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6 september 2024

Theosophy: Its Beneficent Potentialities (Blavatsky Lecture 2001)

Door Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).

51 Pages | A Blavatsky-lecture delivered at the Summerschool of the Theosophical Society in England, King Alfred’s College Winchester, Sunday 29 July 2001 | Brochure | No ISBN.

Dutch translation: Theosofie: Een Weldadige Bron van Inspiratie | Published in 2008 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750871.

Theosophy is in its fulness a comprehensive knowledge of the Nature and the working of Nature, in which man plays a prime part. The human kingdom is a critical stage in the immens evolutionary programme when ‘Man’, the thinker, is born. The knowledge of Theosophy is gained by generations of trained seekers and enquirers, Initiates in the Arcane Mysteries. It claims to be an expression of Truth, the facts of existence. It is therefore not a matter of conjecture or belief.

From the Introduction:

But you, Occultists, Kabbalists and Theosophists, you well know that a Word, old as the world, though new to you, has been sounded at the beginning of this cycle, and the potentiality of which, unperceived by others, lies hidden in the sum of digits of the years 1889; you well know that a note has just been struck which has never been heard by mankind of this era; and that a New Idea is revealed, ripened by the forces of evolution. This Idea differs from everything that has been produced in the nineteenth century; it is identical, however with the thought that has been the dominant tone and the keynote of every century, especially the last- absolute freedom of thought for humanity.

auteur: Farthing, G.A.
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor

Prijs: € 3,25

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The Right Angle – H.P. Blavatsky on Masonry in Her Theosophical Writings

Compiled by G.A. Farthing.

84 Pages | 2003| Softcover |Theosophical Publishing House, London –  in collaboration with The Blavatsky Trust

These extracts from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (H.P.B. ‘s) voluminous works are intended to give some information about Masonry and the flavour of her thinking on the subject as she dealt with it over the period of her writing from 1875 – 1891.

H.P.B. was exposed to Masonry via relatives and friends in her formative years, and later many of her associates were Masons. Among them were some, including Colonel Olcott (1832 – 1907), who helped in the founding of the Theosophical Society and became its first President. At the time of the founding of the Theosophical Society, however, there had been no public exposition of Theosophy. Later, there were intimations of it in Isis Unveiled and in many of H.P.B’s early writings. The great comprehensive teaching only came out in The Secret Doctrine published in 1888.

The significance of this in the matter of Masonry vis-a-vis Theosophy is that with the publication of the theosophical teachings sometimes hitherto closely guarded occult secrets were made public for the first time. Against this, as the reader of the extracts will perceive, the really significant secrets of Masonry, relating to the nature and processes of Nature herself, had been lost from early times.

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Farthing, G.A. (comp.)
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor

Prijs: € 10,00

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Modern Theosophy – Origins And Intentions – A Trilogy

By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).

53 Pages | Revised and enlarged edition December, 1999 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.


Theosophy is a relatively recent name for the Ancient Wisdom known from time immemorial, ever since there were minds to apprehend it. It is variously known as the Wisdom Religion, the Ancient Wisdom, the Science of Sciences, Esotericism and Occultism. It has been kept secret to preserve it from distortion, adulteration and misuse. As much of it as was thought wise by two if the Masters was made public for the first time at the end of the 19th century. This was mainly in the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891); something of how this was done is told herein. The word ‘modern’ can only properly be applied to this outpouring, not to the ever-enduring Wisdom itself.

The expressed purpose behind this release of information was the eradication of superstitious ignorance and crass materialism, and the earnest desire to establish a Universal Brotherhood of Mankind on a truly spiritual basis.

From page 45:

” Help Nature and work with her and Nature will regard thee as one of her creators and make obeisance.

And she will open wide before thee the portals of her secret chambers, lay bare before thy gaze the treasures hidden in the very depths of her pure virgin bosom. Unsullied by the hand of matter she shows her treasures only to the eye of Spirit – the eye which never closes, the eye for which there is no veil in all her kingdoms.

Then she will show thee the means and way, the first gate and the second, the third, up to the very seventh. And then, the goal – beyond which lie, bathed in the sunlight of the Spirit, glories untold unseen by any save the eye of the Soul. [V.S. vs 66, 67, 68]. “

auteur: Farthing, G.A.

Prijs: € 2,00

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Exploring The Great Beyond

By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).
214 Pages | A Quest Original 1978 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835605086.

A thought-provoking study of Occultism.

If you are fascinated with stories of the unknown, and would also like to understand the reasons why there are so many strange and marvelous things going on around us, this is a book you will appreciate. Geoffrey Farthing takes us on an exciting journey into inner and outer space. He tells us what Astral Light is. He describes and explains the Elemental Kingdom of Nature. He writes about magic, mesmerism, and the inexplicable finding of lost articles; about animal and plant telepathy, spiritualism, psychism and much more.

All of the above are based on the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 -1891), called the greatest Occultist in the history of Western civilization, as she and her principal collaborators have provided us with the complete picture of creation. Here is nature as one holistic entity, yet a nature that is eternally and dynamically evolving. The entire book seeks to provide the reader with a legitimate and thoroughly optimistic philosophy of living.

From Chapter 4 – ‘The Wonderful Psychic’ (p. 37):

” Her [H.P.B.’s] family was interested to observe her growing control over phenomena. Her sister says: This was proved by her stopping such phenomena at her will, and by previous arrangement, for days and weeks at a time. Then when the term was over, she could produce them at her command and leave the choice to what should happen to those present. In short, it is the firm belief of all that, where a less strong nature would have certainly wrecked in the struggle, her indomitable will found somehow or other the means of subjecting the world of the invisibles – to the denizens of which she has ever refused the name of ‘spirits’ and Souls – to her own control. “

auteur: Farthing, G.A.
ISBN: 0835605086

Prijs: € 5,60

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Aspects of Divine Law

By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).

49 Pages | Published in 2001 | Brochure | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

Nederlandse vertaling: Aspecten van de Goddelijke Wet | Published in 2004 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750849.

Most in this brochure is extracted from the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). It has been said that these writings constitute a quarry from which generations of students can extract treasures of information concerning the truths of existence. What follows has been taken from these writings by the use of indexes, and the numerous extracts classified very roughly according to aspect. The story is a vast one. The universe manifests dynamism in all its operations and these operations apparently exhibit order. Whatever chaos there may have been in the remote beginnings of things now manifests this order as harmony and equilibrium. Where this not so the whole cosmic scene would be chaotic and self-destructive, whereas it is self-preserving as is evidenced by its very existence after countless millions of years.

From page 49:

” If Theosophy prevailing in the struggle, its all-embracing philosophy strikes deep root into the minds and hearts of men, if its doctrines of reïncarnation and karma, in other words, of hope and responsibility, find a home in the lives of the new generations, then, indeed, will dawn the day of joy and gladness for all, who now suffer and are outcast. For real Theosophy is ALTRUISM, and we cannot repeat it too often. It is brotherly love, mutual help, unswerving devotion to Truth. If once men do but realize that in these alone can true happiness be found, and never in wealth, possesions, or any selfish gratification, then the dark clouds will roll away, and a new humanity will be born upon earth. Then, the GOLDEN AGE will be there, indeed . . . “

From: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Collected Writings XI, p. 202.

auteur: Farthing, G.A.

Prijs: € 4,50

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Aspecten van de Goddelijke Wet

Door Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004), vertaald door Louis Geertman.

52 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2004 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750849.

Engels origineel: Aspects of Divine Law | Published in 2001 | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

Deze brochure is grotendeels ontleed aan de geschriften van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). Men zegt dat deze geschriften een bron vormen waaruit generaties bestudeerders schatten aan informatie kunnen putten over de waarheden omtrent het bestaan. Wat hier verteld wordt is buitengewoon veelomvattend. Het universum is op alle gebieden dynamisch werkzaam en in die werkzaamheid is duidelijk een ordening aanwezig. Hoe chaotisch deze ordening in het verre begin van all bestaan ook mag hebben geleken, thans manifesteert zij zich evenwel als harmonie en evenwicht. Als dit niet zo was, dan zou de hele kosmos chaotisch zijn en zich te gronde richten, terwijl zij zichzelf in stand houdt, zoals blijkt uit het feit dat hij nog steeds na talloze miljoenen jaren bestaat.

