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6 september 2024

Dynamics of the Psychic World – Comments by H.P. Blavatsky (Hardcover)

Comments by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), compiled by Lina Psaltis

132 Pages | 2nd Reprint 2006 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 8170594863

Psychic phenomena, magic, hypnotism, spiritualism, planes of perception, dreams, and spiritual progress – these are some of the subjects discussed in this collection of excerpts from the writings of one of the most famous occultists of history: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

In this small book the compiler has drawn together from various sources some of the important and interesting statements made by H.P. Blavatsky more than a century ago on subjects, which are arousing wide interest today. Her comments not only reveal something of her profound knowledge and wisdom, but are also fascinating, informative and relevant. They contain valuable advice to those who would dabble in psychic realms without being aware of their dangers and pitfalls.

From page 104/105:

” The key in each degree is the ‘aspirant himself’. It is not the fear of God, which is the beginning of Wisdom, but the knowledge of SELF which is WISDOM ITSELF. How grand and true appears, thus, to the student of Occultism who has commenced to realize some of the foregoing truths, the answer given by the Delphic Oracle to all who came seeking after Occult Wisdom – words repeated and enforced again and again by the wise Socrates: MAN KNOW THYSELF . . . ” 

  • From: Collected Writings, Vol. IX, p. 162.
auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Psaltis, L. (comp.)
ISBN: 817059121X
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
1: s:89:"s:81:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}";";
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4: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"817059121X";}

Prijs: € 9,00

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Het Levensraadsel

Door Nils A. Amnéus

241 Bladzijden | 2002 (eerste nederlandse uitgave) | Softcover | Theosophical University Press Agency | ISBN 9070328593

Het levensraadsel omvat vele problemen zoals de volgende:

Waarom is er zoveel lijden in de wereld? Waarom is er zoveel onrecht? Wat is het doel van het leven? Is er een leven na de dood? Hebben we een vrije wil of zijn we marionetten van het lot? Zijn we verantwoordelijk voor onze daden – zullen we oogsten wat we zaaien? Is dit een lukraak door blinde krachten bestuurd heelal of ligt er een plan aan ten grondslag?

classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
ISBN: 9070328593
Author: Amnéus, N.A.

Prijs: € 16,00

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Basic Theosophy – The Living Wisdom

Door Geoffrey Hodson

571 Pagina’s | Seventh Reprint 2023 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House | ISBN 9788170591702

Tegenwoordig is er een groeiende ontevredenheid over het steriele mechanische raamwerk dat ons leven is gaan domineren. In dit boek geeft Geoffrey Hodson ons terug wat we onbewust hebben opgegeven toen we voor een ​​cultuur van materiële productie hebben gekozen! De filosofie is geen dromerige wereldontkennende doctrine, maar bevestigt eerder de goddelijkheid van het universum, de onsterfelijkheid van de ziel van de mens en de ultieme eenheid van de schepping met het absolute. Dit is de tijdloze wijsheid waarover in Veda’s, Purana’s en Upanishads wordt verteld. Het is een boodschap over de werkelijkheid, over wetenschap, kunst, filosofie, psychologie, kosmologie, geneeskunde en wiskunde die geïntegreerde elementen vormen in de wetenschap van het leven. Hodsons helderziendheid stelde hem in staat een intiem begrip te verwerven van de universaliteit van het zijn, kennis en vreugde en een diepe en oprechte sympathie voor de schepping te verwerven. Hij heeft een enorme hoeveelheid materiaal gesynthetiseerd met een indrukwekkende helderheid die deze tekst ideaal maakt voor degenen die op hun spirituele reis gaan.

De waarde van dit boek ligt in zijn eenvoud en toepasbaarheid op het dagelijks leven. De geest overwinnen en zuiverheid van hart bereiken, is de innerlijke vrede bereiken die we allemaal zoeken.

Author: Geoffrey Hodson
ISBN: 9788170591702

Prijs: € 22,50

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Oceaan van theosofie

Door William Quan Judge

207 Pagina’s | 2e herziene druk 2013 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Theosophical University Press Agency Den Haag | ISBN 9789491433054

W.Q. Judge bespreekt op een eenvoudige manier de basisgedachten van de theosofie en licht o.a. de volgende onderwerpen toe: theosofie en de meesters; de zevenvoudige samenstelling van de mens; het astrale lichaam; reïncarnatie; karma; cyclussen; spiritisme; paranormale vermogens en verschijnselen. Zijn uiteenzettingen over de bewustzijnstoestanden na de dood in kāmaloka en devachan zijn bijzonder verhelderend.

