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12 mei 2023

Leer Voelen!

Door Mieke Mosmuller

95 Pagina’s | 2022 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Occident | ISBN 9789075240634

Met de waarheid valt niet te spotten, niet te spelen, je kunt de waarheid niet anders maken dan zij is. De waarheid heeft met beleving te doen – in die beleving me je te weten van iets waar is, van iets niet waar is van dat je het niet kunt beoordelen. Waar kunnen we deze waarheidsbelevenis vinden?

Leer Voelen! beschrijvingen van de techniek om te komen tot een actieve waarheidsbelevenis. Dit leeft in het gevoel. Waarheidsgevoel is er vanzelf Je hoeft alleen te leren hoe je voor de beleving van de waarheid kunt openen. Van intuïtie naar sterke waarheidsbeleven: het ware gevoel kun je leren!

Mieke Mosmuller is kunst en filosoof. Zij heeft meer dan 60 boeken gepubliceerd, waarvan een aantal tevens in het Duits, Engels, Frans en Deens. Op haar website en op Youtube publiceert ze blogs en video’s over het denken en de actualiteiten.


Prijs: € 14,95

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Paden naar Geluk – Mythen en verhalen als bron van persoonlijke groei

Door Joseph Campbell, vertaling door Marco Noordenbos.

208 Pagina’s | 2009 | Paperback | Uitgeverij Ten Have, Utrecht | ISBN: 9789025909420.

Oospronkelijke titel: Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation
Eerder verschenen onder de titel: Volg de stem van je hart; Mythologie als bron voor persoonlijke groei

Duizenden jaren vertelt de mens zichzelf al verhalen over goden helden. Tegenwoordig doen we ze vaak af als onzin, omdat we niet geloven dat ze echt gebeurd zijn. Volgens wetenschapper Joseph Campbell verliezen we daardoor iets heel belangrijks: mythen houden ons een ideaal voor waardoor we onszelf verheffen.

Paden naar geluk is een verzameling van de belangrijkste essays van Campbell, waarin hij een brug slaat tussen de mythologische oerthema’s en ons streven naar persoonlijke groei. Wat blijkt? Onze zoektocht is van alle tijden. Met veel humor past hij de grote voorbeelden uit de mythische-religieuze wereldliteratuur toe op onze persoonlijke uitdagingen van alledag. Campbell helpt ons op deze manier om het contact met een vergeten laag in onzxe cultuur en psyche te herstellen met als belangrijkste doel dat je je ware bestemming vindt.

Auteur: Campbell, J.
ISBN: 9789025909420

Prijs: € 20,99

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The Soul and Its Mechanism

By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).

165 Pages | 2019, fourteenth edition, first printing in 1930 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301158.

It is an established and accepted occult fact that the soul works through the mechanism of the threefold personality in stimulating the three worlds of human evolution–the mental, the emotional and etheric/physical planes of consciousness.

It is said that the aspirant to discipleship really needs to know only two things: the constitution of man and the next steps ahead. In this book the way the human constitution actually functions in its component parts is made abundantly clear. It is an accepted goal for the aspirant that he learns to make of his personality equipment an instrument for the soul to use.

Author: Bailey, A.
ISBN: 9780853301158

Prijs: € 13,95

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De Vergeten Waarheid – Christelijke Mythen in Gnostisch Perspectief

Door Johan M. Pameijer.

232 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2006 | Softcover | Aionion Symbolon | ISBN: 9074899722.

Hoewel de kerken leeggelopen zijn en hun greep op de massa verloren hebben, is religie zelf nog springlevend. Bij veel mensen vindt er juist een verdieping plaats van hun religieuze gevoelens, waarbij de nadruk vooral is komen te liggen op het opdoen van innerlijke ervaringen.

In het verlengde daarvan signaleert de schrijver een verlangen naar een eenvoudige, heldere en doorzichtige maatschappijvorm. Mensen zoeken weer eenheid en de harmonie van heelheid, en zullen steeds meer gaan openstaan voor een grotere aandacht voor de Ziel. Johan Pameijer laat zien dat de nieuwe inzichten. die we uit de Gnostische Nag Hammadi-vondsten hebben gekregen van groot belang zijn om de Kerk weer in staat te stellen een genezende rol te spelen. We kunnen niet langer meer om de echte oorsprong van het Christendom en om de Gnostiek heen. We moeten terug naar de Bron in onszelf en een weg van inwijding doormaken om bij – wat Carl G. Jung noemde – ons ware Zelf te komen, waarmee we in verbinding met het Goddelijk kunnen komen. Een bevlogen, betrokken en zeer inspirerend boek!

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 6 – ‘Tweelingbroers’ (p. 61):

” De tegenwoordige mensheid is als een school spartelende vissen in de netten van een egocentrisch commercieel systeem. Diep van binnen dragen zij heugenis aan een kern van collectieve vrijheid. In weerwil daarvan zijn ze bevangen door collectieve hersenspoelingen en bewegen zich als verdwaalde dwazen door een doolhof van onwetendheid op zoek naar hun ware Zelf. Onbehaaglijk bespeuren zij een voortdurende bedreiging, uitgaande van afschuwelijke demonen, ‘das Ungeheuer’. Iedereen is op zoek naar zijn tweelingbroer, omdat eenieder in zijn diepste wezen weet dat zijn ego slechts een speerpunt is van zijn individuele Zelf. Het grote levensideaal is de vereniging van deze twee, het samensmelten van het ego en Zelf, van de strijder en de priester, van activiteit en passiviteit, van werken en gebed. Alle religies bestaan bij de gratie van wat Jung heeft genoemd de individuatie, het proces van zelfverwerkelijking, het samensmelten van bewustzijn en onbewuste, zodat een groot, alomvattend weten tot gelding komt. “


Prijs: € 22,95

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Theosofia – Van Innerlijke Wijsheid naar Uiterlijke Transformatie

Joy Mills (1920 – 2015) Special Theosofia, hoofdredacteur Els Rijneker.

59 Bladzijden | Juni 2019 | Tijdschrift | Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | Geen ISBN.

Deze maand, juni 2019, vindt u maar liefst twee Theosofia’s in uw brievenbus: het gebruikelijke nummer met gevarieerde artikelen, en deze special met de Nederlandse versie van een boek van Joy Mills: From Inner to Outer Transformation – Lectures on The Voice of the Silence (UTVN 1996 en 2002). U kent waarschijnlijk allemaal De Stem van de Stilte, het laatste boek van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, die in 1875 samen met anderen in New York de Theosophical Society (TS) oprichtte. Deze Special bevat de Nederlandse vertaling van een lezingenreeks door Joy Mills over dit prachtige mystieke boekje op ons Internationaal Theosofisch Centrum (ITC) in Naarden, in de zomer van 1991. In april 1992 verschenen deze lezingen al eerder in Theosofia. Voor deze special zijn de teksten enigszins geredigeerd en zijn waar mogelijk de citaten uit De Stem van de Stilte overgenomen uit de meest recente Nederlandse vertaling in Drie Wegen, Eén Pad (UTVN 2006).

De aanleiding dat deze Special ‘Van Innerlijke Wijsheid naar Uiterlijke Transformatie’ juist nu verschijnt, mede op verzoek van de Esoterische School voor Theosofie, is het bijzondere Engelstalige seminar deze maand, juni 2019, met Martin Leiderman: ‘The Voice of the Silence, An Insight into the Mystery and Purpose of our Life’.

Afkomstig van bladzijde 34:

” Als u geen zon kunt zijn, wees dan de nederige planeet. Ja, als het u ontzegd is te stralen als de middagzon op de sneeuwbedekte berg van eeuwige zuiverheid, kies dan, neofiet, een bescheidener loop. Wijs anderen de ‘weg’ – hoe vaag ook, en ook al staat u alleen in de menigte – zoals de avondster doet aan diegenen die hun pad in duisternis bewandelen. ” – Uit: De Stem van de Stile, blz. 155 & 156.

auteur: J. Mills
1: s:47:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:1:"-";}";

Prijs: € 7,00

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Indra’s Net – Alchemy and Chaos Theory as Models for Transformation

By Robert Robertson, Ph.D., Foreword by Allan Combs.

