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18 augustus 2023

Uitspraken van Paramahansa Yogananda

Door Paramahansa Yogananda

127 Pagina’s | 2016 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Self-Realization Fellowship | ISBN 9780876127278

Deze verzameling informele uitspraken geeft een intieme blik in de geest van een van de grote spirituele personen van onze tijd. Als Paramahansa Yogananda antwoord gaf op de vragen van degenen die zijn leiding zochten, deed hij dat met openhartigheid, spontaniteit en met diep inzicht. Hij wist feilloos wanneer hij een sombere situatie kon verlichten met een humoristische opmerking en was in staat de diepste filosofische waarheden om te vormen tot eenvoudige en onvergetelijke richtlijnen voor het dagelijkse leven.

Uitspraken van Paramahansa Yogananda laat de lezer delen in persoonlijke ontmoetingen met de Meester en biedt zo een schat aan spirituele inspiratie en praktische adviezen voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Zijn medeleven en begrip voor de mensheid en zijn grenzeloze liefde voor God geven glans aan elke bladzijde van dit boek.

Paramahansa Yogananda is … een man wiens inspiratie in alle uithoeken van de wereld met eerbied is ontvangen … Er is iets onbeschrifflijk moois in de spirituele leer uit het Oosten. Ze is in staat de ziel van het Westen te helen en te transformeren.

—Riders Rev

Author: Paramahansa Yogananda
ISBN: 9780876127278

Prijs: € 13,95

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Theosophy & Yoga

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and Jenny Baker.

100 Pages | 2019 | Paperback | Martin Firell Company, London | Serie Modern Theosophy | ISBN: 9781912622153.

This volume explores the ways in which both theosophy and yoga base spiritual progress on the deepest possible understanding of the nature of life – that it exists as a single unity. This is the fourth in a series of books, collected under the banner ‘Modern Theosophy’ re-presenting important texts drawn from the history of the theosophical movement and further complemented by texts from contemporary authors and innovative thinkers.

Author: Besant, A / Baker, J.
ISBN: 9781912622153
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9781912622153";}

Prijs: € 7,95

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Een Yoga van Licht

Door Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

18 Pagina’s | 2021 | Paperback | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereninging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061751007. | Dharma Reeks 3

Oorspronkelijke titel: A Yoga of Light , Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170590149
Het eerste doel van meditatie is je eigen spirituele zelf te ontdekken. Het tweede doel is te beseffen dat jouw spirituele zelf voor altijd een integraal onderdeel is van het spirituele zelf van het universum.
Dit boekje is bedoeld als eerste leidraad voor degenen die op zoek zijn naar een beproefde en veilige methode.
Zij volgt het Theosofische mensbeeld, en kan daarmee met recht een eigentijdse ”Theosofische meditatie techniek” genoemd worden, terwijl zij tegelijkertijd geworteld is in de eeuwenoude yogatraditie.

Auteur: Hodson, G.
ISBN: 9789061751007

Prijs: € 4,00

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The Yoga of the Christ – The Way to the Centre

By Ravi Ravindra.

316 Pages | First published in 1990, first reprint 2007 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594472.

Ook uitgegeven door Inner Traditions, Rochester Vermont, USA als The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism

‘He, who is near me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the Kingdom.’

The only reason that I, an outsider to the Christian tradition and not particularly learned in it, write about one of its most sacred texts is because of my love for it. The first time, I encountered it, I was much moved by The Gospel According to St. John. Since then I have read this Gospel many times. Always it leaves me in an uplifted internal state: I feel myself called by a mysterious and higher voice.

In our contemporary pluralistic world, where a cross-cultural communication has increasingly become a matter of necessity for global survival, a new consciousness is emerging. One of the major features of this new consciousness is a non-sectarian spirituality. A universal spirituality is at the very root of all traditions, but it is continually lost in theological exclusivism, or in scholastic partiality, or in evangelical enthusiasm, and it needs to be rediscovered and restated anew again and again. Anybody, who would approach a major work of a religious tradition with a global perspective, and with an effort to discover the universal truths in it, will aid the development of the new consciousness in the right direction.

From Chapter 21 – ‘A New Beginning’ (p. 297):

” Each one of us must begin anew, perhaps again and again, if we wish to come to the deathless Beginning. Jesus Christ said. in a non-canonical saying found on some papyri discovered in Oxyrhynchus in Egypt at the end of the nineteenth century: ‘Let not him, who seeks cease until he finds, and when he finds he shall be astonished. Astonished he shall reach the Kingdom, and having reached the Kingdom, he shall rest. “

Auteur: Ravindra, R.
ISBN: 8170594472

Prijs: € 17,50

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Breathe into Being – Awakening to Who You Really Are

By Dennis Lewis.

115 Pages | First Quest Edition 2009 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9780835608725.

Welcome to Breathe into Being, a book that can help you awaken to who and what you really are through the miracle of the breath as it manifests now in your body. Most books on breathing explain how and why you should work with your breath to improve your health, increase your energy or obtain some spiritual goal – all in the future. Most books on presence explain that there is really nothing to do to be who you really are except perhaps to open your eyes right now and see that you have always been what you have been searching for.

Of course, there are books on breathing that discuss the importance of presence and books on presence, that discuss the importance of breathing. There are very few (if any) contemporary books, however, that explore the depths to which breathing itself, natural breathing, is a portal to presence, an ever-present gateway to Awakening to and Being Who you Really Are.