Author: William Quan Judge
ISBN: 9789491433054

Prijs: € 14,50

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Theosophy and the Conscious Mind

By Pablo Sender & H.P. Blavatsky (1831 – 1891).

88 Pages | 2020 | Hardcover | Martil Firrell Company / Modern Theosophy, London | ISBN: 9781912622245.

pablo Sender was born in Argentina in 1975. He trained originally as a molecular biologist and holds a doctorate in Biological Sciences. He was originally drawn to theosophy because he felt, ‘it presented a far wider scope of knowledge’ than studying science alone.

H.P. Blavatsky was a Russian occultist and author. She fuonded the Theosophical Society on 17 November 1875 in New York City along with Henry Steel Olcott and William Quan Judge. She described theosophy as ’the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy’.

”What we call ‘self’ is nothing but a whirlpool within universal consciousness.”
–Pablo Sender, 2020

”If plants can be shown to have nerves and sensations and instict (but another word for consciousness), why not allow the same in the cells of the human body?
–H.P. Blavatsky, 1895

Author: Sender, P. / Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 9781912622245

Prijs: € 18,95

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Theosophy & Esoteric Christianity

By Isis Resende, R. Heber Newton (1840 – 1914) & Franz Hartmann (1838 – 1912).

92 Pages | 2019 | Hardcover | Martil Firrell Company / Modern Theosophy, London | ISBN: 9781912622092.

Isis Resende is a life-long member of the Theosophical Society. She is an international speaker and serves as the President of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation.

Richard Heber Newton was a prominent American Episcopalian priest and writer.

Franz hartmann was a German medical doctor, author, and founder of the German Theosophical Society in 1896.

”Throughout history, there has always been an esoteric aspect to Christianity.”
–Isis Resende, 2019

”The qualities the western world lacks, the eastern world holds in escess.”
–R. Heber Newton, 1913

”The best medicine becomes a poison if misapplied.”
–Franz Hartmann, 1911

Author: Resende, I. / Heber Newton, R. / Hartmann, F.
ISBN: 9781912622092

Prijs: € 16,95

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Theosophy & Yoga

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and Jenny Baker.

100 Pages | 2019 | Paperback | Martin Firell Company, London | Serie Modern Theosophy | ISBN: 9781912622153.

This volume explores the ways in which both theosophy and yoga base spiritual progress on the deepest possible understanding of the nature of life – that it exists as a single unity. This is the fourth in a series of books, collected under the banner ‘Modern Theosophy’ re-presenting important texts drawn from the history of the theosophical movement and further complemented by texts from contemporary authors and innovative thinkers.

Author: Besant, A / Baker, J.
ISBN: 9781912622153
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9781912622153";}

Prijs: € 7,95

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Serving a Higher Purpose – Theosophy for a Meaningful Life

By David P. Bruce.

229 Pages | 2019 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835609456.

When we sow our seeds in the garden of life, do we settle for a meager display of two or three flowers? Or do we aim for a pageantry of rich colors and breathtaking beauty?

So asks author David Bruce in these excuisite essays inspiring us to live an active spiritual life. Fresh and concise, he ranges in theme from lving with purpose, spiritual practice, and advice on books and reading. Free of dogma, he helps the open-minded inquirer find ultimate meaning.

For spiritual succor, Bruce turns to The Voice of the Silence and The Secret Doctrine, two masterpieces by nineteenth-century visionary Theosophist, H.P. Blavatsky. Readers will enjoy Bruce’s clarity on her wisdom about eternal, living truths. Our existence does have a purpose, he affirms, if we apply the principles we study to daily life. That way we benefit all of humanity as well as ourselves, for, as Theosophists believe, we are all one.

”Anyone who thinks Theosophy is not practical will find this book a revelation. It presents clear guidelines for spiritual living in the twenty-first century. ”
–From the foreword by Michael Gomes

Author: Bruce, D.P.
ISBN: 9780835609456

Prijs: € 24,95

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The Purpose of Theosophy

By Petra Meyer & Patience Sinnett (1844 – 1908).

131 Pages | 2019 | Hardcover | Martin Firrell Company Ltd, Modern Theosophy, London | ISBN: 9781912622221.

This book is part of a series of writings, collected under the banner ‘Modern Theosophy’, re-presenting important texts drawn from the history of the theosophical movement together with texts from contemporary authors and innovative thinkers.

