Personal Transformation in the Tradition of Annie Besant – A Study Course
By Mary Jane Newcomb.
49 Pages | Published in 1990 | A4 - Study Course, softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A | ISBN: 9780835600781.
This Study Course, based on the published works of the significant theosophist Annie Besant (1847 - 1933) is written for the use of theosophists and friends of the Theosophical Society. For all those, who are interested in the Ancient Wisdom, that is at the core of theosophical studies and for all those, who are seeking personal unfoldment. The Course can be used by individuals or for group study. Its lessons are on topics chosen from an extensive bibliography, that focuses on some of the areas that lie at the very center of individual life and growth.
The following topics are discussed:
- Karma
- Reïncarnation
- Education and Art
- Consciousness & Meditation
- Dharma and Morality
- Pleasure & Pain: Happiness & Sorrow

Personal Transformation in the Tradition of Annie Besant – A Study Course
By Mary Jane Newcomb.
49 Pages | Published in 1990 | A4 – Study Course, softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A | ISBN: 9780835600781.
This Study Course, based on the published works of the significant theosophist Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) is written for the use of theosophists and friends of the Theosophical Society. For all those, who are interested in the Ancient Wisdom, that is at the core of theosophical studies and for all those, who are seeking personal unfoldment. The Course can be used by individuals or for group study. Its lessons are on topics chosen from an extensive bibliography, that focuses on some of the areas that lie at the very center of individual life and growth.
The following topics are discussed:
- Karma
- Reïncarnation
- Education and Art
- Consciousness & Meditation
- Dharma and Morality
- Pleasure & Pain: Happiness & Sorrow