interviews world’s foremost spiritual figures, acquainting us with their exuberant earthly charms as well as their insight and intelligence. Along with Elliott, meet Mother Theresa, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Norman Vincent Peale, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Ram Dass, Rabbi Harold Kushner, B.F. Skinner, Pir Vilayat Khan and a dozen other contemporary sages.
From page 266 & 267:
” I have seen cosmic beings and other worlds,
yet without seeing a flower it is nothing.
I have stopped my breath and been at one,
yet without the love of two is nothing.
I have felt pure joy and all that it brings,
yet the greatest is to feel the pain of others.
I have predicted the future and the thoughts of others,
yet my own honesty eludes me.
I have been angelic, virtuous, and of pure heart,
yet without being human it is nothing.
Why do I crave other worlds
when the needy are here?
Why am I content with the joy of my world
when other cry?
What does this mean?
After communing with God and defeating the Devil,
Jesus simply said, ‘I am a man.’
Though he had the power to see all and everything,
the Buddha was accidentally poisoned and died.
We live side by side with paradox and illusion.
Of these things it is hard to speak.
To tie a rock to a cloud –
is this possible?
And if it is,
does the cloud descend to meet the rock
or does the rock rise to meet the cloud? “
The Wisdom of the Vedas
By J.C. Chatterji.
151 Pages | First Quest Edition 1980, revised edition 1992 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606848.
- How did the universe come into being?
- What is the nature of God?
- What is the nature of the human spirit?
- How can one gain mastery over the mind?
- What is yoga?
- What in us transcends death?
All who seek understanding of the basic philosophies of the East will find in this book an illuminating presentation of the great Vedic system of thought, India’s oldest and most profound religious/philosophical tradition. This book is remarkable or its author’s ability to frame the subtleties of Eastern thought for Western readers.
This new edition features an introduction by renowned Vedic scholar David Frawley, author of Gods, Sages and Kings (1991) and From the River of Heaven: Hindu and Vedic Knowledge in the Modern Age (1990).
From the Introduction (p. 6):
” The present volume of Pandit Chatterji relates the essence of Vedic wisdom, as set forth in the Upanishads. This essence of Vedic knowledge is also called Vedanta, or the end of the Vedas, as it represents the culminating insights of Vedic thought. Hence, this book can also be examined as a primary treatise on Vedanta and is one of the most important recent studies relative to it. The book relates to the higher and philosophical portion of Vedic inquiry, rather than to ritualistic or cultural aspects, which are not of such importance for this work. In this regard, the author mainly follows the Advaita Vedanta system of the philosopher-sage Shankaracharya. “
TAO Te Tjing
Door Lao Tse (601 BC – unknown), bewerkt en ingeleid door Prof. H. van Praag, vertaald door J.A. Blok.
159 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1910, 13de herziene druk 2013 (Klassiekers) | Softcover | Ankh-Hermes BV., Utrecht | ISBN: 9789020209952.
Het boek Tao Te Tjing is een van de belangrijkste geschriften van het Taoïsme. Centraal staan ‘het volgen van het Tao’ en ‘woe-wei’, het niet ingrijpen, het loslaten dat wil zeggen, je niet verzetten tegen de loop der dingen, maar daar spontaan in meegaan. De Tao Te Tjing is een Wijsheidsboek, dat door zijn diepgang en oorspronkelijkheid wordt gerekend tot de hoogtepunten van de wereldliteratuur. Het werk wordt toegeschreven aan Lao Tse, een oudere tijdgenoot van Confucius (551 – 479 v. Chr.).
Uit Hoofdstuk 8 zoals vermeld in de Inleiding (p. 33):
” Het hoogste goed is als water.
Water doet alle wezens goed en strijdt niet.
Het woont op plaatsen door alle mensen veracht.
Daarin komt het goede Tao nabij.
Hij leeft gaarne op lage plaatsen.
Zijn hart houdt van de diepte.
In weldoen houdt hij van de liefde,
in spreken van de waarheid,
in bestuur van de orde,
in werken van bekwaamheid,
in handelen van de geschikte tijd.
Hij strijdt niet, daardoor treft hem geen blaam. “
The Universal Wisdom Tradition and the Theosophical Society
By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).