182 Pages | First Quest Edition 2009 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608626.

‘ Somewhere in the celestial palace of the dancing god Indra, there hangs a fabulous net, that spreads out boundlessly over the cosmos in every direction. The divine craftsman has so cleverly fashioned this net that at every knot there hangs a dazzling jewel, each one so brilliantly polished, that it reflects all the others. As Above, so Below . . . ‘

This image of Indra’s net from a Buddhist Sutra symbolizes the Mystery, that, through our own transformation, each of us is united with everyone and everything else. Author Robin Robertson finds parallel models in ancient Alchemy, which tried to change base metal into gold, and modern chaos theory, which posits that tiny initial changes can have huge and unexpected outcomes – as a butterfly in Brazil might cause a tornado in Texas. Robinson lucidly shows how these two systems reveal the pattern of inner development in any spiritual tradition. No matter what one’s particular calling, these surprising insights can enrich and accelerate the transformative stages of any spiritual seeker.

From Chapter 6  – ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’:

 ” Central to this book is the understanding that the Opus is within us as much as it is without. As I mentioned in the Introduction, Buddhist philosophy captures this relationship between the world and the psyche through the image of Indra’s net: a vast necklace of shining jewels, all interconnected. It is told thus in the Avatamsaka Sutra:

Far away in the heavenly abode of the great God Indra, there is a wonderful net, which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each ‘eye’ of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the Jewels, glittering like stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process ocurring. “

Auteur: Robertson, R.
ISBN: 9780835608626

Prijs: € 15,75

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To Be and How to Be

By Peggy Rubin.

287 Pages | First Quest Edition 2010 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN:  9780835608534.

‘ The play of life is a daring adventure. Live it for all it’s worth and say yes! No matter what . . .

So says author and popular Sacred Theatre workshop leader Peggy Rubin. Drawing on decades of experience, she helps us take the leading role in our own life by tapping into the nine powers of the theatre, including Story, Expression, Point of View, Conflict and Celebration. With imaginative exercises throughout, her long-awaited book is fun, profound, and exuberantly transformative!

From the ‘Prologue’ (p. 2):

” This book uses the traditional theatre as a metaphor for framing and living life. I think of it as a dialogue between us. We will be talking about how actors work as they prepare and play their roles and how their training can provide ways for us all to live more buoyantly. First, may I share some thoughts about how I believe the theatre began as a sacred act, how your life is a sacred art form, and why I call what we are doing together Sacred Theatre.

Let us return to the ancient firelight and our ancestor’s celebration over the roasting meat. We can imagine the excitement as the first actor rises to enact the story of the hunt; we can almost hear the accompanying sounds and feel his listener’s enormous gratitude for the animal that gave its life to provide protein and also gave them this reason to celebrate – and, incidentally, to invent the theatre. “

Auteur: Rubin, P.
ISBN: 9780835608534

Prijs: € 17,95

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Human Regeneration – Lectures and Discussions

By Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

154 Pages | Published in 1990, Adyar Edition Reprint 2006 | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 8170594995.

Dutch translation: Regeneratie van de Mens – Lezingen en Discussies | Uitgegeven in 1994 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750695.

Theosophists are all united by a common devotion to the Regeneration of Man. They may differ in their convictions or approach. The teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Blavatsky, Besant, Krishnamurti or some other teacher may inspire some and not others. But there is a strong common bond, namely profound concern for the progress and perfection of humanity, not merely at the material and intellectual levels, but morally and spiritually.

A Theosophist does not seek wisdom to benefit him or herself. ‘Not for him/herself but for the world he or she lives’. And the more deeply devotion is directed at the regeneration of mankind, the more ardently the understanding of self and the world and the penetration into the secret of life. Aim is to discover the source of Goodness and Happiness within, which is the birthright of all living beings.

From Chapter 3 – ‘Regeneration and the Objects of the Theosophical Society’ (p. 91):

” From a pratical view: does not Brotherhood begin with simple things? Just being oridnarily kind, beginning to think in terms of another person, instead of only ourselves. We like to enjoy ourselves, but somebody else has to work. Are we prepared to sacrifice a little of our enjoyment to help the person, who is working? Brotherhood begins like that. But when we are brotherly and kind in the ordinary sense of the word, still the feeling of difference from others does not go – one remains in a world of duality. So we must continue practising Brotherhood, until the tendency of the mind to see in terms of duality disappears. Even the word ‘Brotherhood’ suggests, that there is a brother and ‘myself’. “

Auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 8170594995

Prijs: € 12,50

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Embodying Osiris – The Secrets of Alchemical Transformation

By Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D.

275 Pages | First Question edition 2010 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608800.

A ground-breaking integration of Jungian Psychology, Alchemy and Egyptian Mythology.

The myth of Osiris, dying and resurrecting Egyptian God of vegetation, marks a change that describes the earliest beginnings of the modern psyche. In excavating the myth. Jungian psychologist Thom Cavalli uses alchemy to transmute hidden secrets into sacred knowledge. Here for the first time is an alchemical interpretation of this timeless myth as a guide to spiritual transformation. Osiris’s rebirth symbolizes what alchemists have always seen as the creative power we all have for self-renewal. Cavalli shows us how to access this archetypical God in the quest to integrate body and Soul. To ‘become’ Osiris is to become whole.

From Chapter 2 – ‘Alchemy, Magic and Osiris’ (p. 67):

” Whether I live or die, I am Osiris

I enter in and reappear through you,

I decay in you. I grow in you.

I fall down in you. I fall upon my side.

The Gods are living for me for I live and grow in the corn

That sustains the Honored Ones.

I cover the earth,

Whether I live or die I am Barley,

I am not destroyed. “

– Mojsov, Osiris (8) (see intro., nr. 4). The quote is from The Coffin Texts.


Auteur: Cavalli, T.F.
ISBN: 9780835608800.

Prijs: € 18,50

Evolution of the Higher Consciousness – An In-depth Study into H.P. Blavatsky’s Teachings

By Pablo Sender.


201 Pages | First edition 2018 | Hardcover (cloth) | Fohat Production, Ojai, California | ISBN: 9780997553512.

Who are we? What is the purpose of life? How do we actualize our potential? These are the questions that thoughful people have asked since time immemorial. Evolution of Higher Consciousness is a comprehensive study of the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891) on these issues.

Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, was the pioneer of the esoteric renaissance that took place at the end of the nineteenth century. Ever since, her writings have served as foundational source for modern spirituality. In his book, Pablo Sender presents Blavatsky’s profound but frequently puzzling statements systematically and in clear, concise language. He throws light on the nature of our spiritual essence, its evolutionairy unfoldment, and the work that we can do in daily life to consciously participate in this cosmic journey.

From page 178:

“Within yourself is the light . . . The light of the higher self and of the Mahatma are not different from each other.

In the presence of the Master the lower nature is spontaneously transformed. This is why in the taijasic state there is no need to fight, control or manipulate the lower. Passions and afflictions are powerful only when the pure awareness identifies with them. This practice, along with the a general ‘effort’ at leading a spiritual life, will eventually make the temporary state of ‘manas taijasa” more and more available, until it becomes permanent in the union of buddhi-manas. When we are aware of our innate divine Wisdom, conscious of our identity with everything , and aware of our transcendental and immutable nature, the human evolutionairy pilgrimage comes to an end. New field of self-expression open up to the liberated consciousness, which now becomes a beneficent force aiding human and planetary evolution.

.  .  .

Joy unto ye, O Men of Earth.

A Pilgrim hath returned back ‘from the other shore’.

A Saviour of Mankind is born. “

  • From: The Voice of Silence, fragment 3.
auteur: Sender, P.
ISBN: 9780997553512
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9780997553512";}

Prijs: € 31,50

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Evolution of the Higher Consciousness – An In-depth Study into H.P. Blavatsky’s Teachings

By Pablo Sender.

201 Pages | First edition 2018 | Soft cover | Fohat Production, Ojai, California | ISBN: 9780997553505.

Who are we? What is the purpose of life? How do we actualize our potential? These are the questions that thoughful people have asked since time immemorial. Evolution of Higher Consciousness is a comprehensive study of the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891) on these issues.

Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, was the pioneer of the esoteric renaissance that took place at the end of the nineteenth century. Ever since, her writings have served as foundational source for modern spirituality. In his book, Pablo Sender presents Blavatsky’s profound but frequently puzzling statements systematically and in clear, concise language. He throws light on the nature of our spiritual essence, its evolutionairy unfoldment, and the work that we can do in daily life to consciously participate in this cosmic journey.

From page 178:

“Within yourself is the light . . . The light of the higher self and of the Mahatma are not different from each other.