In practical terms, theosophy is pure ‘divine ethics’.
–Petra Meyer, 2020

The student of theosophy may surely find in this life the key to the hidden mysteries of nature, as well as the way that leads to spiritual and intellectual progress.
–Patience Sinnett, 1885

Author: Meyer, P. / Sinnett, P.
ISBN: 9781912622221

Prijs: € 18,95

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Theosophy and Social Justice

By Dr. Barbara B. Hebert, William Quan Judge (1851 – 1896) & Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

89 Pages | 2019 | Paperback | Martin Firrell Company Ltd, Modern Theosophy, London | ISBN: 9781912622177.

Dr. Barbara B. Hebert is the President of the Theosophical Society in America. William Quan Judge was one of the original founders of the Theosophical Society. In 1907, Annie Besant was elected the society’s second International President.

This volume explores the insight modern Theosophy can offer into social activism and the struggle for greater social justice. It is part of a series of writings, published under the banner of ‘Modern Theosophy’, re-presenting important texts drawn from the history of the theosophical movement complemented by texts from contemporary authors and innovative thinkers.

Autor: Hebert, B.B. / Judge, W.Q. / Besant, A.
ISBN: 9781912622177
Author: Hebert, B.B. / Judge, W.Q. / Besant, A.
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2: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9781912622177";}

Prijs: € 7,95

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Theosophy – What’s It All About?

By Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).

84 Pages | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, London | ISBN: 0722952597.

What indeed is Theosophy about? It is about the universe, its nature and origins and the processes that operate in it. It is about man and his nature and origins and his relationship to the Whole of which he is a part. It is about law that operates throughout Nature; it is about evolution and individual responsibility, about Life and living and the purpose of it all, and it is about the ways of knowing that may set men free. The field of Theosophy is vast, and its literature is extensive. This book is an introduction to an absorbing and life-long study.

From Chapter – ‘The Purpose of Life (p. 20)’:

” The purpose of life is then to live. Living involves change and this change, as we shall see later, is cyclical but always on an expanding progressive scale, growth. Spirit or life on the one hand is descending into manifestation in the physical world, and on the other it is ascending by gradually improving forms through ever-unfolding consciousness, until the sage when Man endowed with mind achieves true self-consciousness. The activities of Spirit in physical forms give rise to the production and multiplication of individualized self-conscious units of Itself, human and ultimately super-human beings, each eventually returning to its source with its harvest of unique experience, attributes and power. Life, in short, is a journey to perfection. “

Auteur: Farthing, G.A.
ISBN: 0722952597
1: s:57:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"0722952597";}";
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor

Prijs: € 6,15

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The Mahā Chohan’s Letter

By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).

30 Pages | First edition, second reprint 2004 | Paperback | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592593.

This ‘letter’, from the Adept known as the Mahā Chohan, to A.P. Sinnett, is in fact an abridged report of an interview with him. Short though it is, it contains practically the charter for the work and development of the Theosophical Society through the ages, according to Mr. Jinarājadāsa. His commentary provides the proper perspective to understand the importance of the letter.

Auteur: Jinarājadāsa, C.
ISBN: 8170592593

Prijs: € 2,75

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Selected Studies in ‘The Secret Doctrine’

By Salomon Lancri, translated by Ianthe H. Hoskins.

86 Pages | The English translation was published in 1977 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House Limited, London | ISBN: 0722950713.

French original: Introduction á l’Étude de ‘La Doctrine Secrète’ | Published in 1967 | Editions Adyar, Paris | ISBN: 9782850001420.

Theosophy, or Divine Wisdom, is a hidden science. It is also the ‘Science of the Hidden’. Its field is the invisible. It maintains that everything perceived by the senses has secret depth; the surface of objects, their ‘exterior horizon’, is but the boundary of a ‘darkness filled full with visibility‘, a phrase used by Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Le Visible et L’Invisible, 1964). This ‘second visibility’ makes it possible for those, who have developed the necessary psychic faculties to explore the occult dimension of the universe. It is this interior horizon of things, that is the object of Theosophical Investigation,

From the Foreword (p. 11):

” On close observation, you will find that it was never the intention of the Occultists really to conceal what they had been writing from the earnest determined students, but rather to lock up their information for safety-sake, in a secure safe-box, the key to which is – intuition. The degree of diligence and zeal with which the hidden meaning is sought by the student, is generally the test – how far he or she is entitled to the possession of the so buried treasure. ” – From: The Mahatma Letters to Alfred Percy Sinnett, p. 275.

Auteur: Lancri, S.
ISBN: 0722950713

Prijs: € 10,00

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Human Regeneration – Lectures and Discussions

By Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

154 Pages | Published in 1990, Adyar Edition Reprint 2006 | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 8170594995.

Dutch translation: Regeneratie van de Mens – Lezingen en Discussies | Uitgegeven in 1994 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750695.