From Chapter: ‘We Can Only Find Meaning and Happiness Now and Here’ (p. 24 & p. 25):

” Of course, not all of us want to go through this process of tranformation. Many of us are quite content to live with our beliefs and our ways of viewing ourselves and the world. So here, before we go on, I suggest you take some time to look into your heart and mind and ponder what it is that, beneath all your fleeting desires, you really want. A big help in this process would be to put it into words and write these words down. After you have written them down, it may be helpful to put one hand on your belly and the other on your heart and follow your breathing for a few minutes, letting yourself become one with it. Then look closely at the words again and see if they resonate with what you actually feel. Are the words true? Is what you wrote down what you really want? What do you really want? Try writing what you really want again in a more honest way. “

Auteur: Lewis, P.
ISBN: 9780835608725

Prijs: € 16,00

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Rāja Yoga – A Simplified and Practical Course (1972 edition)

By Wallace Slater.

105 Pages | First edition 1968, reprinted in 1972 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

NB: This is an older edition, the most recent 2006 edition can be purchased in our Webshop here.

Of all forms of yoga, which are taught and practised in the East, Rāja Yoga is considered the kingly science; it aims at the development of man’s full potential and the expression of his inner spiritual ‘Self’. In this small volume, the author offers the basic technique of this ancient classic system of yoga in a graded practical ‘do-it-yourself” course divided into 10 lessons.

The instructions include posture, right attitudes and, most importantly, methods of meditation. This simplified course will be of inestimable value in aiding the student to find a means of inner quiet amidst the rush and turmoil of a busy life, to discover new insights and to realize himself as an integrated human being.

From the Introduction (p. 1):

” The term ‘yoga’ is now generally applied to many forms of asceticism, meditation and spiritual training whether practised by Hindus, Buddhists or Christians. It is, however, primarily an ancient Indian form of discipline, which has been modified by later Indian writers, adopted by Buddhists and practised in the West in many different forms by people professing the Christian faith or none. It is therefore to India, that we look for the original source material.

Yoga, derived from ‘yuj’, implies, ‘ to bind together’, ’to yoke’, and, in this sense, its practice is to unite the individual spirit of man with the greater Spirit of God (Īśvara), or with the Oversoul of humanity. But first, there must be an unbinding, a separation of the external from the internal, of the ‘profane world’ from the spirit. This is achieved by various yoga practices, which aim to withdraw consciousness from the periphery to the centre, from the material world of our outward senses to a calm, inner centre of reality, variously called Spirit, truth, Wisdom, the ‘Self’, ātman. “

Auteur: Slater, W.

Prijs: € 6,00

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Patañjali’s Yoga Aphorisms

By Patañjali, Preface and translation by William Quan Judge (1851 – 1896).

74 Pages | Copyright 1987, firstly published in 1985 | Hardcover | The Theosophy Company, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0938998110.

‘This book is laid upon the altar of Master’s Cause, and is dedicated to their servant H.P. Blavatsky. All concern for its fruits or results is abandoned: They are left in charge of Karma and the Members of The Theosophical Society’.

This edition of Patañjali’s Yoga Aphorisms is not put forth as a new translation, nor as a literal rendering into English of the original. In the year 1885 an edition was printed at Bombay by Mr. Tookeram Tatya, a Fellow of the Theosophical Society, which has been since widely circulated among its members in all parts of the world. But it has been of use only to those, who had enough acquaintance with the Indian system of philosophy to enable them to grasp the real meaning of the Aphorisms notwithstanding the great and peculiar obstacles due to the numberless brackets and interpolated sentences, with which not only are the Aphorisms crowded, but the so-called explanatory notes as well. For the greater number  of readers these difficulties have been an almost insurmountable barrier; and such is the consideration that has led to the preparation of this edition, which attempts to clear up a work that is thought to be of great value to earnest students.

From the Preface (xv – xvi):

” The sytem postulates that Ishwara, the spirit in man, is untouched by any troubles, works, fruit of works, or desires, and when a firm position is assumed with the end in view of reaching union with spirit through concentration, He comes to the aid of the lower self and raises it gradually to higher planes. In this process the Will by degrees is given a stronger and stronger tendency to act upon a different line that from indicated by passion and desire. Thus it is freed from the dominion of desire and at last subdues the mind it-self. “

auteur: Judge, W.Q.
ISBN: 0938998110

Prijs: € 7,26

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The Occult Training of the Hindus

By Ernest Egerton Wood  (1883 – 1965).

120 Pages | First edition 1931, 2nd edition 1952, 3rd edition 1990 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059149X.

As soon as one speaks in the Western world about Occultism in India, the imagination flies to travellers’ stories of marvels that they have seen in this country, of occurences demanding for their explanation faculties of sense, powers of consciousness and facts of nature beyond the common experience of humankind. Regarding these, I could personally relate a number of uncommon experiences, sprinkled among the events of a great many years spent in this land.

