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23 juni 2023

Homo Universalis – Moreel kompas voor een nieuwe Europese Renaissance

Door Klaas van Egmond

236 Pagina’s | 2019 | Uitgeverij De Geus | ISBN 9789044542349

Zorgwekkende ontwikkelingen: klimaatverandering, migratiestromen, populisme, fragmentatie van de nationale, Europese en mondiale politiek, handelsconflicten en een wankel financieel bestel. Deze problemen zijn terug te voeren op de overwaardering van materialistische en individualistische waarden, waardoor de mens een karikatuur van zichzelf geworden is. De menselijke maat is verloren gegaan.

Om die te hervinden kunnen we terugkeren naar het mensbeeld van de Renaissance, zoals dat gestalte kreeg in de door Leonardo da Vinci verbeelde homo universalis. Aan dat mensbeeld kan een moreel kompas worden ontleend, waarmee we een uitweg vinden uit deze zorgwekkende ontwik-kelingen. Wanneer we het evenwicht weten te bewaren tussen de funda-mentele waarden kan er sprake zijn van menselijke waardigheid en duurzaamheid.

Jan Terlouw: ‘Dit boek laat op indrukwekkende wijze zien hoe mens, mensbeeld en moraliteit steeds weer zijn veranderd en welke gevolgen dat heeft gehad. In een tijd waarin individualisme en materialisme dominante factoren zijn, waarin we de aarde verwoesten, waarin het financieel-economische bestel niet meer dienstbaar is aan de samenleving, biedt dit boek hoop op een nieuw moreel kompas.’

Prinses Irene: ‘De homo universalis is deel van een groter geheel. Dat zijn we vergeten en daardoor zijn we de weg kwijt. Alleen door de verbinding te herstellen kunnen wij onze waarlijke menselijkheid hervinden. Daarin is de natuur, waar wij deel van zijn, basis en ijkpunt. Op basis van dat evenwichtige mensbeeld wordt u in dit doordachte boek een moreel kompas aangereikt’.

Laurens Knoop, The School of Life: ‘Klaas van Egmond laat zien hoe we het klassieke beeld van Da Vinci – de homo universalis – kunnen gebruiken om de naderende catastrofes in de Europese samenleving te trotseren: met een aristotelische renaissance van het midden. Dit boek is kraakhelder, intelligent, urgent en constructief.’

Author: Klaas van Egmond
ISBN: 9789044542349

Prijs: € 26,99

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Blauwdruk voor een nieuwe wereld

Door Ervin Laszlo.

95 Pagina’s | 2021 | Paperback | Edicola Publishing Bv, Deventer | ISBN 9789493201767

Oospronkelijke titel: Global Shift Now, uitgegeven door Waterside Productions, California.

In de nasleep van de pandemie komen wij voor een belangrijke keuze te staan: keren we terug naar het leven dat we voor de pandemie hadden of gaan we vooruit naar een betere wereld? Teruggaan naar de oude crisisgevoelige wereld zou betekenen dat we een unieke kans missen en dat zou een misdaad tegen de mensheid zijn, tegen alle mensen die nu leven en geboren worden als de volgende generatie. Dit is een kans die niet meer terugkomt en ons door de schokgolf van de pandemie wordt aangeboden. De vraag is, wat voor een wereld zouden we willen opbouwen? Dit boek biedt een antwoord hierop. En dit antwoord is van noodzakelijk belang voor iedereen die ontwaakt tot de ware kracht en potentie van een bewuste soort die in staat is op een bewuste wijze zijn bestemming te vormen. Dit boek is een oproep om vooruit te gaan: om als soort en als individu te evolueren. Dat is onze ware bestemming en onze kosmische verantwoordelijkheid. Als geen ander weet futurist en visionair denker Ervin Laszlo ons aan te sporen om dit te verwezenlijken.

Auteur: Laszlo, E.
ISBN: 9789493201767

Prijs: € 19,95

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The Consciousness of the Atom – A series of lectures delivered in New York City, Winter of 1921-22.

By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949)

76 pages | 2018 | Softcover | A Mystical World Reprints, Lyndhurst | ISBN: 9781987721454

This is a series of seven lectures given in New York in the winter of 1921-1922.
1. The field of evolution
2. The evolution of substance
3. The evolution of form, or group evolution
4. The evolution of Man, the Thinker
5. The evolution of consciousness
6. The goal of evolution
7. Cosmic evolution

NAME: Bailey, A
ISBN: 9781987721454

Prijs: € 10,95

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Evolution of the Higher Consciousness – An In-depth Study into H.P. Blavatsky’s Teachings

By Pablo Sender.