In the presence of the Master the lower nature is spontaneously transformed. This is why in the taijasic state there is no need to fight, control or manipulate the lower. Passions and afflictions are powerful only when the pure awareness identifies with them. This practice, along with the a general ‘effort’ at leading a spiritual life, will eventually make the temporary state of ‘manas taijasa” more and more available, until it becomes permanent in the union of buddhi-manas. When we are aware of our innate divine Wisdom, conscious of our identity with everything , and aware of our transcendental and immutable nature, the human evolutionairy pilgrimage comes to an end. New field of self-expression open up to the liberated consciousness, which now becomes a beneficent force aiding human and planetary evolution.

.  .  .

Joy unto ye, O Men of Earth.

A Pilgrim hath returned back ‘from the other shore’.

A Saviour of Mankind is born. “

  • From: The Voice of Silence, fragment 3.
auteur: Sender, P.
ISBN: 9780997553505

Prijs: € 24,00

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The Path of Transformation – Voyage to the Silent Self

By Susan Bayliss.

35 Pages | Softcover | Blavatsky Lecture 2014 | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

Life is full of potentiality from ’the circle of heaven’ to Mother Earth and all that live within her. The extent of this potential is hidden from us in our mundane world, concealed, according to the ‘Ancients’, behind a veil of illusion in which we live and experience our everyday lives. Out of nothingness came the ‘Great Illusion’ into a state of potentiality awaiting the impulse to become an expression of new life – a new universe. The same potentiality also lies within us and we too can awaken to a ‘new world’; a world in which we are transformed from a place of ignorance to a state of Knowledge and Wisdom. Our taks is to find the keys which open the the doorway to the higher life. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) (HPB) in the Secret Doctrine (SD) describes the process of Life awakening at cosmic level, from potential space to the abstract space of ‘divine immaculate Mother-Nature’.

From page 29:

” In The Key to Philosophy, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) tells us that the final goal cannot be reached in any way but through life experiences, and because most of this consists of pain and suffering, this is how we learn. Many of us will have seen the photograph of Einstein sittings at his desk with a copy of The Secret Doctrine lying there along with other books. He famously said that ‘The intellect has little to do on the road of discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why. All great discoveries are made in this way. “

auteur: Bayliss, S.

Prijs: € 4,00

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Het Proces van Zelf-Transformatie – Onderzoek van Ons Hogere Potentieel om Effectief te Leven

Door Vicente Hao Chin, Jr.

300 Pagina’s | Eerste druk december 2017 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750994.

English Original: The  Process of Self-Transformation – A Spiritual Guide for Effective Living | First edition, 2015 | Quest Books U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835609357.

Een zelfhulpboek voor persoonlijke, spirituele groei en voor wereldburgerschap, nu in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar.

Hao Chin verstaat de kunst om een moeilijk onderwerp als zelf-transformatie in heldere bewoordingen te beschrijven, zelfs zodanig dat de lezer er direct praktisch mee aan de slag kan. De auteur heeft inmiddels gedurende talloze seminars veel mensen door het proces van zelf-transformatie geleid.

Emoties, die zich vaak lichamelijk uiten, en moeilijkheden die wij met ons denken opwerpen kunnen een effectief leven, persoonlijke groei en meditatie in de weg staan. Met de in dit boek beschreven aanpak om problemen via het lichaam bewust gewaar te zijn (self-awareness processing) en vervolgens los te laten, kunnen deze blijvend worden aangepakt.

Het boek bespreekt de gevolgen, die een dergelijke bewuste, assertieve en positieve levenshouding kan hebben voor familierelaties, voor opvoeding en onderwijs, en voor wereldburgerschap en vrede.

Vicente Hao Chin, Jr. was president van The Theosophical Society (Adyar) in de Filippijnen, is actief in de Theosophical Order of Service, en is de grondlegger van het Golden Link College in de Filippijnen, transformerend onderwijs voor minder bevoorrechte kinderen en jonge mensen. Hij schreef verschillende boeken, stelde de chronologische uitgave samen van de The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, is een van de redacteuren van The Theosophical Encyclopedia en leidde zelf-transformatie seminars in meer dan twintig landen ter wereld.

auteur: Hao Chin Jr, V.
ISBN: 9789061750994

Prijs: € 22,50

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When the Sun moves Northward – The Way of Initiation (A Quest Miniature)

By Mabel Collins (1851-1927).

160 Pages | First Quest Edition 1987, A Quest Miniature | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835606141.

Dutch translation: Als de Zon Noordwaards Gaat | Published in 2004 | Uitgeverij Gabriël | ISBN 9080501735.

Mabel Collins, author of The Light On the Path, explores the link between the mystic recurrence of the Earth’s cycles of birth, death and rebirth with the seasonal regeneration of our own spiritual nature. Her meditative prose beautifully evokes the time-less sense of cosmic renewal and the consequent growth of consciousness that has its germination deep within those reflective months of quietude when the sun moves northward.

I am often asked about the question of Time in regard to the great Ceremonies which take place at midnight when the spirits of men are most completely released from their bodies during the recurrent periods of light and darkness on the earth. Midnight means the deepest depth of the darkness: it has no connection with the arbitrary hours. Therefore, in time there is necessarily a difference according to what places on earth the disciples are dwelling in: and, as time does not exist except as an arbitrary temporary convenience, once outside the body man loses the sense of it. ” – Mabel Collins (1923).

From Chapter VII (p. 86):

” Now comes the awful test of obedience. The moment of decision, which arrive to the man, and to the disciple, as a climax to a series of events, these come within the domain and power of mankind. There are other far more awful moments when the hand of a supreme power interferes in the affairs of men, and when the man, even though he be a disciple, is helpless. There are decisions made in a court above us all, from which there is no appeal, which are carried out inexorably. Then there is no decision to be made by the man himself; he can only rebel or obey. The religious man calls this supreme power which gives, and takes away, God: occultists see it in the working of the law of Karma. Be it what it may, if the man rebels against it, the disciple may not. “

auteur: Collins, M.
ISBN: 9780835606141

Prijs: € 12,50

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Sojourns of the Soul: One Woman’s Journey around the World and into Her Truth

By Dana Micucci.

278 Pages | First Quest Edition 2011 |  Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608985.

One Woman’s Journey around the World and into Her Truth.

‘And there was a new voice, which you slowly recognized as your own, that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper into the world, determined to do the only thing you could do – determined to save the only life you could save’. – Mary Oliver ‘The Journey’.

Sojourns of the Soul is the quintessential armchair travel book for the spiritual seeker. Dana Micucci’s touching memoir chronicles seven sacred journeys that span 14 years of Micucci’s life, during which she explores the connection of inner growth to world travel that eventually leads to her own enlightenment. Unlike other inspirational travel books, Sojourns of the Soul provides a rare mix of in-depth wisdom and literary insights from the holistic view of an experienced female traveler.

From Chapter 3: ‘Egypt to Eternity’ (p. 101):

” ‘This mystery must be unveiled some day’, wrote H.P. Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled. ‘The answers are there. They may be found on the time-worn granite pages of cave-temples, on sphinxes, propylons, and obelisks . . . . They key was in the keeping of those who knew how to commune with the invisible Presence, and who had received, from the lips of mother Nature herself, her grand truths. And so stand these monuments like mute forgotten sentinels on the threshold of that unseen world’. “

