Man And The Universe – A Quest
By A.R. Bakshi, Foreword by Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).
136 Pages | First edition 1994 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592313.
The ‘Universe’ and ‘Man’, have both been the subject of study by great thinkers through the ages. Man and the Universe – A Quest presents some of the main principles of occult teaching to the ordinary reader and also supplies the serious student with sufficient material for original study offering profuse references to The Secret Doctrine (1888).
From Chapter VII – ‘Laws of Nature & Universal Truth and Order’ (p. 92 & 93):
” The whole life of the universe, according to the Ancients, is a part of a great artistic process cast into rhythmic phenomenal occurrences such as death and rebirth, creation and destruction, time and eternity, space and void, each occurrence symbolises an eternal cosmic movement. This concept of beauty and art in cosmic motion is symbolised as a female aspect of creative energy called in Indian mysticism ‘Durgā’ (the invincible), whose laws are impregnable. “
Human Regeneration – Lectures and Discussions
By Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).
154 Pages | Published in 1990, Adyar Edition Reprint 2006 | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 8170594995.
Dutch translation: Regeneratie van de Mens – Lezingen en Discussies | Uitgegeven in 1994 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750695.
Theosophists are all united by a common devotion to the Regeneration of Man. They may differ in their convictions or approach. The teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Blavatsky, Besant, Krishnamurti or some other teacher may inspire some and not others. But there is a strong common bond, namely profound concern for the progress and perfection of humanity, not merely at the material and intellectual levels, but morally and spiritually.
A Theosophist does not seek wisdom to benefit him or herself. ‘Not for him/herself but for the world he or she lives’. And the more deeply devotion is directed at the regeneration of mankind, the more ardently the understanding of self and the world and the penetration into the secret of life. Aim is to discover the source of Goodness and Happiness within, which is the birthright of all living beings.
From Chapter 3 – ‘Regeneration and the Objects of the Theosophical Society’ (p. 91):
” From a pratical view: does not Brotherhood begin with simple things? Just being oridnarily kind, beginning to think in terms of another person, instead of only ourselves. We like to enjoy ourselves, but somebody else has to work. Are we prepared to sacrifice a little of our enjoyment to help the person, who is working? Brotherhood begins like that. But when we are brotherly and kind in the ordinary sense of the word, still the feeling of difference from others does not go – one remains in a world of duality. So we must continue practising Brotherhood, until the tendency of the mind to see in terms of duality disappears. Even the word ‘Brotherhood’ suggests, that there is a brother and ‘myself’. “
The Child
By Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952).
20 Pages | Reprinted from The Theosophist 1941, 10th reprint 1986 | Booklet | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590302.
We all know that the age of development is the most important period of the whole life. Moral malnutrition and intoxication of the spirit are as fatal for the Soul of man as physical malnutrition is for the health of his or her body. Therefore, child-education is the most important problem of humanity.
From page 18:
” Certainly here is the key to all pedagogy: to know how to recognize the precious instinct of concentration in order to make use of it in the teaching of reading, writing and counting and, later on, of grammar, arithmetic, foreign languages, science, etc. After all, every psychologist is of the opinion that there is only one way of teaching, that of arousing in the student the deepest interest and at the same time, a constant and vivacious attention. So the whole thing resolves itself in this, to make use of those intimate and hidden forces of the child for his or her education. “
H.P. Blavatsky the Light-Bringer – The Blavatsky Lecture 1970
By Geoffrey A. Barborka.
67 Pages | Blavatsky Lecture 1970 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London. | No ISBN.
This Lecture commemorates the coming to the Western world of one who was the representative of a great Brotherhood – a Brotherhood which is known by many names. One of its epiphets, especially in connection with its origin, is a symbolic one; the Sons of Ad or Sons of Fire-Mist. Little has been written about these Sons. However, the meaning associated with the term is clear enough; for it links up with the name given to those Divine Beings who came to the assistance of humanity during one of its most critical periods. These are the Agnishvatta Pitris, the awakeners of the fire – which signifies the Mind-principle.
