Deity Cosmos And Man – An Outline Of Esoteric Science
By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 - 2004).
253 Pages | Published in 2010 | Softcover| Blavatsky Trust Publications, London | ISBN: 0913004820.
Esoteric Science, the Wisdom Religion, embraces all that is good and true in the great religions of mankind, but yet transcends them all. As far as can be expressed in words, it reflects 'truth', insisting on the Unity of the cosmic process in which each individual is as a spark to the flame. We are of nature with the Cosmos, and being of one Essence, we are members of one family, a family that includes all things and all beings.
From this outline of the Wisdom teaching, we learn of the various levels of operation in the Cosmos, and in relation to man. Further, by emphasizing the important distinction between them, it shows how the personality, when unrestrained, tends to be entirely self-concerned, creating for itself a condition of psychological isolation from the rest of humanity. The Individuality, on the other hand, is rooted in the Unity, of which it is a direct expression. As we become increasingly responsive to this Individuality, it exercises a unifying influence in our lives, enabling us to recognize that identity of nature, which makes of all living things one Universal Brotherhood.
" This book is dedicated to those, who would help to alleviate the lot of humanity by liberating the human mind from its imprisonment in ideas generated and perpetuated by institutional and academic orthodoxy in the fields of religion and philosophy. [...] The book is further dedicated to those who would work towards establishing peace and harmony among all peoples by promoting the practical realization of the brotherhood of humanity, transcending differences of race, religion, caste, class, political creed, or any other divisive element in human affairs. "

Deity Cosmos And Man – An Outline Of Esoteric Science
By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).
253 Pages | Published in 2010 | Softcover| Blavatsky Trust Publications, London | ISBN: 0913004820.
Esoteric Science, the Wisdom Religion, embraces all that is good and true in the great religions of mankind, but yet transcends them all. As far as can be expressed in words, it reflects ’truth’, insisting on the Unity of the cosmic process in which each individual is as a spark to the flame. We are of nature with the Cosmos, and being of one Essence, we are members of one family, a family that includes all things and all beings.
From this outline of the Wisdom teaching, we learn of the various levels of operation in the Cosmos, and in relation to man. Further, by emphasizing the important distinction between them, it shows how the personality, when unrestrained, tends to be entirely self-concerned, creating for itself a condition of psychological isolation from the rest of humanity. The Individuality, on the other hand, is rooted in the Unity, of which it is a direct expression. As we become increasingly responsive to this Individuality, it exercises a unifying influence in our lives, enabling us to recognize that identity of nature, which makes of all living things one Universal Brotherhood.
” This book is dedicated to those, who would help to alleviate the lot of humanity by liberating the human mind from its imprisonment in ideas generated and perpetuated by institutional and academic orthodoxy in the fields of religion and philosophy. […] The book is further dedicated to those who would work towards establishing peace and harmony among all peoples by promoting the practical realization of the brotherhood of humanity, transcending differences of race, religion, caste, class, political creed, or any other divisive element in human affairs. “