auteur: Micucci, D.
ISBN: 9780835608985
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Dana Micucci gives a compelling account of her growing spiritual illumination through visits to some of the most sacred places on earth. Her lively, engaging narrative takes us through the Australian outback, Angkor in Cambodia, the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, Lhasa in Tibet, Chichen Itza in the Yucatan, the Monastery of Christ in the Desert in New Mexico and Machu Picchu in Peru. As her travels progress, Micucci links each visit to the awakening of a particular chakra – the chakras being the seven energy centers of the body in Hinduism, associated with progressive enlightenment. In the afterword, Micucci reflects on how her experiences continue to shape her life after resuming her career as a journalist in New York City. She finds she is more tolerant, can engage in daily activities with more heart-centered awareness, and can sustain states of joy and gratitude for longer periods of time. Readers who yearn for long-delayed adventure won’t be able to put this book down. With the added benefit that it is not just a journey log but more of a seeker’s manual in which travel is simply the vehicle, they will find it’s unnecessary to travel to far-flung places for the spiritual inspiration available in their everyday lives. As Micucci says, “Each day brings new remembrances of our divinity, of the Divine presence in all beings, and of our eternal connection to each other. I am so grateful to be here NOW . . . with you.” Sojourns of the Soul is neither a theoretical tome nor an otherworldly quest; rather, Micucci takes you on an actual journey as she interacts with the wisdom on the earth in a natural and colorful manner. She returns ‘home’ with wonderful insights and a clearer vision of what matters most. The same thing will happen to you as you tag along with Sojourns of the Soul. This book has universal appeal. You will appreciate this delightful journey as a skillful, professional writer engages those magic places and people that continue to live in our souls. —Dr. Don Beck, founder of the Center for Human Emergence and CEO of Spiral Dynamics Integral. Sojourns of the Soul is a rainbow bridge through time and space. Dana Micucci uses her colorful journeys into diverse cultures to learn for herself and teach us, her readers, about the powers of transformation—and the ecstasy of being fully present in every moment. —John Perkins, New York Times bestselling author of Hoodwinked and Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. In Sojourns of the Soul, Dana Micucci delves into the wisdom and spiritual traditions of other cultures. This is a powerful and rich book describing a passionate journey towards wholeness that emphasizes movement beyond fears and judgments. Dana’s brilliant prose carries you along as if you were journeying right alongside of her. This is an important book in a time when the search for meaning is so urgent. —Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval and How to Thrive in Changing Times. An easy read, elegantly written, this is the gripping story of a woman’s profound transformation, with travel as a spiritual teacher. It is a vivid experience, both well researched and inspiring. —Gay Luce, Ph.D, transpersonal psychologist, author and three-time recipient of the American Psychological Association Award for Journalism. Nothing opens the eyes of a soul like a dive into an unknown pool. Dana Micucci’s journeys into the unknown have transformed her life and she unravels the exciting details in these masterful tales. Sojourns of the Soul is an uplift to the spirit of any armchair traveler. —Jan Phillips, author, No Ordinary Time—The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Consciousness. Reading Dana Micucci’s memoir, Sojourns of the Soul, was like ‘being there too’, as she eloquently describes her powerful and evocative life changing experiences at some of the most sacred and ancient energy centers on the planet. On one hand her story is extremely entertaining. It makes me laugh. It brings tears to my eyes. I see myself more deeply and gain greater clarity of my own journey of the soul through her words. Dana also gives the reader much interesting background information about each of the ancient civilizations she profiles. These people are no more, but they have left their legacy and their messages in stone for us to find and decode. . On a deeper level I am reminded of the timeless nature of my own sojourns of the soul and of the guiding lights within each of us that assist all of us on our eternal journey. I am reminded that faith, love and the trust to follow my own inner light is the generative power that will allow me to create all that I am and all that I have the potential to become, now and forever. —Judy Satori, Spiritual Channel, Author, Teacher


Prijs: € 17,95

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Grammar for the Soul – Using Language for Personal Change

By Lawrence A. Weinstein.

155 Pages | First Quest edition 2008 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. – ISBN 9780835608657

As unlikely as little punctuation marks and other grammatical elements may seem as tools for personal change, author Lawrence Weinstein shows how we use them can make a big difference in who we are and how we live. Consider these sentences of a job applicant:

What a great pleasure it was to meet you today!! The position sounds absolutely perfect for me!’

Such overuse of italics and intensifiers reflects a lack of trust in being heard. By cutting back on those devices – and discovering they aren’t needed – a person can begin to increase his or her capacity for trust in life. Topics of the book include:

  • Grammar to restore the Ego
  • Grammar for Mindfulness
  • Tolerating ambiguity
  • Getting out of one’s own way

Weinstein used to teach at Harvard, but don’t let that intimidate you. Though his book is ultimately serious in nature, drawing on both Western and Eastern traditions, his prose is witty, anecdotal, and packed with good, clear examples. He doesn’t claim that personal change occurs easily. But he muses, ‘for the right person, that mere featherweight, a comma can alter the course of a day’.

From the Introduction (p. 4):

” I have come to view the realm of grammar as a kind of rarified gymnasium, where – instead of weights, treadmill, mats, and a balance beam – one finds active verbs, periods, apostrophes, dashes and a thousand other pieces of linguistic equipment, each of which, properly deployed, can provide exercise for the spirit, like that which gym apparatus provides the body. Grammar can become a place to get in spiritual shape. “


auteur: Weinstein, L.A.
ISBN: 9780835608657

Prijs: € 14,00

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The Process of Self-Transformation – Exploring Our Higher Potential for Effective Living

By Vicente Hao Chin, Jr.

343 Pages | First Quest Edition 2015 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835609357.

Dutch translation: Het Proces van Zelf-Transformatie – Onderzoek van Ons Hogere Potentieel om Effectief te Leven | First edition 2017 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750994.

This book is a modern restatement of this age-old Wisdom of humanity supplemented with specific tools that will help in accelerating the transformation of individuals. It was initially presented as a three-day workshop called the Self-Transformation Seminar. Because of the perceived effectiveness of its methods and approaches, it spawned a four-day youth camp for people from the ages thirteen to twenty-five called the Golden Link Youth Camp. Then, because of its impact on the young people who participated in the camps, the Golden Link School was established, which has since become an institution that offers tertiary courses and is now called Golden Link College.

From Appendix 3:

” Life is immensely complex. In understanding it more fully, we can’t limit ourselves to our respective areas of specialization, like a doctor who is good at curing diseases but fails miserably in dealing with marital or family problems. Genuine self-tranformation involves a well-balanced and well-rounded Wisdom regarding key-aspects of living. As facilitators, then, we need to widen our scope of comprehension such that we understand the dynamics of those key aspects – values, sorrows, pains, desires, fears, life’s purpose, relationships, the nature of consciousness, and so on. In deepening such understanding, our studies necessarily bring us to the fields of science, mysticism, psychology, religious experience, philosophy, physiology, social sciences and communication arts. “

auteur: Vicente Hao Chin, Jr.
ISBN: 9780835609357

Prijs: € 26,50

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Het Geheim van Zelf-Realisatie – Pratyabhijñā Hridayam van Kṣemarāja

Door  Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

94 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1997, tweede druk 2004 | Gebonden | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750734.

English original: The Secret of Self-Realization2004 | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591287.

Het geheim van Zelf-realisatie is een studie van dr. Taimni van de Pratyabhijñā Hridayam, een Sanskriet tekst uit de elfde eeuw. De schrijver van deze tekst, Kṣemarāja, geeft een bewonderenswaardige samenvatting van de non-dualistische leringen van een van de belangrijkste filosofische scholen van India, die bij velen bekend staat als het Kashmir-Shivaïsme.

Afkomstig van bladzijde 27:

” Onze waarneming wordt in zo sterke mate door de conditie van ons eigen denkvermogen en bewustzijn bepaald, dat iemand die Zelf-realisatie heeft bereikt in staat is het hele universum te zien als de uitdrukking van de Ene Werkelijkheid en niets anders. Deze hoogste vorm van perceptie vrij van bheda-bhāva (gedachte gekleurd door een gebrek aan besef van eenheid) is in wezen een perceptie van onze ware aard. En deze maakt ons vrij van de Grote Illusie en de beperkingen en gebondenheid van de lagere werelden. De bovengenoemde ideeën worden in enigszins andere terminologie in de sūtra’s IV-12 en IV-15 uit de Yoga Sūtras onder woorden gebracht:

atitānāgatam svarūpato ‘sty adhva-bhedād dharmānām |

vastu-sāmye citta-bhedāt tayor vibhaktah panthāh |



auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9789061750734
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In twintig korte aforismen worden diepzinnige begrippen omtrent de Uiteindelijke Werkelijkheid, haar zelfrealisatie in het geopenbaarde universum, het proces van inperking van oneindig bewustzijn in eindigheid, de weg van begrenzing naar vrijheid en daarmee verband staande kwesties geschetst. Dr. Taimni vermijdt de technische termen in de originele tekst en leidt de lezer naar het begrijpen van de verhelderende waarheden zoals die vanuit een theosofisch standpunt worden weergegeven. Zijn oogmerk loopt parallel aan dat van Ksemaraja: het helpen van de niet-gespecialiseerde lezer om de fundamentele waarheden in zich op te nemen die noodzakelijk zijn voor voortgang op het spirituele pad. Van dr. I.K. Taimni zijn ook verschenen bij de Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging De Yoga Sutra’s van Patanjali, Een weg tot Zelfontdekking en Zelfrealisatie door liefde, waarin de theorie en de praktijk van Zelfrealisatie behandeld worden.