Geoffrey A. Barborka (1897 – 1982) was brought up at Point Loma, California. He had a classical education to which were added modern languages / German, French and Spanish+ and these were later supplemented by a study of Hebrew and Sanskrit. He is the author of a number of books, including The Divine Plan, H.P. Blavatsky, Tibet and Tulku and The Pearl of the Orient.
The Human Journey – Quest for Self-Transformation
By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
37 Pages | Adyar Pamphlet New Series #4, published in 2002 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593549.
‘The pivotal doctrine of esoteric philosophy admits no privileges or special gifts in man, save those won by his own Ego through personal effort and merit throughout a long series of metempsychoses and reincarnations‘. – The Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, p. 17.
The search for human identity has been the subject of great literature, great art, music and philosophy throughout the ages. To approach any understanding of this human identity, and therefore to recognize the journey or the work on which we are engaged as human beings, we may begin by acknowledging the various facts which compose our individual identity. We have physical bodies, with their unique characteristics; we have feelings, thoughts, aspirations, and, in times of deep inner reflection or profound meditation, an awareness of something more, beyond yet near, neither wholly of ourselves nor wholly other, something indefinable yet real and true. H.P. Blavatsky, in setting forth the perennial philosophy, defined the human as a ‘saptaparna’, a seven-leaved plant. The seven ‘leaves’ or principles, as they are generally called, are variously given in theosophical literature.
From Page 13:
” To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars . . .
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
. . . that which we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. “

Joy Mills has been a member of The Theosophical Society since 1940. She has served as President of the Theosophical Society in America, General Secretary of the Australian Section, and International Vice-President. She has lectured in more than 50 countries, and worked as Director of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy, in Ojai, California.
The World Around Us – ‘On The Watch-Tower’ Articles from 1980 – 2007
By Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).
620 Pages | First edition 2009 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595212.
Mrs. Radha Burnier served five terms as the President of the Theosophical Society, having taken office as the seventh President in 1980. The World Around Us is a compilation of Burnier’s ‘On The Watch-Tower’ notes, which appeared as her editorial articles in The President’s official monthly Journal The Theosophist between the years 1980 and 2007. The validity and teachings of these articles continue to be appreciated by many members of the Theosophical Society around the world.
Mrs. Burnier’s careful observation and deep perception of the modern world and of human nature in general, sensitively guides the reader to a better understanding of the Theosophic life. The compilation provides a rich source of handy reference material and comments of Wisdom on a wide range of subjects – social, geographical, environmental, and spiritual, among others – that rouse the reader to a better awareness and involvement in the world around us.
From Chapter 1 – ‘Theosophy and the Theosophical Society’ (p. 10):
” No Wisdom from above descends on anyone save on leaving every atom of selfishness or desire for personal ends. Nature gives her innermost secrets and imparts true Wisdom only to him or her, who seeks truth for its own sake and craves for knowledge in order to confer benefits on others, not on his or her own unimportant personality. “

Radha Burnier became 7th international President of the Theosophical Society in 1980, following the lead of her father, N. Sri Ram, who was the 5th President, and close associate of Annie Besant. Mrs. Burnier had previously served in many capacities, including Director of the research and publications of the Adyar Library and Research Centre from 1959-1979. She holds a Master’s degree in Sanskrit from the Benares Hindu University, and an honorary Doctor of Literature degree from Nagarjuna University. She has lectured all over the world on Theosophical and cultural topics, and both her talks and writings are known for their clarity of thought and depth of vision.
The Secret Doctrine – Abridged and Annotated by Michael Gomes
By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), abridged and annotated by Michael Gomes.
257 Pages | Published in 2009 | Softcover | Tarcher/ Penguin Books | ISBN: 9781585427086.
The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s masterwork on the origin and evolution of the universe and humanity itself, is arguably the most famous, and perhaps the most influential, occult book ever written. Published since 1888 only in expensive, two-volume editions of some 1400 pages, it has long eluded the grasp of modern readers- until now.