Theosophists are all united by a common devotion to the Regeneration of Man. They may differ in their convictions or approach. The teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Blavatsky, Besant, Krishnamurti or some other teacher may inspire some and not others. But there is a strong common bond, namely profound concern for the progress and perfection of humanity, not merely at the material and intellectual levels, but morally and spiritually.

A Theosophist does not seek wisdom to benefit him or herself. ‘Not for him/herself but for the world he or she lives’. And the more deeply devotion is directed at the regeneration of mankind, the more ardently the understanding of self and the world and the penetration into the secret of life. Aim is to discover the source of Goodness and Happiness within, which is the birthright of all living beings.

From Chapter 3 – ‘Regeneration and the Objects of the Theosophical Society’ (p. 91):

” From a pratical view: does not Brotherhood begin with simple things? Just being oridnarily kind, beginning to think in terms of another person, instead of only ourselves. We like to enjoy ourselves, but somebody else has to work. Are we prepared to sacrifice a little of our enjoyment to help the person, who is working? Brotherhood begins like that. But when we are brotherly and kind in the ordinary sense of the word, still the feeling of difference from others does not go – one remains in a world of duality. So we must continue practising Brotherhood, until the tendency of the mind to see in terms of duality disappears. Even the word ‘Brotherhood’ suggests, that there is a brother and ‘myself’. “

Auteur: Burnier, R.
ISBN: 8170594995

Prijs: € 12,50

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Illusie en Werkelijkheid

Door Dr. Jacobus Johannes van der Leeuw (1893 – 1934).

237 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2011 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061758013.

Engels origineel: The Conquest of Illusion | Uitgegeven in 1928, herdruk door Kessinger Publications 2010 | LL.D., Alfred A. Knopf, New York and London | ISBN: 9781161388084.

In Illusie en Werkelijkheid houdt J.J. van der Leeuw een onvermoeibaar pleidooi voor de filosofie van de ervaring. Deze filosofie gaat niet uit van een theoretisch model van de werkelijkheid, maar van het subjectieve principe ‘dit heb ik gezien, dus weet ik.’ De grote drijfveer achter de filosofie van de ervaring behoort, naast oprechte verwondering, een verlangen te zijn om de wezenlijke aard van onze wereld te leren kennen. Dit verlangen naar waarheid is een heilige aspiratie.

Van der Leeuw beschrijft in 11 hoofdstukken de illusies, waarmee de mens te maken heeft in zijn kijk op en worsteling met de wereld, op zoek naar waarheid. Het is duidelijk, dat de wereld, die hij waarneemt niet de wereld is, maar zijn wereld, door hemzelf geschapen. De werkelijke wereld kan pas worden gekend als de mens al zijn illusies en denkbeelden heeft overwonnen. In menig opzicht sluit Van der Leeuws benaderingswijze aan op de visie, zoals uitgedragen door Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), met wie de auteur van dit boek bevriend was. Van der Leeuw gaat in op de dualiteit van geest en materie, het mysterie van het begin van de schepping, het kwaad in de wereld, de vrijheid van de wil en de onsterfelijkheid van de ziel. Verder bespreekt hij het onderscheid tussen intuïtie en intellect, en geeft hij een analyse van de werelden van verschil tussen het relatieve en het Absolute.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 11 – ‘In het Licht van het Eeuwige’ (blz. 232):

” De beschilderde sluier, door hen die er waren, leven genoemd,
Die een nabootsing was, als met kleuren lukraak besmeerd,
Waarin alle mensen geloofden en waarop zij hun hoop hadden gevestigd, wordt opzij getrokken;
Het weerzinwekkende masker is gevallen, de mens blijft,
Zonder scepter, vrij, onbegrensd, maar aan een ieder
Gelijk, zonder klasse, zonder stam, en zonder natie,
Ontheven van ontzag, aanbidding en graad, koning(in)
Over zichzelf; rechtvaardig, zachtmoedig en wijs: maar
Zonder hartstocht? Nee, niettemin vrij van schuld of pijn
Die voor zijn wil waren gemaakt of waaronder hij heeft geleden,
Nochtans niet vrij, hoewel over hen regerend als waren zij slaven,
Van toeval, en de dood, en wisselvalligheid, niet vrij van
De belemmeringen van datgene wat zich anders boven
De hoogste ster van een onbeklommen hemel zou kunnen verheffen,
Als het duistere toppunt in de intense leegt.
‘De mens blijft’, en in hem wordt het geheim van de Werkelijkheid gevonden . . . “

Auteur: Leeuw, Van der L.L.
ISBN: 9789061758013

Prijs: € 19,50

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Occulte Woordentolk – Een Handboek van Oosterse en Theosofische Termen

Door Gottfried de Purucker (1874 – 1942).