201 Pages | First edition 2018 | Hardcover (cloth) | Fohat Production, Ojai, California | ISBN: 9780997553512.

Who are we? What is the purpose of life? How do we actualize our potential? These are the questions that thoughful people have asked since time immemorial. Evolution of Higher Consciousness is a comprehensive study of the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891) on these issues.

Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, was the pioneer of the esoteric renaissance that took place at the end of the nineteenth century. Ever since, her writings have served as foundational source for modern spirituality. In his book, Pablo Sender presents Blavatsky’s profound but frequently puzzling statements systematically and in clear, concise language. He throws light on the nature of our spiritual essence, its evolutionairy unfoldment, and the work that we can do in daily life to consciously participate in this cosmic journey.

From page 178:

“Within yourself is the light . . . The light of the higher self and of the Mahatma are not different from each other.

In the presence of the Master the lower nature is spontaneously transformed. This is why in the taijasic state there is no need to fight, control or manipulate the lower. Passions and afflictions are powerful only when the pure awareness identifies with them. This practice, along with the a general ‘effort’ at leading a spiritual life, will eventually make the temporary state of ‘manas taijasa” more and more available, until it becomes permanent in the union of buddhi-manas. When we are aware of our innate divine Wisdom, conscious of our identity with everything , and aware of our transcendental and immutable nature, the human evolutionairy pilgrimage comes to an end. New field of self-expression open up to the liberated consciousness, which now becomes a beneficent force aiding human and planetary evolution.

.  .  .

Joy unto ye, O Men of Earth.

A Pilgrim hath returned back ‘from the other shore’.

A Saviour of Mankind is born. “

  • From: The Voice of Silence, fragment 3.
auteur: Sender, P.
ISBN: 9780997553512
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Prijs: € 31,50

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Evolution of the Higher Consciousness – An In-depth Study into H.P. Blavatsky’s Teachings

By Pablo Sender.

201 Pages | First edition 2018 | Soft cover | Fohat Production, Ojai, California | ISBN: 9780997553505.

Who are we? What is the purpose of life? How do we actualize our potential? These are the questions that thoughful people have asked since time immemorial. Evolution of Higher Consciousness is a comprehensive study of the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891) on these issues.

Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, was the pioneer of the esoteric renaissance that took place at the end of the nineteenth century. Ever since, her writings have served as foundational source for modern spirituality. In his book, Pablo Sender presents Blavatsky’s profound but frequently puzzling statements systematically and in clear, concise language. He throws light on the nature of our spiritual essence, its evolutionairy unfoldment, and the work that we can do in daily life to consciously participate in this cosmic journey.

From page 178:

“Within yourself is the light . . . The light of the higher self and of the Mahatma are not different from each other.

In the presence of the Master the lower nature is spontaneously transformed. This is why in the taijasic state there is no need to fight, control or manipulate the lower. Passions and afflictions are powerful only when the pure awareness identifies with them. This practice, along with the a general ‘effort’ at leading a spiritual life, will eventually make the temporary state of ‘manas taijasa” more and more available, until it becomes permanent in the union of buddhi-manas. When we are aware of our innate divine Wisdom, conscious of our identity with everything , and aware of our transcendental and immutable nature, the human evolutionairy pilgrimage comes to an end. New field of self-expression open up to the liberated consciousness, which now becomes a beneficent force aiding human and planetary evolution.

.  .  .

Joy unto ye, O Men of Earth.

A Pilgrim hath returned back ‘from the other shore’.

A Saviour of Mankind is born. “

  • From: The Voice of Silence, fragment 3.
auteur: Sender, P.
ISBN: 9780997553505

Prijs: € 24,00

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When the Sun moves Northward – The Way of Initiation (A Quest Miniature)

By Mabel Collins (1851-1927).

160 Pages | First Quest Edition 1987, A Quest Miniature | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835606141.

Dutch translation: Als de Zon Noordwaards Gaat | Published in 2004 | Uitgeverij Gabriël | ISBN 9080501735.

Mabel Collins, author of The Light On the Path, explores the link between the mystic recurrence of the Earth’s cycles of birth, death and rebirth with the seasonal regeneration of our own spiritual nature. Her meditative prose beautifully evokes the time-less sense of cosmic renewal and the consequent growth of consciousness that has its germination deep within those reflective months of quietude when the sun moves northward.

I am often asked about the question of Time in regard to the great Ceremonies which take place at midnight when the spirits of men are most completely released from their bodies during the recurrent periods of light and darkness on the earth. Midnight means the deepest depth of the darkness: it has no connection with the arbitrary hours. Therefore, in time there is necessarily a difference according to what places on earth the disciples are dwelling in: and, as time does not exist except as an arbitrary temporary convenience, once outside the body man loses the sense of it. ” – Mabel Collins (1923).