This single-volume edition, abridged and annotated by historian and Theosophical scholar Michael Gomes, places the ideas of The Secret Doctrine within reach of all who are curious. In particular, Gomes provides a critical sounding of the book’s famous stanzas on the genesis of life and the cosmos – mysterious passages that Blavatsky said originated from a primeval source and which form the heart of The Secret Doctrine. Gomes scrupulously scales down the book’s key writings on symbolism to their essentials, and offers notes and a glossary to illuminate arcane references. His historical and literary introduction casts new light on some of the book’s sources and on the career of its brilliant and elusive author, one of the most intriguing personages of the nineteenth century. At once compact and representative of the work as a whole, this new edition of The Secret Doctrine brings unprecedented accessibility to the key esoteric classic of the modern era.
The Human and the Divine – Nine-fold Relationship to Śrī Piļļai Lokācārya and Madame Blavatsky
172 Pages | First limited edition 1995 | Softcover | Prapti Books, Madras, India | No ISBN.
The lives of Śrī Piļļai Lokācārya and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) were irradiated by the Great Ones who are ever seeking for interpreters of Occult Knowledge in the outer world . . . Their contribution and catholicity of thought remain a source of perennial inspiration to the true aspirants of Divine Wisdom.
From Section C – ‘Present and Future of the Thoughts: (p. 136):
” The teachings of any philosopher necessary are expressions of the Eternal Wisdom. Each one has dealt with the reality of the world, the organic relation of all life to the Divine Principle, the workings within the Cosmos, which are all matters of great appeal to a rational human. Stressing the solidarity of man, aiding him and his mind to the cosmic Mind, and leading each to the inevitable state of embracing the whole of the Universe has been the effort of both PL and HPB in their own chosen way. ”
The Astral Body – And Other Astral Phenomena
By Arthur Edward Powell (1882 – 1969).
288 Pages | First published in 1926, 1927, 1954, second edition 2014 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595809.
This classic tekst has long been used as a principal resource by students and scholars of astral phenomena. A natural companion to Powell’s The Etheric Double – The Health Aura, its subject is the structure, nature, and powers of the astral body, the vehicle of feelings and emotions seen by clairvoyants as an aura of flashing colours. Based on first-hand testimony by noted clairvoyants, including Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934) and Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), Powell’s perceptive commentary is of enduring interest to all lovers of esoteric lore. Others in the Powell series are: The Mental Body, The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena, The Causal Body and the Ego and The Solar System.
From Chapter I – ‘General Description’:
” Briefly, the astral body of (wo)man is a vehicle, to clairvoyant sight not unlike the physical body, surrounded by an aura of flashing colours, composed of matter of an order of fineness higher than that of physical matter, in which feelings, passions, desires and emotions are expressed and which acts as a bridge or medium of transmission between the physical brain and the mind, the latter operating in the still higher vehicle – the mind-body. “
Man – A Universe in Miniature
By Joy Piper.
113 Pages | First printed in 2003, reprint 2012 | Soft cover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.
In this work, the author attempts to explain the nature of man’s existence and his place in the overall scheme of things. It is concerned with challenges concerning ‘human-ness’ and all that it implies: joys, sorrows and a sense of bewilderment and frustration when one faces, as one ultimately must, the depths of one’s own ignorance as how to live a life on Earth in the truest and most spiritual sense.
It is the author’s hope, that this work may provide a basic structure for the reader’s own research and study. Feel encouraged to embark upon your own quest for knowledge of this wonderful Universe, in which we live. Discover the Great Cosmic Laws governing the way in which all solar systems with their planets in orbit follow their pre-destined pattern of movement in space: the way in which a man’s seven bodies ‘orbit’ his own ‘Spiritual Sun’ or ‘Spark of the Divine’. Because these same Great Laws apply to the macrocosm (the large) and to the microcosm (the small). As it is above, so it is below, as it is within, so it is without: by learning about humankind – ourselves – we can begin to find the answers to questions about the Universe.