From page 120:

” Occultism may be defined as the use of the hidden powers in man to discover the hidden life in the world. It has thus rightfully been said, that it is ātmavidyā, the science of the Self, and that its object is to discover the Divine Mind in Nature and in oneself. Through the faculties and powers of the personality a man comes in contact with phenomena, and learns through them, as a child with toys. But with the powers of the higher Self – its will and love and thought, working in outward things, but unshaken by them, and not confused by personality – a man may penetrate through the veil of appearances, and the hidden reality in him will deal with the hidden reality behind phenomena. This man works through intuition – no longer a child, he deals with realities, not with toys. Such is the occultist, and to such goal is directed the occult training of the Hindus. “

auteur: Wood, E.
ISBN: 817059149X

Prijs: € 7,50

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The Gheranda Samhita – A Treatise on Hatha Yoga

Translated by Srisa Chandra Vasu (1861–1918).

132 Pages | First edition 1895, 2nd edition 1933, 3rd edition 1976 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 722950683.

From the Foreword:

Gheraṇd̯a Samhitā is a Tāntrika work, treating of Haṭha-Yoga. It consists of a dialogue between the sage Gheraṇd̯a and an enquirer called Caṇd̯akāpāli. The book is divided into seven Lessons or Chapters and comprises, in all, some three hundred and fifty verses. It closely follows in the foot-steps of the famous treatise on the Haṭha-Yoga, known as Haṭha-Yoga Pradīpikā. In fact, a large number of verses of Gheraṇd̯a Samhitā correspond verbatim with those of the Pradīpikā. It may, therefore be presumed that one has borrowed from the other, or both have drawn from a common source.

The book teaches Yoga under seven heads or Sādhanas. The first gives directions for the purification of the Body (inside and out). The second relates to Postures, third to Mudrās, the fourth to Pratyāhāra, the fifth to Prāṇāyāma, the sixth to Dhyāna, and the seventh to Samādhi. These are taught successively – a chapter being devoted to each.


auteur: Vasu, S.C.
ISBN: 722950683

Prijs: € 8,39

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The Gheranda Samhita – A Treatise on Hatha Yoga

Translated by Srisa Chandra Vasu (1861–1918).

132 Pages | First edition 1895, 2nd edition 1933, 3rd edition 1976 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 722950667.

From the Foreword:

Gheraṇd̯a Samhitā is a Tāntrika work, treating of Haṭha-Yoga. It consists of a dialogue between the sage Gheraṇd̯a and an enquirer called Caṇd̯akāpāli. The book is divided into seven Lessons or Chapters and comprises, in all, some three hundred and fifty verses. It closely follows in the foot-steps of the famous treatise on the Haṭha-Yoga, known as Haṭha-Yoga Pradīpikā. In fact, a large number of verses of Gheraṇd̯a Samhitā correspond verbatim with those of the Pradīpikā. It may, therefore be presumed that one has borrowed from the other, or both have drawn from a common source.

The book teaches Yoga under seven heads or Sādhanas. The first gives directions for the purification of the Body (inside and out). The second relates to Postures, third to Mudrās, the fourth to Pratyāhāra, the fifth to Prāṇāyāma, the sixth to Dhyāna, and the seventh to Samādhi. These are taught successively – a chapter being devoted to each.


auteur: Vasu, S.C.
ISBN: 722950667

Prijs: € 10,50

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Yogic Practice – Yama and Niyama

By S.S. Varma.

28 Pages | First edition 1991, first reprint 2002 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591805.

Dutch translation: De Beoefening van Yoga – Yama en Niyama (1995, 2011) | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750918.

Yoga literally means ‘unification’, unification of the individual soul and the Oversoul and herewith unification of all that is. Everybody realizes he or she is one with the Divine, thus should realize he or she is one with everybody else. This is spirituality. Although this total unification marks its final goal, ‘yoga’ could be understood as much as ’the way towards’.

This booklet includes rules of ethical behavior. Yama comprises virtues, such as abstaining oneself from violence, lies and betrayal, robbery, unchastity and greed. Niyama covers living up to these commandments relating to purity, contentment, abstinence, self-study and self-surrender to God. In this little publication, Varma reveals the true essence of these virtues.

From page 17:

” Before dealing with the five elements of Niyama, it may be useful to consider the distinction between the Yamas and the Niyamas. Both seem to point at a common purpose – the transmutation of the lower nature to serve as a suitable vehicle of the Divine Life. The practices included in Yama are moral and prohibitive and lay the foundation of a yogic life, while those in Niyama are disciplinary and constructive in character and aim at organizing the life of the spiritual aspirant. “

auteur: Varma, S.S.
ISBN: 8170591805

Prijs: € 2,50

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De Beoefening van Yoga – Yama & Niyama

Door S.S. Varma.

26 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1995, tweede druk 2011 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750918.

Engels origineel: Yogic Practice – Yama and Niyama | Uitgegeven in 1991 & 2002 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591805.

Yoga betekent letterlijk ‘eenwording’, eenwording van de individuele ziel met de Overziel en daarmee eenwording met alles wat is. Iedereen die beseft dat hij of zij één is met het Allerhoogste, weet daarmee ook dat hij of zij één is met ieder ander. Alleen dit is spiritualiteit. Hoewel deze eenwording het einddoel is, is ‘yoga’ ook ‘het pad dat daarheen leidt’ gaan betekenen.