Afkomstig van pagina 49 & 50:

” Als de Theosofie in de strijd zegeviert, haar allesomvattende filosofie diep geworteld in het denken en in de harten van de mensen, als haar leringen over reïncarnatie en karma, met andere woorden, over hoop en verantwoordelijkheid, een thuis vinden in de levens van de nieuwe generaties, dan zal, inderdaad, de dag van glorie en blijdschap aanbreken voor allen die nu nog lijden en verstoten zijn. Want ware Theosofie is ALTRUISME, en dat kunnen we niet vaak genoeg herhalen. Het is broederlijke liefde, wederzijdse hulp, onwankelbare toewijding aan de ‘waarheid’. Als mensen maar eenmaal beseffen dat hierin alleen het ware geluk gevonden kan worden, en nooit in rijkdom, bezittingen, of welke zelfzuchtige bevredigingen dan ook, dan zullen de donkere wolken optrekken en er zal een nieuwe mensheid op aarde geboren worden. Dan zal het GOUDEN TIJDPERK werkelijk aanbreken . . . “

Uit: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Collected Writings XI, blz. 202.

auteur: Farthing, G.A.
ISBN: 9061750849
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Het universum is op alle gebieden dynamisch werkzaam en in die werkzaamheid is duidelijk een ordening aanwezig. Hoe chaotisch deze ordening in het verre begin van alle bestaan ook mag hebben geleken, thans manifesteert zij zich evenwel als harmonie en evenwicht. Als dit niet zo was dan zou de hele kosmos chaotisch zijn en zich te gronde richten, terwijl hij zichzelf in stand houdt, zoals blijkt uit het feit dat hij nog steeds na talloze miljoenen jaren bestaat. Wat geldt voor het geheel geldt ook voor de delen en onze aarde is zo’n deel; voor ons mensen die er op leven is het een heel belangrijk deel. Het is ons thuis. Ook de aarde vertoont in al haar natuurlijke processen diezelfde harmonie die ook kenmenrkend is voor het geheel.


Prijs: € 4,00

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Wat is Theosofie?

By Robert Ellwood, vertaald door Marijke Koekoek.

240 Pagina’s | Eerste editie 1986, Theosophical Publishing House, Nederlandse vertaling 1994 | Soft cover | Kosmos – Z&K Uitgevers, Utrecht / Antwerpen. | ISBN: 9021522586.

De theosofische opvattingen over de schepping hebben in de loop van ruim een eeuw de aandacht en sympathie verworven van een nog steeds groeiend aantal mensen over de hele wereld. Er verschijnen steeds vaker boeken over reïncarnatie, karma, evolutie, de Eenheid van alle leven, de cyclische aard van de schepping en het mysterie van het bewustzijn. Allemaal begrippen die mede door de theosofische school zijn ontwikkeld.

Dat juist in onze tijd de belangstelling voor deze uiterst tolerante leer opnieuw krachtig groeit, heeft niet alleen alles te maken met de huidige drang van de mens naar dieper inzicht in zichzelf, maar ook met de modernste ontwikkelingen op wetenschappelijk gebied die tot inzichten leiden die vaak sterk verwant lijken met de spirituele opvattingen van de theosofen.

Uit Hoofdstuk 4 – ‘Op het Pad’ (p. 139):

Met een kenmerkende theosofische nadruk onderstreept Leadbeater het belang van dienstbaarheid. In het hoofdstuk over de Proeftijd haalt hij een Meester aan:

” Ik weet dat het enige doel in je leven het dienen van de Broederschap is; vergeet niettemin niet dat er hogere stappen voor je liggen, en dat er om vooruitgang op het Pad te boeken wakkere oplettendheid nodig is. Je moet niet alleen bereid zijn te dienen, je moet altijd uitkijken naar gelegenheden – nee gelegenheden scheppen – om in kleine dingen behulpzaam te zijn, zodat wanneer het groter werk komt, je dit niet over het hoofd zult zien. (p. 81). “


auteur: Ellwood, R.
ISBN: 9021522586

Prijs: € 7,00

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Evolutie – Theosofische Perspectieven

Vrij bewerkt naar H.T. Edge.

84 Pagina’s | Tweede druk 1984 | Softcover | Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, Den Haag, München | ISBN: 9070328100.

‘Evolutie is de openbaring van ingeboren vermogens en krachten van zich ontwikkelende wezens, van welke aard die wezens ook zijn: goden, of het mensenras, of andere rassen van bezielde wezens onder de mens. Het is een naar buiten brengen van wat tevoren ontwikkeld, ingesloten was. Het is het streven van het innerlijke, het onzichtbare, zich te manifesteren in de geopenbaarde wereld die we gewoonlijk de zichtbare wereld noemen. Het is de drang van het innerlijke wezen zich op het uiterlijke gebied tot uitdrukking te brengen. Het betekent het doorbreken van barrières om die zelfexpressie mogelijk te maken; het is het openen van een deur, bij wijze van spreken, die toegang geeft tot tempels van veel grotere kennis en wijsheid dan waarin het wezen tot nu toe bepaalde lessen had geleerd’ . . . – Gotfried de Purucker, in: Man in Evolution.

Afkomstig uit de ‘Inleiding’ (p. 4):

” De mens is inderdaad een mysterie: onder het oppervlak en achter de sluier ligt het mysterie van het zelf, van de individualiteit, van een ontwikkelingsgang die zich tot in verre eeuwigheden uitstrekt. De mens is in wezen een goddelijke energie, door sluiers omwikkeld. ” – Gotfried de Purucker, in: Fountain-Source of Occultism.

auteur: Edge, H.T.
ISBN: 9070328100

Prijs: € 5,00

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Het Onmogelijke Zoeken – Inleiding tot een Westerse Yoga

Door Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) met memoires van Robert Bowen en commentaar van Henk Dubbink.

133 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1980 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Utrecht | ISBN:  9061750520.

Tijdens haar laatste levensjaren heeft mevrouw H.P. Blavatsky (1831-1881) aan haar leerlingen aanwijzingen gegeven hoe je haar hoofdwerk “De Geheime Leer” zou kunnen lezen. Zij noemde de weg die zij wees en uitstippelde het ware yoga-pad voor het westen, het pad van de jnana-yoga. Studie en meditatief lezen gaan hier hand in hand. Om te leven en te groeien heeft de menselijke geest breedte en diepte nodig en aanrakingspunten met de al-ziel, om tot deze te worden aangetrokken. Dit werkje kan de lezer helpen om leefwijzen en denkwijzen eigen te maken, die kunnen bijdragen aan het ontcijferen van spirituele waarden in de verschillende Schriften van de grote godsdiensten.

Afkomstig van Deel III – ‘Uit De Geheime Leer, Deel I; Samenvatting (blz. 52):

” Weinigen, wier licht helderder brandde, zijn van de ene oorzaak tot de volgende geleid, tot de geheimzinnige eerste – zij vonden dat er een eerste Beginsel moet bestaan . . . (J. Dryden, Religio Laici, 12 – 14).

Dit wordt ‘Substantie-beginsel’ genoemd, dit wordt ‘substantie’ op het gebied van het geopenbaard Universum – een illusie; het blijft een ‘beginsel’ in de begin- en eindeloze abstracte, zichtbare en onzichtbare Ruimte. Het is de alomtegenwoordige Werkelijkheid: niet persoonlijk, immers het bevat alles en alles. De onpersoonlijkheid ervan is het fundamentele begrip van het Systeem. ” 

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Dubbink, J.H.
ISBN: 9061750520
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Dit boek is een primeur in ons taalgebied. Voor het eerst zijn hier de teksten die mevrouw Blavatsky als inleiding op de lectuur van “De Geheime Leer” heeft aanbevolen, bij elkaar gezet. De vertaler heeft enig commentaar toegevoegd om meer aansluiting aan de huidige gedachtewereld te vinden. Je hebt hier een werkje in handen dat je kan helpen je de leef en denkwijzen eigen te maken die nodig zijn om tot de spirituele waarden in de Schriften van de grote godsdiensten te komen.


Prijs: € 6,35

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Het Bijzondere Leven en de Invloed van Helena Blavatsky – Stichtster van de Moderne Theosofische Beweging (2de herziene druk 2008)

Door Sylvia Cranston (Anita Atkins) (1915 – 2000) en research assistent Carey Williams.