241 Pagina’s | Tweede en herziene druk 2011 | Hardcover | Theosophical University Press, Den Haag | ISBN: 9789070328955.

Engels origineel: Occult Glossary – A Compendium of Oriental and Theosophical Terms | Eerste editie 1933, tweede en herziene druk 1996 | Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, California | ISBN: 1557000506.

Moderne theosofische literatuur kent ongelooflijk veel termen en concepten afkomstig uit de heilige boeken van de Oudheid. De meeste worden niet vermeld in moderne woordenboeken. Weer andere boeken benaderen deze termen vanuit zo’n grote reikwijdte aan betekenissen, waardoor eenvoudige toepassing en doorgronding van deze termen in gevaar lijkt te komen. Zoals de term ‘occult’ zelf ‘obscuur’ betekent – (bijv. zoals een ster kan worden verduisterd door een maan of planeet), zo kan worden geopperd, dat de filosofische diepgang van deze termen wordt versluierd door lagen van populaire connotaties. Een bondige en betrouwbare gids is nodig om deze gespecialiseerde terminologie te ont’dekken en begrijpelijk te maken. De Occulte Woordentolk speelt in op deze behoefte. Het definieert 300 veelvuldig gebruikte (Sanskriet) termen binnen de metafysica en dient tegelijkertijd als een introductie in de theosofie.

Afkomstig van het schutblad uit het Engels origineel:

“Authentiek occultisme, gescheiden van ethiek, is eenvoudigerwijs ondenkbaar, omdat het onmogelijk is. Er bestaat geen authentiek occultisme, dat geen hoogstaande ethiek insluit begrijpelijk (genoeg) voor het morele verstand der mensheid. Occultisme betekent het bestuderen van de verborgen aspecten van ‘Zijnswording’, de wetenschap van het leven of de universele natuur. (Het) omvat niet alleen fysieke, psychologische en spirituele delen van menszijn, maar ook heeft het een gelijkwaardig en wellicht grotere omvang binnen die studies, die zich concentreren op de structuur, werking en oorsprong en lotsbestemming van het universum. “



Auteur: De Purucker, G.
ISBN: : 9789070328955

Prijs: € 17,50

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Het Mysterie van de Mens (5 Delen Lotusbundel 2)

Door 5 bekende auteurs binnen de Theosofie.

573 Pagina’s | De Lotusreeks II is gepubliceerd in 2013 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750956.

De 5 boeken van de Lotusreeks II zijn nu samengebundeld te bestellen voor maar €12,50! Ieder boek is evenzo los verkrijgbaar in onze Webshop.

De Lotusreeks II bestaat uit 5 titels:

  1. Verborgen Krachten in de Natuur en in de Mens – Geoffrey Hodson.
  2. De Diepere Zin van het Leven – Śrī Ram.
  3. Speurtocht naar het Zelf – Eunice & Felix Layton.
  4. Theosofie en de Yoga-aphorismen van Patañjali – Geoffrey C.E. Williams.
  5. De Yoga-aphorismen van Patañjali – Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi.

1. Verborgen Krachten in de Natuur en in de Mens – Geoffrey Hodson.

Dit werk is het resultaat van 6 voordrachten, waarin Hodson het gehele overzicht van het universeel scheppingsproces heeft samengebracht. Lees over de ‘Logos’ ofwel Bijbelse ‘God’ als emanatie uit het Absolute, over de ontwikkeling van zonnestelsels uit hun goddelijke oorsprong en maak kennis met een diepere visie omtrent de plaats van de mens in de schepping.

2. De Diepere Zin van het Leven – Śrī Ram.

Śrī Ram geeft een serie toespraken over uiteenlopende kwesties: leven, dood en onsterfelijkheid, de werking van het denkvermogen, de mens als een bewustzijnsverschijnsel, slaap en dood als tweelingbroers, vernieuwing van binnenuit, ontwaken tot het besef van ‘waarheid’, het ware, het goede en het schone en de betekenis van het ‘Nu’.

3. Speurtocht naar het Zelf – Eunice & Felix Layton.

Vier toespraken zijn samengebracht in dit werk door de Laytons. De titels zijn: 1. Een goddelijk plan in een chaotische wereld, 2. Ken uw ware Zelf, 3. Reincarnatie en 4. Heerst er gerechtigheid in de wereld? De mensheid verkeert niet alleen precies in die omstandigheden, die zij zelf heeft geschapen. De mensheid verkeert tegelijk in optimale gelegenheid om die geestelijke vermogens te ontwikkelen, waaraan zij toe is. De werking van de grote ‘Wet’ van rechtvaardigheid is in zoverre een zege.