From page 107:
” Although the Masters may not actively intervene in human affairs, they can and do constantly observe the progress of events on our planet Earth. They are aware of those individuals, who have willingly committed themselves to the rigours of self-training necessary to equip them with the knowledge and stamina, which are essential for carrying out the Masters’ work. This work involves spreading the Ageless Wisdom Teachings – Theosophy – as widely as possible, so that others also may become helpers in the work of the Masters. In this way, the Masters’ influence for Good will greatly undermine the dark forces, so that in time a greater harmony will prevail in life on our world. ”
Space, Time and Self
By Edward Norman Pearson (1887 – 1975).
288 Pages | First published in 1957, reprint 1964, second reprint 1994 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592224.
It is the author’s thesis that all life’s problems arise from three illusions, which were drawn over mankind at the beginning of history when the Solar Deity, seeking to manifest, drew over himself three limitations giving rise to three primary illusions of:
- Space or objects existing in space as dimensions.
- Time as succession of events.
- Self as separated existence.
The mind of a human being vainly tries to measure Boundless Space dimensionally, Eternity in terms of our terrestial Time and fails to conceive Self except in terms of separate existence. Grasp of Infinity, Eternity and Unity appear to elude its grasp.
The author has sought to bring all the Theosophical Wisdom relating to Matter and Cosmogenesis, Involution and Evolution and the Laws governing these under the three sections 1. Illusions of Space, 2. Time and 3. Self. He contends that Science, Philosophy and Religion are the means for grappling with these illusions.
From Chapter – ‘Physical and Super-Physical’ (p. 61):
” Light, according to science, is either a wave undulating in a non-material medium or a succession of particles of energy known as ‘photons’. While the first three senses, we found, operated primarily for the benefit of the body and the next one contributed to the development of the mind, the sense of sight, which we now come to consider, extends its reaches still higher to contribute to the spiritual welfare of man. Who has not reveled in the ever-changing enchantments of Nature, the exquisite beauties she exhibits day by day? Through the sense of sight we can even break through the boundaries of earth and soar unhampered to lose ourselves in the sublimities of the vast empyrean. “
This Matter of Culture
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), edited by Rajagopalacharya Desikacharya (commonly D. Rajagopal) (1900–1993).
224 Pages | First edition 1964, reprinted in 1992 & 1994, this edition was first published in 2001 and reprinted in 2004 | Softcover | Krishnamurti Foundation India | ISBN: 8187326263.
This Matter of Culture consists of Krishnamurti’s talks and discussions with the students, parents and teachers of the schools he founded in India, and has been chosen by Parabola Magazine as ‘one of the hundred best spiritual books of the century’. Ever since it was brought out in 1964, it has been published world-wide in 22 languages and has remained a popular book on education. Here, Krishnamurti defines, in unmistakable terms, the real function of education, as also the purpose of human life:
‘The function of education is to bring about a release of energy in the pursuit of goodness, truth, or God, which in turn makes the individual a true human being and therefore the right kind of citizen.’
‘It is also our problem to find out what God is, because that is the very foundation of our life. A house cannot stand for long without a proper foundation, and all the cunning inventions of man will be meaningless if we are not seeking out what is God or truth.’
From Chapter XIII (p. 99):
” That is why it is very important that we should be rightly educated – educated not to be smothered by tradition, not to fall into the destiny of a particular racial, cultural or family group, educated not to become mechanical beings moving towards a predetermined end. The man, who understands this whole process, who breaks away from it and stands alone, creates his own momentum; and if his action is a breaking away from the false towards the truth, then, that momentum itself becomes the truth. Such men are free from destiny. “

This Matter of Culture consists of Krishnamurti’s talks and discussions with the students, parents and teachers of the schools he founded in India, and has been chosen by parabala magazine as ‘one of the hundred best spiritual books of the century’. Every since it was brought out in 1964, it has been published world-wide in 22 languages and has remained a popular book on education. Here Krishnamurti defines, in unmistakable terms, the real function of education, as also the purpose of human life:
Het Einde van Tijd – Jiddu Krishnamurti en David Bohm
Gesprekken tussen Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986) en David Bohm (1917 – 1992), Voorwoord door David Skitt.