651 Pages | Eerste druk 1995, tweede herziene druk 2008; vertaling van de Engelse third and revised edition | Hardcover | Theosophical University Press Agency, Den Haag | ISBN: 9789070328719.

Engels origineel: HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement | Published in 1993 | Path Pub. House, Sausalito, California; in cooperation with the Institute of Noetic Sciences | ISBN: 9780966211511.

Deze uitgebreide en zeer volledige biografie is het resultaat van 14 jaar onderzoek en schrijven, en geeft een fascinerend verslag van het leven en werk van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). Onschatbaar bronnenmateriaal, oorspronkelijk in het Russisch geschreven, werd speciaal voor dit boek vertaald.

H.P. Blavatksy was een van de stichters van de Theosophical Society in New York in 1875. In het Westen gaf ze een grote impuls door ideeën zoals karma, reïncarnatie, spirituele ontwikkeling en de zevenvoudige samenstelling van de mens meer bekendheid te geven; in het Oosten moedigde ze een heropleving van het oorspronkelijk hindoeïsme en boeddhisme aan. Haar geschriften waren, en zijn nog steeds, een bron van inspiratie voor veel kunstenaars, schrijvers, componisten, filosofen en wetenschappers.

Door haar wereldwijde reizen, contacten met verschillende mystieke tradities en hun adepten, en de ontwikkeling die zijzelf heeft doorgemaakt, was haar leven bijzonder boeiend. Ze streed krachtig tegen de verstarde en materialistische ideeën in religie en wetenschap. Haar leven stond in het teken van 1 belangrijk doel: om de tijdloze wijsheid opnieuw onder de aandacht te brengen en daardoor universele broederschap te versterken.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 4- ‘De Volgende Eeuw: van Yeats tot Thornton Wilder en verder’ (blz. 454):

” Dat de belangstelling voor Yeats voor HPB vanaf het begin serieus was, kan worden afgeleid uit enkelen van zijn brieven uit die periode. Hij schreef aan John O’Leary:

Kom haar opzoeken als je in Londen bent. Ze is de meest menselijke persoon die er is, ze is als een oude boerenvrouw en is volkomen toegewijd: haar hele leven bestaat alleen uit zitten in een grote stoel met een pen in haar hand. Al jarenlang schrijft ze 12 uur per dag. “



auteur: Cranston, S.
ISBN: 9789070328719
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}
2: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9789070328719";}

Prijs: € 29,50

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Theosophy Simplified

By Irving S. Cooper

107 Pages | First published in 1915, 1979 edition | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606511.

” Reincarnation…Karma…Evolution…The Soul… All lead us inexorably to The Splendid Goal. “

And, all of these things together form the basis of the ancient and sublime system of thought known as theosophy. That’s what this book is all about. There has been a dramatic upsurge of interest in this time-tested religio-philosophy during recent years. People everywhere are coming to know that there are many important aspects of life, that cannot be experienced through our five senses. People everywhere are becoming aware, that there is indeed a great and grand Divine Plan behind all of creation; that the people are participants in this plan; that knowledge of this plan is available to every human being.

With these facts in mind, The Theosophical Publishing House decided to re-issue this primer of theosophy. Simply put, it is about the creation of the world and the evolution of humankind. Everything else is but a commentary upon the methodology used by the instigator of the Plan. The instigator is called Brahma, God, Allah, Jehovah, The First Principle, the Causeless Cause, or any of a thousand other appellations. Theosophy Simplified is a brief, clear, highly readable explanation of the most basic and important questions that we may ask ourselves.

From Chapter 1 – ‘The Sources and Nature of Theosophy’:

” Theosophy is, then, the archaic Wisdom-Religion, the esoteric doctrine once known in every ancient country having claims to civilization. This ‘Wisdom’ all the old writings show is an emanation of the Divine Principle; and the clear comprehension of it is typified in such names as the Indian Budh, the Babylonian Nebo, the Thoth of Memphis, the Hermes of Greece;  . . . and finally the Vedas, from the word ’to know’.  – Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), A Modern Panarion (1895).

auteur: Cooper, I.S.
ISBN: 0835606511

Prijs: € 6,44

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Our Glorious Future

By Mabel Collins (1851 – 1927).

115 Pages | First edition 1915, second edition 1917; this is the facsimile of 1917 | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana | ISBN: 156459503X.

‘The Interpretation of Light on the Path’.



  1. The Disciple
  2. Attend You to Them
  3. The Masters
  4. Sight
  5. Hearing
  6. Speech
  7. Stability.


  1. The Transmutation of Desire
  2. Work and Effort-Separateness-Sensation
  3. The Retreat – The Advance – The Blooming of the Flower
  4. Contemplation – The Study of Mankind – The Study of the Self – The Logos
  5. The Gifts of the Disciple – The Use of the Gifts – The Victory
  6. Epilogue – ‘I and my Father’.

From the Epilogue – ‘I and my Father’ (p. 115):

” ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions’, said the Master. One I have now seen myself, and it proves to me more plainly even than the experiences of the wondrous day when I saw the glorious writing (Light on the Path) on the wall, that now it is before the Christ those who are disciples must be strong enough to stand with the feet washed in the blood of the heart. I have seen Him with His feet stained with His own heart’s blood, and only so can we present ourselves before Him in His own likeness. “

auteur: Collins, M.

Prijs: € 13,16

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The Mystery Of Life – And How Theosophy Unveils It

By Clara Margaret Codd (1876 – 1971).

47 Pages | Sixth reprint 2004 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059071X.

Clara Margaret Codd was born in England in 1876. Early in life she rejected conventional thought. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice, she plunged into the Suffragette Movement. Her meeting with Colonel Henry-Steel Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society, proved a turning point in her life. She let go an assignment in the Women’s Social and Political Union to work for the Theosophical Society. A lecturer for the Society, who travelled widely, she spoke and wrote with intimate understanding of various aspects of life.

From page 2 & 3:

The Masters of the Art and Science of Living:

” There are vast and immutable laws governing the progress of life. This is its science. Most of us are merely children in the great school of life and are learning by experience something of these great laws. But there must be those, who know them thoroughly, and therefore share their power. William James, the psychologist, once said that all great thinkers presuppose that there must be behind every different form of human knowledge a root knowledge. What would that root knowledge be? Surely the great art and science of life itself. Occultism, about which we hear so much these days, has been defined by a great occultist as: ‘The Science of Life and the Art of Living’. 

Just as in the science of mathematics where there are the children learning that two and two make four and the great professors of the science, like Albert Einstein, for example, so in the great school of life there are the scholars of varying degrees of growth and attainment, and also the great professors of that Science of all sciences and that beautiful Art of all arts. For untold ages in the history of this planet great master-minds, sages and adepts have garnered this deeper knowledge, and have handed it on from one generation to another; and now, in these modern days, they have lifted a tiny corner of the veil, which screens this tremendous knowledge, and gives us, through their pupils, an outline of the universal principles which govern all life. What these are, and how they illuminate life for us, we shall now try to describe. “

auteur: Codd, C.M.
ISBN: 817059071X

Prijs: € 2,50

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Regeneratie van de Mens – Lezingen en Discussies

Door Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

150 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1994 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750695.

Engels origineel: Human Regeneration – Lectures and Discussions | Uitgegeven in 1990 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750644.

Theosofen zijn met elkaar verbonden door een gemeenschappelijk streven naar de regeneratie van de mens. Ze verschillen misschien in hun overtuigingen, interessen of benadering. De leringen van Boeddha, Jezus, Blavatsky, Besant en Krishnamurti zijn voor sommigen van hen inspirerend, voor anderen niet. Maar er is een sterke gemeenschappelijke band, namelijk een diepgaande interesse in de vooruitgang en vervolmaking van de mensheid, niet alleen op de materiele en intellectuele niveaus, maar in moreel en spiritueel opzicht.

