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6 september 2024

Dynamics of the Psychic World – Comments by H.P. Blavatsky (Hardcover)

Comments by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), compiled by Lina Psaltis

132 Pages | 2nd Reprint 2006 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 8170594863

Psychic phenomena, magic, hypnotism, spiritualism, planes of perception, dreams, and spiritual progress – these are some of the subjects discussed in this collection of excerpts from the writings of one of the most famous occultists of history: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

In this small book the compiler has drawn together from various sources some of the important and interesting statements made by H.P. Blavatsky more than a century ago on subjects, which are arousing wide interest today. Her comments not only reveal something of her profound knowledge and wisdom, but are also fascinating, informative and relevant. They contain valuable advice to those who would dabble in psychic realms without being aware of their dangers and pitfalls.

From page 104/105:

” The key in each degree is the ‘aspirant himself’. It is not the fear of God, which is the beginning of Wisdom, but the knowledge of SELF which is WISDOM ITSELF. How grand and true appears, thus, to the student of Occultism who has commenced to realize some of the foregoing truths, the answer given by the Delphic Oracle to all who came seeking after Occult Wisdom – words repeated and enforced again and again by the wise Socrates: MAN KNOW THYSELF . . . ” 

  • From: Collected Writings, Vol. IX, p. 162.
auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Psaltis, L. (comp.)
ISBN: 817059121X
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Prijs: € 9,00

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Introduction to the Occult

Door Richard Smoley

174 Pagina’s | 2022 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Gildan Media (G&D Media) | ISBN 9781722505899

Magie, het occulte, het mystieke: zit er iets achter die woorden behalve clichés uit horrorfilms? Mensen over de hele wereld hebben deze verborgen krachten altijd gekend en er mee omgegaan. Maar tegenwoordig zijn er maar heel weinig manieren om waarheid van onzin te onderscheiden. In dit boek duikt Richard Smoley, een expert op het gebied van het occulte, in de kracht van de geest, magie, suggestie en de rijken van het ongeziene. Hij spreekt eenvoudig en duidelijk, in termen van gezond verstand over deze mysterieuze krachten, hoe ze voor je kunnen werken en wat je moet vermijden. Deze reis door ongeziene werelden zou wel eens het meest opwindende avontuur van je leven kunnen zijn als je leert over: meditatie, magische kleuren, de levenskracht, het astrale licht, gedachtekracht, profetie, paranormale krachten, astrologie, de tarot, spoken, engelen en geesten, leven na de dood, kwade hekserij en satanisme, atlantis en verloren beschavingen, het laatste oordeel, het koninkrijk van God, genezing, reïncarnatie, de Broederschap, en psychedelica en spiritualiteit.

Richard Smoley is redacteur van Quest, het officiële tijdschrift van de Theosofische Vereniging in de Verenigde Staten, en voormalig redacteur van “Gnosis: A Guide to, the Western Inner Traditions”. Hij heeft elf boeken gepubliceerd, waaronder Forbidden Faith: The Secret History of Gnosticism, Innerlijk christendom: een gids voor de esoterische tradities, en Supernatural: geschriften over een onbekende geschiedenis. Hij heeft meer dan vijfenveertig jaar studie gemaakt van de mystieke tradities van de gehele wereld.

Author: Richard Smoley
ISBN: 9781722505899

Prijs: € 21,95

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The Apocalypse Unsealed – Being an Esoteric Interpretation of the Initiation of Iôannês, Commonly Called the Revelation of St. John

Door James M. Pryse

126 Pagina’s | 2023, first published 1910 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Pantianos Classics | ISBN 9781789871845

James M. Pryse investigates early Christianity, explaining and demystifying the Apocalypse — also called the Book of Revelation. His examination reveals what is hidden in the ancient Biblical text.

The events of the Book of Revelation are considered by Biblical scholars and believers to hold great significance. In Pryse’s interpretation, the Revelation is not an unsolvable enigma, or a mystery shrouded in secrets, but a wealth of esoteric information. The original Greek of the book, which Pryse translated to aid his investigation, is proposed to be the key to understanding its meanings.

In making his case for the Apocalypse being a reflection of Greek wisdom, Pryse draws upon the philosophy of Plato and the terms of ancient Greek that describe parts of the body. Though learning these principles, an understanding of what the Apocalypse means is possible. In addition we receive instruction on Greek number theory, which Pryse uses to further unravel this New Testament text. Several charts and illustrations accompany his explanations, that the reader may arrive at the fullest understanding.

A novel and original approach to one of the Bible’s most famous texts, The Apocalypse Unsealed is a valuable piece of occult lore.

Author: James M. Pryse
ISBN: 9781789871845
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Prijs: € 14,95

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Telepathy, and the Etheric Vehicle

By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).

219 Pages | 2018, Sixteenth edition, original printed in 1950 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301165.

The entire subject of telepathic communication can be approached under a more subjective designation or name, but one which is interpretive of the more universal and prior stage than that of direct telepathic reception. The occultist ever approaches the subject connected with the evolutionary process from the angle of the whole and then the part, from the periphery to the centre, from the universal to the particular. Among Themselves, the Masters do not deal with telepathy as a science warranting consideration, endeavor and impartion; They are concerned primarily with the Science of Impression.

Author: Bailey, A.
ISBN: 9780853301165

Prijs: € 14,95

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Ponder on This

By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).

539 Pages | 2019, twelfth edition, first printing in 1971 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301318.

”Scattered through all my writings over the years is a mass of information which needs collating and bringing together as a basis for the instruction of disciples in training for an initiation. ”
–Djwhal Khul, The Rays and the Initiations

The present compilation by a student is an attempt in this direction.

Author: Bailey, A.
ISBN: 9780853301318
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9780853301318";}

Prijs: € 20,95

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The Body and Its Symbolism – A Kabbalistic Approach

By Annick de Souzenelle, translated by Christopher Chaplin and Tony James.

457 Pages | Original published in 1974, fifth edition 2015 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835609326

An Embodied View of the Kabbalah

The Body and Its Symbolism is an intricate and profound expression of Kabbalistic symbolism applied to the human body. It represents the life work of nurse anesthetist and psychotherapist Annick de Souzenelle, whose tremendous understanding has been partially inspired by the depth psychology of C.G. Jung. Based on her deep knowledge of biblical Hebrew, her readings of the Bible shed new light on the Creation story, the nature of the Feminine, and the ultimate vocation of every human being. A best seller in France, this new edition, meticulously translated by Christopher Chaplin and Tony james, is the first to appear in the English language.

”This book is clearly the result of a lifetime’s reflection, revealing an inherant ladder of order from the physical body to that of the Divine Adam Kadmon. ”
– Z’ev Ben Shimon Halevi, author of Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree.

”A fascinating, embodied view of the Kabbalh. From breathing to sound, from sound to word, from word to action, Annick de Souzenelle takes us on a journey through the Creation story, the Tree of Life, the Hebrew alphabet, Greek and Egyptian mysteries, and more. Her wise GPS on the trip tells us: Knowledge is love. ”
– Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz, author of The Hidden Gospel

AUTHOR: de Souzenelle, A. / Chaplin,C. / James,T.
ISBN: 9780835609326

Prijs: € 28,95

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The Consciousness of the Atom – A series of lectures delivered in New York City, Winter of 1921-22.

By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949)

76 pages | 2018 | Softcover | A Mystical World Reprints, Lyndhurst | ISBN: 9781987721454

This is a series of seven lectures given in New York in the winter of 1921-1922.
1. The field of evolution
2. The evolution of substance
3. The evolution of form, or group evolution
4. The evolution of Man, the Thinker
5. The evolution of consciousness
6. The goal of evolution
7. Cosmic evolution

NAME: Bailey, A
ISBN: 9781987721454

Prijs: € 10,95

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Invisible Worlds – Annie Besant on Psychic and Spiritual Development

By Kurt Leland

411 pages | 2013 | Softcover | Quest Books, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835609104

Essays compiled by Kurt Leland

Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) was a British-born advocate of religious freedom and socialist economics; en activist for the rights of women, children, and workers; and a crusader for India’s political independence/\. An inspiring public speaker and still revered as a spiritual teacher, she was also the second president of the Theosophical Society. This book presents her lectures and writings in which she reveals not only the potential dabgers of psychic and spiritual development, but also how to prepare ourselves safely for true spiritual unfolding.
This finely arranged and annotated collection shines a brilliant beam onto both the ordered structure of Annie Besant’s thought and the richness of the realms with which she dealt. Highly recommended. –Robert Ellwood, PhD.

Kurt Leland, poet, composer, author, and consciousness researcher, maintains a spiritual counseling practice in the Boston area. His website includes The Annie Besant Shrine, a comprehensive bibliography of Besant’s writings.