From Chapter VII (p. 86):

” Now comes the awful test of obedience. The moment of decision, which arrive to the man, and to the disciple, as a climax to a series of events, these come within the domain and power of mankind. There are other far more awful moments when the hand of a supreme power interferes in the affairs of men, and when the man, even though he be a disciple, is helpless. There are decisions made in a court above us all, from which there is no appeal, which are carried out inexorably. Then there is no decision to be made by the man himself; he can only rebel or obey. The religious man calls this supreme power which gives, and takes away, God: occultists see it in the working of the law of Karma. Be it what it may, if the man rebels against it, the disciple may not. “

auteur: Collins, M.
ISBN: 9780835606141

Prijs: € 12,50

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By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

78 Pages | 6th Edition, 2011 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595687.

´Dharma´ is a term, which has now become part of the world vocabulary, but very few know the range and depth of its meaning. Annie Besant (1847 / 1933), having studied the great discourse on dharma of Bhisma in the Mahābhārata, introduces this complex and deep subject to the lay reader. Morality or dharma is subtle, varying from individual to individual, for it is the law by which inner nature unfolds in each one from his or her particular stage of evolution. This is a subject of great relevance to all individuals and nations of the world, treated in this book with the innate Wisdom and intuitive insight of the author.

Auteur: Besant, A
ISBN: 9788170595687

Prijs: € 6,00

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Creative Evolution – A Physicist’s Resolution Between Darwinism and Intelligent Design

By Amit Goswami.

339 Pages | First Quest edition 2008 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. |  ISBN: 9780835608589.

It’s an open secret that fossil gaps – discontinuities in fossil lineages – threaten the validity of Darwin’s theory of evolution. At the same time, by denying evolution altogether, intelligent design thinkers fly in the face of scientific data. But let’s not throw the babies out with the bathwater, says quantum physicist Amit Goswami. The idea of intelligent design does contain substance with which neo-Darwinists must come to terms. And if Darwin’s theory is seen at best as incomplete, able only to explain evolution’s continuous epochs, then there’s room for both evolution and God.

Dr. Goswami’s central theme is that pure consciousness, not matter, is the primary force in the universe. This view differs radically from mainstream theories that see evolution as the result of simple physical reactions. It also differs from intelligent-design arguments that posit a clockmaker God who fabricated the universe. This view differs radically from mainstream theories that see evolution as the result of simple physical reactions.

From Chapter 21 – ‘Evolution – The Next Step’ (p. 307):

” Someone once said, ‘Man has learned to fly like a bird in the sky: man has also learned to swim like a fish in the ocean; but, alas, man has yet to learn to walk like a human being on this earth. ‘ What does it mean to be fully rational, let alone fully human? Human beings began with a tremendous leap in the capacity for making representations of the mind. A major privilege of being human is in developing the rational capacity fully. As the philosopher Ken Wilber emphasizes, however, at each level of the great chain of being, the previous level must be integrated. Only when humans have integrated the vital mind can we said to fulfill our full potential for rationality.

Have we fully integrated our vital body in our mental being? In view of the current state of mind-body disease and healing (see Chapter 15), we are far from it. We express emotions and suppress emotions, but we haven’t learned to meditate on them. We share the base instinctual emotions with animals. We are so insecure, so prone to succumb to these base instincts, that we sometimes suppress even the noble emotions associated with our higher chakras, beginning with the heart. “


auteur: Goswami, A.
ISBN: 9780835608589
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Biology, Dr. Goswami says, must come to terms with feeling, meaning and the purposefulness of life. The key is the idea of creativity in biological development, which reconciles evolution with intelligent design by a purposive designer. Hence, the book’s title: Creative Evolution. What’s more, when the question of life’s purposefulness and the existence of the designer is reconciled with neo-Darwinism, other difficulties of biology are resolved. The result is a paradigm shift for biology and the vision of a coherent whole that the author calls “Science within Consciousness.” It’s an open secret that fossil gaps—discontinuities in fossil lineages—threaten the validity of Darwin’s theory of evolution. At the same time, by denying evolution altogether, intelligent-design thinkers fly in the face of scientific data. But let’s not throw out the babies with the bathwater, says quantum physicist Amit Goswami. The idea of intelligent design does contain substance with which neo-Darwinists must come to terms. And if Darwin’s theory is seen at best as incomplete, able only to explain evolution’s continuous epochs, then there’s room for both evolution and God. Other titles by the author: – Creative Evolution (DVD) – God Is Not Dead (CD) – God Is Not Dead (DVD) – Physics of the Soul: Pts 1-3 (CD) – The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist’s Guide to Enlightenment – Visionary Window—Quantum Physicist’s: Guide to Enlightenment: Pts 1-5 (CD)


Prijs: € 24,75

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The Atman Project – A Transpersonal View of Human Development

By Ken Wilber.