Een Theosoof zoekt niet naar wijsheid voor zichzelf. ‘Hij/Zij leeft niet voor zichzelf, maar voor de wereld‘, en hoe dieper de toewijding aan het ideaal van de regeneratie van de mensheid, des te groter het begrip van zichzelf en de wereld en het doordringen van het geheim van het leven. Doel is om de bron van Goedheid en Geluk te ont’dekken in zichzelf, dat het geboorterecht is van alle levende wezens.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 3 – ‘Regeneratie en de doeleinden van de Theosofische Vereniging’ (blz. 91):

” Vanuit een praktisch gezichtspunt bekeken: begint Broederschap niet met eenvoudige dingen? Gewoon aardig zijn, aan een ander denken, in plaats van alleen aan onszelf. Wij willen het graag prettig hebben, maar een ander moet het werk doen. Zijn we bereid iets van onze gemakzucht op te offeren om degene, die werkt te helpen? Zo begint Broederschap. Maar als we broederlijk en vriendelijk zijn in de gewone zin van het woord, dan blijft nog steeds het gevoel dat we anders zijn dan anderen – je blijft in een wereld van dualiteit. We moeten dus Broederschap blijven beoefenen, totdat de neiging van het denken om de dingen in termen van dualiteit te zien verdwenen is. “


auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 9061750695
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Theosofen en aspirant-theosofen zijn met elkaar verbonden door een gemeenschappelijk streven naar de regeneratie van de mens. Ze verschillen misschien in hun overtuigingen, interessen of benadering. De leringen van Boeddha, Jezus, Blavatsky, Besant, krishnamurti zijn voor sommigen van hen inspirerend, voor anderen niet. Maar er is een sterke gemeenschappelijke band, namelijk een diepgaande interesse in de vooruitgang en vervolmaking van de mensheid, niet alleen op de materiële en intellectuele niveaus, maar in moreel en spiritueel opzicht. Een theosoof zoekt niet naar wijsheid voor zichzelf. “Hij leeft niet voor zichzelf maar voor de wereld”, en hoe dieper hij toegewijd is aan het ideaal van de regeneratie van de mensheid, des te meer zal hij proberen zichzelf en de wereld te begrijpen, en door te dringen in het geheim van het leven. Zijn doel is de bron te ontdekken van Goedheid en Geluk, die het geboorterecht is van alle levende wezens. Mrs. Radha Burnier, die sinds 1980 Presidente is van de Theosophical Society (Adyar), leidde in juli 1990 twee seminars over het onderwerp van de regeneratie van de mens. Dit boek bevat de tekst van haar lezingen en van de naar aanleiding daarvan onder toehoorders ontstane gesprekken. Van dit boek zijn tot nu toe vertalingen of edities verschenen in Brazilië, Duitsland, India, Italië, Rusland en Spanje.


Prijs: € 7,95

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Living Truth – The Future of the Theosophical Society (Blavatsky Lecture 2005)

By Radha S. Burnier.

34 Pages | First edition 2006 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN:

The Theosophical Society exists for the regeneration of humanity, beginning with establishing a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood, encouraging an open-minded quest for Truth, and investigating the essence of man and the universe. Because this is the main thrust of the Society, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), co-founder of tbe Theosophical Society with Colonel Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), discussed what would ensure the stability of the Society’s work and its future in her book The Key to Theosophy.

The ‘Blavatsky Lecture’ discusses in depth what she regarded as necessary for continuing the work of regeneration without a break. Apart from essential qualifications like earnestness, selflessness, devotion, knowledge and wisdom, ‘living truth’ must dynamize the workers of the Theosophical Society. But what is ‘living truth’? The reader will learn by perusing this lecture and realize how much we can ensure peace and goodness upon the earth.

From page 22:

. . . we never accept on faith any authority upon any question whatsoever; nor, pursuing as we do, Truth and progress through a full and fearless enquiry, untrammelled by any consideration, would we advise any of our friends to do otherwise. ” – Blavatsky – CW II, p. 433.

auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 8170595029

Prijs: € 3,00

Human Regeneration – Lectures and Discussions

By Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

154 Pages | Published in 1990 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750644.

Dutch translation: Regeneratie van de Mens – Lezingen en Discussies | Uitgegeven in 1994 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750695.

Theosophists are all united by a common devotion to the Regeneration of Man. They may differ in their convictions or approach. The teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Blavatsky, Besant, Krishnamurti or some other teacher may inspire some and not others. But there is a strong common bond, namely profound concern for the progress and perfection of humanity, not merely at the material and intellectual levels, but morally and spiritually.

A Theosophist does not seek wisdom to benefit him or herself. ‘Not for him/herself but for the world he or she lives’. And the more deeply devotion is directed at the regeneration of mankind, the more ardently the understanding of self and the world and the penetration into the secret of life. Aim is to discover the source of Goodness and Happiness within, which is the birthright of all living beings.

From Chapter 3 – ‘Regeneration and the Objects of the Theosophical Society’ (p. 91):

” From a pratical view: does not Brotherhood begin with simple things? Just being oridnarily kind, beginning to think in terms of another person, instead of only ourselves. We like to enjoy ourselves, but somebody else has to work. Are we prepared to sacrifice a little of our enjoyment to help the person, who is working? Brotherhood begins like that. But when we are brotherly and kind in the ordinary sense of the word, still the feeling of difference from others does not go – one remains in a world of duality. So we must continue practising Brotherhood, until the tendency of the mind to see in terms of duality disappears. Even the word ‘Brotherhood’ suggests, that there is a brother and ‘myself’. “

auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 9061750644
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From the book:

Without watching oneself and learning to live a truly religious and ethical life, it is impossible to reach the deeper spiritual nature. If we believe meditation to be apart from daily living, failure can be predicted right from the beginning. That is what many do. They give a little time to ‘meditation’, repeat formulas to quieten the mind for a while, and then that activity ends, and the daily life goes on a course that is quite different. But meditation is the touching of that deeper source of energy which belongs to the spiritual nature. (page. 48)

The book includes question and answer sessions and chapters on the following subjects: ‘T.S. Work and the Fundamental Change in Man and Society’, ‘The Nature of the Change’, ‘Regeneration and the Objects of the T.S.’, ‘Our Approach to Theosophy’, ‘Individual and Group work for Regeneration’ and ‘The Source of Spiritual Energy’.


Prijs: € 10,50

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The Occult Way (Part II)

By Captain P.G. Bowen (1882 – 1940).

36 Pages (NB: the book begins on page 188 with page 224 as its final page) | 1985 edition | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

From the Foreword:

” Instead of Notes, which are a usual and indeed a necessary accompaniment to lessons, such as those given in Part I of this book, I give in the lessons that follow some questions asked by Learners, and my own answers thereto. The questions are not inventions of my own, but are selections from a volume of queries actually propounded by students, who have heard the subject matter of the various lessons expounded by me in lectures, or have had private correspondence with me concerning it. 

The question I have chosen to answer here have been selected for two reasons: first, because a majority of students appear to be interested in the points, upon which they bear, and second, because the answers they evoke serve in some measure to fill up the wider gaps, which the lessons inevitably contain. To fill all gaps in teachings, such as I have given would naturally be impossible, and even if possible would not be desirable. To give just enough leading to induce in the Learner a desire to travel for himself/herself is always my aim, not give him/her so much as to cause him/her to feel that effort of his/her own is unnecessary. 

Each question in each of the lessons, which follow is designated by a letter (Question A, Question B. etc.), and related to the passage or paragraph similarly marked in the lesson in Part I to which that in Part II corresponds. Each lesson in Part II related to a lesson of corresponding number in Part I. “


auteur: Bowen, P.G.

Prijs: € 2,25

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Madame Blavatsky on How to Study Theosophy

By Robert Bowen (1815 – 1908).

18 Pages | First published in 1960, reprinted in 1967, first Indian edition 1979, 3rd reprint 1973 – 1992, 4th reprint 1997 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591910.

Robert Bowen’s personal notes on the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) provide an invaluable aid to the student today. They offer insights into the study and understanding of the essentials of Theosophy, particularly of Madame Blavatsky’s major work The Secret Doctrine (1888). They also point to their impact on the mind of the serious student, who is urged to go beyond verbal expositions of Theosophy to the depth of experience where alone truth is revealed.