Auteur: Leland, K
Auteur: Leland, K
ISBN: 9780835609104
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Prijs: € 34,00

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De Natuurlijke Zon

Door Jakob Lorber (1800 – 1864).

312 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2007 | Softcover | De Ster, imprint van Uitgeverij Schors, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789065562760.

Duits origineel: Die natürliche Sonne: Mitteilungen über unsere Sonne und ihre natürlichen Verhältnisse | Lorber Verlag, Bietigheim | ISBN: 9783874951289.

Mededelingen over de Zon en haar natuurlijke omstandigheden middels het Innerlijke Woord ontvangen door Jakob Lorber.

Onder de natuurwetenschappelijke geschriften die Jakob Lorber, de ziener uit Stiermarken, rond het midden van de negentiende eeuw door de gave van het Innerlijke Woord ontving, is het werk over onze zon wel een van de meest verbazingwekkende. Het slaat een brug van de natuurlijke staat naar de geestelijke wereld en is geschikt om het wereldbeeld van de moderne mens fundamenteel te wijzigen.

Wat het huidige onderzoek ons over buitenaardse hemellichamen weet te zeggen, berust enkel op astronomische waarnemingen, aangevuld met inzichten uit de natuurkunde en de chemie. Maar toch zijn de daaruit verkregen conclusies geenszins gegarandeerde feiten; zij dienen slechts als basis voor theorieën en werkhypothesen, die al herhaaldelijk door andere, nieuwe, vervangen moesten worden.

Zolang de apparaten aan de grondstoffelijke materie ontspringen en de waarnemers in hun bewustzijn enkel aan de materie hangen, mag men ook in de toekomst geen definitief resultaat van het ruimteonderzoek verwachten. De exacte wetenschap maakt weliswaar gebruik van elektriciteit, licht, atomen en kosmische stralen, maar toch blijft het diepste wezen daarvan vreemd aan iedereen die niet in staat is met een geestelijke blik door de sluier van de materie heen te dringen. Wie echter zijn innerlijk tot leven wekt en zijn zielenkrachten verenigt met de goddelijke geestvonk in zichzelf, heeft deel aan het kosmische bewustzijn van de geest. Vanuit dit ‘blikveld van God’ ontstonden alle geschriften van Lorber, die de diepste dingen raken en die wetenschap en religie tegelijk zijn.

Afkomstig uit Paragraaf 69 – ‘ (p. 267):

” 7. Bij God komt de wijsheid voort uit de liefde, zoals het licht uit de vlam. Ook al worden de dingen in hun verscheidenheid door de goddelijke wijsheid op hun plaats gebracht en geordend, kan echter toch niemand meer ontkennen dat zij in diepste wezen uiteindelijk samen met de wijsheid uit de liefde moeten voortkomen. Wel, nu we dat inzien, moet het toch ook duidelijk zijn, dat vanuit de diepste grond beschouwd zich alles in de grootste orde moet schikken en samenvoegen alsof er uiterlijk geen verschil tussen zou bestaan. De veelsoortigheid van de reeds bij de vorige mededeling beschreven bomen komt uiteindelijk in de zaadkorrel, in de oude, eenvoudige, eenduidige, eeuwige ordening weer samen.

8. Wie dus vanuit deze innerlijke ordening, of nog duidelijker gezegd: wie vanuit zijn innerlijke liefde voor Mij, als de oerkiem van al het geschapene, zichzelf en alle schepselen beschouwt, zal overal een en dezelfde eenheid en een en dezelfde in elkaar grijpende ordening aantreffen!

Auteur: Lorber, J.
ISBN: 9789065562760

Prijs: € 25,50

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Man And The Universe – A Quest

By A.R. Bakshi, Foreword by Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

136 Pages | First edition 1994 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592313.

The ‘Universe’ and ‘Man’, have both been the subject of study by great thinkers through the ages. Man and the Universe – A Quest presents some of the main principles of occult teaching to the ordinary reader and also supplies the serious student with sufficient material for original study offering profuse references to The Secret Doctrine (1888).

From Chapter VII – ‘Laws of Nature & Universal Truth and Order’ (p. 92 & 93):

” The whole life of the universe, according to the Ancients, is a part of a great artistic process cast into rhythmic phenomenal occurrences such as death and rebirth, creation and destruction, time and eternity, space and void, each occurrence symbolises an eternal cosmic movement. This concept of beauty and art in cosmic motion is symbolised as a female aspect of creative energy called in Indian mysticism ‘Durgā’ (the invincible), whose laws are impregnable. “

Auteur: Bakshi, A.R,
ISBN: 8170592313
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"8170592313";}

Prijs: € 7,95

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The Etheric Double – The Health Aura

By Arthur Edward Powell (1882 – 1969).

156 Pages | First published in 1925, 1969, 1979, second edition, first reprint 2015 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595632.

This classic tekst has long been used as a resource book by students and scholars of astral phenomena. It’s subject is the subtle body, which all human beings possess, physical in nature but invisible to ordinary eyes. Of interest to healers, body workers, and all students of esoteric lore, Powell’s discussion of the anatomy of the subtle body, its energy centres and functions, is perceptive and comprehensive.  The others in the series are: The Mental Body, The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena, The Causal Body and the Ego and The Solar System.

From Chapter I – ‘General Description’ (p.3):

” It is important to notice, that the dense body and the Etheric Double vary together as to their quality; hence one who sets himself deliberately to purify his dense body, at the same time automatically refines its etheric counterpart. Into the composition of the Etheric Double must enter something of all the different grades of etheric matter, but the proportions may vary greatly, and are determined by several factors, such as the race, sub-race, and type of man, as well as by his individual karma. “

Auteur: Powell, A.E.
ISBN: 9788170595632

Prijs: € 14,00

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Het Mysterie van de Mens (5 Delen Lotusbundel 2)

Door 5 bekende auteurs binnen de Theosofie.

573 Pagina’s | De Lotusreeks II is gepubliceerd in 2013 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750956.

De 5 boeken van de Lotusreeks II zijn nu samengebundeld te bestellen voor maar €12,50! Ieder boek is evenzo los verkrijgbaar in onze Webshop.

De Lotusreeks II bestaat uit 5 titels:

  1. Verborgen Krachten in de Natuur en in de Mens – Geoffrey Hodson.
  2. De Diepere Zin van het Leven – Śrī Ram.
  3. Speurtocht naar het Zelf – Eunice & Felix Layton.
  4. Theosofie en de Yoga-aphorismen van Patañjali – Geoffrey C.E. Williams.
  5. De Yoga-aphorismen van Patañjali – Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi.

1. Verborgen Krachten in de Natuur en in de Mens – Geoffrey Hodson.

Dit werk is het resultaat van 6 voordrachten, waarin Hodson het gehele overzicht van het universeel scheppingsproces heeft samengebracht. Lees over de ‘Logos’ ofwel Bijbelse ‘God’ als emanatie uit het Absolute, over de ontwikkeling van zonnestelsels uit hun goddelijke oorsprong en maak kennis met een diepere visie omtrent de plaats van de mens in de schepping.

2. De Diepere Zin van het Leven – Śrī Ram.

Śrī Ram geeft een serie toespraken over uiteenlopende kwesties: leven, dood en onsterfelijkheid, de werking van het denkvermogen, de mens als een bewustzijnsverschijnsel, slaap en dood als tweelingbroers, vernieuwing van binnenuit, ontwaken tot het besef van ‘waarheid’, het ware, het goede en het schone en de betekenis van het ‘Nu’.

3. Speurtocht naar het Zelf – Eunice & Felix Layton.

Vier toespraken zijn samengebracht in dit werk door de Laytons. De titels zijn: 1. Een goddelijk plan in een chaotische wereld, 2. Ken uw ware Zelf, 3. Reincarnatie en 4. Heerst er gerechtigheid in de wereld? De mensheid verkeert niet alleen precies in die omstandigheden, die zij zelf heeft geschapen. De mensheid verkeert tegelijk in optimale gelegenheid om die geestelijke vermogens te ontwikkelen, waaraan zij toe is. De werking van de grote ‘Wet’ van rechtvaardigheid is in zoverre een zege.

4. Theosofie en de Yoga-aphorismen van Patañjali – Geoffrey C.E. Williams.

Williams biedt aan de ene kant een inleiding tot de studie van de Theosofie. Aan de andere kant behandelt hij de yoga-aphorismen van de Indiaas wijsgeer Patañjali. De Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali vormen de basistekst van de klassieke yoga, een van de zes filosofische scholen uit het hindoeïsme.

5. De Yoga-aphorismen van Patañjali – Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi.

Dvivedi, hoogleraar Sanskriet, geeft een vertaling en commentaar op het ethisch-filosofisch systeem van de Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali. In de uitgebreide inleiding onderzoekt hij de plaats van yoga in de Indiase filosofie. Het werk bevat eveneens een register en index van Sanskriet termen.