Prijs: € 13,50

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Een Weg tot Zelfontdekking

By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

317 Pages | Uitgave in 1989 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750604.

English original: Self-Culture in the Light of Occultism, this later became: Self-Culture in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom | First edition 1945, 2nd revised edition 1967, 3rd printing 1970, 4th printing 1976 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592792.

Een boek voor diegenen, die de oude occulte leer over de aard van de mens willen begrijpen en die het pad van zelfontplooiing willen ontdekken en bewandelen. Taimni gaat van theorie naar praktische toepassing – van de functies, de beheersing, de zuivering en het gevoelig maken van de fysieke en emotionele lichamen naar het ‘lagere’ denken. Vandaar neemt hij ons stap voor stap mee door de ontwikkeling van het ‘hogere’ denken, het ‘wijsheidsslichaam’ en tenslotte licht hij de rol van de ātma (geest) in ons leven nader toe. In het laatste deel onderzoekt hij de ‘onwerkelijke’ wereld, waarin we leven en gaat hij over tot een zeer indrukwekkend commentaar op de techniek van yoga.

Uit de inhoud (backflap):

” De voornaamste reden waarom zo’n groot aantal mensen, die de werkelijkheden van het spirituele leven willen ervaren blijven steken, zonder enige zichtbare vordering tot hun doel maken, is dat ze geen stappen hebben ondernomen om de noodzakelijke grondslag voor dat leven te leggen en ze zich ermee tevreden stellen alleen maar over deze dingen te lezen en te denken. Maar daar brengen we het niet zo erg ver mee. We moeten onszelf echt aanpakken en de nodige voorwaarden voor werkelijke vooruitgang scheppen, omdat we moeten werken in een wereld, die door wetten wordt geregeerd. “



auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9789061750604
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9789061750604";}

Prijs: € 15,75

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De Diepere Zin van het Leven

Door N. Śrī Ram.

108 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1970; dit boek maakt deel uit van de Lotusreeks II | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750246.

Engels origineel: Life Deeper Aspects | Eerste editie 1968 | The Theosophical Publishing House | ISBN: 9780835671729.

Śrī Ram geeft een serie toespraken over uiteenlopende kwesties: leven, dood en onsterfelijkheid, de werking van het denkvermogen, de mens als een bewustzijnsverschijnsel, slaap en dood als tweelingbroers, vernieuwing van binnenuit, ontwaken tot het besef van ‘waarheid’, het ware, het goede en het schone en de betekenis van het ‘Nu’.

Elke gehechtheid betekent een belemmering voor onze ontwikkeling. Door onze verlangens bouwen wij een muur om het bewustzijn en sluiten het hiermee als het ware op in een gevangenis, waarin we een bekrompen en nauw bestaan leiden. Ook het denken blijft hierdoor gevangen binnen deze zelf gecreëerde muren. Pas wanneer het lukt om gehechtheden aan deze toestand los te laten, lossen de muren en betreden we een grotere ruimte van bewustzijn vol nieuwe mogelijkheden.

Afkomstig van blz. 107:

” Wanneer het bewustzijn weer tot zijn oorspronkelijke staat is teruggekeerd en volkomen wakker is, zal alles waarmee het in aanraking komt het zijn diepste zin onthullen. Ieder gebeuren wordt dan een sleutel, die een poort in het bewustzijn opent en een aspect van het Mysterie openbaart. Dan straalt elk moment met een eigen glorie van uniekheid en schoonheid. Alles, wat in die toestand ervaren of beleefd wordt, is nieuw, want het is de nieuwheid van het bewustzijn zelf. “

auteur: Sri Ram, N.
ISBN: 9789061750246
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Elke gehechtheid betekent een belemmering voor onze zijns-ontwikkeling. Door onze hunkeringen en verlangens bouwen wij een muur om het bewustzijn; wij sluiten het als het ware op in een gevangenis waarbinnen wij een bekrompen eng bestaan leiden. Ook ons denken blijft binnen deze nauwe begrenzingen gevangen. Wanneer ons denkvermogen al deze gehechtheden zou kunnen loslaten, zou dit de meest verstrekkende consequenties hebben. Dit boekje bevat toespraken, die over een periode van enkele jaren op verschillende plaatsen zijn gehouden. Hoewel de voordrachten enigszins zijn bijgeschaafd en herzien, zijn ze toch gegeven in de vorm waarin ze werden uitgesproken. N. Sri Ram was Internationaal President van de Theosophical Society van 1953 tot 1973.


Voormalige prijs: € 4,25

Prijs: € 4,00

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The Passionate Necessity – A View of Human Purpose

By Hugh Shearman, jacket design by Jane A. Evans.

135 Pages | First published in 1962 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835602001.

The author of this book offers a unique approach to the discovery of meaning and purpose, which he suggests involves the transformation of our lives by realizing our own infinite potential. He writes of the search for the One, which has been passionate necessity of mystics of all faiths throughout the ages. While speaking from the heart, he does not deny the value of reason and mind, but suggests the necessity of penetrating beyond to that center within, which is stable and firm and amid the changing universe.

Dr. Hugh Shearman, an honor graduate in history, in which he earned the Ph.D. degree, has long been interested in philosophical and metaphysical subjects. He is the author of some twenty titles, which include The Purpose of Tragedy and Desire and Fulfillment.

From Chapter XIX – Immortality (page 129:

” The One remains, the many change and pass.

Heaven’s light for ever shines; Earth’s shadows fly.

Life like a dome of many-coloured glass

Stains the white radiance of eternity. “

  • Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 – 1822).


auteur: Shearman, H.
ISBN: 0835602001

Prijs: € 9,90

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The Purpose of Tragedy

By Hugh Shearman.

88 Pages | First edition 1954, reprinted 1992 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591937.

The object of this little book is to introduce theosophy as an interpretation of human tragedy. It is the introduction and interpretation of one individual and excludes no other among an almost infinite variety of possible approaches to the subject. Much of it has necessarily been written in the spirit of ‘Thus have I heard.’ Yet, the principles that we receive and communicate in this spirit can often become alive and become our own as they are found to respond to the demands of experience. One short and simple interpretation of human tragedy, human freedom, and many other problems, has been a constant source of illumination to the writer. It is a Chapter from The Wonder Child, a little book by Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953), a revered former President of the Theosophical Society and one, who devoted his life to the lightening of human sorrow and the healing of human conflict. This Chapter from The Wonder Child is printed as an Appendix at the back of this book.

From Chapter 11 – ‘Grace and Healing’:

” It has been the testimony of many that, for those who will remain steady and fulfil their life’s tragedy through to its end, there is always a gift at the bottom of the pit of darkness, and at the end of the longest tunnel shines a star. Sometimes, in the shorter conflicts and tensions of life, this gift comes in the form of a healing or harmonising of a new kind. Sometimes such terms as ‘spiritual healing’ or ‘divine healing’ are used. Sometimes expressions are used, which speak of ‘forgiveness of sins’ and the ‘bestowing of grace’. “

auteur: Shearman, H.
ISBN: 8170591937

Prijs: € 5,00

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Desire and Fulfilment

By Hugh Shearman.

84 Pages | First edition 1956, first reprint 1988 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591007.

The great problems of all, who try to lead a good life lie not in knowledge, but in volition. It is often said, that the great barrier is ignorance; but if ignorance is to be taken to mean mere lack of information, this is not the whole truth. Our difficulties often arise, not because we do not know what to do. but because we do not want to do it. In fact, our main problems are in the emotive aspect of our lives. They lie in our sense of purpose and in our experience of emotional and creative fulfilment. If they are problems of ignorance, it is a lyrical and intuitive ignorance and not predominantly an intellectual one. Although several excellent works of long established authority in theosophical literature have expounded the nature of the creative and lyrical aspect of our world and the place of desire and emotion in human life, this is a subject, which, without apology, may be interpreted afresh in a new generation.

From Chapter ‘The Source of Motive’ (p.15):

Earth’s humanity today is just entering upon the transition from one kind of motivation to the other. It is a vast and long transition, extending over many ages and shaping many cultures. Great teachers have given such help as they can, and there are many hints and intimations in the religions, philosophies and poetry of the world. But the great problem cannot be solved for us vicariously. The great transition has to be made by each as well as by all. Exhortation and explanation are not enough; for the great truths are alive in a realm that is beyond the scope and limits of rational or systematic thinking. They cannot be caught and conveyed within a cage of rational explanation. It is more often in the dignity of an act, in the perfect response to a situation, in the rare fragrance of a great teacher’s presence, that the truth is worldlessly conveyed and recognised. ” 



auteur: Shearman, H.
ISBN: 8170591007

Prijs: € 2,00

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Personal Transformation in the Tradition of Annie Besant – A Study Course

By Mary Jane Newcomb.