In deze brochure staan voorschriften voor ethisch gedrag. Yama omvat deugden als het zich onthouden van geweld, leugen en bedrog, diefstal, onkuisheid en hebzucht. Niyama slaat op het naleven van de geboden, die betrekking hebben op zuiverheid, tevredenheid, onthouding, zelfstudie en zelfovergave aan God. Varma brengt deze deugden terug tot hun ware essentie.

Afkomstig van blz. 17:

” Voordat we beginnen met de behandeling van de vijf onderdelen van niyama, kan het nuttig zijn om eerst het verschil tussen de yama’s en de niyama’s verder toe te lichten. Beide lijken naar een gemeenschappelijk doel te streven: de verandering van de lagere aard op een wijze, die haar geschikt maakt om als voertuig te dienen voor het Goddelijke Leven. De oefeningen vervat in yama zijn ethische verboden en leggen het fundament voor het leven van een yogi, terwijl die van niyama disciplinair en constructief van aard zijn en ten doel hebben om het leven van de spirituele aspirant te organiseren. “

auteur: Varma, S.S.
ISBN: 9789061750918
Additional DescriptionMore Details

In deze brochure staan voorschriften voor ethisch gedrag. Yama omvat deugden als het zich onthouden van geweld, leugen en bedrog, diefstal, onkuisheid en hebzucht. Niyama slaat op het naleven van de geboden die betrekking hebben op zuiverheid, tevredenheid, onthouding, zelfstudie en zelfovergave aan God. Varma brengt deze deugden terug tot hun ware essentie.


Prijs: € 4,00

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Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science -An Investigation into the Nature of Consciousness and Form

By Dr. Richard L. Thompson.

254 Pages | Copyright 1981, first edition, second printing | Softcover | The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0892131489.

From the Introduction:

The first 8 Chapters of this book are devoted to a critique of modern scientific theories and the parallel introduction of the basic elements of the theoretical system of bhakti-yoga. In the 9th Chapter, Thompson shows how these elements provide the theoretical framework for a practical process of obtaining absolute personal knowledge. The analysis of current mechanistic theories is intended to reveal some of their deficiencies, and to show the need for some kind of nonmechanistic alternative. This analysis does not prove that the systemof bhakti-yoga is the only possible alternative, but it does show that this system is a reasonable candidate.The validity of bhakti-yoga can be demonstrated conclusively only by means of the practical observational process of bhakti-yoga itself, and this is discussed in the 9th Chapter.

” In Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science Dr. Thompson makes a number of cogent arguments against the usual scientific picture of life and evolution (which do not accept the existence of higher or subtler levels of organization). He also presents a clear alternative model. I think it is an important book, which would be of interest to many people. “

  • Brian Josephson  – Nobel Prize for Physics (1973).
auteur: Thompson, R.L.
ISBN: 0892131489

Prijs: € 15,88

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Science, Yoga and Theosophy

By several authors.

262 Pages | Published in 1977 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 835675300.

The Theosophical Society was formed at New York, November 17, 1875, and incorporated in Madras, India, April 3, 1905. The three declared Objects are:

1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.

2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.

3. To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.

From the Chapter ‘Scientific Alchemy – The Physics of a New Age’ (p. 9):

” Plato’s dream of the philosopher-king is perhaps realizing its most practical actualization in the new physics: the union of the philosopher-scientist. The scientific method of the new physics is encompassing an imaginative wholeness, an indeterministic openness, that might best be conveyed by the language of poetry and philosophy, by the TAO. There is no dichotomy here between science and poetry; equation and verse together become a symbol for an expression of the reality of the universe. “

auteur: Anon.
ISBN: 835675300

Prijs: € 4,54

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Een Weg tot Zelfontdekking

By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

317 Pages | Uitgave in 1989 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750604.

English original: Self-Culture in the Light of Occultism, this later became: Self-Culture in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom | First edition 1945, 2nd revised edition 1967, 3rd printing 1970, 4th printing 1976 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592792.

Een boek voor diegenen, die de oude occulte leer over de aard van de mens willen begrijpen en die het pad van zelfontplooiing willen ontdekken en bewandelen. Taimni gaat van theorie naar praktische toepassing – van de functies, de beheersing, de zuivering en het gevoelig maken van de fysieke en emotionele lichamen naar het ‘lagere’ denken. Vandaar neemt hij ons stap voor stap mee door de ontwikkeling van het ‘hogere’ denken, het ‘wijsheidsslichaam’ en tenslotte licht hij de rol van de ātma (geest) in ons leven nader toe. In het laatste deel onderzoekt hij de ‘onwerkelijke’ wereld, waarin we leven en gaat hij over tot een zeer indrukwekkend commentaar op de techniek van yoga.

Uit de inhoud (backflap):

” De voornaamste reden waarom zo’n groot aantal mensen, die de werkelijkheden van het spirituele leven willen ervaren blijven steken, zonder enige zichtbare vordering tot hun doel maken, is dat ze geen stappen hebben ondernomen om de noodzakelijke grondslag voor dat leven te leggen en ze zich ermee tevreden stellen alleen maar over deze dingen te lezen en te denken. Maar daar brengen we het niet zo erg ver mee. We moeten onszelf echt aanpakken en de nodige voorwaarden voor werkelijke vooruitgang scheppen, omdat we moeten werken in een wereld, die door wetten wordt geregeerd. “



auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9789061750604
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9789061750604";}

Prijs: € 15,75

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De Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali

By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

516 Pagina’s| Eerste druk 1975, achtste druk 2018 | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750758.

English original: The Science of Yoga – A Commentary on the Yoga-Sūtra’s of Patañjali in the Light of Modern Thought | First published in 1961, 2010 edition | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592112.

De Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali vormen de basistekst van de klassieke yoga, een van de zes filosofische scholen uit het hindoeïsme. In nog geen tweehonderd uiterst beknopte en veelal raadselachtige aforismen zet Patañjali de wetenschap van yoga uiteen. Hij behandelt achtereenvolgens:

  • samādhi – de toestand van de meditatieve extase
  • sādhanā – de voorbereidende oefeningen
  • vibhūti – de hogere psychische vermogen
  • kaivalya – de toestand van de spirituele bevrijding.

Te midden van de vele Oosterse en Westerse commentaren op deze Yoga-Sūtra’s neemt dat van de Indiase chemicus en theosoof dr. I.K. Taimni een zeer bijzondere plaats in. De meeste commentatoren maken zich met enkele gemeenplaatsen af van het kernthema van de Yoga-Sūtra’s, de toestand van samādhi of extase, alsof het hier gaat om een toestand van bewustzijn, die niet te beschrijven valt. Taimni verklaart deze toestand van hoger bewustzijn – geheel in de geest van Patañjali – echter tot in de details. Hij heeft dit kunnen doen, doordat hij is uitgegaan van de theosofische visie op het menselijk bewustzijn. Als geen ander is Taimni er daardoor in geslaagd de Yoga-Sūtra’s toegankelijker te maken voor de Westerse lezer.

auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9789061750758
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Hij behandelt achtereenvolgens:

  • samadhi: de toestand van meditatieve extase
  • sadhana: de voorbereidende oefeningen
  • vibhuti: de hogere psychische vermogens
  • kaivalya: de toestand van spirituele bevrijding
Te midden van de vele oosterse en westerse commentaren op deze Yoga-Sutra’s neemt dat van de Indiase chemicus en theosoof dr. I.K. Taimni een zeer bijzondere plaats in. De meeste commentatoren maken zich met enkele gemeenplaatsen af van het kernthema van de Yoga-Sutra’s de toestand van samadhi of extase, alsof het hier gaat om een toestand van bewustzijn die niet te beschrijven valt. Tamni verklaart deze toestand van hoger bewustzijn – geheel in de geest van Patanjali – echter tot in de details. Hij heeft dit kunnen doen doordat hij is uitgegaan van de theosofische visie op het menselijk bewustzijn. Als geen ander is Taimni er daardoor in geslaagd de Yoga-Sutra’s toegankelijk te maken voor de westerse lezer. In deze zesde, geheel herziene druk, die in 2010 is verschenen, is de paginering nagenoeg gelijk gebleven aan de eerdere drukken, zodat hij samen met oudere drukken voor studie gebruikt kan worden. Van dr. I.K. Taimni verschenen tevens in Nederlandse vertaling Een weg tot zelfontdekking Het geheim van Zelf-realisatie Zelfrealisatie door liefde


Prijs: € 25,00

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Rāja Yoga – A Simplified and Practical Course (2006 edition)

By Wallace Slater.

134 Pages | First edition 1968, reprinted in 1972, first Adyar edition 2006 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594782.

NB: This is the most recent edition, the older (hence cheaper) 1972 edition can be purchased in our Webshop here.

Of all forms of yoga, which are taught and practised in the East, Rāja Yoga is considered the kingly science; it aims at the development of man’s full potential and the expression of his inner spiritual ‘Self’. In this small volume, the author offers the basic technique of this ancient classic system of yoga in a graded practical ‘do-it-yourself” course divided into 10 lessons.

The instructions include posture, right attitudes and, most importantly, methods of meditation. This simplified course will be of inestimable value in aiding the student to find a means of inner quiet amidst the rush and turmoil of a busy life, to discover new insights and to realize himself as an integrated human being.

From the Introduction (p. 1):

” The term ‘yoga’ is now generally applied to many forms of asceticism, meditation and spiritual training whether practised by Hindus, Buddhists or Christians. It is, however, primarily an ancient Indian form of discipline, which has been modified by later Indian writers, adopted by Buddhists and practised in the West in many different forms by people professing the Christian faith or none. It is therefore to India, that we look for the original source material.

Yoga, derived from ‘yuj’, implies, ‘ to bind together’, ’to yoke’, and, in this sense, its practice is to unite the individual spirit of man with the greater Spirit of God (Īśvara), or with the Oversoul of humanity. But first, there must be an unbinding, a separation of the external from the internal, of the ‘profane world’ from the spirit. This is achieved by various yoga practices, which aim to withdraw consciousness from the periphery to the centre, from the material world of our outward senses to a calm, inner centre of reality, variously called Spirit, truth, Wisdom, the ‘Self’, ātman. “

auteur: Slater, W.
ISBN: 8170594782

Prijs: € 6,00

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Hatha Yoga – A Simplified Course (1977 edition)

By Wallace Slater.

65 Pages | First edition 1966, 2nd and revised edition 1977 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835601382.

NB: This is the older 1977 edition, the most recent 1994 edition can be purchased in our Webshop here.