Auteur: Dvivedi, M.N./Hodson G./Layton E./Layton F./Ram S.
ISBN: 9789061750956

Prijs: € 12,50

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HPB Teaches – An Anthology

By Michael Gomes.

579 Pages | First edition, first reprint 2006 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Society, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593972.

With a title like H.P.B. Teaches, the reader may wonder: ‘teaches what‘? HPB herself gives the answer: ‘metaphysics, psychology, philosophy, ancient religions, zoology, natural sciences’. One might add occult symbolism, spiritual evolution, guidance on moral and social issues, after death states, cycles and human destiny. Aside from the major books she is famous for – Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy and The Voice of Silence (1889) – it is estimated that in a brief span of seventeen years, from 1874 to 1891, Mme. Blavatsky wrote close to one thousand articles, essays, and letters to journals, which in many cases focus within the space of a few pages on the topics listed above.

For the first time in one volume a representative selection of articles by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), co-founder of the Theosophical Society, is available. The forty articles in this book cover every facet of HPB’s writings in English, including one of her semi-fictional stories.

From page 21:

” Many thousand years ago the wise King Solomon declared that ‘There is nothing new under the Sun’, and the words of this very wise man ought to be repeated till the farthest ends of time. There is not a science, nor a modern discovery in any secretion of it, but was known to the Cabalists thousands of years since. This will appear a bold and ridiculous assertion, I know: and one apparently unconfirmed by any authority. But I will answer that where truth stares one in the face, there can be no other authority than one’s senses. “

auteur: Gomes, M.
ISBN: 8170593972

Prijs: € 22,80

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Colonel Olcott and the Healing Arts – Blavatsky Lecture 2007

By Michael Gomes.

49 Pages | Blavatsky Lecture 2007 | Softcover |  The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

On August 29, 1882, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), President-Founder of the Theosophical Society, was in Galle, Ceylon, on a lecturing tour to raise funds for the opening of the schools for Buddhist children. One of the people who came forward to contribute was a man, whose arm and leg had been paralyzed for eight years. Olcott, who had read the literature on animal magnetism, or mesmerism as it was also termed, and magnetic healing in his youth, says he was moved to try some healing passes with his hands over the man’s arm, telling him that he hoped he might feel better.

Later that evening the gentleman returned to thank the Colonel, saying indeed his condition had improved. This encouraged Olcott to treat the arm again. There was a marked improvement when he returned the next morning, and, after two more days of treatment, he could move his arm and open and close his hand. Olcott also tried working on the man’s leg, which responded well enough to allow his to walk freely and even run. To show his thanks, the now-healed man brought a friend, who was also paralyzed. When he was cured, others came in increasing numbers, to the point, the Colonel recalled, ‘within a week or so my house was besieged by sick persons from dawn until late night, all clamoring for the laying on of my hands’.

Within the space of a year, he would treat some 8.000 people, until, at the verge of his own health breaking down, he was ordered by his teacher to stop. This little-known episode in the work undertaken by Olcott offers and instructive glimpse into the revival of alternative healing that was occuring at the time and which has now entered the mainstream.

auteur: Gomes, M.

Prijs: € 4,00

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This World and That – An Analytical Study of Psychic Communication

By Laurence J. Bendit and Phoebe D. Bendit.

192 Pages | First published in1950, Quest edition 1969 | Paperback | Quest Books, U.S.A. | No ISBN.

Is it possible to have genuine communication between the living and the dead and what are the obstacles, which stand in the way? Can we find some rational explanation for the phenomena of spiritualism and the seance room? These are some of the questions discussed in this book, written by a British psychiatrist, Dr. L.J. Bendit and his wife Phoebe D. Bendit-Payne, a natural clairvoyant. Her personal experience and his medical training uniquely qualified them to consider together these and other subjects, viewing them in the wider context of man’s nature and capacities. No pat answers are offered but rather the reader is encouraged to think for himself about the mystery of existence in this world and the next.

From the ‘Personal Forewords’ (p 21/22):

This book is an attempt to clear up some of that confusion. To some it may seem that it is not suffficiently scientific and takes too much for granted. To others it may appear too much so, and too destructive of comfortable beliefs. That cannot be helped. We have tried to keep an objective, scientific attitude to the subject, and to carry this attitude into realms where the scientific experimental method cannot be applied. But we have not hesitated to go beyond the point to which objectivity can take us, and have expressed something of our own beliefs. That we have done this does not weaken our position. Even scientists must be permitted to have beliefs based on inner knowledge and experience, and all that can legitimately be demanded of them in this realm is that they shall be tentative and suggestive, not dogmatic. “

auteur: Payne, P.D. & Bendit, J.

Prijs: € 4,00

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The Perfume of Egypt – And Other Weird Stories

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

271 Pages | First edition, 7th reprint 2004 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059457X.

The author of this book, Charles Webster Leadbeater was a clairvoyant whose range of experience of occult phenomena and unusual happenings waa extraordinary. The Perfume of Egypt is a collection of ‘weird stories’, mostly about ghosts, which is both fascinating and informative, because they represent either personal experiences of the author or what he had heard directly from authentic sources.

Mr. Leadbeater himself brings to attention in his Foreword (page viii):

” I have written other and more serious books, in which such things as these are scientifically explained; in this volume my only desire is to help my readers to pass pleasantly a few hours of leisure time. “

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 817059457X

Prijs: € 9,50

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Dynamics of the Psychic World – Comments by H.P. Blavatsky (Softcover)

Comments by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) compiled by Lina Psaltis.

132 Pages | 1972, Second reprint 2006 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 817059121X

Psychic phenomena, magic, hypnotism, spiritualism, planes of perception, dreams, and spiritual progress – these are some of the subjects discussed in this collection of excertps from the writings of one of the most famous occultists of history:

In this small book the compiler has drawn together from various sources some of the important and interesting statements made by H.P. Blavatsky more than a century ago on subjects, which are arousing wide interest today. Her comments not only reveal something of her profound knowledge and wisdom, but are also fascinating, informative and relevant. They contain valuable advice to those who would dabble in psychic realms without being aware of their dangers and pitfalls.

From page 104/105:

” The key in each degree is the ‘aspirant himself’. It is not the fear of God, which is the beginning of Wisdom, but the knowledge of SELF which is WISDOM ITSELF. How grand and true appears, thus, to the student of Occultism who has commenced to realize some of the foregoing truths, the answer given by the Delphic Oracle to all who came seeking after Occult Wisdom – words repeated and enforced again and again by the wise Socrates: MAN KNOW THYSELF . . . ” 

  • From: Collected Writings, Vol. IX, p. 162.
auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Psaltis, L. (comp.)
ISBN: 8170594863
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2: s:57:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"8170594863";}";

Prijs: € 7,00

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100 Years of Modern Occultism – A Review of the Parent Theosophical Society

By L.H. Leslie-Smith.

69 Pages | Independent Journal Edition | Softcover | Theosophical History Center, London | No ISBN.

From its Preface:

” Although this brief sketch, undertaken at the request of the General Council of the Theosophical Society, covers most of the important events in the first century of the Society, it is no wise a history, not even a condensed history. For that, several years of research would have been required, instead of a few weeks. The booklet is a personal appraisement of the period. “

Founded in 1985, the Theosohical History Centre seeks to promote interest in the history of the Theosophical Society and related fields.

auteur: Leslie-Smith, L.H.

Prijs: € 4,00

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The Pathway to Perfection. A treatise on the Path of swift Unfoldment.

By Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

35 Pages | First Edition 1954, 4th Reprint 2005 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590213.

In this book, which is a successor to his earlier work, Meditations on the Occult Life, Geoffrey Hodson communicates the essence of the teachings of Theosophy on the path of swift unfoldment. It gives us some understanding of the whole process of man’s evolution to a state of perfection. The reader glimpses the opportunities, difficulties, pitfalls and ups and downs of the entire journey from Man to Superman.

Mr Hodson wrote about forty theosophical books based on his occult investigations, and was awarded the Subba Row Medal in 1954 for his contributions to theosophical literature.


Author: Hodson, Geoffrey
ISBN: 8170590213
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Man’s Supersensory and Spiritual Powers

By Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

193 Pages | First Edition, 7th Reprint 2005 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593220.

Man undoubtedly possesses, in however rudimentary a form, certain supersensory powers. Their unfoldment can be hastened through Raja Yoga as the chief means. Included in this volume are talks by the author broadcast over the air in Australia. They are a guide to managing human life and developing the character needed for such unfoldment. However it is not the development of psychic powers that is man’s supreme goal, but ‘Self-realization’. Psychic powers are only by-products in the spiritual process of seeking ‘Realization’ and are not ends in themselves . . .