From page 12:

” (D) Fourth and last basic idea to be held is that expressed in the Great Hermetic Axiom. It really sums up and synthesizes all the others. As is the Inner, so is the Outer; as is the Great so is the Small; as it is Above, so it is Below; there is but ONE LIFE AND LAW; and he that worth it, is ONE. Nothing is Inner, nothing is Outer; nothing is Great, nothing is Small; nothing is High, nothing is Low, in the Divine Economy. “

auteur: Bowen, R.
ISBN: 8170591910

Prijs: € 1,13

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The Voice of the Silence

122 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2007

A facsimile reprint of the 1889 edition exactly the way Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) wrote it, laying out the path of spiritual development. Includes an index and introduction by Boris de Zirkoff. The cloth edition (€13,50) is gilt-edged and has a ribbon marker.

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 9780835606806
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was born of a noble family in Russia. She became a student of metaphysical lore, and traveled to many lands, including Tibet, in search of hidden knowledge. In the 1870s she went to New York and, with Col. Henry S. Olcott and others, formed the Theosophical Society, an organization dedicated to: – Fellowship among all peoples of the world – Encouragement of the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science – Investigation of the unexplained powers and forces at work in nature and in humankind.


Prijs: € 8,50

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The Original Programme of the Theosophical Society

70 pages Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2002

This volume is of great interest for all, who wish to delve into the historical roots of the Theosophical work, both exoteric and esoteric. The programme of the Theosophical Society is mentioned in an article written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) in 1886:

  1. Universal Brotherhood;
  2. No distinction to be made by the member between races, creeds, or social positions, but every member had to be judged and dealt by on his personal merits;
  3. To study the philosophies of the East — those of India chiefly, presenting them gradually to the public in various works that would interpret exoteric religions in the light of esoteric teachings;
  4. To oppose materialism and theological dogmatism in every possible way, by demonstrating the existence of occult forces unknown to science, in nature, and the presence of psychic and spiritual powers in man; trying, at the same time to enlarge the views of the Spiritualists by showing them that there are other, many other agencies at work in the production of phenomena besides the “Spirits” of the dead. Superstition had to be exposed and avoided; and occult forces, beneficent and maleficent — ever surrounding us and manifesting their presence in various ways — demonstrated to the best of our ability.


auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 8170593557
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was born of a noble family in Russia. She became a student of metaphysical lore, and traveled to many lands, including Tibet, in search of hidden knowledge. In the 1870s she went to New York and, with Col. Henry S. Olcott and others, formed the Theosophical Society, an organization dedicated to: – Fellowship among all peoples of the world – Encouragement of the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science – Investigation of the unexplained powers and forces at work in nature and in humankind.


Prijs: € 4,50

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The Key to Theosophy – An Abridgement

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), edited by Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).

176 Pages | 1972, Third Quest printing 1992 | Paperback | Quest Books, USA.

The Key to Theosophy unlocks the door to understanding the perennial Wisdom. H.P. Blavatsky makes theosophy accessible to the average reader by presenting theosophical concepts in a question-and-answer format. Some fo the topicis covered are evolution, reincarnation, karma, spiritualism, prayer, and spiritual masters. Even though this classic was written in 1889, its answers are still relevant, especially with the current revival of interest in spirituality. Ideal for both spiritual seekers and students of theosophy, this book gives readers a solid introduction to a worldview which gives meaning and purpose to life.

From Chapter V: ‘The Fundamental Teachings of Theosophy’ (p. 35):


” Enquirer: Do you believe in God?

Theosophist: That depends on what you mean by the term.

Enquirer: I mean the God of the Christians, the Father of Jesus. and the Creator: the Biblical God of Moses, in short.

Theosophist: In such a God we do not believe. We reject the idea of a personal, or an extra-cosmic and anthropomorphic God, who is but the gigantic shadow of man, and not of man, at his best either. The God of theology, we say is a bundle of contradictions and a logical impossibility. Therefore we will have nothing to do with him. “


auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Mills, J. (ed.)
ISBN: 0835604276

Prijs: € 8,50

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A Blavatsky Quotation Book – Being an Extract for Each Day of the Year

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), compiled by W.A. Parley.

182 Pages| Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2000

Extractions from the many writings of H.P. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society.  The selected texts are presented as meditations or readings suitable for each day of the year.

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Parley, W.A. (comp.)
ISBN: 817059314X

Prijs: € 6,00

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Praktisch Occultisme – Twee Verhandelingen

Door Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), vertaald door Helma Kool.

52 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1952, derde druk 1973 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750048.

Engels origineel: First Steps in Occultism, later published as Practical Occultism | Published in 1952, second edition 2011 | Softcover | ISBN: 9788170595595.

‘ Deze artikelen zijn van zo grote waarde, voor allen die zich wensen voor te bereiden voor het Leerlingschap, dat ik ze gaarne uit Lucifer liet overdrukken, ten einde ze binnen het bereik van alle bestudeerders te brengen. ‘ – Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

Er zijn velen, die praktisch onderricht wensen in het occultisme. Derhalve wordt het noodzakelijk eens voor al vast te stellen:

A) Het inwezenlijke verschil tussen theoretisch en praktisch occultisme; of wat in het algemeen bekend is als Theosofie enerzijds en Occulte Wetenschap anderzijds.

B) De aard der moeilijkheden, welke de studie van de laatstgenoemde met zich brengt.

Het is gemakkelijk een Theosoof te worden. Elk mens van gemiddelde verstandelijke vermogens, en met een neiging tot het bovenzinnelijke; ieder, die rein en onzelfzuchtig leeft en meer vreugde vindt in het helpen van zijn of haar naaste dan in het zelf hulp ontvangen; iemand, die steeds klaar staat zijn of haar eigen genoegens ter wille van andere mensen op te offeren, en die Waarheid, Goedheid en Wijsheid om huns zelfs wil lief heeft, niet om de voordelen die zij kunnen schenken – is een Theosoof.

Afkomstig van blz. 23:

” De sleutel in elke graad is de aspirant zelf. Het is niet de vreze des Heren die het begin van Wijsheid is, maar de kennis van het Zelf, welke is de Wijsheid Zelve. 

Hoe groots en hoe waar blijkt dan voor de bestudeerder van het occultisme, die enige der voorgaande waarheden is gaan beseffen, het antwoord dat het orakel van Delphi gaf aan allen, die occulte wijsheid kwamen zoeken – de woorden, die telkens weer met nadruk worden herhaald door de wijze Socrates – ‘ MENS, KEN UZELF! ‘ “



auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 9789061750048
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Deze brochure bevat twee artikelen:

  1. Praktisch occultisme – belangrijk voor bestudeerders
  2. Occultisme versus de occulte kunsten
Uit het voorwoord:
Deze artikelen zijn van zo grote waarde voor allen die zich wensen voor te bereiden voor het Leerlingschap, dat ik ze gaarne uit “Lucifer” liet overdrukken, ten einde ze binnen het bereik van alle bestudeerders te brengen. Annie Besant
De vertaalster schrijft vervolgens:
Al mogen enkele van de door H.P.B. genoemde regels van het Occultisme nauwelijks opvolgbaar schijnen in een verwrongen wereld als die van vandaag, toch kan men trachten in het diepere beginsel, dat er aan ten grondslag ligt, door te dringen en het zo allengs in het leven in te weven.Ieder kan beginnen zich te oefenen. Klaarheid van visie en wakkerheid in handeling zullen daarvan het gevolg zijn. H.K.


Prijs: € 4,00

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Een Introductie tot de Geheime Leer

Door Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891).

127 bladzijden | Paperback | 4de herziene druk| Theosophical University Press, 2018. ISBN 9789491433214

Een Introductie tot de Geheime Leer bevat de essentie van HPB’s meesterwerk De Geheimer Leer.

Opgenomen zijn fragmenten uit De Geheime Leer, zoals het voorwoord, de proloog, de Stanza’s van Dzyan, en de samenvatting en conclusie die op de stanza’s volgen. Zo krijgt de lezer een beknopt overzicht van de hoofdlijnen van De Geheime Leer.

Het werk bevat daarnaast een artikel van Robert Bowen, waarin Blavatsky’s aanwijzingen voor het bestuderen van De Geheime Leer zijn opgenomen, en een artikel van Kirby Van Mater over het schrijven van De Geheime Leer.