Yoga is a process by which the Laws of Nature are intelligently an deliberately applied to daily life in order to realize in full self-consciousness, one’s identity with the Supreme. There have been many books published on yoga and more recently a fair number has appeared on Hatha Yoga. This Simplified Course was prompted by requests for an ordered course of training in the form of lessons, which could be spread over a period of 20 to 40 weeks. It was also required, that the exercises should be critically selected to include only those, which could be readily used by people in the Western modern world without risk and without the need for personal instruction. Lastly, the course was required by  busy people, who could only spare a short time each day for its practice.

From LESSON 1 (p. 8):

D. Meditation

” Think selectively. Choose what you are going to think about, then think seriously about it. This is not just an early morning exercise, this is for the whole day. Try to make all thinking during the day more definite and clear. In particular, think optimistically. “


auteur: Slater, W.
ISBN: 0722950624

Prijs: € 5,50

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Yoga and the Teaching of Krishna

By Ravi Ravindra.

390 Pages | First edition 1998, 1st reprint, 2006 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593174.

This Volume is a compilation of some of the essays, which Ravi Ravindra (1939 – present), a scientist-philosopher, has written over more than a quarter of a century. These essays have been published in a variety of journals and magazines, some of which are now easily accessible. Brief excerpts from some of his books, Whispers from the Other Shore, Science and Spirit, The Yoga of the Christ, and Krishnamurti: Two Birds on One Tree, are also included in the collection.

Each of the selections here is influenced by yoga and the teaching of Krishna; all of them speak of and are related to the wisdom of the spiritual traditions of India. They range from an exploration of Rita in the Rig Veda and its relation to Yajña and Dharma in the subsequent tradition to a reflection upon the influence of the Indian tradition on contemporary spiritual Masters, such as  J. Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986) and G.I. Gurdjieff (1866 – 1949). Some of the essays deal exclusively with the great texts of India, such as Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad Gita, while some deal with parallels which can be found with texts from other traditions, such as The Enneads of Plotinus and The Gospel according to Saint John.

auteur: Ravindra, R.
ISBN: 8170593174

Prijs: € 11,50

Initiation into Yoga

By Sri Krishna Prem, formerly known as Ronald Henry Nixon) (1898 – 1965).

128 Pages | First Quest Edition 1976 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835604845.

Yoga according to Sri Krishna Prem is nothing but an intense relating to life: ‘The aspirant must therefore guard himself carefully against any tendency to separate himself from his fellows. He must strive always to feel himself into the hearts of those he meets in his daily life‘. Surely these words are a far, far cry from what we are used to reading in the great array of yogic studies now available to the Western world. Initiation into Yoga is indeed a living experience between author and reader: therefore, a legitimate yogic experience in itself.

From Chapter I – ‘Initiation into Yoga’ (p. 35 & 36):

” The Guru is the pure Consciousness itself dwelling in the heart of every living being and particularly that Light as reflected in the ‘sattvic buddhi’ – the power that gives us certain knowledge beyond all the doubts and hesitations of the mind. That Light dwells in all beings and speaks (that is why some traditions have termed it the Logos, the Word) in our hearts with the voice of conscience; though only too often we confuse its voice with various other voices that speak with louder accents. “


auteur: Prem, Sri K.
ISBN: 0835604845

Prijs: € 6,19

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Yoga Beyond Fitness – Getting More than Exercise from an Ancient Spiritual Practice

By Tom Pilarzyk, Ph.D.

267 Pages | First Quest Edition 2008 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608633.

Exotic yoga vacations, designer clothing, new hybrid forms; yoga for weight loss; yoga for your dog . . . Author Tom Pilarzyk believes something essential has been lost as the 5.000-year-old spiritual practice has become a $6 billion pop culture industry. We tap its true power only by returning to yoga’s roots: Holding daily intention, welcoming difficulties that test resolve, opening the heart when feeling victimized, and remembering to breathe deeply and witness the spontaneous play of energy all around. Yoga beyond Fitness offers a bridge to yoga’s serious meaning for the millions, who use it for exercise, but want more. It traces America’s love affair with yoga while offering an overview of diverse teachings.

From Chapter – ‘The Frog under our Mat’:

” Social recovery and personal metamorphosis begin by examining our own perceptions and intentions and our own expectations and judgements of ourselves. It cannot be otherwise. Only in this way do we begin to gain freedom from clinging to past deficiency where we are never good enough, strong enough, straight enough, long enough, wise enough, or young enough just to be who and how and what we are at this very moment. The natural outcome of our transformation is happiness, at peace with ourselves and the world. This is Yoga’s promise, what Krishnamacharya once called India’s greatest gift. We must not waste it on what it was never meant to be.  “


auteur: Pilarzyk T.
ISBN: 9780835608633

Prijs: € 16,75

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The Flower of Yoga – Introductory Notes for the Study of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

By Ianthe H. Hoskins (1912 – 2001).

60 Pages | First edition 1994, second reprint 2004 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592399.

Ianthe H. Hoskins was a teacher by profession, who also had several years of experience in teacher-training. Her work for the Theosophical Society has been varied, including administration of the English Section of the Society, writing lecture around the world and talks to those interested in the philosophy of Yoga and Vedanta.