Author: Hodson, Geoffrey
ISBN: 8170593220

Prijs: € 8,00

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Thought Power – Its Control and Culture

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

122 Pages | 6th edition, 1988. NB: second edition 2016 | Softcover | Quest Books U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835603121.

‘ A brief occult survey of the vast power contained in man’s mental principle. ‘

This brief, easy-to-read study concentrates on the hidden power latent in the human mind, which can do amazing things if properly activated and controlled. An in-depth understanding of this aspect of our nature should bring about a more compassionate metamorphosis of our attitude towards fellow beings, life itself and planet Earth. Western civilization recognizes the immense value of coming to know man as a ‘holisitic entity’, and of coming to terms with man’s mind. The sages of the ancient East and their noteworthy disciple, Annie Besant, have been proven to be most intuitive concerning this unique principle in man.

Subjects discussed are:

  1. Training the mind
  2. Improving concentration
  3. Strengthening thought power
  4. Meditation
  5. Improving memory
  6. Thought transference
  7. Building the mental body
  8. Combining thoughts with others
  9. Achieving peace of mind.

From Chapter VIII – ‘Obstacles to Concentration; Wandering Minds’ (p. 93):

” The concentrated intelligence, the power of withdrawing outside the turmoil, mean immensely increased energy in work, mean steadiness, self-control, serenity; the man of meditation is the man, who wastes no time, scatters no energy, misses no opportunity. Such a man governs the events, because within him is the power whereof events are only the outer expression; he shares the divine life, and therefore shares divine power. ” 

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 0835603121
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Annie Besant (1847-1933) led the fight for the rights of women and laborers in her native England; later she worked with Mahatma Gandhi and spearheaded India’s struggle for freedom. Theosophist Joy Mills describes her as “a feminist before the movement for women’s rights was fully launched; she stood for freedom when half the world was held in the bonds of colonialism.” A student of India’s spiritual traditions, Annie Besant was famed as an orator, author, and international President of the Theosophical Society.


Prijs: € 9,00

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The Secret Doctrine – Abridged and Annotated by Michael Gomes

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), abridged and annotated by Michael Gomes.

257 Pages | Published in 2009 | Softcover | Tarcher/ Penguin Books | ISBN: 9781585427086.

The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s masterwork on the origin and evolution of the universe and humanity itself, is arguably the most famous, and perhaps the most influential, occult book ever written. Published since 1888 only in expensive, two-volume editions of some 1400 pages, it has long eluded the grasp of modern readers- until now.

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Gomes, M. (ed.)
ISBN: 9781585427086
Additional DescriptionMore Details

This single-volume edition, abridged and annotated by historian and Theosophical scholar Michael Gomes, places the ideas of The Secret Doctrine within reach of all who are curious. In particular, Gomes provides a critical sounding of the book’s famous stanzas on the genesis of life and the cosmos – mysterious passages that Blavatsky said originated from a primeval source and which form the heart of The Secret Doctrine. Gomes scrupulously scales down the book’s key writings on symbolism to their essentials, and offers notes and a glossary to illuminate arcane references. His historical and literary introduction casts new light on some of the book’s sources and on the career of its brilliant and elusive author, one of the most intriguing personages of the nineteenth century. At once compact and representative of the work as a whole, this new edition of The Secret Doctrine brings unprecedented accessibility to the key esoteric classic of the modern era.


Prijs: € 21,95

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The Occult Training of the Hindus

By Ernest Egerton Wood  (1883 – 1965).

120 Pages | First edition 1931, 2nd edition 1952, 3rd edition 1990 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059149X.

As soon as one speaks in the Western world about Occultism in India, the imagination flies to travellers’ stories of marvels that they have seen in this country, of occurences demanding for their explanation faculties of sense, powers of consciousness and facts of nature beyond the common experience of humankind. Regarding these, I could personally relate a number of uncommon experiences, sprinkled among the events of a great many years spent in this land.

From page 120:

” Occultism may be defined as the use of the hidden powers in man to discover the hidden life in the world. It has thus rightfully been said, that it is ātmavidyā, the science of the Self, and that its object is to discover the Divine Mind in Nature and in oneself. Through the faculties and powers of the personality a man comes in contact with phenomena, and learns through them, as a child with toys. But with the powers of the higher Self – its will and love and thought, working in outward things, but unshaken by them, and not confused by personality – a man may penetrate through the veil of appearances, and the hidden reality in him will deal with the hidden reality behind phenomena. This man works through intuition – no longer a child, he deals with realities, not with toys. Such is the occultist, and to such goal is directed the occult training of the Hindus. “

auteur: Wood, E.
ISBN: 817059149X

Prijs: € 7,50

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The Seven Rays – Seven Types of Men

By Ernest Wood (1883 – 1965).

190 Pages | Copyright 1925, fourth Quest book printing 1989 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835604810.

Humanity, occultism teaches us, is divided into seven distinct groups called ‘rays’. Generally speaking, your strongest motivations indicate to which of the ‘ray’ groupings you belong. You are influenced by all seven rays, occultism suggests, but one of the seven predominates. Would you like to know which of the seven rays is yours? ‘With such knowledge‘, writes the author, ‘we are in a position to choose what games we will play in this life or ours.’ For instance if your ray is number one, you are inclined to be independent in spirit and strong intuition. Is this your ray?

From the Preface (p. viii):

” If there are seven rays or types, and each one of us belongs, as it were, especially to one of these, and conducts his pathway in life accordingly, will there not be a tendency to narrowness or over-specialization?

This is a question often asked. The answer is:

Not if we understand the situation. All the seven rays are always present in everybody, but one of them in each person is the captain of the team or the president of the board, and the other six rally round, and use their own specific talents to help carry out his purpose. “





auteur: Wood, E.
ISBN: 0835604810

Prijs: € 8,50

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Paranormaal zijn we Allemaal – Ontdek je Zesde Zintuig

Door Christian Vandekerkhove.

231 Bladzijden | Uitgegeven in 2008 | Softcover | The House of Books | ISBN: 9789044322613.

Al ooit intens gedroomd over een persoon, die je al lang niet meer gezien had en de volgende morgen vernomen, dat die persoon diezelfde nacht overleden is? Of op een plaats geweest waar je telkens koude rillingen kreeg, desondanks een temperatuur van 25 graden Celsius? Of het gevoel gehad dat er iemand naast jou stond, terwijl de kamer leeg was?

Paranormaal zijn we Allemaal geeft een inzicht in de fenomenen, die we op het eerst zicht niet kunnen verklaren en die we als paranormale verschijnselen beschouwen. De aandacht gaat daarbij uit naar o.a. paranormale geneeswijzen en bewustzijnstoestanden, contacten met overledenen en de technieken voor toekomstvoorspellingen. Ook de soms dunne scheidingslijnen tussen bewuste en onbewuste fraude en het paranormale en de psychiater worden onderzocht. Paranormaal zijn we Allemaal is een lees- en doeboek waarbij de menselijke ervaringen en getuigenissen centraal staan. Deze verhalen zijn zowel verrrassend als verhelderend.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk “Systematiek van de Paranormale Verschijnselen’ (p. 69 & 70):

Edgar Cayce

” De slapende profeet, zoals de Amerikaan Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) weleens wordt genoemd, wordt door velen beschouwd als de grootste helderziende uit de moderne geschiedenis. Edgar, die uit een paranormaal begaafd gezin kwam, werd vanaf zijn jeugd geleid door een vreemde kracht aan gene zijde, die hem willens nillens de paranormale geneeskunde instuwde. Zijn werk is te omvangrijk om het hier even samen te vatten, maar we kunnen alvast zeggen dat hij voor 14.000 mensen individuele helderziende lezingen heeft gegeven, meestal over hun lichamelijke kwalen en de wegen om te genezen, maar ook over hun spirituele groei. […] Het enige wat Cayce nodig had was de naam van de patient. Dat was voor hem genoeg om, in een trance-achtige toestand, alle gegevens op te vangen, die de patient nodig had. “

auteur: Vandekerkhove, C.
ISBN: 9789044322613

Prijs: € 16,90

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This Dynamic Universe

Edited by Corona Trew and E. Lester Smith.

167 Pages | Copyright 1983 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 083560232X.

Offered in this book is a valuable link between the occult concepts that appear in the Magnum Opus of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) The Secret Doctrine (1888) and the latest theories of science. This Dynamic Universe is quite unique as a resource for the serious student of creation and evolution, clarifying as it does, some of the more difficult principles dealing with man and the cosmos.