240 Pages | First Quest 1980, second edition 1996 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607305.

The Atman Project is widely hailed as the first psychology, that succeeds in uniting East and West, conventional and contemplative, orthodox and mystical, into a single, coherent framework. This essential introduction to Ken Wilber’s ideas on the evolution of human consciousness feature a new Foreword linking this work to Wilber’s current thinking.

From Chapter 4 – ‘The Membership Self (p. 29):

” For a sorcerer, reality, or the world we all know, is only a description. For the sake of validating this premise Don Juan concentrated the best of his efforts into leading me to a genuine conviction that what I held in mind as the world at hand was merely a description of the world; a description that had been pounded into me from the moment I was born. He pointed out that everyone, who comes into contact with a child is a teacher, who incessantly describes the world to him, until the moment when the child is capable of perceiving the world as it is described. According to Don Juan, we have no memory of that portentous moment, simply because none of us could possibly have had any point of reference to compare it to anything else . . . For Don Juan, then, the reality of our day-to-day life consists of an endless flow of perceptual interpretations which we, the individuals who share a specific membership, have learned to make in common. “

auteur: Wilber, K.
ISBN: 0835607305
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Philosopher Ken Wilber has been mapping the territory of consciousness since the 1970s. His first book, The Spectrum of Consciousness, published by Quest Books, launched the transpersonal psychology movement. Wilber’s current best-sellers are Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, and A Brief History of Everything.


Prijs: € 17,00

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The Secret Doctrine – Abridged and Annotated by Michael Gomes

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), abridged and annotated by Michael Gomes.

257 Pages | Published in 2009 | Softcover | Tarcher/ Penguin Books | ISBN: 9781585427086.

The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s masterwork on the origin and evolution of the universe and humanity itself, is arguably the most famous, and perhaps the most influential, occult book ever written. Published since 1888 only in expensive, two-volume editions of some 1400 pages, it has long eluded the grasp of modern readers- until now.

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Gomes, M. (ed.)
ISBN: 9781585427086
Additional DescriptionMore Details

This single-volume edition, abridged and annotated by historian and Theosophical scholar Michael Gomes, places the ideas of The Secret Doctrine within reach of all who are curious. In particular, Gomes provides a critical sounding of the book’s famous stanzas on the genesis of life and the cosmos – mysterious passages that Blavatsky said originated from a primeval source and which form the heart of The Secret Doctrine. Gomes scrupulously scales down the book’s key writings on symbolism to their essentials, and offers notes and a glossary to illuminate arcane references. His historical and literary introduction casts new light on some of the book’s sources and on the career of its brilliant and elusive author, one of the most intriguing personages of the nineteenth century. At once compact and representative of the work as a whole, this new edition of The Secret Doctrine brings unprecedented accessibility to the key esoteric classic of the modern era.


Prijs: € 21,95

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Cyclic Evolution – A Theosophical View

By Adam Warcup.

144 Pages | Published in 1986 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | ISBN: 0722951507.

The current scientific perspective of the evolution of life on Earth is that of a linear progression from simple to complex. The theosophical perspective is radically different. It postulates a cyclic evolution both for Life itself and for individual genera and species, man included. It further postulates a non-physical component as integral to the whole process. Without this added dimension, evolution appears a to be a random process – a perspective wholly denied by Theosophy.

From the Introduction (p.1.):

” Man, Know Thyself, said the Delphic Oracle. Finding ourselves in a complex world, naturally we ask questions about ourselves and our origins. When we first see that this life is but one of many, we have merely answered the first question. This answer certainly gives life a greater meaning, but it also leads to other questions. Where did the process of rebirth start? Will it end, and if so, when? How did we become the complex psycho-spiritual beings we see ourselves to be? The theosophical literature which is concerned with cyclic evolution provides us with many clues, which lead towards, not so much final answers, as an understanding of the process. “

auteur: Warcup, A.
ISBN: 0722951507

Prijs: € 8,00

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This Dynamic Universe

Edited by Corona Trew and E. Lester Smith.

167 Pages | Copyright 1983 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 083560232X.

Offered in this book is a valuable link between the occult concepts that appear in the Magnum Opus of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) The Secret Doctrine (1888) and the latest theories of science. This Dynamic Universe is quite unique as a resource for the serious student of creation and evolution, clarifying as it does, some of the more difficult principles dealing with man and the cosmos.

From Chapter 5 – ‘References to Fohat in The Secret Doctrine‘ (p. 30):

” The Manifested Universe (therefore) is pervaded by duality; which is, as it were, the very essence of its Ex-istence as ‘Manifestation’. But just as the opposite poles of Subject and Object, Spirit and Matter, are but aspects of the One Unity, in which they are synthesized, so, in the Manifested Universe, there is ’that’, which links Spirit to Matter, Subject to Object. 