49 Pages | Published in 1990 | A4 – Study Course, softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A | ISBN: 9780835600781.

This Study Course, based on the published works of the significant theosophist Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) is written for the use of theosophists and friends of the Theosophical Society. For all those, who are interested in the Ancient Wisdom, that is at the core of theosophical studies and for all those, who are seeking personal unfoldment. The Course can be used by individuals or for group study. Its lessons are on topics chosen from an extensive bibliography, that focuses on some of the areas that lie at the very center of individual life and growth.

The following topics are discussed:

  1. Karma
  2. Reïncarnation
  3. Education and Art
  4. Consciousness & Meditation
  5. Dharma and Morality
  6. Pleasure & Pain: Happiness & Sorrow



auteur: Newcomb, M.J.
ISBN: 9780835600781

Prijs: € 7,50

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The Myths of our Lives – A Way to Personal Transformation (Study Course)

By Joy Mills (1920- 2015).

41 Pages | Copyright 1990, 1996 by The Theosophical Society in America | A4 Study Course | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835601160.

While the program is divided in four parts, each part can be expanded into several sessions or compressed into one session. Participants in the program may determine how long or short a course they want it to be. Not included, but recommended, is a fifth section in which group members meet to share in total the myths they have written. Such a sharing is both personally valuable and provides a useful review to the material covered in the course.

From Chapter 4: ‘Creating Rituals’ (p. 26):

” Myth, symbol and ritual are all closely related and are all expressions of archetypical realities, that may or may not be conscious within us. In fact, as we become familiar with the myths of our lives, we may find that we have been performing many rituals quite unconsciously. Sometimes people, who are very much opposed to ritual and ceremony, or who think these are outmoded by contemporary scientific and rational ways of acting, discover they have been performing rituals all their lives and in fact have even been quite unconsciously governed by them. Just as in the preceding sessions we have become aware of the myths of our lives and discovered what archetypes of the heroic journey we are living out, we may now explore whether we can find new ways to live in the world, and even how we can activate the archetypes, that we would like to experience on our hero journey. “

auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 9780835601160

Prijs: € 7,50

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Everyday Dharma – Seven Weeks to Finding the Buddha in You

by Lama Willa Miller

297 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2009 ISBN: 9780835608831

“This is the kind of handbook I wish I had in those early days. My gift to you … this is the start of your spiritual journey, of discovering within the sage that you really are. Are you ready?” — Lama Willa Miller

Everyday Dharma: Seven Weeks to Finding the Buddha in You offers a simple guide to achieving real and lasting personal transformation. This book appeals to any who are open to Buddhism in the broader context, whether one subscribes to a specific religious view or to no view at all. Dharma, a Buddhist term for the actions taken to find one’s inner-wisdom, is really a universal concept. “If wisdom were a destination,” Lama Willa says, “Dharma—played out in our thoughts and actions—is the path leading there.” By applying Dharma’s essential truths to the modern world, Everyday Dharma teaches you how to do the spiritual, emotional and psychological work in order to bring about day-to-day well-being. Lama Willa believes the art of being happy is the true enlightenment available to us all!

auteur: Miller, Lama Willa
ISBN: 9780835608831
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9780835608831";}
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Lama Willa has studied and practiced Tibetan Buddhism since 1987, and was ordained a lama (Tibetan Buddhist minister) in 1999 after completion of ten years of study and retreat. “Like revered and profound spiritual teachers of the past, in this remarkable book, Lama Willa masterfully opens a door for us into our own hearts, where she helps us glimpse, and then bring forth, the profound goodness that we always were. Whoever takes up the meditations and teachings of this book will never be the same.”— Lama John Makransky, PhD, Professor of Buddhist Studies, Boston College, Buddhist teacher and author of Awakening Through Love, Buddhahood Embodied: Sources of Controversy in India and Tibet, and Buddhist Theology. “Here are words from a truly wise woman to help us live more fully, effectively and wisely, and to share our gifts with the world.” — Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D., University of California Medical School, author of Paths Beyond Ego, Essential Spirituality: The Seven Central Practices, A Sociable God, and World of Shamanism.


Prijs: € 10,00

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Mind Games – The Guide to Inner Space

By Robert Augustus Masters and Jean Houston.

222 Pages | First Quest Original Edition 1998 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607534.

‘ Classic Mind-training exercises for Imagination, Inspiration and Self-Exploration. ‘

This updated edition of Robert Masters’ and Jean Houston’s classic mind-training Manual explains how these fascinating exercises can be applied in a host of contemporary settings. Clear instructions suggest how teachers, therapists, workshop, Church and community leaders, and everyone, who wants to live and work with more focus, flow and mental flexibility can use these Games to maximize their potential for:

  • Problem solving, team building and conflict resolution
  • Concentration and productivity
  • Creativity and visionary thinking
  • Stress reduction and relaxation
  • Focused listening and super communication.
auteur: Masters, R.A./Houston, J.
ISBN: 0835607534

Prijs: € 14,50

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The Revolution from Within – Selections from the Decades II: The Fifties

Door Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).

246 Pages | First edition 1999 | Softcover | Krishnamurti Foundation India, Chennai | ISBN: 8187326085.

The Revolution from Within is the second in the series titled ‘Selections from the Decades’ and consists of twenty-three public talks that Krishnamurti gave between 1952 and 1959. Whereas in the 1940s, Krishnamurti had to address a variety of contemporary social and political issues, here his focus is primarily, if not solely, on a radical change in the mind and heart of every human being. What brings about such a change is not knowledge or reason, nor new ideas or ideals, or the pursuit of some religious goals; nor does it come about through effort and will. It is only in understanding ourselves completely that this transformation takes place.

From Chapter – ’23 August’ (p. 23 & 24):

” Unless there is a transformation at the centre, not substitution, but a radical uprooting of the ‘me’, no fundamental change is possible. Realizing this, how is one to bring about a deep inner change? That is the problem, is it not? – for a serious person, not for the superficial who are seeking some comforting illusion, gurus, teachers and all the rest of the nonsense. So, how can that centre transform itself? Sirs, people who see that a change must take place, and do not know how it should come about, are easily caught by incentives, are they not? They are distracted by idealogical utopias, by the Masters, by worship, by churches, by organizations, by saviours, and so on and on and on; but when I put aside all distractions because they will not transform the centre, and I am concerned only with the transformation of the centre – when I really see the urgency, the necessity of that, then all these superficial reformations have very little significance. “

auteur: Krishnamurti, J.
ISBN: 8187326085

Prijs: € 9,00

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Krishnamurti on Education

By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).

158 Pages | First published in 1954, this is the 1998 edition | Softcover | Krishnamurti Foundation, India | ISBN: 818732600X.

This book is the outcome of talks and discussions held by Krishnamurti with the students and teachers of Rishi Valley School in Andhra Pradesh and Rajghat Besant School in Varanasi. Krishnamurti regards education as of prime significance in the communication of that which is central to the transformation of the human mind and the creation of a new culture. As the topics in these stimulating talks and discussions reveal, he questions the very roots of our culture so that a comprehensive view on education emerges.

Krishnamurti’s challenge is addressed not only to the structure of education, but to the very nature and quality of man’s mind and life. Unlike all other attempts to salvage or suggest alternatives to the educational system, his approach breaks through the frontiers of particular cultures and establishes an entirely new set of values. To Krishnamurti, a new mind is possible only when the religious spirit and the scientific attitude form part of the same consciousness. While he gives emphasis to the cultivation of the intellect, he lays far greater stress on a heightened critical awareness of the inner and outer world.

From page 9:

” If you begin to think, to observe, to learn, not from books, but learn for yourself by watching, listening to everything that is happening around you, you will grow up to be a different human being. One who cares, who has affection, who loves people. Perhaps if you live that way, you might find a truly religious life. “



auteur: Krishnamurti, J.
ISBN: 818732600X

Prijs: € 9,00

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Self Realization In Kasmir Shaivism

By John Hughes, Foreword by Lance Nelson.

139 Pages | Published in 1994 | Softcover | State University of New York | ISBN: 0791421805.

The Oral Teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo.