Uit Afdeling 1 – ‘Kosmische Evolutie’, vertaling van zeven stanza’s met toelichtingen uit het geheime boek van Dzyan (blz. 28):

” Wie kent het geheim? Wie verkondigde het hier? Wie weet waaruit die veelvoudige schepping ontstond? De Goden zelf ontstonden later pas – Wie weet waaruit die schepping plots ontstond? Wie kent Dat waar die grote schepping uit voortkwam? Wie weet of zijn wil haar schiep of dat die zweeg? De hoogste ziener in de hoogste hemel, Hij weet het – of misschien zelfs deze niet. ” Rig-Veda 10:129.

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 9789491433214

Prijs: € 12,50

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In Memory of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky – By Some of Her Pupils

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891).

198 Pages | Original Edition 1891, Death Centenary Edition 1991 | Softcover | Theosophy Company Private LTD., India | ISBN: 817059037X.


The articles on Helena Petrovna Blavatsky that appeared in the monthly magazine ‘Lucifer’, after her death in 1891, were published the same year in a Memorial Volume. In 1931, to commemorate the centenary of her birth, a reprint of that book, with some additional material, was published by The Blavatsky Association of London.

Both the earlier editions have long been 0ut of print. The present photo-offset reprint is being published in the year of the hundredth anniversary of her passing as a tribute to this greatest Theosophist of our age.


Bombay, 8th May 1991.

From page XI:

” The inspiration given by Madame Blavatsky has indeed been incalculable in regard to this inborn desire and determination to find the PATH, and to attain, at whatever cost, the realisation of the true SELF. For she showed, as has been shown from time immemorial, that the WAY lies within; that each man has the power to work out his own salvation without the intervention of any deity other than his own highest SELF. In the Doctrines of Reincarnation and Karma with which Madame Blavatsky familiarised the West, are to be found the arbiters of Man’s fate – wholly just, yet, when rightly understood, wholly merciful, and the ultimate appeasers of mortal sorrow. “

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.

Prijs: € 9,08

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H.P.B. Speaks – Volume 2

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), edited by Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953)

181 Pages | First edition 1951, reprint 1986 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059037X.

It is a strange series of events that letters written by H.P.B. to a friend of her youth, Prince Alexander Mihailovich Dondukov-Korsakoff – some of them written from the Adyar Headquarters – should finally find their resting place in the Archives of the Theosophical Society in Adyar.

From page 16:

” My dear prince, you are interested in my life? Yes, you are right, for never has one of your compatriots been led by his mocking destiny into more original and unexpected situations than I have; situations both terrible and grotesque; heights and depths; one day on the level of the stars beyond the solar system, the next day in bottomless abysses. Such is my life and my fate that stake on my rise and fall like drunken stock-brokers. I am now on the rise and by God I will remain there even though I should be obliged to allow my army of Theosophists to crown me Queen-Prophet of Ceylon or Assam- and this under the very nose of the English, of whom half in India adore me and the other half detest me! “

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 817059037X

Prijs: € 6,50

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H.P.B. Speaks – Volume 1

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), edited by Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953)

248 Pages | First edition 1950, reprint 1986 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590361.

There exist in the Archives of the Theosophical Society at Adyar certain manuscripts of H.P.B. Among them all, the most interesting historically is her Diary for 1878, which is published in this work. Furthermore, letters written by H.P. Blavatsky  from 1875 onwards and some extracts from Scrapbook No. 1. are included.

From page 105:

” That I was called Heliona (not Helen as people call me) – a Greek name derived from that of the Sun-Helios- because (1st) there was an eclipse of the luminary on that day, who knew prophetically, one must infer, that it would be eclipsed for long years by the newly born babe, and also (2nd) because of the possibility it gave the clergy and missionaries of the 19th century to spell it with a double ‘ll’ (thus – Helliona) and assure the more readily their congregations that I was an imp of Hell . . . “

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P., ed. by Jinarājadāsa, C.
ISBN: 8170590361

Prijs: € 7,00

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Drie Wegen, Eén Pad

Door Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) en Mabel Collins (1851 – 1927), vertaald door Louis Geertman en Ali Ritsema.

223 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 2006 | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9061750881.

English edition: Inspirations from Ancient Wisdom: At the Feet of the Master, Light on the Path, the Voice of the Silence | published in 1999 | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 978-0835607735.

Deze bundel omvat drie standaardwerken – drie ‘Gidsen’ voor het spirituele pad – op het gebied van spirituele ontwikkeling: De Stem van de Stilte, Licht op het Pad en Aan de Voeten van de Meester. De waarde van hun verschijning in de moderne wereld in de 19de, vroeg 20ste eeuw valt niet eenvoudig te omschrijven. Met gemak kan evenwel worden gezegd, dat zij mede aan de basis hebben gestaan van al wat men vandaag weet over de spirituele reis, het Pad, de verlichting, of de ultieme bevrijding uit het bestaan van aardse beperkingen. Zij geven lessen over ethiek, over de universeel geldende wet van compassie, over karma – of de wet van evenwicht – over hoe te handelen in onze zoektocht naar spiritualiteit.

Hun doel beperkt zich niet tot een algemeen gevoel van welzijn, maar is uiteindelijk om een omvattend beeld te geven van de heiligheid van het leven en een helpende hand te zijn voor de innerlijke mens, die worstelt om zijn ware gedaante aan de wereld te tonen.

Afkomstig van blz. 223:


” Wachtend op het Woord van de Meester,

Uitziend naar het Verborgen Licht;

Luisterend om zijn bevelen op te vangen

In het heetst van de strijd;

Zijn kleinste teken ziend

Over de hoofden van het gewoel;

Zijn zwakste fluistering horend

Boven het luidste aardse gezang. “

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Collins, M./Alcyone (Krishnamurti, J.)
ISBN: 9061750881
Additional DescriptionMore Details

De waarde van de verschijning van deze drie werken in de moderne wereld in de negentiende, vroeg twintigste eeuw valt niet eenvoudig te omschrijven. Met gemak kan evenwel worden gezegd dat zij mede aan de basis hebben gestaan van al wat men vandaag weet over de spirituele reis, het Pad, de verlichting, of de ultieme bevrijding uit het bestaan van aardse beperkingen. Zij geven lessen over ethiek, over de universeel geldende wet van compassie, over karma – of de wet van evenwicht – over hoe te handelen in onze zoektocht naar spiritualiteit. Hun doel beperkt zich niet tot een algemeen gevoel van welzijn, maar is uiteindelijk om een omvattend beeld te geven van de heiligheid van het leven en een helpende hand te zijn voor de innerlijke mens die worstelt om zijn ware gedaante aan de wereld te tonen.


Prijs: € 20,50

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De Sleutel tot de Theosofie

H.P. Blavatsky

402 blz. | Paperback | Theosophical University Press, 1998 ISBN 9789070328207

Na publicatie van De geheime leer kreeg H.P. Blavatsky veel verzoeken om een eenvoudiger uiteenzetting van de oude wijsheid. Ze reageerde hierop met De sleutel tot de theosofie, geschreven in vraag-en-antwoord-stijl. Wat is theosofie? Wat is het beleid van de Theosophical Society? Wat maakt iemand tot theosoof? Wat is karma? Wat is reïncarnatie? Wat gebeurt er na de dood? Wat is praktische theosofie? Wie zijn de mahatma’s?

Ze besluit het boek met een blik op de toekomst van de TS. Achterin is een verklarende woordenlijst opgenomen.

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 9789070328207

Prijs: € 15,00

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A Modern Panarion – A Collection of Fugitive Fragments

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891).

504 Pages | A facsimile of the original edition of 1895 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Company, USA. | ISBN: 0938998226.

The title A Modern Panarion has been taken from the controversial Panarion of the Church Father Epiphanius, in which he attacked the various sects and heresies of the first four centuries of the Christian era. The Panarion was so called as being a ‘basket’ of scraps and fragments. We are told. that this Panarion was ‘ a kind of medicine chest, in which he had collected means of healing against the poisonous bite of the heretical serpent. ‘ A Modern Panarion is of a like nature with the intent of the Christian Father; only in the nineteenth century, heresy has in many instances become orthodoxy, and orthodoxy heresy, and the Panarion of H.P. Blavatsky is intended as a means of healing against the terrors of ecclesiasticism, dogma and bigotry, and the blind negation of materialism and pseudo-science.