From Chapter 5 – ‘References to Fohat in The Secret Doctrine‘ (p. 30):

” The Manifested Universe (therefore) is pervaded by duality; which is, as it were, the very essence of its Ex-istence as ‘Manifestation’. But just as the opposite poles of Subject and Object, Spirit and Matter, are but aspects of the One Unity, in which they are synthesized, so, in the Manifested Universe, there is ’that’, which links Spirit to Matter, Subject to Object. 

This something at present unknown to Western speculation, is called by the Occultists Fohat. It is the ‘bridge’ by which the Ideas existing in the Divine Thought are impressed on Cosmic Substance as the ‘Laws of Nature’. Fohat is thus the dynamic energy of Cosmic ideation; or regarded from the other side, it is the intelligent medium, the guiding power of all manifestation, the ‘Thought Divine’ transmitted and made manifest through the Dhyan Chohans, the Architects of the visible World. “



auteur: Trew, C./Lester Smith, E.
ISBN: 083560232X
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor

Prijs: € 6,50

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Een Weg tot Zelfontdekking

By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

317 Pages | Uitgave in 1989 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750604.

English original: Self-Culture in the Light of Occultism, this later became: Self-Culture in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom | First edition 1945, 2nd revised edition 1967, 3rd printing 1970, 4th printing 1976 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592792.

Een boek voor diegenen, die de oude occulte leer over de aard van de mens willen begrijpen en die het pad van zelfontplooiing willen ontdekken en bewandelen. Taimni gaat van theorie naar praktische toepassing – van de functies, de beheersing, de zuivering en het gevoelig maken van de fysieke en emotionele lichamen naar het ‘lagere’ denken. Vandaar neemt hij ons stap voor stap mee door de ontwikkeling van het ‘hogere’ denken, het ‘wijsheidsslichaam’ en tenslotte licht hij de rol van de ātma (geest) in ons leven nader toe. In het laatste deel onderzoekt hij de ‘onwerkelijke’ wereld, waarin we leven en gaat hij over tot een zeer indrukwekkend commentaar op de techniek van yoga.

Uit de inhoud (backflap):

” De voornaamste reden waarom zo’n groot aantal mensen, die de werkelijkheden van het spirituele leven willen ervaren blijven steken, zonder enige zichtbare vordering tot hun doel maken, is dat ze geen stappen hebben ondernomen om de noodzakelijke grondslag voor dat leven te leggen en ze zich ermee tevreden stellen alleen maar over deze dingen te lezen en te denken. Maar daar brengen we het niet zo erg ver mee. We moeten onszelf echt aanpakken en de nodige voorwaarden voor werkelijke vooruitgang scheppen, omdat we moeten werken in een wereld, die door wetten wordt geregeerd. “



auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9789061750604
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9789061750604";}

Prijs: € 15,75

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Hidden Wisdom – A Guide to Western Inner Traditions

By Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney.

400 Pages | First edition 1999, revised edition 2006, incl. suggested reading lists per chapter | Softcover | Quest Books U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608442.

For decades, our modern society has looked to the East for spiritual guidance and renewal. Here is a guide much closer to home. Its subjects range comprehensibly from Jungian psychology to the Kabbalah and Gnosticism, and from Freemasonry and the Templars to Alchemy, Shamanism, the work of Gurdjieff, Neopaganism, Sufism and esoteric Christianity.

Authors Smoley and Kinney speak with sensible, even-handed objectivity, covering the strengths and weaknesses as well as the history and ideas of each tradition. They also end each chapter with a wealth of resources for further exploration. Whether you are just beginning to seek a spiritual practice or want to know more about a particular teaching; Hidden Wisdom is an invaluable resource for finding the Path, that is right for you.

From Chapter 5 – ‘Magicians: Sculptors of the Astral Light’ (p. 105):

” Magic is the traditional science of the secrets of Nature, which has been transmitted to us from the Magi. By means of this science the Adept is invested with a species of relative omnipotence and can operate superhumanly – that is, after a manner which transcends the normal possibility of man. “

Richard Smoley is the former editor of <em>Gnosis</em> magazine and today is editor of Quest Books.



auteur: Smoley, R./Kinney, J.
ISBN: 9780835608442
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
Additional DescriptionMore Details

“Covering the gamut from Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and Sufism to shamanism, Neopaganism, Theosophy, and mystical Christianity, Hidden Wisdom is the handbook to the Western wisdom traditions. Also included are the teachings of C.G. Jung, G.I. Gurdjieff, Alice Bailey, and Rudolf Steiner. Authors Smoley and Kinney examine the key figures and movements of these traditions throughout history to offer a balanced and coherent view of esoteric Western practices. Accessible to all readers—whether they’re considering membership or long-term practice of any one tradition or teaching or they’re simply curious about their options—this book lends advice on how to find groups and like-minded individuals and how to best avoid possible pitfalls. This book is a reliable and truly helpful guide. It is clear, intelligent, grounded, and appropriately critical. If you want to add a vital dimension to your life, start with this book and discover a fascinating world that lies hidden all around you”. —Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and Dark Nights of the Soul


Prijs: € 21,95

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The Occult World

181 pages | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, 1984

In September and October 1880, H.P. Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Olcott visited A. P. Sinnett and his wife Patience at Simla in northern India. The serious interest of Sinnett in the teachings and the work of the Theosophical Society prompted H. P. Blavatsky to establish a contact by correspondence between Sinnett and the two Adepts who were sponsoring the Society, Mahatmas Koot Hoomi and Morya.

From this correspondence Sinnett wrote The Occult World (1881) and Esoteric Buddhism (1883), both of which had an enormous influence in generating public interest in Theosophy. In The Occult World, Sinnett gave lengthy excerpts from his early correspondence with Mahatma KH. Sinnett also related in detail many of the occult phenomena Mme. Blavatsky performed when she was in Simla.

auteur: Sinnett, A.P.
ISBN: 0722900805

Prijs: € 7,50

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Dynamics of the Psychic World – Comments by H.P. Blavatsky (First Reprint 1989)

Comments by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), compiled by Lina Psaltis.

132 Pages | 1972, 1st reprint 1989 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 817059121X

Psychic phenomena, magic, hypnotism, spiritualism, planes of perception, dreams, and spiritual progress – these are some of the subjects discussed in this collection of excerpts from the writings of one of the most famous occultists of history: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

In this small book the compiler has drawn together from various sources some of the important and interesting statements made by H.P. Blavatsky more than a century ago on subjects, which are arousing wide interest today. Her comments not only reveal something of her profound knowledge and wisdom, but are also fascinating, informative and relevant. They contain valuable advice to those who would dabble in psychic realms without being aware of their dangers and pitfalls.

From page 104/105:

” The key in each degree is the ‘aspirant himself’. It is not the fear of God, which is the beginning of Wisdom, but the knowledge of SELF which is WISDOM ITSELF. How grand and true appears, thus, to the student of Occultism who has commenced to realize some of the foregoing truths, the answer given by the Delphic Oracle to all who came seeking after Occult Wisdom – words repeated and enforced again and again by the wise Socrates: MAN KNOW THYSELF . . . ” 

  • From: Collected Writings, Vol. IX, p. 162.
auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Psaltis, L. (comp.)
ISBN: 817059121X
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
1: s:114:"s:105:"s:97:"s:89:"s:81:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}";";";";";
2: s:89:"s:81:"s:73:"s:65:"s:57:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"817059121X";}";";";";";
3: s:97:"s:89:"s:81:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}";";";
4: s:73:"s:65:"s:57:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"817059121X";}";";";
5: s:81:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}";
6: s:57:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"817059121X";}";

Prijs: € 6,00

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The Astral Body – And Other Astral Phenomena

By Arthur Edward Powell (1882 – 1969).

288 Pages | First published in 1926, 1927, 1954, second edition 2014 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595809.

This classic tekst has long been used as a principal resource by students and scholars of astral phenomena. A natural companion to Powell’s The Etheric Double – The Health Aura, its subject is the structure, nature, and powers of the astral body, the vehicle of feelings and emotions seen by clairvoyants as an aura of flashing colours. Based on first-hand testimony by noted clairvoyants, including Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934) and Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), Powell’s perceptive commentary is of enduring interest to all lovers of esoteric lore. Others in the Powell series are: The Mental Body, The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena, The Causal Body and the Ego and The Solar System.

From Chapter I  – ‘General Description’:

” Briefly, the astral body of (wo)man is a vehicle, to clairvoyant sight not unlike the physical body, surrounded by an aura of flashing colours, composed of matter of an order of fineness higher than that of physical matter, in which feelings, passions, desires and emotions are expressed and which acts as a bridge or medium of transmission between the physical brain and the mind, the latter operating in the still higher vehicle – the mind-body. “


auteur: Powell, A.E.
ISBN: 9788170595809

Prijs: € 19,50

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Man – A Universe in Miniature

By Joy Piper.