492 Pages | Eerste druk oktober 2019 | Softcover | Synthese, een imprint van Milinda Uitgevers BV | ISBN: 9789062711574.
Engels origineel: The Ending of Time – Where Philosophy and Physics Meet | Copyright 1985, 2014 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd. | HarperOne, New York.
In dit boek worden de urgente en actuele problemen van onze tijd vanuit een unieke invalshoek belicht. Het bevat een aantal fascinerende dialogen tussen twee grote denkers van onze tijd: de gerespecteerde filosoof Jiddu Krishnamurti en de beroemde natuurkundige David Bohm. De dialogen vonden plaats in Amerika en Engeland tussen april en september 1980. Zij gaan in gesprek over wat ten grondslag ligt aan de eindeloze conflicten, waar de mensheid al eeuwenlang onder gebukt gaat. Samen onderzoeken ze de fundamentele oorzaak hiervan en wat wij daaraan kunnen doen.
Diepgaand bespreken ze essentiële zaken als goed en kwaad, het denken en bewustzijn, en de wezenlijke aard van ons bestaan, vanuit zowel een spirituele als wetenschappelijke invalshoek. Aan bod komen onder andere het verschil tussen het brein en de geest, de betekenis van sterven en de relatie van het individu tot de maatschappij. Uit een aantal revolutionaire inzichten, die gedurende deze gesprekkken naar voren komen, blijkt dat het achterlaten van ons idee van tijd nog wel eens een nieuw begin voor de mensheid zou kunnen inluiden.
Afkomstig uit: Hoofdstuk I – ‘De Oorsprong van Psychologische Conflicten’ (blz. 15):
1 April 1980, Ojai, California.
” Jiddu Krishnamurti: Waar zullen we beginnen? Ik zou de vraag willen stellen of de mensheid een verkeerde weg is ingeslagen.
David Bohm: Een verkeerde weg? Dat moet wel, maar lang geleden denk ik.
JK: Dat denk ik ook. Lang geleden. Daar lijkt het wel op. Waarom? Zoals ik het zie – en ik ben alleen maar aan het onderzoeken – heeft de mensen altijd geprobeerd iets te ‘worden’.
DB: Ja, dat zou kunnen. Ik werd geraakt door iets wat ik ooit las, waarin stond dat de mens vijf – of zesduizend jaar geleden de verkeerde kant opging, toen hij eenmaal in staat was anderen te beroven en slaven ging houden. Uitbuiten en beroven werden daarna het belangrijkste doel in het leven.
JK: Ja, maar er is ook het gevoel dat je innerlijk iets moet worden.
DB: We zouden duidelijk moeten maken wat het verband daartussen is. Wat voor soort ‘worden’ heeft hiervoor gezorgd? In plaats van constructief bezig te zijn door nieuwe technieken, gereedschappen en dergelijke uit te vinden, vonden mensen het op een gegeven moment gemakkelijker om hun buren te beroven. Wat wilden ze worden?
JK: Conflicten zijn de oorsprong van dit alles geweest.
DB: Maar wat was het conflict? Als we ons in die mensen van lang geleden konden verplaatsen, hoe zouden we dan tegen dat conflict aankijken?
JK: Wat is de oorsprong van conflicten? Niet alleen van die in de buitenwereld, maar ook van de enorme innerlijke conflicten van de mens. Wat is de oorsprong daarvan?
DB: Het lijkt door tegenstrijdige verlangens te komen.
JK: Nee, komt het doordat je volgens alle religies iets moet worden? Dat je iets moet bereiken?
DB: Maar wat maakte dat mensen dat wilden? Waarom waren ze niet tevreden met wat ze waren? Want religie zou niet aangeslagen zijn als mensen het niet aantrekkelijk hadden gevonden om méér te worden. “
A Divine Vision of Man, Nature and God
By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).