4. Theosofie en de Yoga-aphorismen van Patañjali – Geoffrey C.E. Williams.

Williams biedt aan de ene kant een inleiding tot de studie van de Theosofie. Aan de andere kant behandelt hij de yoga-aphorismen van de Indiaas wijsgeer Patañjali. De Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali vormen de basistekst van de klassieke yoga, een van de zes filosofische scholen uit het hindoeïsme.

5. De Yoga-aphorismen van Patañjali – Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi.

Dvivedi, hoogleraar Sanskriet, geeft een vertaling en commentaar op het ethisch-filosofisch systeem van de Yoga-Sūtra’s van Patañjali. In de uitgebreide inleiding onderzoekt hij de plaats van yoga in de Indiase filosofie. Het werk bevat eveneens een register en index van Sanskriet termen.

Auteur: Dvivedi, M.N./Hodson G./Layton E./Layton F./Ram S.
ISBN: 9789061750956

Prijs: € 12,50

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The Ancient Wisdom – An Outline of Theosophical Teachings

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

338 Pages | First published by The Theosophical Society in 1897, this fascimile edition has been carefully scanned and reprinted in the traditional manner | Softcover | The Lost Library, Glastonbury | ISBN: 9781906621346.

Annie Besant’s classic introduction to Theosophy.

In the present Volume, an attempt will be made to place Theosophy before the reader simply and clearly, in a way which shall convey its general principles and truths as forming a coherent conception of the universe, and shall give such detail as it is necessary for the understanding of their relations to each other.

From the Introduction:

” Right thought is necessary to right conduct, right understanding to right living and the Divine Wisdom – whether called by its Sanskrit name of Brahmā Vidyā, or its modern Greek name of Theosophia, Theosophy – comes to ther world as at once an adequate philosophy and an all embracing religion and ethic. “ – Annie Besant.



Auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9781906621346

Prijs: € 12,50

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Principles of Theosophical Work

By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

148 Pages | Published and revised in 1991, second edition 2016 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595885.

The members of the Theosophical Society are spread throughout the world. In order to organize the Society’s work efficiently, it is imperative that the members have a clear understanding of its aims and the general principles, that should guide them in planning and execution of their work.

This book fulfils this requirement admirably, by listening the activities and their objectives in great detail, and suggesting ways and means of achieving them in an efficient manner. It lays down the qualifications and preparation of a Theosophical worker. It lists the different kinds of work at the National Section level, the Theosophical training centre level and Lodge level, and how each of these need to be organized.

From Chapter 1 – ‘The Divine Plan and the Theosophical Society’ (p. 5 & 6):

” This (Theosophical) Movement has at least three well-defined, though unspecified functions in the present times. These may be stated as follows:

  1. To give to humanity certain deeper truths of life, which are needed for taking the next step in human evolution.
  2. To instil certain universal guiding principles like Brotherhood into the minds of people in general, so that it may become possible to usher in a better world order.
  3. To provide agents in the outer world, who understand the Plan in a general way and can thus consciously cooperate with the Elder Brethren in the work, which they are doing for the betterment of the human race.

It has thus be seen that the founding of the Theosophical Society is part of a definite move to lift a corner of the veil, which has hidden so far from humanity life’s deeper mysteries and those, who hold the keys to these mysteries. “

Auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9788170595885

Prijs: € 11,00

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On Knowing Oneself – A Theosophical Approach

By Danielle Audoin (1926 – 1917).

118 Pages | Adyar Editions – first edition, first reprint 2005 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592755.

Dutch translation: Een Benadering van Theosofie | Published in 1990 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750628.

French originalConnais-toi Toi-même – A la lumière de la Théosophie (latest edition 2004)The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar.

Theosophical literature covers a vast field and throws light on age-old questions concerning the human being, the universe, and the Divine ground of existence. In this book, Madame Audoin presents the human being, who exists at different levels of consciousness, from a Theosophical point of view. Step by step she shows there is possiblity of unlimited unfoldment of consciousness, beginning with the first steps on the road to self-knowledge.

This is a clearly presented introduction to an important aspect of the Ageless Wisdom, highlighting its fundamental teachings about the human journey to Ultimate Reality.

From Chapter 3 – ‘The Physical Body’ (p. 35):

” We know that everything is vibration. Purifying and refining our physical body means making it capable of responding to finer and finer vibrations and at the same time incapable of reacting to the coarser vibrations, not only physical but also astral and mental. We can thus gradually transform our physical body. We know our cells are renewed every seven years and thus, if we change our diet, we can change the vibratory capacity of the physical body. “


Auteur: Audoin, D.
ISBN: 8170592755

Prijs: € 5,50

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Theosophy – A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages

By Robert Ellwood.