This book presents the oral teachings of the twentieth century’s great Kashmir Shaivite master. The last of his long lineage, Swami Lakshmanjoo preserved, as did his precedessors, the oral knowledge that illuminates this ancient philosophy – that clarifies the often deliberately obscure tantric texts.

Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals the essence of the way and the means to self-realization. Here in his own original discourses, as well as in his English renderings of Abhinavagupta and Kshemarāja, he unveils the essential teachings of this yoga philosophy. He reveals the tantric understanding of the purpose and reason for creation. He offers instruction on the greatness and importance of the supreme mantra sauh. In his presentation of effective practice he explains why meditation is both effortless and, at the same time, difficult. In his discussion of discipline he clarifies  why personal habits and dispositions play an important part in spiritual growth. Finally, in his unveiling of the path of Kundalini yoga, he is intent on exposing and thereby preserving this hidden elevated process while warning of its pitfalls.

From the Foreword (p. xxviii):

” Swami Lakshmanjoo traces his lineage back to the great Kashmir Śaiva polymath Abhinavagupta (tenth-eleventh centuries C.E.) and beyond. Śaivism had flourished in the Kashmir Valley for several centuries before the time of Abhinavagupta, and it continued to thrive for several hundred years after. The nondual Śaiva teaching was passed down through illustrious preceptors such as Somānanda (tenth century C.E,), his pupil Utpaladeva, and Utpaladeva’s pupil Lakshmanagupta, who  – as mentioned above – was one of Abhinavagupta’s preceptors. Also worthy of mention are Kshemarāja (eleventh century), a disciple of Abhinavagupta, and Jayaratha (twelfth century), who commented on the great master’s masterpiece, the tantrāloka. “

auteur: Hughes, J.
ISBN: 0791421805

Prijs: € 26,00

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Self Realization In Kasmir Shaivism

By John Hughes, Foreword by Lance Nelson.

139 Pages | Published in 1994 | Hardcover | State University of New York | ISBN: 0791421791.

The Oral Teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo.

This book presents the oral teachings of the twentieth century’s great Kashmir Shaivite master. The last of his long lineage, Swami Lakshmanjoo preserved, as did his precedessors, the oral knowledge that illuminates this ancient philosophy – that clarifies the often deliberately obscure tantric texts.

Swami Lakshmanjoo reveals the essence of the way and the means to self-realization. Here in his own original discourses, as well as in his English renderings of Abhinavagupta and Kshemarāja, he unveils the essential teachings of this yoga philosophy. He reveals the tantric understanding of the purpose and reason for creation. He offers instruction on the greatness and importance of the supreme mantra sauh. In his presentation of effective practice he explains why meditation is both effortless and, at the same time, difficult. In his discussion of discipline he clarifies  why personal habits and dispositions play an important part in spiritual growth. Finally, in his unveiling of the path of Kundalini yoga, he is intent on exposing and thereby preserving this hidden elevated process while warning of its pitfalls.

From the Foreword (p. xxviii):

” Swami Lakshmanjoo traces his lineage back to the great Kashmir Śaiva polymath Abhinavagupta (tenth-eleventh centuries C.E.) and beyond. Śaivism had flourished in the Kashmir Valley for several centuries before the time of Abhinavagupta, and it continued to thrive for several hundred years after. The nondual Śaiva teaching was passed down through illustrious preceptors such as Somānanda (tenth century C.E,), his pupil Utpaladeva, and Utpaladeva’s pupil Lakshmanagupta, who  – as mentioned above – was one of Abhinavagupta’s preceptors. Also worthy of mention are Kshemarāja (eleventh century), a disciple of Abhinavagupta, and Jayaratha (twelfth century), who commented on the great master’s masterpiece, the tantrāloka. “

auteur: Hughes, J.
ISBN: 0791421791

Prijs: € 30,00

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Wisdom, Bliss and Common Sense – Secrets of Self-Transformation

By Darshani Deane.

229 Pages | A Quest Original 1989 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606449.

Whether your tradition is Christian, Judaic, Buddhist, or something else – your life is a jourmey. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are all going Home. Being human is a process. Yet behind it lies the goal we seek. Your first questions:

  • Where do you stand on the Path?
  • How far have you come?
  • What obstacles fight your progress?
  • Do your shadows of anger, attachments, fear, ego, guilt, impatience, indecision or jealousy eclipse your inner Light?

Your second questions Do you lack know-how to still your flow of restless thoughts (without drugs), meditate, and dispel negative emotions – not by repression or expression, but by release? And your third questions: Is your meditative goal clear? Do you understand and love self, God, or the state of being you want to experience? Is your means of attainment clear? Do you meditate in the morning and then leave your meditation on your coat hanger?

These pages will bridge the chasm between your spiritual and secular life. They will help you to bring your meditation into the office, classroom, and supermarket. The author translates arcane secrets of self-transformation into kitchen language and breaks down one obstacle after another on your Path to Enlightenment.

From Part I – ‘Getting Out of Your Own Way’ (p.5):

” There is something dearer than wealth, dearer than family, dearer than life. That dearest something is your own Self, the Indweller of all beings. That all-pervading Essence is hidden in all names and forms like butter in milk and electricity in a wire. That inner Self whom the mind does not know but who knows the mind is your higher Self, Pure Consciousness. Attainment of That is called Self-Realisation. That is the goal of human birth. “

auteur: Deane, D.
ISBN: 0835606449

Prijs: € 10,41

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The Way of Self-Knowledge

By Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

62 Pages | First edition 1971, first reprint 1980, 2nd reprint 1984, 3rd reprint 1993, 2nd edition 2000 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594189.

The Blavatsky Lecture – delivered at the Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society in England, 26th May 1979.

To reach Nirvana one must reach Self-knowledge and Self-knowledge is of loving deeds the child’.

Progress in Theosophy is the journey from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality. The beginning of that progress is in understanding that the infinite cannot be known by the finite. The imperishable cannot be found by involvement in the perishable and the compounded. The study of Theosophy in the true sense is the study not only of Theosophical literature; it is the study of the book of life, the observation of human nature, the contemplation of Nature and the phenomena of the created world in such a way that there is a sense of the One Existence.

From page 58:

Freedom from Attachment

” The unlimited creative power of consciousness can operate only when the limitation of attachment ends and identification is not made with objects. In  freedom from attachment, there is the discovery of another of the eternal values inherent in consciousness. Since in the absence of inward freedom the other absolute values are incapable of flowering, spiritual liberation has been spoken of in the East, as the fundamental aim of human existence. “

auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 8170594189

Prijs: € 2,50

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Regeneratie van de Mens – Lezingen en Discussies

Door Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

150 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1994 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750695.

Engels origineel: Human Regeneration – Lectures and Discussions | Uitgegeven in 1990 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750644.

Theosofen zijn met elkaar verbonden door een gemeenschappelijk streven naar de regeneratie van de mens. Ze verschillen misschien in hun overtuigingen, interessen of benadering. De leringen van Boeddha, Jezus, Blavatsky, Besant en Krishnamurti zijn voor sommigen van hen inspirerend, voor anderen niet. Maar er is een sterke gemeenschappelijke band, namelijk een diepgaande interesse in de vooruitgang en vervolmaking van de mensheid, niet alleen op de materiele en intellectuele niveaus, maar in moreel en spiritueel opzicht.