113 Pages | First printed in 2003, reprint 2012 | Soft cover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

In this work, the author attempts to explain the nature of man’s existence and his place in the overall scheme of things. It is concerned with challenges concerning ‘human-ness’ and all that it implies: joys, sorrows and a sense of bewilderment and frustration when one faces, as one ultimately must, the depths of one’s own ignorance as how to live a life on Earth in the truest and most spiritual sense.

It is the author’s hope, that this work may provide a basic structure for the reader’s own research and study. Feel encouraged to embark upon your own quest for knowledge of this wonderful Universe, in which we live. Discover the Great Cosmic Laws governing the way in which all solar systems with their planets in orbit follow their pre-destined pattern of movement in space: the way in which a man’s seven bodies ‘orbit’ his own ‘Spiritual Sun’ or ‘Spark of the Divine’. Because these same Great Laws apply to the macrocosm (the large) and to the microcosm (the small). As it is above, so it is below, as it is within, so it is without: by learning about humankind – ourselves – we can begin to find the answers to questions about the Universe.

From page 107:

” Although the Masters may not actively intervene in human affairs, they can and do constantly observe the progress of events on our planet Earth. They are aware of those individuals, who have willingly committed themselves to the rigours of self-training necessary to equip them with the knowledge and stamina, which are essential for carrying out the Masters’ work. This work involves spreading the Ageless Wisdom Teachings – Theosophy – as widely as possible, so that others also may become helpers in the work of the Masters. In this way, the Masters’ influence for Good will greatly undermine the dark forces, so that in time a greater harmony will prevail in life on our world. ” 

auteur: Piper, J.

Prijs: € 10,00

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ESP of Quarks and Superstrings

248 Pages | First edition 1999, reprint 2005 | Hardcover | New Age International Limited Publishers, New Delhi | ISBN: 8122412092.

In his forthcoming book The Image of God in Matter, Phillips provides further confirmation of the validity of the yogic psychic ability exercised by Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934) to magnify subatomic particles. The source of this independent support is the Jewish mystical tradition called Kabbalah, which is based upon the cosmic blueprint of the so-called ‘Tree of Life’.

Phillips proves that this geometrical object embodies the mathematics of superstring theory and encodes the structure of the superstring constituents of quarks as clairvoyantly described by the two Theosophists. He shows that Jewish mysticism, as well as Pythagorean mathematics, share a common ground with recent scientific discoveries about the nature of matter and space-time, whose relation to higher  realities is proved to confirm certain Theosophical teachings. Clairvoyant, mystical and scientific insights are shown to be in harmony with one another, because each expresses in its own way the profound truth, that matter ultimately embodies the nature of God symbolised by the ‘Tree of Life’.

From the Conclusion (p. 243):

” With the information revealed in ‘Occult Chemistry’ a great expansion of our knowledge of Chemistry lies in front of us. It is just because this expansion is inevitable, that our clairvoyant investigators have toiled patiently for thirty years. They have claimed no recognition from chemists or physicists, because clearly will sooner or later be woven into the whole fabric of truth. The fact that this generation of scientists hardly knows anything at all of an extraordinary work of research extending for thirty years matters little, when we contemplate the long vistas of scientific investigations which the imagination sees awaiting mankind. “





auteur: Phillips, S.M.
ISBN: 8122412092

Prijs: € 45,00

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Anima, Evidence of a Yogic Siddhi – Remote Viewing of Subatomic Particles

By Stephen M. Phillips.

66 Pages | First edition 1996, first reprint 2003 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592976.

This paper presents evidence of how facts of nuclear particle physics have confirmed purported, psychic descriptions of subatomic particles. It is because Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934) finished their observations many years before pertinent scientific knowledge became available that their work cannot be dismissed as fraudulent. Nor can their observations be interpreted as precognitive visions of future ideas and discoveries of physics. Besant and Leadbeater claimed that they used one of the eight yogic siddhis (aṇimā) to study the structure of the atoms in every element.

From Chapter – ‘Micro-psi Investigations’ (p. 1):

” The Vedas and books on yoga mention siddhis, or psychic powers, which a yogi may acquire as a result of meditation, drugs, incantations or austerities. The Yoga-Sūtra’s, the earliest exposition of yoga written by Patañjali about 400 BC., describes eight siddhis. In Aphorism 3.26 of the Sūtra’s he states that a yogi can acquire ‘knowledge of the small, the hidden or the distant by directing the light of the superphysical faculty’:

pravr̥tty-āloka-nyāsāt sūksma-vyavahita-viprakr̥ṣṭa-jñānam |

In parapsychological terms the ability to acquire ‘knowledge of the hidden or the distant’ is ‘remote viewing’ of the world at large. The ability to obtain ‘knowledge of the small’ can, likewise, be interpreted as remote viewing of the microscopic world. It has the Sanskrit name of animā and is defined by writers on yoga as ‘minuteness, the power to become as small as atom, at will’. It has been given the self-explanatory name of ”micro-psi’. “



auteur: Phillips, S.M.
ISBN: 8170592976

Prijs: € 6,50

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A Geometry of Space-Consciousness

By James S. Perkins (1899 – 1991).

147 Pages | First edition 1964, 2nd revised edition 1973, 3rd revised edition 1978, 1st reprint 1986 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590205.

In this little volume, a new approach to the understanding of that ultimate mystery, Space, has been indicated. Physical space is viewed as the outer, visible appearance of an invisible ‘inner space’. The explanation given herein of major concepts are treated visually as well as verbally to render precisely the geometrical patterns of movement. There are two geometries:

  1. The geometry of form in physical space.
  2. The geometry of motion in man’s consciousness.

The object of this manual is to describe for practical use the movements of consciousness and their inter-orbital transpositions as a means of creative self-discovery.

From the Introduction (p. v):

” HERMES Trismegistus proclaimed that the greatest ill among men is ignorance of God. Since the greater sages and teachers of mankind have ever taught that the above is reflected in the below, the statement attributed to Hermes is tantamount to saying that the greatest ill among men is the ‘igorance of men’ – ignorance of man’s God-self. “

auteur: Perkins, J.S.
ISBN: 8170590205

Prijs: € 3,74

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Head and Heart – A Personal Exploration of Science and the Sacred

By Victor Mansfield (1941 – 2008).

285 Pages | First Quest Edition 2002 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. suppported by the Kern Foundation | ISBN: 0835608174.

This scientist’s search for spirit can change how we think and feel about what matters most.

It is possible to hope that modern science and ancient spiritual traditions can be integrated in some higher synthesis. Ravi Ravindra, a physicist and professor of Comparative Religion, says that such task is the most important of all, that can be undertaken by contemporary individuals, for on such a synthesis depends not only the global survival of man, but also the creation of the right environment, right both physically and metaphysically, for future generations.

Victor Mansfield agrees with Ravindra, that understanding the relationship between science and ancient spiritual traditions is of the utmost importance. However, he will argue that, given the nature of science and the sacred, a synthesis, in the sense of combining separate elements into one coherent whole, is impossible.

From Chapter 13 – ‘Pilgrim and Prodigal’ (p. 261):

” From the perspective of the indivisible, unchanging, or infinite aspect of Soul, all pairs of opposites are aspects of Soul’s unity. From this lofty position, there is no question of conflict between the head and the heart, masculine and feminine, the outer and inner worlds, or science and the sacred. All knowledge and experience are merely different aspects of the indivisible or unified Soul. From this view, the divine is as much in my innermost thoughts as in the farthest galaxies, and idea echoed by mystics around the world, an idea that makes the entire world truly sacred. Equally then, the pain of another is my pain; another’s joy is my joy. In this interplay of the infinite Soul and the finite Soul we can find the meaning of the great commandment, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself. ‘ Limited and finite though I AM, in the Majestic unity of Soul I have the responsibility of relieving the pain of those around me. “


auteur: Mansfield, V.
ISBN: 0835608174

Prijs: € 21,00

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The Paradoxes of the Highest Science

By Eliphas Levi, with footnotes by a Master of the Wisdom.

172 Pages | Softcover | Kessinger Publication Company Ltd. Montana | ISBN: 1564590208.

‘ In which the most advanced Truths of Occultism are for the first time revealed (in order to reconcile the future developments of Science and Philosophy with the Eternal Religion)’.


  1. Preface
  2. Foreword
    1. Religion is magic, sanctioned by authority.
    2. Liberty is obedience to the Law.
    3. Love is the realization of the impossible.
    4. Knowledge is the ignorance or negation of Evil.
    5. Reason is God.
    6. The imagination realises what it invents.
    7. The Will accomplishes everything which it does not desire.
  4.  Synthetic Recapitulation. – MagicMagism.
  5.  The Unalterable Principles.
  6.  The Great Secret.