226 Pages | A Quest original, first edition 1986, second printing 1994 | Quest Books, The Theosophical Publishing House, London. | ISBN: 0835606074.

Now over hundred years old, the Theosophical Society and its philosophy have grown to be an important voice in today’s world. The theosophical overview of creation is affecting the lives of an increasing number of people. More and more books are being addressed to the ideas of reïncarnation, karma, evolution, the Oneness of all life, the cyclic nature of creation, and the mystery of consciousness.

These are some of the major concepts that emanate from the ancient Wisdom and which are considered by Dr. Ellwood in this book. All of this new attention and respect is not surprising. For though theosophical ideas frequently antedate science as we know it by many millenia, these views, in their broad outline are consistent with present-day scientific knowledge.

From Chapter 3 – ‘The Human Experience’ (p. 104):

” Being, Consciousness and Mind or Bliss, are the divine Trinity within reflecting the cosmic, our ultimate nature and our inward highway to the Oneness of the universe. Yet we mostly know of these levels through their manifestations on more familiair planes, and then only if we are perceptive enough to have amid those manifestations, in the words of the poet:

. . . a sense sublime

Of something far more deeply interfused,

Whose dwelling is the light of the setting suns,

And the round ocean and the living air,

And the blue sky, and in the mind of man;

A motion and a spirit, that impels

All thinking things, all objects of all thought,

And rolls through all things. “

  • Worthsworth, ‘Tintern Abbey’.

Nederlandse vertaling: Wat is Theosofie? Kosmos/Z&K Uitgevers, Utrecht/Antwerpen


Auteur: Ellwood, R.
ISBN: 0835606074

Prijs: € 12,25

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The Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) with an introduction by A. Trevor Barker.

404 Pages | First published in 1925, 1973 facsimile edition | Hardcover | Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, California | ISBN: 9780911500233.

There are several references to the writing of The Secret Doctrine, which show to how great an extent the Masters were themselves responsible for that work. That is why the teaching of H.P.B. ‘remains for us the test and criterion of Theosophy, ‘ by which all other teaching on the subject must be judged.

From the Introduction (p. ix):

” After all, if the Masters do not know what Theosophy is, no one does, because in its essence, purity and completeness it is alone contained in the secret teaching of which the Guardians are the Masters Themselves. That teaching, as stated by H.P.B., ‘ is not the fancy of one of or several isolated individuals, but the fruit of work of thousands of generations of Adept Seers, ’through who it was handed down from the first Divine Instructors of our Humanity. It is the substratum and basis of all the world-religions and philosophies, but its doctrines are the exclusive possession of none of them. It was the mission of Madame Blavatsky, under the instructions of those Adepts, to give to the world selected portions of that archaic teaching. It should be remembered that an Adept – a Master, is one who has achieved immortality, and therefore has the power to perceive Truth as it is and at will to reflect it without distortion. “

Auteur: Blavartsky, H.P. comp. by Barker, A.T.
ISBN: 9780911500233

Prijs: € 28,80

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Madame Blavatsky and Soobiah

By an anonymous author.

22 Pages | Published during the International Convention 1991 | Booklet | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN:


When Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907) visited Madras in 1882 and lectured in the Georgetown area, Grandhi Muthuswami Chetty who was a judge, listened to them. Though he was a rich man, he was spiritually dissatisfied, and though a Hindu desired to be converted to another religion. Muthuswami’s enquiring mind was kindled by the two foreign lecturers. He wrote down several questions about whether he should opt for another religion and left those papers in a cupboard in his house before he went to sleep in the night. Next morning, when he woke up and looked in the cupboard, to his amazement he found that all his questions had been answered.  Muthuswami was convinced by the answers and never became a convert, for he joined the Theosophical Society.

From page 18:

” Good bye dearest Soobhiya & may the Masters bless and protect you. If you do come it will be the happiest day I will have had in these three years of exile! . . . I hope your dear wife and children are all well. Give them my blessing if they accept it.

Yours ever affectionately,

H.P. Blavatsky

I send you my Lucifer, Love to all friends – if there are any left.

H.P.B. “

auteur: Anon.

Prijs: € 2,27

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A Textbook of Theosophy

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

203 Pages | First edition, 16th reprint 2016 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592501.

A Textbook of Theosophy is an ideal primer for the student of Theosophy. It suggests that Theosophy comprises the best of religion, science and philosophy. The book presents a concise, clear description of the evolution of human beings and the solar system, and describes the divine inner nature of each one of us. Moreover, through discussing reincarnation and the purpose of life, it leads us to understand the after-death state. The book urges us to rise to the highest good within us: ‘God is Good, man is immortal, and as we sow, so must we reap.’