Een Theosoof zoekt niet naar wijsheid voor zichzelf. ‘Hij/Zij leeft niet voor zichzelf, maar voor de wereld‘, en hoe dieper de toewijding aan het ideaal van de regeneratie van de mensheid, des te groter het begrip van zichzelf en de wereld en het doordringen van het geheim van het leven. Doel is om de bron van Goedheid en Geluk te ont’dekken in zichzelf, dat het geboorterecht is van alle levende wezens.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 3 – ‘Regeneratie en de doeleinden van de Theosofische Vereniging’ (blz. 91):

” Vanuit een praktisch gezichtspunt bekeken: begint Broederschap niet met eenvoudige dingen? Gewoon aardig zijn, aan een ander denken, in plaats van alleen aan onszelf. Wij willen het graag prettig hebben, maar een ander moet het werk doen. Zijn we bereid iets van onze gemakzucht op te offeren om degene, die werkt te helpen? Zo begint Broederschap. Maar als we broederlijk en vriendelijk zijn in de gewone zin van het woord, dan blijft nog steeds het gevoel dat we anders zijn dan anderen – je blijft in een wereld van dualiteit. We moeten dus Broederschap blijven beoefenen, totdat de neiging van het denken om de dingen in termen van dualiteit te zien verdwenen is. “


auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 9061750695
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Theosofen en aspirant-theosofen zijn met elkaar verbonden door een gemeenschappelijk streven naar de regeneratie van de mens. Ze verschillen misschien in hun overtuigingen, interessen of benadering. De leringen van Boeddha, Jezus, Blavatsky, Besant, krishnamurti zijn voor sommigen van hen inspirerend, voor anderen niet. Maar er is een sterke gemeenschappelijke band, namelijk een diepgaande interesse in de vooruitgang en vervolmaking van de mensheid, niet alleen op de materiële en intellectuele niveaus, maar in moreel en spiritueel opzicht. Een theosoof zoekt niet naar wijsheid voor zichzelf. “Hij leeft niet voor zichzelf maar voor de wereld”, en hoe dieper hij toegewijd is aan het ideaal van de regeneratie van de mensheid, des te meer zal hij proberen zichzelf en de wereld te begrijpen, en door te dringen in het geheim van het leven. Zijn doel is de bron te ontdekken van Goedheid en Geluk, die het geboorterecht is van alle levende wezens. Mrs. Radha Burnier, die sinds 1980 Presidente is van de Theosophical Society (Adyar), leidde in juli 1990 twee seminars over het onderwerp van de regeneratie van de mens. Dit boek bevat de tekst van haar lezingen en van de naar aanleiding daarvan onder toehoorders ontstane gesprekken. Van dit boek zijn tot nu toe vertalingen of edities verschenen in Brazilië, Duitsland, India, Italië, Rusland en Spanje.


Prijs: € 7,95

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Living Truth – The Future of the Theosophical Society (Blavatsky Lecture 2005)

By Radha S. Burnier.

34 Pages | First edition 2006 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN:

The Theosophical Society exists for the regeneration of humanity, beginning with establishing a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood, encouraging an open-minded quest for Truth, and investigating the essence of man and the universe. Because this is the main thrust of the Society, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), co-founder of tbe Theosophical Society with Colonel Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), discussed what would ensure the stability of the Society’s work and its future in her book The Key to Theosophy.

The ‘Blavatsky Lecture’ discusses in depth what she regarded as necessary for continuing the work of regeneration without a break. Apart from essential qualifications like earnestness, selflessness, devotion, knowledge and wisdom, ‘living truth’ must dynamize the workers of the Theosophical Society. But what is ‘living truth’? The reader will learn by perusing this lecture and realize how much we can ensure peace and goodness upon the earth.

From page 22:

. . . we never accept on faith any authority upon any question whatsoever; nor, pursuing as we do, Truth and progress through a full and fearless enquiry, untrammelled by any consideration, would we advise any of our friends to do otherwise. ” – Blavatsky – CW II, p. 433.

auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 8170595029

Prijs: € 3,00

Human Regeneration – Lectures and Discussions

By Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

154 Pages | Published in 1990 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750644.

Dutch translation: Regeneratie van de Mens – Lezingen en Discussies | Uitgegeven in 1994 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750695.

Theosophists are all united by a common devotion to the Regeneration of Man. They may differ in their convictions or approach. The teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Blavatsky, Besant, Krishnamurti or some other teacher may inspire some and not others. But there is a strong common bond, namely profound concern for the progress and perfection of humanity, not merely at the material and intellectual levels, but morally and spiritually.

A Theosophist does not seek wisdom to benefit him or herself. ‘Not for him/herself but for the world he or she lives’. And the more deeply devotion is directed at the regeneration of mankind, the more ardently the understanding of self and the world and the penetration into the secret of life. Aim is to discover the source of Goodness and Happiness within, which is the birthright of all living beings.

From Chapter 3 – ‘Regeneration and the Objects of the Theosophical Society’ (p. 91):

” From a pratical view: does not Brotherhood begin with simple things? Just being oridnarily kind, beginning to think in terms of another person, instead of only ourselves. We like to enjoy ourselves, but somebody else has to work. Are we prepared to sacrifice a little of our enjoyment to help the person, who is working? Brotherhood begins like that. But when we are brotherly and kind in the ordinary sense of the word, still the feeling of difference from others does not go – one remains in a world of duality. So we must continue practising Brotherhood, until the tendency of the mind to see in terms of duality disappears. Even the word ‘Brotherhood’ suggests, that there is a brother and ‘myself’. “

auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 9061750644
Additional DescriptionMore Details

From the book:

Without watching oneself and learning to live a truly religious and ethical life, it is impossible to reach the deeper spiritual nature. If we believe meditation to be apart from daily living, failure can be predicted right from the beginning. That is what many do. They give a little time to ‘meditation’, repeat formulas to quieten the mind for a while, and then that activity ends, and the daily life goes on a course that is quite different. But meditation is the touching of that deeper source of energy which belongs to the spiritual nature. (page. 48)

The book includes question and answer sessions and chapters on the following subjects: ‘T.S. Work and the Fundamental Change in Man and Society’, ‘The Nature of the Change’, ‘Regeneration and the Objects of the T.S.’, ‘Our Approach to Theosophy’, ‘Individual and Group work for Regeneration’ and ‘The Source of Spiritual Energy’.


Prijs: € 10,50

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From the Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum (A Quest Miniature)

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933)

158 Pages | 1983 | Paperback | Quest Books, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835605748

Spirituality never ages. This little volume contains lectures held in 1895, but which are as relevant today as then, if not more so. A Temple on a Mountain top is described. It is encircled by courts, quite similar to the concentric courtyards (prakāram) of a Hindu temple. Aspirants are climbing up the ‘Mountain of Evolution’ and waiting in the enclosure outside the Temple – ‘The Outer Court’. None are in the Outer Court save those who have definitely dedicated themselves to service. Much has to be accomplished in the Outer Court, classified by the author as purification, thought control, character building, spiritual alchemy and ‘On the Threshold’. These are to be practised simultaneously, sincerely and continuously.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 0835605744

Prijs: € 10,00

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Death and After

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595755.

This Theosophical Manual by Annie Besant helps us face death more easily. Death and dying are the greatest human fears. Clearly and simply, Dr Besant explains that although the body perishes at death, Life survives. We are each a spark of the Divine life that survives the dissolution of the gross body. Life is a conscious existence unbroken by death, and the soul that escapes from earthly life is but a means to spiritualize the material before we pass on to the life after death.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170595755
Additional DescriptionMore Details

This useful book has been written for the busy men and women of the work-a-day world, to make plain some of the great truths that render life easier to bear and death easier to face or accept.


Prijs: € 5,00

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The Transforming Mind

By Laurence J. Bendit and Phoebe D. Bendit.

160 Pages | Second Quest printing 1983 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835600122.

Many seers, mystics, artists and poets seem to have an inkling about the purpose of life – the mystery of creation. Such an experience is something each of us must seek and find for ourselves. Such an experience can happen ‘in a moment’, in the twinkling of an eye. We must come upon such a transformative vision of reality, declare the authors, we must, or we die.

Clairvoyant, Phoebe Bendit, has ‘seen’ our potential for undoing the harm we have done, and are doing, to our personhood and to our planet. With her Jungian trained psychiatrist husband, Laurence, they have written this, sometimes frightening, but essentially optimistic, spiritual/psychological study of the mind and the supermind of man. Attractive in its simplicity, extra-ordinary in its potential. The Transforming Mind suggests that once man looks inward to encompass the whole of Nature, he will automatically re-order his world and save it for peaceful use by his children and their children.

From Chapter VII ‘Jacob’s Ladder’:

” Jacob dreamt, and behold, a ladder set up on earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the Angels of God ascending and descending on it. And behold, the Lord stood above it and said, ‘I am the Lord, the God of Abraham . . . And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee withersoever thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land, for I will not leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of . . . ” – From: Genesis 28.23.

auteur: Bendit, P.D. / Bendit, L.J.
ISBN: 0835600122

Prijs: € 7,06

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The Mirror of Life and Death

By Laurence J. Bendit (1898-1974).

199 Pages | Published in 2004, third reprint | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835675548.

The book suggests according to its author, that the basis of life is in timeless and universal Being, which becomes projected for evolutionairy purposes into the space-time world of existence. Existence can only be significant when seen against its root in pure Being. Birth, growth, decay, death and, if tradition be true, rebirth, are part of a single process. They are moreover, not separate parts, but each one co-exists all the time with the others, even when one aspect predominates.

auteur: Bendit, L.J.
ISBN: 0835675548

Prijs: € 6,50

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