29 Pages | 6th Reprint | Pamphlet | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8179593492.
Every great religion has two parts, an inner and an outer, a spirit and a body, the ‘knowledge of God’, which is ‘Eternal Life’ and its dogmas, rites and ceremonies. The inner part, ’the wisdom of God in a mystery’, spoken of by St. Paul as known to ’the perfect’, is that which has, since the third century, been known in the West as Theosophy: in the East as Brahmā-vidyā, God-Wisdom, God-Knowledge or God-Science. Such Theosophy, or mysticism, the direct knowledge of God by man, belongs equally to all the great religions as their sustaining life. And it may be possessed by any individual, even outside any religious organization.
NB: This pamphlet was previously printed under the title of Theosophy and The Theosophical Society (1931, 1952 & 1985) as an excerpt from a larger work of that title by Annie Besant. The title has been changed to avoid confusion between the two works.
The Bhagavad Gītā (Sanskrit Text, Grammar and Word-for-Word Translation)
By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).
460 Pages | Second edition, 1926 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592895.
The Bhagavad Gītā (lit. ‘Song of the Lord’) is one of the most important basic texts for the study of Hinduism, and has attracted the attention and admiration of thinkers throughout the world. The first edition of this great world scripture with the English translation and notes by Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and Bhagavan Das ((1869 – 1958) was published in 1905; since then many other excellent editions and expositions of the text have come out. Still, the Bhagavad Gītā by Annie Besant and Bhagavan Das holds a unique place.
The Mysteries Today – And Other Essays
By Laurence J. Bendit and Phoebe D. Bendit.
154 Pages | First printed in 1973 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0722950241.
Theosophy in the true sense is the perennial and unchanging philosophy of mankind, but its presentation needs to be adapted to the times. In these essays an attempt is made to discuss some of the principles of this philosophy in modern terms, and especially related to the presentation of it as set out by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and others. It can safely be assumed that, were these older writers doing their work today, they would do so in quite other language than in that of the nineteenth and earlier twentieth centuries. They would have to take into account the vast mental revolution which has been taking place in the last thirty or forty years, which has altered our views on so many things, and in particular in our knowledge. These collected articles rest very much on the modern – and probably temporary – mental climate of the second half of the twentieth century.
From the Introduction:
” Theosophy, the Wisdom of the enlightened mind, is unchanging for ever. It existed before history began – for man was already inhabitant of the earth – and it will endure lonf after history had ended as a record of events in time: when it will, in some form, remain as part of the heritage of the universe. It is the Pearl of Great Price fo the Gnostic Christian, it is the Jewel in the Lotus, the Clear Light of the Buddhist, the Tao of the mind; it is known by many names, yet it is always the same Wisdom . . . “
The Song Celestial – A Poetic Version of the Bhagavad Gītā (A Quest Miniature)
By Sir Edwin Lester Arnold (1832 – 1904).
154 Pages | First edition 1970, Quest Miniature Series 1975 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835604187.
The incomparable religious classic of India . . .
In exquisite poetic allegory, Sir Edwin Lester Arnold translates the revered and sacred story of Arjuna and Krishna, representing the eternal struggle between the personality and the Immortal Self.
” Take my last word. My utmost meaning have! Precious thou art to Me; right well-be-loved! Listen! I tell thee for thy comfort this. Give Me thy heart! Adore Me! Serve Me! Cling in faith and love and reverence to Me! So shalt thou come to Me! I promise true, For thou art sweet to Me! “
Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom (Study Guide)
By Edward C. Abdill.
24 Pages | Copyright 1996 by The Theosophical Society in America | A4 Study Course | Quest Books, U.S.A. | No ISBN.
A Study Course to accompany the five-part video series Foundations of the Ageless Wisdom.
- Suggested Uses of this Study Guide
- Getting started
- Symbols used in this Study Guide
- The Ultimate Real
- Meaningful Motion
- Sevenfold Human Nature
- Progressive Evolution
- The Path and the Spiritual Life
- Suggestions for future Study
- Texts:
- 1. Course Objectives and Outline
- 2. First fundamental Proposition (abridged)
- 3. Yoga of Knowledge (Jñana Yoga)
- 4. Second Fundamental Proposition (abridged)
- 5. From the Tao Te Ching
- 6. An optical Illusion
- 7. An optical Illusion Aid
- 8. Sevenfold Human Nature
- 9. Third fundamental Proposition (abridged).