76 Pages | First Edition 1928, 1st – 3rd reprints 1949-1954, second edition 1986 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590329.
These three Lectures were delivered by the Author at the Queen’s Hall London in May 1927, and formerly published under the title ‘The Divine Vision’.
It is a true saying, and one experienced and proved by us all, that we rise to higher things on the stepping stones of our dead selves. The life of man is a continual change of vision; as experiences come to him one after another, it is as if he rose from one level to another as he climbs up a mountain side, and therefore his visions steadily changes.
We recognise that there are two kinds of vision possible for us, that of the ordinary man of the world, and that other vision, which is presented to us by the great leaders of humanity, the founders of the religions. But we are apt to imagine that that lofty vision of the great teachers is something reserved for them alone, that we men in these lower levels are not capable of a divine vision. Yet the whole purpose of the message of Theosophy is to show that what the greatest of mankind has achieved shall some day be the achievement of every human being. In the course of these three Lectures, I shall try to show there is possible for us a divine vision of man, of nature and of God.
From Page 26:
” The student of Nature wonders the more and is astonished the less, the more conversant he becomes with her operations; but of all the perennial miracles she offers to his inspection, perhaps the most worthy of admiration, is the development of a plant or of an animal from its embryo. Examine the recently laid egg of some common animal, such as the salamander or a newt. It is a minute spheriod in which the best microscope will reveal nothing but a structureless sac, enclosing a glairy fluid holding granules in suspension. But strange possibilities lie dormant in that semi-fluid globe. Let a moderate amount of warmth reach its watery cradle, and the plastic matter undergoes changes so rapid and yet so steady and purposelike in their succession, that one can only compare them to those operated by a skilled modeller upon a formless lump of clay. As with an invisible trowel, the mass is divided and sub-divided into smaller and smaller proportions until it is reduced to an aggregation of granules not too large to build withal the finest fabrics of the nascent organism. And, then, it is as if a delicate finger traced out the line to be occupied by the spinal column, and moulded the contour of the body, pinching up the head at one end, the tail at the other, and fashioning flank and limb into due salamandrine proportions in so artistic a way that, after watching the process hour by hour, one is almost involuntarily possessed by the notion that some more subtle aid to vision than an achromatic microscope would show the hidden artist, with his plan before him, striving with skilful manipulation to perfect his work. ” – Lay Sermons, Chapter – ‘The Origin of Species’.
De Zeven Mensentypen
Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).
95 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1978; dit boek maakt deel uit van Lotusreeks I | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750482.
Engels origineel: The Seven Human Temperaments | Uitgegeven in 1973, reprint 2006 (Kessinger Publishing, LLC.) | The Theosophical Publishing House | ISBN: 9781428648203.
‘Het leven gelijkt enigermate op een geweven tapijt: aan de onderzijde ziet men een wirwar van kleuren, knopen en draden; een patroon kan men echter niet ontdekken. Zodra de bovenzijde wordt bekeken ziet men de bedoeling van het weefsel en, hòe alles – juist in die volgorde – werd gerangschikt’, aldus Hodson. Het menselijk verstand, dat begrensd is, kan de ‘waarheid’ niet geheel bevatten, want deze is onbegrensd. Maar het begripsvermogen van de mens kan worden getraind en vergroot, wanneer het leven vanuit verschillende invalshoeken wordt waargenomen. Zo kan iemand een berg waarnemen, iedere keer vanuit een ander gezichtspunt. Ook al blijft de berg hetzelfde; de aanblik is iedere keer weer anders en zo kan de berg steeds beter worden begrepen. Zo werkt het precies met het leren kennen van ‘waarheid’.
Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk IV – ‘De Derde Straal’ (blz. 44):
” De derde Straal is een openbaring van het derde aanzicht van de heilige Drievuldigheid, de heilige Geest, de Vernieuwer en Hervormer. De karakterhoedanigheden zijn bevattingsvermogen – speciaal van grondbeginselen – een begrip, een diep indringend en verklarend denkvermogen, aanpassingsvermogen, tact, waardigheid, welk besef zich heel sterk uit, en erkenning van de macht en de waarde van stilte. Bekwaamheid tot scheppend beelden is een van de karakteristieke vermogens. Het type mens is de filosoof, de organisator, de diplomaat, de strateeg, de tacticus, de geleerde, de econoom, de bankier, de schaakspeler, de rechter, de mens die zich uit in zinnebeelden. “

Het menselijk verstand, dat begrensd is, kan de Waarheid niet ten volle bevatten, die ònbegrensd is. Het begripsvermogen van de mens neemt toe, indien men de aspecten van het leven vanuit verschillende gezichtshoeken gaat aanschouwen. Vergelijk de benadering b.v. van een berg vanuit verschillende standpunten: de berg blijft ongewijzigd, echter de (Uw) aanblik is steeds anders. Ten slotte leert U die berg kennen en zo is het ook met het zoeken naar Waarheid.
Theosofie: Een Weldadige Bron van Inspiratie (Blavatsky Lecture 2001)
Door Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004), vertaald door Louis Geertman.
54 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2001 door de Theosophical Society, London; deze Nederlandse editie is uitgegeven in 2008 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750871.
Engels origineel: Theosophy, Its Beneficent Potentialities | Een Blavatsky-lezing gehouden in Winchester op 29 juli 2001 tijdens de Zomerschool van de Engelse afdeling van de Theosophical Society | Geen ISBN.
Theosofie is in haar totaliteit een allesomvattende kennis van de aard en van de wijzen waarop de Natuur werkzaam is, waarbij de mens een fundamentele rol speelt. Het mensenrijk vertegenwoordigt een kritische fase in het immense evolutionaire programma, wanneer de ‘mens’, de denker, geboren wordt. Kennis van de Theosofie wordt verkregen door generaties van getrainde zoekers en onderzoekers, ingewijden in de esoterische mysteriën. Zij maakt er aanspraak op een uitdrukking te zijn van waarheid, van de feiten van het bestaan. Daarom berust zij niet op gissingen of geloof.
Afkomstig uit de ‘Inleiding’ (blz. 7):
” Occultisten, kabbalisten, theosofen, jullie weten heel goed dat een Woord, zo oud als de Wereld, hoewel nieuw voor jullie, geklonken heeft bij het begin van deze cyclus, waarvan de potentie onopgemerkt door anderen, verborgen ligt in de som der cijfers van de jaren 1889; jullie weten heel goed, dat er zojuist een toon is aangeslagen die nooit eerder door de mensheid van dit tijdperk is gehoord; en dat er een Nieuw Denkbeeld wordt onthuld, gerijpt door de krachten van de evolutie. Dit denkbeeld verschilt van alles wat er in de negentiende eeuw is voortgebracht; het is echter identiek met de gedachte, die de overheersende toon en de grondtoon vormde van iedere eeuw, in het bijzonder van de afgelopen eeuw – absolute vrijheid van denken voor de mensheid. “
– Uit: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Collected Writings XI, blz. 133.

De Natuur zelf wordt gezien als een geheel van alles wat in haar aanwezig is, in een reeks van hiërarchieën van levende wezens, van de allerlaagste tot de allerhoogste, van de elementen waaruit de materie van onze objectieve wereld bestaat, omhoog langs de evolutionaire ladder, door de rijken van de Natuur tot aan de mens en verder, tot in de rijken van het bovenmenselijke. De Theosofie stelt dat er rangen van bovenmenselijke wezens bestaan die, als collectief met het totaal aan door hen verzamelde wijsheid en kennis, de ‘scheppers’ en ‘bestuurders’ van ons planetaire systeem omvatten.
Theosophy: Its Beneficent Potentialities (Blavatsky Lecture 2001)
Door Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).