From PARADOX VII – The Will Accomplishes Everything, Which It Does Not Desire:

” PRINCE SAKYAMUNI, who has been called Buddha, said that all the torments of the Human Soul had their origin in either fear or desire; and he concluded by two sentences, which we may thus render:

Desire then nothing, not even Justice; wait until soon or late Heaven accomplish it. Nirvana is not annihilation: it is. in the Order of Nature, the great appeasement. “

God fears nothing; he knows that evil cannot triumph, and he desires nothing; he knows that evil cannot triumph, and he desires nothing; he knows that the good will accomplish itself, but he wills that truth should be, because it is true, and that justice should be done, because it is just. “

auteur: Levi, E.
ISBN: 1564590208

Prijs: € 14,52

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A New Science of the Paranormal – The Promise of Psychical Research

By Lawrence LeShan Ph.D.

133 Pages | First Quest Edition 2009 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608770.

ESP, hauntings, death-bed apparitions – science refuses to acknowledge the existence of such phenomena, because controlled experiments can’t prove them. But, says Lawrence LeShan, the paranormal is as real as the power of electricity, another force that we once did not understand. Citing documented cases, he offers the only current view for making a serious study of important subjects like clairvoyance, mediumship, and psychic healing. And the issue is not just academic, he says. If we are able to stop killing each other and the planet, we desperately need to replace our materialistic worldview. Psi research promises a new concept of reality that holds great hope for the future.

From Chapter 7 – ‘What Dare I hope’? (p. 99):

” All the human search for understanding and meaning, wrote the philosopher Immanuel Kant, is contained in four questions: 

What can I know?

What ought I to do?

What dare I hope?

What is a human being?

As the study of psi becomes a mature science and its existence becomes a part of our cultural world-picture, becomes ‘common sense’, what can we legitimately expect to happen? What I dare hope for is a time when psi becomes as widely accepted as was the unconscious after Freud or global warming after enough scientific research had been done on the subject. “


auteur: LeShan, L.
ISBN: 9780835608770

Prijs: € 14,25

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Shambhala – The Fascinating Truth behind the Myth of Shangri-La

By Victoria LePage.

309 Pages | First Quest Edition 1996 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 083560750X.

‘Discover the Secrets of Shangri-la’.

Somewhere, beyond Tibet, lies a Paradise of Universal Wisdom and ineffable peace known as Shambhala. Called by some Shangri-la, this mythical kingdom of jewel lakes, wish-fulfilling trees, and speaking stones has fired the imagination of both actual explorers and travelers to the inner realms. This fascinating look behind the myth shows Shambhala to be a ‘real’ place, always accessible to the pure of heart.

From Chapter 14: ‘A Sign of the New Millenium’ (p. 268):

” As for its destiny, the Kalachakric texts say, that one day the reign of the King of Shambhala will extend over the whole earth, which will become like a garden; a new Wisdom age will dawn and humanity will make rapid spiritual progress. The enemies of Shambhala will be defeated and those barbarians, who invade its sacred territory will be destroyed; yet that destruction will be their salvation. For Shambhala’s high vibrations will purify them, and their Souls will become as pellucid as crystal, so that after death on the battlefield they will be reborn into a Pure Land or else liberated beyond any earthly paradise into Nirvana. “

auteur: LePage, V.
ISBN: 083560750X

Prijs: € 17,95

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Ganesha – Kleine Woordentolk der Geesteswetenschappen

Samengesteld door: Ir. A.J.H. van Leeuwen, A.P. Meyer-Gerhard en N.E. van der Schoot-Groot.

246 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1969, tweede druk 1977, derde en herziene druk 2012 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750079.

De occulte literatuur is in de laatste decennia steeds meer in de belangstelling komen te staan. Vele nieuwe gebieden van occultisme, esoteriek, mysticisme, yoga, paranormale wetenschappen en aanverwante aspecten ervan worden in studie genomen. Meer dan vroeger houdt men zich thans bezig met het bestuderen van de verschillende Aziatische godsdiensten, waarbij soms talrijke woorden en begrippen voor de lezer onbekend blijven, zonder de mogelijkheid om de betekenis ervan in een woordenboek op te kunnen zoeken.

auteur: Leeuwen, A.J.H. van/Meyer-Gerhard, A.P./Schoot-Groot, N.E. van der
ISBN: 9789061750079
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Dit kleine woordenboek, dat wij Ganesha noemden naar de hoogste van de Ganadevata’s, de olifantkoppige god, heer van kennis, uit-de-weg-ruimer van hinderpalen, heeft de bedoeling aan deze behoefte van de lezer tegemoet te komen. Het mag uiteraard geen aanspraak maken op volledigheid, maar door het benutten van zoveel mogelijk gegevens uit allerhande woordenboeken, woordenlijsten en andere publicaties, koesteren de samenstellers de hoop dat deze woordentolk enigszins van dienst zal zijn aan de gebruiker ervan.


Prijs: € 17,50

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Vegetarianism and Occultism

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

72 Pages | Reprint 2001 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593689.

Leadbeater explains in definite and simple terms, on grounds of health, economy, ecology, ethics and spirituality, why the vegetarian diet is best for humans. He quotes numeral medical and other authorities of his time to show how unnecessary it is to slaughter millions of animals and birds for food and what  effects the killing and consumption of the flesh has on the physical, emotional and mental nature of the persons involved. The arguments put forth in this book in favour of vegetarianism are finding more and more support in the present day.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 8170593689

Prijs: € 2,50

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The Inner Life

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

383 Pages | Published in 1978 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835605021.

A clairvoyant, Leadbeater wrote, is simply a person who develops ‘the power to respond to another octave out of the stupendous gamut of possible vibrations’ and so is enabled ‘to see more of the world than those of more limited perception’. And what a world Leadbeater describes for us in these pages – a world of Master Adepts and their pupils, untapped human powers and potentials, ancient Mysteries, Deva-s and Nature Spirits. In short, the unseen workings of the universe . . .

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9780835605021
Additional DescriptionMore Details

C. W. Leadbeater was a highly developed clairvoyant and the author of over thirty books on the spiritual life and on the psychic nature of man. He unfolded and perfected his own psychic faculties under the guidance of his Adept teacher and in 1893 began his clairvoyant investigations, on occasion collaborating with Annie Besant, the second President of the Theosophical Society. His worldwide lectures presented a new viewpoint to thousands of people.


Prijs: € 21,50

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The Hidden Side of Things

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

560 Pages | Third edition, 2nd reprint 2012 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170593386.

‘ A classic work of clairvoyant investigation. ‘

Why is there so much Chaos in this world? This book may help the reader to understand the influence thoughts and actions have on the way we relate to our inner selves, to human and non-human beings and to the universe.

From Chapter One:

“The term ‘occultism’ is one which has been much misunderstood. In the mind of the ignorant it was, even recently, synonymous with magic, and its students were supposed to be practitioners of the black art, veiled in flowing robes of scarlet covered with cabalistic signs, sitting amidst uncanny surroundings with a black cat as a familiar, compounding unholy decoctions by the aid of satanic evocations. 

Even now, and among those whose education has raised above such superstition as this, there still remains a good deal of misapprehension. For them, its derivation from the Latin word ‘occultus’ ought to explain at once, that it is the science of the hidden; but they often regard it contemptuously as nonsensical and unpractical […] Students, who should know better, perpetually speak as though the hidden side of things were intentionally concealed, as though knowledge with regard to it ought to be in the hands of all men, but was being deliberately withheld by the caprice or selfishness of a few: whereas the fact is, that nothing is or can be hidden from us by our own limitations, and that for every man as he evolves, the world grows wider and wider, because he is able to see more and more of its grandeur and its loveliness.”

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9788170593386

Prijs: € 17,50

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The Hidden Life in Freemasonry

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

376 Pages | Eight reprint 2001 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591066.

From the Foreword by Annie Besant (1847 – 1933):

“It is once more my privilege to usher into the world, for the helping of the thoughtful, another volume of the series on the hidden side of things written by Bishop True Mason that he is, he is ever trying to spread the Light, which he has received, so that it may chase away the darkness of Chaos. To look for the Light, to see the Light, to follow the Light, were duties to all Egyptian Masons, though the darkness in that Ancient Land never approached the density which shrouds the West today.