– Editors.




auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 0938998226

Prijs: € 17,36

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The Universal Wisdom Tradition and the Theosophical Society

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

29 Pages | 6th Reprint | Pamphlet | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8179593492.

Every great religion has two parts, an inner and an outer, a spirit and a body, the ‘knowledge of God’, which is ‘Eternal Life’ and its dogmas, rites and ceremonies. The inner part, ’the wisdom of God in a mystery’, spoken of by St. Paul as known to ’the perfect’, is that which has, since the third century, been known in the West as Theosophy: in the East as Brahmā-vidyā, God-Wisdom, God-Knowledge or God-Science. Such Theosophy, or mysticism, the direct knowledge of God by man, belongs equally to all the great religions as their sustaining life. And it may be possessed by any individual, even outside any religious organization.

NB: This pamphlet was previously printed under the title of Theosophy and The Theosophical Society (1931, 1952 & 1985) as an excerpt from a larger work of that title by Annie Besant. The title has been changed to avoid confusion between the two works.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8179593492

Prijs: € 2,00

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The Universal Law of Life

49 pages | 2005 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar

” Annie Besant s words strike at the very heart of the human problem : the need to realize and to live in accordance with the realization that all life is ONE.

These two lectures, delivered at the Chicago World Parliament of Religions 1893 by Annie Besant, are printed here with brief, historical comments by Joy Mills in a Preface, where she says : ‘In these, we may find both practical suggestions for a mode of living consonant with Theosophical ideals and inspiration to act in such a manner as may bring about that global Transformation which signals the dawning of the “Brotherhood” enunciated in the First Object of the Theosophical Society.


auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170592143
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Annie Besant (1847-1933) was President of the Theosophical Society from 1907 to 1933. She inspired thousands of Men and Women all over the World by her great qualities of mind and heart, her selfless service to humanity and her teaching. She was an outstanding orator, a champion of human freedom, an educationist, reformer and author. She also worked unremittingly for the spiritual, cultural, and Political Renaissance of India which she loved as her ‘Spiritual Motherland’. Cover Design : Ayelet Hashachar


Prijs: € 3,00

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The Theosophic Life (Adyar Mini)

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

51 Pages | First edition, 9th reprint 2014 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN:

What is the Theosophic life? It is to live wisely. A distinguished and wise Theosophist tells us how to live wisely by understanding the principles of reïncarnation, karma and social service.

From p. 43:

” To live the life of service clears the mental atmosphere of the distorting fogs of prejudice, passion, temperament. Service alone makes the eye single, so that the whole body is full of light, and only those who serve are those who truly live… “

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170592013

Prijs: € 1,50

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The Theosophic Life

52 pages | Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2008

What is the Theosophic Life? It is to live wisely. A distinguished and wise Theosophist tells us how to live wisely by understanding the principles of Reincarnation, Karma and Service.

An Adyar book, imported from India.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170592011
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Annie Besant (1847-1933) led the fight for the rights of women and laborers in her native England; later she worked with Mahatma Gandhi and spearheaded India’s struggle for freedom. Theosophist Joy Mills describes her as “a feminist before the movement for women’s rights was fully launched; she stood for freedom when half the world was held in the bonds of colonialism.” A student of India’s spiritual traditions, Annie Besant was famed as an orator, author, and international President of the Theosophical Society.


Prijs: € 4,00

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The Seven Principles of Man

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

111 Pages | First Adyar Edition, 12th reprint 2015 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170590972.

This book is the first in a series of manuals intended to meet the need for a simple exposition of Theosophy. It describes in clear terms the seven aspects of man’s nature based on theosophical precepts. Its aim is to lead the casual enquirer to a deeper study of the philosophy, science and religion of Theosophy and ultimately to a realization of the central objective of the Society, the Brotherhood of man and the possibility of spiritual growth.

From page 2:

” Man, according to the Theosophical teachings, is a sevenfold being, or, in the usual phrase, has a septenary constitution. Putting it in another way, man’s nature has seven aspects, may be studied from seven different points of view, is composed of seven principles. The clearest and best way of all in which to think of man is to regard him as one, the Spirit or true Self; this belongs to the highest region of the universe, and is universal, the same for all: it is a ray of God, a spark from the divine fire. This is to become an individual, reflecting the divine perfection, a son that grows into the likeness of his father. “


auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170590972

Prijs: € 9,00

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The Riddle of Life

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

59 Pages | First edition 1911, 9th reprint 1984 | Softcover, incl. illustrations | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835671089.

The Chapters appeared in serial form in The Theosophist, under the heading ‘Elementary Theosophy’. They are published in this small volume in answer to the great demand for clear statements of the answers, which Theosophy gives to the Riddle of Life. The illustrations are reproduced on a smaller scale from Man, Visible and Invisible, by Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854-1934).

From Chapter: ‘The Elder Brothers’ (p. 58/59).

” The Supreme Teacher is the ever-living Presence who over-shadows and inspire the world faiths, who founds them, as they are needed for human guidance, and who, through His Helpers among the ranks of Adepts, guides each religion so far as is permitted by the stubbornness and ignorance of men. Every great spiritual wave flows from this department of the White Brotherhood, and irrigates our earth with the water of life . . . “

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 0835671089

Prijs: € 4,31

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The Path of Discipleship

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

153 Pages | 14th Reprint, 2015 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591236.

In these four lectures, Annie Besant traces the Path of Discipleship through perceptible and subtle milestones. The experience that is gained by action done for self-gratification could be elevated in to a dutiful performance of rites and ceremonies for the settlement of karmic clearance, which in turn could ascend into a joyful and sacred dedication, that accomplishes union with Godhead.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170591236

Prijs: € 5,50

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The Nature of Memory

71 pages | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2002

‘MEMORY is but a function of the mind, and the answer given to the question, ‘What is memory?’ must turn on the answer given to the larger question, ‘What is mind?’ ‘Is there a Self or Ego, of which mind, as we know it, is a part; or is mind only the outcome of matter in motion, so that the Self has no real existence? Is mind anything more than an ever changing succession of perceptions and congeries of perceptions, and these the outcome of nervous activity responding to stimuli, peripheral and central? Or is it a definite mode of being, with perceptions et hoc genus omne as material on which it works; with faculties whereby it perceives, reproduces, recollects, conceives; but no more as a whole to be identified with its functional activities than the body as a whole consists of eating, breathing or digesting?’

auteur: Besant, A./Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 817059023X
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Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was born of a noble family in Russia. She became a student of metaphysical lore, and traveled to many lands, including Tibet, in search of hidden knowledge. In the 1870s she went to New York and, with Col. Henry S. Olcott and others, formed the Theosophical Society, an organization dedicated to: – Fellowship among all peoples of the world – Encouragement of the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science – Investigation of the unexplained powers and forces at work in nature and in humankind.


Prijs: € 2,50

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Talks on the Path of Occultism – Vol III: Light on the Path

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and  Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

474 Pages | First edition, 10th reprint 2010 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar

This book is the third volume of a trilogy, being commentaries on three classics – At the Feet of the Master, The Voice of Silence and Light on the Path – considered the mystical gems of theosophical literature. They throw light on the deep significance and far-reaching implications of the perennial teachings embodied in these three classics, whose subject matter is the path of inner transformation and spiritual realization.

” Once having passed through the storm and attained the peace, it is then always possible to learn, even though the disciple waver, hesitate, and turn aside. The Voice of Silence, remains within him, and though he leave the Path utterly, yet one day it will resound, and rend him asunder and separate his passions from his divine possibilities. Then, with pain and desperate cries from the deserted lower self, he will return… “ – From Chapter ‘Rule 21’, page 285.

auteur: Besant, A./Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9788170592853

Prijs: € 12,50

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Talks on the Path – Volume II: The Voice of the Silence

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

417 Pages | Eleventh reprint 2010 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN:

This book is the second volume of a trilogy, being commentaries on three classics – At the Feet of the Master, The Voice of Silence and Light on the Path – considered the mystical gems of Theosophical literature. They throw light on the deep significance and far-reaching implications of the perennial teachings embodied in these three classics, whose subject matter is the path of inner transformation and spiritual realization.