This something at present unknown to Western speculation, is called by the Occultists Fohat. It is the ‘bridge’ by which the Ideas existing in the Divine Thought are impressed on Cosmic Substance as the ‘Laws of Nature’. Fohat is thus the dynamic energy of Cosmic ideation; or regarded from the other side, it is the intelligent medium, the guiding power of all manifestation, the ‘Thought Divine’ transmitted and made manifest through the Dhyan Chohans, the Architects of the visible World. “



auteur: Trew, C./Lester Smith, E.
ISBN: 083560232X
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor

Prijs: € 6,50

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The Theatre of the Mind – Evolution in the Sensitive Cosmos

By Henryk Skolimowski (1930 – 2018).

167 Pages | A Quest Original, first edition 1984 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835605884.

This stimulating book of ‘evolutionairy illuminations’ expresses the eonic drama of our eternal growth – from instinct to intuition. Skolimowski is a constant delight and surprise as an image-breaking philosopher/scientist/mystic. He establishes his position as an intrepid spokesperson for ecologically sound progress. He writes irreverent things in a reverent manner. From Prometheus to Prigogine, through a philosophy founded on experience, he develops the law of progressive development based on an ever-growing sensitivity to life.

From the Introduction (p. 21):

  1.  ” The coming age is to be seen as the age of stewardship: we are here not to govern and exploit, but to maintain and creatively transform for the benefit of all beings.

  2. The world is to be conceived as a sanctuary. We belong to certain habitats; they do not belong to us. They are the source of our culture and our spiritual sustenance. We must maintain their integrity and sanctity.

  3. Knowledge is to be conceived, not as a set of ruthless tools for atomizing nature, but as ever more subtle devices for helping us to maintain our spiritual and physical equilibrium. “



auteur: Skolimowsky, H.
ISBN: 0835605884

Prijs: € 8,28

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Life and its Spirals – History in the Light of Theosophy

By E.W. Preston.

167 Pages | Softcover | Published in 1962, first reprint 1990 | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591376.

This companion Volume to The Earth And Its Cycles deals with history in the Light of Theosophy and is based on lectures delivered at the School of the Wisdom, Adyar, Madras. The general principles of evolutionary psychology were first expounded by Professor J.E. Marcault in The Evolution Of Man and were illustrated from the history of science in Studies In Evolutionary Psychology by E.W. Preston. and C.G. Trew. Both these books are now out of print. The present writer, convinced of the validity of these principles has, with permission, selected and expanded the material so that the theory may again be available to students.

  1.  PART I – Introduces the concept of life as an expanding spiral in Nature and man.
  2.  PART II – Deals with modern races and their psychology.
  3.  PART III – Is an attempt to see the working-out of these ideas in the present and future.

From Chapter IX – ‘The Fifth Root Race, Aryan or Indo-European’ (p. 70):

” The races of men are not end-on, but overlap in time as do the members of a family. Each has it own cycle and reaches the various levels of consciousness successively. Each is influenced by the other and, in the later stages, tends toward similarity of level. Before the Fifth Race was founded the Fourth Race had spread throughout the world and the majority of peoples of the world today are its descendants. […] In The Secret Doctrine Madame Blavatsky discusses this subject of the overlapping of the races. She points out that there is ‘an enormous overlapping of one Race over the Race that succeeds it, though in characters and external type the elder loses its characteristics, and assumes the new features of the younger Race’. Further, she adds that ‘even now (1888) the new Race and races are preparing to be formed’, and that it is in America that the transformation will take place, and has already silently commenced. The Americans of the United States have already become a nation apart. They are, in short, the germs of the sixth sub-race, and in some few hundred years more, will become the pioneers of that race, which must succeed to the present European or fifth sub-race. After this, in about 25.000 years, they will launch into preparations for the seventh sub-race. “

auteur: Preston, E.W.
ISBN: 8170591376

Prijs: € 7,30

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From Atom to Kosmos – Journey without End

By Lafayette Gordon Plummer (1904 – 1999).

121 Pages | First published in 1940, second revised edition 1987, first Quest edition 1989 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. co-published with Point Loma Publications, San Diego | ISBN: 0835603083.

There is a type of the true clairvoyance on the spiritual and cosmic planes‘, writes Plummer. ‘There one hears the symphony of eternal life’.

Ever look through a telescope and feel spellbound at the wonders of the heaven? Seeing is believing – and to help us truly see, this book shows us how to ‘don the winged cap and sandals of Hermes‘ and ‘soar far above the Earth, beyond the pale moon, passing at a step the confines of the Solar System, until we found ourselves lost in the velvet blackness of the night sky. ‘

The author offers a riveting condensation of the ancient Wisdom. He opens readers to the universal powers latent in people, powers far greater than any psychic abilities. He also reviews astronomy’s speculations about one stupendous Super Universe, a speculation that coincides with Theosophy’s occult teachings.