This book will be welcomed by all Freemasons, who feel the beauty of their ancient Rite, and desire to add knowledge to their zeal. The inner History of Masonry is left aside for the present, and the apprentice is led by a trustworthy guide through the labyrinth which protects the central Shrine from careless and idle inquirers. Places, that were obscure become illuminated; dark allusions are changed to crystal clarity; walls which seemed solid melt away; confidence replaces doubt; glimpses of the goal are caught through rifts in the clouds; and the earth-born mists vanish before the rays of the rising sun… “

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 8170591066

Prijs: € 16,50

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The Astral Plane

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

185 Pages | Published in 2014, second edition | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059362X.

Charles W. Leadbeater, influential member of the Theosophical Society and a trained clairvoyant, reveals here in considerable detail the features of the astral plane, the types of entities that inhibit it and other fascinating and useful information. The little work records an attempt to describe the invisible world approached from the standpoint of science in the same manner a botanist would map out a new territory on this globe.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 817059362X

Prijs: € 8,75

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The Science of the Sacraments

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

630 Pages | First edition 1920, 11th reprint 1999 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591813.

The Science of Sacraments can be defined as ‘a new idea of Church worship’, for it presents a clairvoyant description of the inner or invisible side of the traditional Catholic rites. The central theme of the book is that a sacrament is ‘an outer and visible sign of an inner, spiritual grace‘. The author examines the far-reaching effect of ceremonies like the Holy Eucharist, which benefit not only those attending, but also the community at large with its strong radiance of peace.

The Rt. Revd Charles Webster Leadbeater was acclaimed as one of the great clairvoyants in this century. He wrote many books including The Chakras, Man Visible and Invisible, The Hidden Side of Things and Thought Forms (with Annie Besant). He was for a number of years Presiding Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church, which seeks to combine the preservation of the Catholic sacraments with the widest measure of freedom of thought and interpretation of the scriptures.

From the Appendix:

” Do not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor in traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor in rumours, as such; nor in writings by sages, merely because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor in rumours, as such; nor in writings by sages, merely because sages wrote them; nor in fancies that you may suspect to have been inspired in you by an Angel (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor in inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption you may have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of your own teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. For this I have taught you, not to believe merely because you have heard; but when you believe of your own consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly. ” – Kalama Sutta of the Anguttara Nikaya.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 8170591813

Prijs: € 26,00

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De Mens – Zichtbaar en Onzichtbaar / Gedachtevormen

Door Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

174 Pagina’s met 30 gekleurde platen | 1902 Met de eerste druk in 1903, 2de geheel herziene druk 2009 Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, 2009 | ISBN: 9789061750901.

English Original: Man Visible and Invisible | First edition, 10th reprint 2008 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595526.

Dit boek is een inspirerende gids voor de serieuze zoeker naar de realiteit achter en in onze zichtbare werkelijkheid. De auteur was een begaafde en geoefende helderziende onderzoeker.

Aura’s en gedachtrvormen behoren tot het ‘onzichtbare’. De mens is altijd naar het onzichtbare op zoek geweest, maar heeft daarbij vaak in het duister moeten tasten, doordat zijn ontwikkeling steeds materialistischer en zakelijker werd – zelfs op het gebied van het spirituele. Het doorgronden van het mysterie van de relatie tussen het zichtbare en het onzichtbare is slechts weinigen gegeven. Het vergt oefening in de eerste plaats en een buitengewone gevoeligheid. Zo is dat altijd geweest en zo is het nog steeds.

Af en toe komen we iemand tegen wiens vermogen tot het waarnemen van het onzichtbare op ons een onuitwisbare indruk maakt. Schrijver en helderziende Charles Webster Leadbeater is zo iemand. In de geschiedenis heeft hij nog niemand zoals hij helderziend onderzoek gedaan en dat vervolgens met afbeeldingen in een boek samengebracht. Leadbeater is wat dat betreft ongeëvenaard. Dit is het werk over aura’s en gedachtevormen. Het kan worden gezien als de tegenhanger van het eveneens door Leadbeater later geschreven, baanbrekende werk De Chakra’s (1927). Het is een inspirerende gids voor de serieuze zoeker naar de realiteit achter en in onze zichtbare werkelijkheid. Meer dan een gids kan het uiteraard niet zijn, omdat de lezer ten allen tijde op zijn of haar eigen intuïtie en waarnemingsvermogen zal moeten afgaan.

Afkomstig van bladzijde 28 & 29:

” De naam ‘astraal’ is niet door onszelf gekozen; wij hebben hem geërfd van de Middeleeuwse alchemisten. Hij betekent ‘sterachtig’ en men gelooft dat hij is toegekend aan de stof van het gebied dat het eerst komt boven het stoffelijke vanwege het lichtgevende voorkomen, dat wordt verbonden met de grotere snelheid van haar trilling. Het astrale gebied is de wereld van de hartstocht, van emotie en sensatie; en door het voertuig van de mens op dit gebied is het, dat al zijn gevoelens zich aan de helderziende onderzoeker vertonen. Het astrale lichaam van de mens verandert daarom voortdurend van uiterlijk naarmate diens aandoeningen wisselen. “

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W./Besant, A.
ISBN: 9789061750901
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Aura’s en gedachtevormen behoren tot het ‘onzichtbare’. De mens is altijd naar het onzichtbare op zoek geweest, maar heeft daarbij vaak in het duister moeten tasten, doordat zijn ontwikkeling steeds materialistischer en zakelijker werd – zelfs op het gebied van het spirituele. Het doorgronden van het mysterie van de relatie tussen het zichtbare en het onzichtbare is slechts weinigen gegeven. Het vergt oefening in de eerste plaats en een buitengewone gevoeligheid. Zo is dat altijd geweest en zo is het nog steeds. Af en toe komen we iemand tegen wiens vermogen tot het waarnemen van het ‘onzichtbare’ op ons een onuitwisbare indruk maakt. Schrijver en helderziende C.W. Leadbeater is zo iemand. In de geschiedenis heeft nog niemand zoals hij helderziend onderzoek gedaan en dat vervolgens met afbeeldingen in een boek samengebracht. Leadbeater is wat dat betreft ongeëvenaard. Dit is het werk over aura’s en gedachtevormen. Dit bijzonder originele en authentieke boek is voor het eerst verschenen in 1902, in een tijd waarin het publiek nog amper iets over aura’s en gedachtevormen had vernomen. Het kan worden gezien als de tegenhanger van het eveneens door C.W. Leadbeater later geschreven, baanbrekende werk De Chakra’s. Het is een inspirerende gids voor de serieuze zoeker naar de realiteit achter en in onze zichtbare werkelijkheid. Meer dan een gids kan het uiteraard niet zijn, omdat de lezer te allen tijde op zijn of haar eigen intuïtie en waarnemingsvermogen zal moeten afgaan. Aan het einde van het boek is het artikel Gedachtevormen van Annie Besant toegevoegd.


Prijs: € 20,50

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Invisible Helpers

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

200 Pages | Published in 2014, second edition | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 978170595861.

This work describes in detail support provided to people by beings on other planes of existence invisible to our ‘normal’ sight. All the charming folklore surrounding the faery folks, gnomes, spirits and elementals of air, water, fire and earth are discussed in the Theosophical teachings in this work presented by Charles W. Leadbeater (1847 – 1934), influential member of the Theosophical Society and author of a variety of occult subjects.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 978170595861

Prijs: € 15,00

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How Theosophy Came to Me

Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

154 Pages | Reprinted 2001 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590132.

Eminent clairvoyant Leadbeater relates in this autobiographical sketch how he came into contact with H.P. Blavatksy (1831 – 1891) and other leading Theosophists in England, and what curious events and phenomena occured during the voyage he made with her to India. The reader will find also vivid world-pictures of Adyar in the early days of the Theosophical Library, an account of Leadbeater’s journeys with H.S. Olcott (1832 – 1907) in Buddhist countries, and of the occult training he received from an Adept.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 8170590132

Prijs: € 5,00

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The Book of Enoch The Prophet

Translated by Richard Laurence.

192 Pages | 1995, Secret Doctrine Reference Series | Softcover | Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego, U.S.A. | ISBN: 091351067x.

In the  year 1773, after a period of almost total obscurity lasting 1500 years, the Scottisch explorer, James Bruce, discovered in what is now Ethiopia, The Book of Enoch. He writes:

‘Amongst the articles I consigned to the library at Paris was a very beautiful and magnificent copy of the prophesies of Enoch, in large quarto.; another is amongst the books of scripture, that I brought home., standing immediately before the Book of Job, which is its proper place in the Abyssinian Cannon: and a third copy I presented to the Bodleian Library at Oxford, by the hands of Dr. Douglas, the Bishop of Carlisle’. 

It rested there, forgotten, until 1821 when Laurence issued his first translation of which there were many editions, culminating in the revised edition of 1883, compiled from notes in his estate. As a former professor of Hebrew at Oxford, Laurence’s familiarity with Kabbalah and the Zohar (as shown in the introductions of earlier editions) gave him unique qualifications that were especially useful in translating a work of this type. The very profound and encyclopedic work on comparative religion and hermetic philosophy. The Secret Doctrine by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, refers to this edition on 37 occasions. It is reprinted here verbatim.

auteur: Laurence, R. (tr.)
ISBN: 091351067x

Prijs: € 13,00

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