51 Pages | A Blavatsky-lecture delivered at the Summerschool of the Theosophical Society in England, King Alfred’s College Winchester, Sunday 29 July 2001 | Brochure | No ISBN.
Dutch translation: Theosofie: Een Weldadige Bron van Inspiratie | Published in 2008 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750871.
Theosophy is in its fulness a comprehensive knowledge of the Nature and the working of Nature, in which man plays a prime part. The human kingdom is a critical stage in the immens evolutionary programme when ‘Man’, the thinker, is born. The knowledge of Theosophy is gained by generations of trained seekers and enquirers, Initiates in the Arcane Mysteries. It claims to be an expression of Truth, the facts of existence. It is therefore not a matter of conjecture or belief.
From the Introduction:
” But you, Occultists, Kabbalists and Theosophists, you well know that a Word, old as the world, though new to you, has been sounded at the beginning of this cycle, and the potentiality of which, unperceived by others, lies hidden in the sum of digits of the years 1889; you well know that a note has just been struck which has never been heard by mankind of this era; and that a New Idea is revealed, ripened by the forces of evolution. This Idea differs from everything that has been produced in the nineteenth century; it is identical, however with the thought that has been the dominant tone and the keynote of every century, especially the last- absolute freedom of thought for humanity. “
- From: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Collected Writings XI, p. 133.
Deity Cosmos And Man – An Outline Of Esoteric Science
By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).
253 Pages | Published in 2010 | Softcover| Blavatsky Trust Publications, London | ISBN: 0913004820.
Esoteric Science, the Wisdom Religion, embraces all that is good and true in the great religions of mankind, but yet transcends them all. As far as can be expressed in words, it reflects ’truth’, insisting on the Unity of the cosmic process in which each individual is as a spark to the flame. We are of nature with the Cosmos, and being of one Essence, we are members of one family, a family that includes all things and all beings.
From this outline of the Wisdom teaching, we learn of the various levels of operation in the Cosmos, and in relation to man. Further, by emphasizing the important distinction between them, it shows how the personality, when unrestrained, tends to be entirely self-concerned, creating for itself a condition of psychological isolation from the rest of humanity. The Individuality, on the other hand, is rooted in the Unity, of which it is a direct expression. As we become increasingly responsive to this Individuality, it exercises a unifying influence in our lives, enabling us to recognize that identity of nature, which makes of all living things one Universal Brotherhood.
” This book is dedicated to those, who would help to alleviate the lot of humanity by liberating the human mind from its imprisonment in ideas generated and perpetuated by institutional and academic orthodoxy in the fields of religion and philosophy. […] The book is further dedicated to those who would work towards establishing peace and harmony among all peoples by promoting the practical realization of the brotherhood of humanity, transcending differences of race, religion, caste, class, political creed, or any other divisive element in human affairs. “
Mastering the Problems of Living
By Haridas Chaudhuri.
222 Pages | 1968, First Quest Edition 1975 | Soft cover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835604632.
This is a ‘HOW TO’ book, that aims to help you in your daily life quest. It is definitely not a book to be casually studied and forgotten. It is a book to be used; to be referred to each and every day. It contains a formula for mastering ALL problems of living – every daily experience – a formula, that you will want to recall time after time after time :)
With frankness and vision, Chaudhuri discusses basic and specific concerns, such as:
- failure at school,
- disappointment in love
- emotional fluctuations
- the pressure of perfectionism
- the dizziness success
- the depression of middle age.
From Chapter ‘How to live a balanced Life’? (p. 211):
” The Art of integrated living consists in the spirit of intelligent cooperation between nature and spirit. Nature is blind without spirit; spirit is lame without nature. According to a story in the Sānkhya philosophy of India, one time a blind man and a lame man got lost in a forest. Each by himself was in helpless quandery. When they met each other, hope appeared. The lame man jumped upon the shoulders of the blind man. Together, both could easily manage to get out of the forest and reach their destination. Similarly, nature and spirit – by virtue of their purposive togetherness – can together make life gloriously meaningful. “