From the Foreword:

” These notes offer an introduction to the theoretical and practical study of yoga. Among the explanatory statements given here, of especial importance are the words ‘self-applied in an individual case’. In modern parlance, yoga is a ‘do-it-yourself’ science. Unless this is understood from the beginning, it is useless to embark on the study. Hidden treasure, says the Viveka-chudamani, does not come out at the mere mention of the word ‘out’: there must be reliable information, digging and the removal of stones. Similarly, the treasure of the Divine Indwelling – the goal of yoga – is not attained without the instruction of Wise Teachers, feminine or masculine, accompanied by the discplines of the yogic life.

The notes are intended to be used in conjunction with one – or preferably more than one – translation of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Some recommended versions are given at the end, together with a short reading list. 

I.H.H. “


auteur: Hoskins, I.H.
ISBN: 8170592399

Prijs: € 4,50

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The Application of Yoga to Daily Life (Adyar Mini)

By Ianthe H. Hoskins.

28 Pages | First edition 1969, 3rd reprint 2002 , Adyar Mini| Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592003.

From the Foreword:

” To study yoga without attempting to translate it into practice is like studying the technique of car driving without ever taking the car from the garage. Yoga is a practical science, and its value to the student can be appreciated only when the theoretical study is translated into experience. The questions and notes which follow may provide a starting-point for those, who feel the need of some simple and precise suggestions in applying what they have studied to everyday life. “

The notes in this Adyar Mini Booklet are intended as an introduction to the deeper study of the Yoga Sutra-s of Patañjali available in various translations. For further reading, The Still Mind by Roy Agard and Rāja Yoga – A Practical Course by Wallace Slater, are recommended.


auteur: Hoskins, I.H.
ISBN: 8170592003

Prijs: € 1,50

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De Yoga-Aphorismen van Patañjali + Een Inleiding tot de Studies van Theosofie en de Yoga-Aphorismen van Patañjali

De Yoga-Aphorismen van PatañjaliManilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi. vertaald door Ir. A.J.H. van Leeuwen.

159 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1970; dit boek maakt deel uit van de Lotusreeks II | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750406.


Een Inleiding tot de Studies van Theosofie en de Yoga-Aphorismen van Patañjali – Geoffrey C.E. Williams.

40 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1970 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | Geen ISBN.

Een nieuwe vertaling van de Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali heeft geen inleiding nodig. Binnen de Theosofie bestaat immer een grote belangstelling voor al wat yoga is; want wat zou Theosofie zijn als het geen yoga was? Dvivedi, hoogleraar Sanskriet, geeft een vertaling en commentaar op het ethisch-filosofisch systeem van de Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali. In de uitgebreide inleiding onderzoekt hij de plaats van yoga in de Indiase filosofie. Het werk bevat eveneens een register en index van Sanskriet termen.

NB: Het wordt aangeraden eerst het werkje van Williams te lezen, want er zijn weinig besprekingen van de Yoga-Sūtra’s, die zo helder, enthousiast en opwekkend zijn geschreven, waardoor het lezen van de Sūtra’s zelf veel duidelijker bestudeerd en in de praktijk gebracht kan worden.

Afkomstig van blz. 13 (Williams):

” Patañjali leerde, dat door de gedachten op een enkel punt te concentreren, met uitsluiting van alle andere gedachten, en door het denken op die ene gedachte gevestigd te houden, men deze hogere vermogens van het denkvermogen – de occulte, sublieme, verborgen eigenschappen van de ziel, kan dwingen om te hulp te komen, als het ware, en het lagere verstand te verlichten. Hij leerde, dat wanneer iemand het vermogen van mentale concentratie in volmaaktheid bezat, het slechts nodig was om het denken op een bepaald probleem te richten om het dan dadelijk te doorzien en te begrijpen.

Het denken op een enkel punt richten, met uitsluiting van van alle andere gedachten, lijkt zo, op het eerste gezicht, iets heel eenvoudigs en gemakkelijk te verrichten, en toch ben ik er zeker van, dat niemand diergenen, die dit lezen, het zal kunnen doen. Het is een mentale operatie van het allergrootste kaliber en van titanische afmetingen. Beproef het eens en ontdek dat voor U-zelf. “

auteur: Dvivedi, M.N./Williams, G.C.E.
ISBN: 9789061750406
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Uit de inleiding:

Een stelsel van ethiek, dat niet gebaseerd is op een rationele uiteenzetting van de natuur-wetten en hun beïnvloeding van het menselijk leven en gedrag, is van geen enkel praktisch nut. Dan is het slechts een ethica van individuele opvattingen en mist alle overtuigingskracht. Het doel van het menselijk bestaan is geluk en vooruitgang, en alle ethische systemen trachten de mens te onderrichten op welke wijze het eerste bereikt en het laatste verwezenlijkt kan worden.
Indien de mens zijn plaats in het Heelal zou willen verstaan, gelukkig en welvarend zijn, dan moet hij er naar streven om zich die fysieke, psychologische en morele ontwikkeling eigen te maken, welke hem in staat zal stellen om de mysterieuze diepten der Natuur te peilen. Zijn ontwikkeling moet op alle drie gebieden gelijktijdig voortgang hebben. De wetten van Concordantie (overeenstemming) heersen oppermachtig in deze wereld; en de fysische wetten corresponderen evenzeer met de mentale, als zij beide tezamen corresponderen met de morele. Tenzij de mens er in slaagt om deze toestand van gelijktijdige ontwikkeling op alle drie bestaansgebieden te bereiken, kan hij niet verwachten de betekenis en het belang van zijn eigen bestaan in te zien of het bestaan in het algemeen te begrijpen; noch kan hij enig inzicht verkrijgen in het begrip van geluk en evolutie. Voor de mens met verheven doeleinden, wiens lichaam, verstand en ziel in volkomen harmonie met elkander arbeiden, worden de hogere, neen zelfs alle geheimen van de Natuur geopenbaard. Hij voelt zichzelf een met dat Universele Leven, waarin geen onderscheidingen zijn, geen afdelingen, doch niets anders dan gelukzaligheid, eenheid en oneindige vrede. Deze vrede is de vrede van geestelijke zaligheid (Moksha).