From Chapter IV – ‘Life Without End’ (p. 25):

” A Master of Life is one who is able, not only to draw upon his or her own resources, inner and outer, but through the medium of his or her inner constitution, to contact the inner planes, and draw upon the resources of the Divine Being whose ‘principles’ are these planes of consciousness, and therefore a part of whose nature he or she him/herself is. And these resources are exhaustless. “



auteur: Plummer, L.G.
ISBN: 0835603083

Prijs: € 7,50

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The Life After Death

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

94 Pages | First edition 2012, 13th Reprint | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592532.

The subject of life after death is one of great interest to all of us, not only because we ourselves must certainly die one day, but far more because there can scarcely be any more among us, except perhaps the very young, who has not lost (as we call it) by death someone who is near and dear to us. So if there be any information available with regard to the life after death, we are naturally very anxious to have it.

From Chapter VII – ‘Guardian Angels’ (p. 69 & 71):

” There are many graceful traditions of spiritual guardianship and angelic intervention, which we should all very much like to believe if we could only see our way to accept them rationally, and I hope to explain that to a very large extent we may do this. The belief in such intervention is a very old one. Among the earliest Indian legends we find accounts of the occasional appearances of minor deities at critical points in human affairs. […] The old belief in angels and archangels is justified by the facts, for just as there are various kingdoms below humanity, so there are also kingdoms above it in evolution. We find next above us, holding much the same position with regard to us that we in turn hold to the animal kingdom, the great kingdom of Deva-s or Angels, and above them again an evolution which has been called that of the Dhyan Chohans or archangels and so upward to the very feet of Divinity. All is one graduated life, from God Himself to the very dust of beneath our feet – one long ladder, of which humanity occupies only one of the steps. “


auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9788170592532

Prijs: € 4,00

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The Heavens Declare – Astrological Ages and the Evolution of Consciousness

By Alice O. Howell.

281 Pages | Copyright 1990, second edition 2006 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608350.

‘The implications are staggering! Why don’t more people know about these things!’ So wonders Alice O. Howell, one of the most profound astrologers of our time and an authority on C.G. Jung’s depth psychology. Her view of astrology as symbolic of archetypical processes provides a tool for the deep healing of the psyche. It also presents a bold synthesis of history, religions, mythology, and Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious. Supported by irrefutable archaeological evidence, Howell traces the evolution of consciousness through five of the great astronomical Ages of the past ten thousand years. She explains the logic of the signs first, so that we can then marvel at the synchronicities.

Her findings imply a resolution of the Piscean dichotomy of faith and reason, that has reigned for two millennia. (Consider the current movement to marry physics and spirituality). This leads her to speculate on humanity’s future tasks and traps. ‘As foretold, it’s not the world that’s ending‘, she laughs. ‘It’s just the Age. And here comes the next!’. Simply written as letters to a friend and analyst, The Heavens Declare offers warm advice as it inspires us to experience one flash of insight after another.

From Chapter 1 – ‘The Ring of Quiddity’ (p. 13):

” Each star
is a kiss
I would give you –
should others
wake to a starless night
you would be lying
in my arms
covered with light. “


auteur: Howell, A.O.
ISBN: 9780835608350

Prijs: € 18,95

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Creatieve Evolutie – Darwinisme en Intelligent Design

Door Dr. Amit Goswami, vertaling door Gerard Grasman.

295 Pagina’s | 2009 | Paperback | Ankh-Hermes, Deventer | ISBN: 9789020203486.

Amit Goswami heeft zijn carrière gewijd aan het integreren van wetenschap en spiritualiteit. In Creatieve Evolutie wordt duidelijk dat zuiver bewustzijn en niet materie, de primaire kracht in het universum is. Dit inzicht is totaal anders dan de algemeen aanvaarde theorieën waarin evolutie gezien wordt als het resultaat van simpele natuurwetenschappelijke reacties. Volgens dr. Goswami zal de biologie moeten integreren met gevoel, betekenis en de doelgerichtheid van het leven. De belangrijkste gedachte in dit boek is het idee van een scheppend principe achter de biologische ontwikkeling, waarbij evolutie met intelligent design wordt verenigd met neo-Darwinisme. Hierdoor zullen andere biologische problemen opgelost worden. Het resultaat is een paradigma-verschuiving in de biologie en in de visie van een samenhangend geheel. De auteur noemt dit ‘wetenschap in bewustzijn’.

auteur: Goswami, A.
ISBN: 9789020203486

Prijs: € 29,50

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Chains and Rounds

Edward Lewis Gardner (1869 – 1969).