From Chapter – ‘The World’s Mother’ (p. 110):

Let not thy ‘heaven-born’, merged in the sea of Māyā, break from the universal Parent (Soul), but let the fiery power retire into inmost chamber, the chamber of the heart, and the abode of the world’s Mother. Then, from the heart that power shall rise into the sixth, when it becomes the breath of the One-soul, the voice which filleth all, thy Master’s voice.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9788170591627

Prijs: € 12,50

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Talks on the Path of Occultism – Volume I: At the Feet of the Master

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and  Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

474 Pages | Eleventh reprint 2004 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591600.

This book is the first volume of a trilogy, being commentaries on three Classics – At the Feet of the Master, The Voice of Silence and Light on the Path – considered the mystical gems of Theosophical literature. They throw light on the deep significance and far-reaching implications of the perennial teachings embodied in these three Classics, whose subject matter is the path of inner transformation and spiritual realization.

From Chapter – ‘True and False Aims’ (p. 55):

You enter the Path, because you have learnt that on it alone can be found those things, which are worth gaining. Men, who do not know, work to gain wealth and power, but these are at most for one life only, and therefore unreal. There are greater things than these – things which are real and lasting; when you have once seen these, you desire those others no more.. ” –

auteur: Besant, A./Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 8170591600

Prijs: € 12,50

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By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

95 Pages | First edition 1892, twelfth reprint 1999 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592348.

From the Preface:

” Few words are needed in sending this little book out into the world. It is a Manual designed to meet the public demand for a simple exposition of Theosophical teachings. Some have complained that our literature is at once too abstruse, too technical, and too expensive for the ordinary reader, and it is our hope that the present series may succeed in supplying what is a very real want. Theosophy is not only for the learned; it is for all. Perhaps among those who in these little books catch their first glimpse of its teachings, there may be a few who will be led by them to penetrate more deeply into its philosophy, its science, and its religion, facing its abstruser problems with the student’s zeal and the neophyte’s ardour.

But these Manuals are not written for the eager student, whom no initial difficulties can daunt; they are written for the busy men and women of the work-a-day world, and seek to make plain some of the great Truths that render life easier to bear and death easier to face. Written by servants of the Masters who are Elder Brothers of our race, they can have no other object than to serve our fellow-men. “

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170592348

Prijs: € 6,00

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Annie Besant on Right Citizenship

93 pages | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 1995

This booklet stresses the qualities which will help young people to contribute to society. It was inspired by the life of Dr Annie Besant who was an example of the perfect citizen. It is composed of selections from her talks and writings introduced by brief biographical notes. It is hoped that they will be as inspiring to readers as they were to the compiler.

auteur: Besant, A./Rodriguez, I. (comp.)
ISBN: 8170592658

Prijs: € 3,25

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Meditations on the Path and Its Qualifications

By Annie Besant 253 pages | Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2008 ISBN 9788170595571

Compiled by E. G. Cooper

A quotation a day to meditate upon! This charming little book contains thematic selections — a theme for every month — from the voluminous writings of Annie Besant.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170595571

Prijs: € 6,00

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Man and His Bodies

166 Pages | Second edition, 2nd reprint, 2015 | Hard cover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar

This book attempts a simple exposition of Theosophical Teachings. It is a manual, which seeks to make plain some of the great Truths, that render life easier to bear and death easier to face. The first step, it is said, is to realize that we are not our body. We have bodies.

Once the distinction between the self (the human being) and our bodies is accepted, the study of the various bodies proceeds smoothly. The study concludes that the bodies are our instruments, our servants, adapting to our various needs and growing powers. Ultimately, we go beyond our bodies and realize our ´true Self´, in ourselves as also in others.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170593506
Additional DescriptionMore Details

An Adyar book, imported from India.


Prijs: € 9,00

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In Honour of Dr. Annie Besant – Lectures by Eminent Persons (1952 – 1988)

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) with a Foreword by Radha Burnier – 7th international president (1980 – 2013) of the Theosophical Society. Preface by Dr. C.V. Agarwal, general secretary of the Indian Section of the Theosophical Society.

339 Pages | Published in 1990 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.

This publication highlights lectures delivered by eminent persons (1952 – 1988) in memory of the great servant of India and of humanity, Dr. Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) – ‘Lover of Truth’ and ‘Friend to all Creatures’. Twenty-four lectures by for instance I.K. Taimni (1898–1978), Achyut Patwardhan (1905 – 1992), Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi (1917 – 1984) and C.P. Ramaswami Iyar (1879 – 1966) are included, dealing with:

  1. The role of India
  2. Man: his problems and role
  3. Philosophical presentations
  4. The modern crisis.
auteur: Agarwal, C.V. (ed.)

Prijs: € 11,34

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From the Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum (A Quest Miniature)

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933)

158 Pages | 1983 | Paperback | Quest Books, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835605748

Spirituality never ages. This little volume contains lectures held in 1895, but which are as relevant today as then, if not more so. A Temple on a Mountain top is described. It is encircled by courts, quite similar to the concentric courtyards (prakāram) of a Hindu temple. Aspirants are climbing up the ‘Mountain of Evolution’ and waiting in the enclosure outside the Temple – ‘The Outer Court’. None are in the Outer Court save those who have definitely dedicated themselves to service. Much has to be accomplished in the Outer Court, classified by the author as purification, thought control, character building, spiritual alchemy and ‘On the Threshold’. These are to be practised simultaneously, sincerely and continuously.

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 0835605744

Prijs: € 10,00

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The Mysteries Today – And Other Essays

By Laurence J. Bendit and Phoebe D. Bendit.

154 Pages | First printed in 1973 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0722950241.

Theosophy in the true sense is the perennial and unchanging philosophy of mankind, but its presentation needs to be adapted to the times. In these essays an attempt is made to discuss some of the principles of this philosophy in modern terms, and especially related to the presentation of it as set out by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and others. It can safely be assumed that, were these older writers doing their work today, they would do so in quite other language than in that of the nineteenth and earlier twentieth centuries. They would have to take into account the vast mental revolution which has been taking place in the last thirty or forty years, which has altered our views on so many things, and in particular in our knowledge. These collected articles rest very much on the modern – and probably temporary – mental climate of the second half of the twentieth century.

From the Introduction:

” Theosophy, the Wisdom of the enlightened mind, is unchanging for ever. It existed before history began – for man was already inhabitant of the earth – and it will endure lonf after history had ended as a record of events in time: when it will, in some form, remain as part of the heritage of the universe. It is the Pearl of Great Price fo the Gnostic Christian, it is the Jewel in the Lotus, the Clear Light of the Buddhist, the Tao of the mind; it is known by many names, yet it is always the same Wisdom . . . “

auteur: Bendit, L.J.
ISBN: 0722950241

Prijs: € 12,50

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Daily Meditations – Extracts from Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom

Compiled by Katherine A. Beechey

175 Pages |1949, Second edition, fourth reprint 2015 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 9788170591443

The Wisdom contained in the published letters of the Masters, is not merely for those to whom they were addressed but also for all those seeking to tread the Path of Holiness along the line of Devotion.

Glimpses of that Wisdom can be had through the extracts incorporated by the author into Daily Meditations. She has selected passages suitable to be meditated upon – one each for every day of the year. They are arranged as twelve virtues, with one quality assigned for each month, namely: Unselfishness, Compassion, Truth, Devotion, Purity, Sympathy, Courage, Intuition, Tolerance, Self-reliance, Equilibrium and Perseverance.

From page 43:


” Relative to the population of the world

you may be few in numbers,

but spiritual strength and power depend

not upon numbers.

Rather do they depend upon burning sincerity. “

auteur: Beechey, K.A. (comp.)
ISBN: 9788170591443

Prijs: € 12,50

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The Mahatmas and Their Letters

422 pages | bGebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2006

Two Mahatmas inspired the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875. But who are the Mahatmas? Are they real persons? How authetic are their letters? What is the story behind their origin?
These and many more questions are answered in the seventeen chapters of this book, which contain facsimiles of the letters and other material of much interest.

An Adyar book, imported from India.

auteur: Barborka, G.A.
ISBN: 8170593948
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Geoffrey Barborka (1897-1982) was a profound student of oriental philosophy, particularly, The Secret Doctrine, source book and classic of modern Theosophy. Professionally, he was a printer, but distinguished himself as a scholar, author, and lecturer on Theosophical topics. Other titles by the author: – The Divine Plan – Glossary of Sanskrit Terms: Pts 1-2 (CD) – H. P. Blavatsky, Tibet and Tulku – The Story of Human Evolution


Prijs: € 16,50

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