Prijs: € 6,35

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Het Onmogelijke Zoeken – Inleiding tot een Westerse Yoga

Door Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) met memoires van Robert Bowen en commentaar van Henk Dubbink.

133 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1980 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Utrecht | ISBN:  9061750520.

Tijdens haar laatste levensjaren heeft mevrouw H.P. Blavatsky (1831-1881) aan haar leerlingen aanwijzingen gegeven hoe je haar hoofdwerk “De Geheime Leer” zou kunnen lezen. Zij noemde de weg die zij wees en uitstippelde het ware yoga-pad voor het westen, het pad van de jnana-yoga. Studie en meditatief lezen gaan hier hand in hand. Om te leven en te groeien heeft de menselijke geest breedte en diepte nodig en aanrakingspunten met de al-ziel, om tot deze te worden aangetrokken. Dit werkje kan de lezer helpen om leefwijzen en denkwijzen eigen te maken, die kunnen bijdragen aan het ontcijferen van spirituele waarden in de verschillende Schriften van de grote godsdiensten.

Afkomstig van Deel III – ‘Uit De Geheime Leer, Deel I; Samenvatting (blz. 52):

” Weinigen, wier licht helderder brandde, zijn van de ene oorzaak tot de volgende geleid, tot de geheimzinnige eerste – zij vonden dat er een eerste Beginsel moet bestaan . . . (J. Dryden, Religio Laici, 12 – 14).

Dit wordt ‘Substantie-beginsel’ genoemd, dit wordt ‘substantie’ op het gebied van het geopenbaard Universum – een illusie; het blijft een ‘beginsel’ in de begin- en eindeloze abstracte, zichtbare en onzichtbare Ruimte. Het is de alomtegenwoordige Werkelijkheid: niet persoonlijk, immers het bevat alles en alles. De onpersoonlijkheid ervan is het fundamentele begrip van het Systeem. ” 

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Dubbink, J.H.
ISBN: 9061750520
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Dit boek is een primeur in ons taalgebied. Voor het eerst zijn hier de teksten die mevrouw Blavatsky als inleiding op de lectuur van “De Geheime Leer” heeft aanbevolen, bij elkaar gezet. De vertaler heeft enig commentaar toegevoegd om meer aansluiting aan de huidige gedachtewereld te vinden. Je hebt hier een werkje in handen dat je kan helpen je de leef en denkwijzen eigen te maken die nodig zijn om tot de spirituele waarden in de Schriften van de grote godsdiensten te komen.


Prijs: € 6,35

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Hatha Yoga – The Occult Science of Health

By Captain P.G. Bowen (1882 – 1940).

19 Pages | A rare edition from 19xx | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

The interpretation of the term Hatha Yoga, suggested by the sub-title of this paper, is one which may cause a little surprise, and perhaps, disagreement. Speaking in the widest sense, however, the interpretation is entirely correct, as I hope to make clear before I finish.

From: ‘Yoga What It Is’ (p. 3):

” The teWm YOGA literally translated means UNION. It refers to the process of harmonising, or unifying all departments or aspects of the individual Man with the inner, or central Principle, until the whole Life, and all that goes to make up that very comprehensive term, becomes balanced accurately, as it should be, on its AXIS. When this condition is attained all the outer departments swing accurately about the mathematical point (position, without dimension) which is the centre, and which itself, being merely abstract POSITION, does not move at all, and because of this fact governs the relative movements of outer sections of the wheel. This condition of balance constitutes perfection of individual development.

auteur: Bowen, P.G.

Prijs: € 1,00

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The Yoga of Beauty

By Dr. Laurence J. Bendit.

24 Pages | First edition, third reprint 2004 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059281X.

Here Dr. Laurence J. Bendit  has dealt with the subject of beauty from the Theosophical point of view, principally to say that beauty transforms consciousness. It links the spiritual with the psychical. In his words, ‘ takes down shutters in the mind‘, and the real artist must be open to the inner world of Nature, who is the greatest creative artist, being unconditioned by past experiences. The search for beauty is a form of yoga.

From page 19:

” The discipline of the seeker after God as Beauty, here consists, as in all other forms of seeking, in removing the factors which stand between him and what he seeks. Patañjali tells us that if we want to find Truth, we do not have to move from where we are, but simply to take down the shutters in our minds, to stop letting the mind interfere with our perceptions. We then see what has been within reach of us all of the time. So it is with the aesthetic: a matter of allowing the vision of the Beautiful to flow into us freely and without obstruction. “

auteur: Bendit, L.J.
ISBN: 817059281X

Prijs: € 2,00

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