15 Pages | Reprinted 1966, 1975, 1991 | Mini-booklet | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

From the Appendix to The Web of the Universe.

A study of the Earth Chain is a study in essence of the whole Scheme. Just as in embryology one may trace the evolution of the physical form through all the earlier stages of development from the simple cell, so in the first three Rounds of our Chain the work of the first three Chains is recapitulated. On these Rounds certain work is done rapidly that took untold ages of effort on the earlier chains. The Scheme works onwards to the Climax of its involution in the fourth Round of its fourth Chain. The Rounds are the big and important divisions of a Chain’s manifestation.

From page 3:


” In each Planetary Scheme there are seven successive incarnations or circuits of the great Life Waves from the Solar Logos. On each Chain, from the first onwards, all the stages of consciousness known as the kingdoms of nature, from the elemental to the human, are present. The broad rule appears to be that, for the span of a Chain, a given impulse of the Logoic consciousness functions through the forms of one kingdom only. “

auteur: Gardner, E.L.

Prijs: € 1,25

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Aspects of Divine Law

By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).

49 Pages | Published in 2001 | Brochure | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

Nederlandse vertaling: Aspecten van de Goddelijke Wet | Published in 2004 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750849.

Most in this brochure is extracted from the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). It has been said that these writings constitute a quarry from which generations of students can extract treasures of information concerning the truths of existence. What follows has been taken from these writings by the use of indexes, and the numerous extracts classified very roughly according to aspect. The story is a vast one. The universe manifests dynamism in all its operations and these operations apparently exhibit order. Whatever chaos there may have been in the remote beginnings of things now manifests this order as harmony and equilibrium. Where this not so the whole cosmic scene would be chaotic and self-destructive, whereas it is self-preserving as is evidenced by its very existence after countless millions of years.

From page 49:

” If Theosophy prevailing in the struggle, its all-embracing philosophy strikes deep root into the minds and hearts of men, if its doctrines of reïncarnation and karma, in other words, of hope and responsibility, find a home in the lives of the new generations, then, indeed, will dawn the day of joy and gladness for all, who now suffer and are outcast. For real Theosophy is ALTRUISM, and we cannot repeat it too often. It is brotherly love, mutual help, unswerving devotion to Truth. If once men do but realize that in these alone can true happiness be found, and never in wealth, possesions, or any selfish gratification, then the dark clouds will roll away, and a new humanity will be born upon earth. Then, the GOLDEN AGE will be there, indeed . . . “

From: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Collected Writings XI, p. 202.

auteur: Farthing, G.A.

Prijs: € 4,50

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Aspecten van de Goddelijke Wet

Door Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004), vertaald door Louis Geertman.

52 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2004 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750849.

Engels origineel: Aspects of Divine Law | Published in 2001 | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

Deze brochure is grotendeels ontleed aan de geschriften van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). Men zegt dat deze geschriften een bron vormen waaruit generaties bestudeerders schatten aan informatie kunnen putten over de waarheden omtrent het bestaan. Wat hier verteld wordt is buitengewoon veelomvattend. Het universum is op alle gebieden dynamisch werkzaam en in die werkzaamheid is duidelijk een ordening aanwezig. Hoe chaotisch deze ordening in het verre begin van all bestaan ook mag hebben geleken, thans manifesteert zij zich evenwel als harmonie en evenwicht. Als dit niet zo was, dan zou de hele kosmos chaotisch zijn en zich te gronde richten, terwijl zij zichzelf in stand houdt, zoals blijkt uit het feit dat hij nog steeds na talloze miljoenen jaren bestaat.

Afkomstig van pagina 49 & 50:

” Als de Theosofie in de strijd zegeviert, haar allesomvattende filosofie diep geworteld in het denken en in de harten van de mensen, als haar leringen over reïncarnatie en karma, met andere woorden, over hoop en verantwoordelijkheid, een thuis vinden in de levens van de nieuwe generaties, dan zal, inderdaad, de dag van glorie en blijdschap aanbreken voor allen die nu nog lijden en verstoten zijn. Want ware Theosofie is ALTRUISME, en dat kunnen we niet vaak genoeg herhalen. Het is broederlijke liefde, wederzijdse hulp, onwankelbare toewijding aan de ‘waarheid’. Als mensen maar eenmaal beseffen dat hierin alleen het ware geluk gevonden kan worden, en nooit in rijkdom, bezittingen, of welke zelfzuchtige bevredigingen dan ook, dan zullen de donkere wolken optrekken en er zal een nieuwe mensheid op aarde geboren worden. Dan zal het GOUDEN TIJDPERK werkelijk aanbreken . . . “

Uit: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Collected Writings XI, blz. 202.

auteur: Farthing, G.A.
ISBN: 9061750849
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Het universum is op alle gebieden dynamisch werkzaam en in die werkzaamheid is duidelijk een ordening aanwezig. Hoe chaotisch deze ordening in het verre begin van alle bestaan ook mag hebben geleken, thans manifesteert zij zich evenwel als harmonie en evenwicht. Als dit niet zo was dan zou de hele kosmos chaotisch zijn en zich te gronde richten, terwijl hij zichzelf in stand houdt, zoals blijkt uit het feit dat hij nog steeds na talloze miljoenen jaren bestaat. Wat geldt voor het geheel geldt ook voor de delen en onze aarde is zo’n deel; voor ons mensen die er op leven is het een heel belangrijk deel. Het is ons thuis. Ook de aarde vertoont in al haar natuurlijke processen diezelfde harmonie die ook kenmenrkend is voor het geheel.


Prijs: € 4,00

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Evolutie – Theosofische Perspectieven

Vrij bewerkt naar H.T. Edge.

84 Pagina’s | Tweede druk 1984 | Softcover | Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, Den Haag, München | ISBN: 9070328100.

‘Evolutie is de openbaring van ingeboren vermogens en krachten van zich ontwikkelende wezens, van welke aard die wezens ook zijn: goden, of het mensenras, of andere rassen van bezielde wezens onder de mens. Het is een naar buiten brengen van wat tevoren ontwikkeld, ingesloten was. Het is het streven van het innerlijke, het onzichtbare, zich te manifesteren in de geopenbaarde wereld die we gewoonlijk de zichtbare wereld noemen. Het is de drang van het innerlijke wezen zich op het uiterlijke gebied tot uitdrukking te brengen. Het betekent het doorbreken van barrières om die zelfexpressie mogelijk te maken; het is het openen van een deur, bij wijze van spreken, die toegang geeft tot tempels van veel grotere kennis en wijsheid dan waarin het wezen tot nu toe bepaalde lessen had geleerd’ . . . – Gotfried de Purucker, in: Man in Evolution.

Afkomstig uit de ‘Inleiding’ (p. 4):

” De mens is inderdaad een mysterie: onder het oppervlak en achter de sluier ligt het mysterie van het zelf, van de individualiteit, van een ontwikkelingsgang die zich tot in verre eeuwigheden uitstrekt. De mens is in wezen een goddelijke energie, door sluiers omwikkeld. ” – Gotfried de Purucker, in: Fountain-Source of Occultism.

auteur: Edge, H.T.
ISBN: 9070328100

Prijs: € 5,00

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By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

137 Pages | Reprinted in 2002 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593654.

Through immensely long ages or kalpā-s, climbing steadily the ladder of evolution, the ‘Liberated Ones’ merge with eternal life. Within them burns the flame of Love for all that exists. It is they who, from time to time, descend into manifested forms (avatāra-s) to accelerate the course of evolution. So says Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), who had a profound knowledge of Hindu religious philosophy and tradition, while answering the question: what is an avatāra? in a series of four lectures delivered in 1899.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170593654

Prijs: € 3,00

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The Mirror of Life and Death

By Laurence J. Bendit (1898-1974).

199 Pages | Published in 2004, third reprint | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835675548.

The book suggests according to its author, that the basis of life is in timeless and universal Being, which becomes projected for evolutionairy purposes into the space-time world of existence. Existence can only be significant when seen against its root in pure Being. Birth, growth, decay, death and, if tradition be true, rebirth, are part of a single process. They are moreover, not separate parts, but each one co-exists all the time with the others, even when one aspect predominates.

auteur: Bendit, L.J.
ISBN: 0835675548

Prijs: € 6,50

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The Radiant Child

By Thomas Armstrong.

203 Pages | A Quest Original, first published in 1985, second printing 1988 | Soft cover| Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606007.

Thomas Armstrong believes, that children come into this life radiating and reflecting the mystery of creation; that their spiritual nature as well as their basic instincts are close to the surface of their awareness. Unfortunately, for most part, parents, teachers, and child therapists have not recognized this delightfully useful aspect of the childhood psyche. The author notes, that this hidden sight of youthful consciousness has been noticed and appreciated primarily by poets, mystics, authors of fairy tales, and world mythologists. These folks identify with the wonder-child, the divine child, the child-god, the child hero. This practical guide is heavily documented with case-histories of ‘radiant’ experiences, the reality of which is supported by telling testimony from the author’s peers.

From page 101:

” The child is potential future . . . the ‘child’ paves the way for a future change of personality. In the individuation process it anticipates the figure, that comes from the synthesis of conscious and unconscious elements in the personality. It is therefore a symbol, which unites the opposites; a mediator, a bringer of healing; that is, one who makes whole. “


auteur: Armstrong, T.
ISBN: 0835606007

Prijs: € 9,73

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