From Chapter 1 ‘What Theosophy is’ (p. 5 & 6):

” The existence of Perfected Men, and the possibility of coming into touch with them and being taught by them, are prominent among the great new thruths which Theosophy brings to the Western world. Another of them is the stupendous fact that the world is not drifting blindly into anarchy, but that its progress is under the control of a perfectly organized hierarchy, so that final failure even for the tiniest of its units is of all impossibilities the most impossible. “

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9788170592501

Prijs: € 9,90

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Seven Great Religions

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

319 Pages | Third edition, 2nd reprint, 2013 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595083.

The religious life is a life of love and understanding, serving to unite all people and all beings in one Whole. In this brilliant series of lectures, Annie Besant, former President of The Theosophical Society (1907 – 1933), delves into the world’s Seven Great Religions and their intended role of uniting and elevating the world.

Small in compass, but peerless in depth and wisdom, this collection provides essential knowledge about Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, and Sikhism, culminating in the fountainhead of all religions, the Divine Wisdom of Theosophy. In this book, students of Religion, as well as practitioners will find a source of inspiration and knowledge, urging all towards purity of life, universal love and aspiration to Truth.

From page 314:

” In the coming civilization men shall love each other, and worship under many forms the One, the Indivisible. For the truth is that the Divine Wisdom is like the sun in heaven that shines upon every part of the earth. It shines down into every man’s compound, no matter how high the walls that he may build around it, for the sun is higher than all. So does the Divine Wisdom shine down into every religion; and though a man build barriers, the sun of the Divine Wisdom is higher than them all and it shines on every man’s face and illuminates it. There are many faiths, because mankind needs manas, the mind, in order to grow and develop. Take a ray of the sunlight and pass it through a prism; on the other side, seven colours will be painted. Take the spiritual truth and pass it through the prism of the human intellect, and the one white Truth shines out in seven different colours. “

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170595083

Prijs: € 15,00

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Evolution of the Higher Consciousness – An In-depth Study into H.P. Blavatsky’s Teachings

By Pablo Sender.


201 Pages | First edition 2018 | Hardcover (cloth) | Fohat Production, Ojai, California | ISBN: 9780997553512.

Who are we? What is the purpose of life? How do we actualize our potential? These are the questions that thoughful people have asked since time immemorial. Evolution of Higher Consciousness is a comprehensive study of the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891) on these issues.

Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, was the pioneer of the esoteric renaissance that took place at the end of the nineteenth century. Ever since, her writings have served as foundational source for modern spirituality. In his book, Pablo Sender presents Blavatsky’s profound but frequently puzzling statements systematically and in clear, concise language. He throws light on the nature of our spiritual essence, its evolutionairy unfoldment, and the work that we can do in daily life to consciously participate in this cosmic journey.

From page 178:

“Within yourself is the light . . . The light of the higher self and of the Mahatma are not different from each other.

In the presence of the Master the lower nature is spontaneously transformed. This is why in the taijasic state there is no need to fight, control or manipulate the lower. Passions and afflictions are powerful only when the pure awareness identifies with them. This practice, along with the a general ‘effort’ at leading a spiritual life, will eventually make the temporary state of ‘manas taijasa” more and more available, until it becomes permanent in the union of buddhi-manas. When we are aware of our innate divine Wisdom, conscious of our identity with everything , and aware of our transcendental and immutable nature, the human evolutionairy pilgrimage comes to an end. New field of self-expression open up to the liberated consciousness, which now becomes a beneficent force aiding human and planetary evolution.

.  .  .

Joy unto ye, O Men of Earth.

A Pilgrim hath returned back ‘from the other shore’.

A Saviour of Mankind is born. “

  • From: The Voice of Silence, fragment 3.
auteur: Sender, P.
ISBN: 9780997553512
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9780997553512";}

Prijs: € 31,50

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Evolution of the Higher Consciousness – An In-depth Study into H.P. Blavatsky’s Teachings

By Pablo Sender.

201 Pages | First edition 2018 | Soft cover | Fohat Production, Ojai, California | ISBN: 9780997553505.

Who are we? What is the purpose of life? How do we actualize our potential? These are the questions that thoughful people have asked since time immemorial. Evolution of Higher Consciousness is a comprehensive study of the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891) on these issues.

Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, was the pioneer of the esoteric renaissance that took place at the end of the nineteenth century. Ever since, her writings have served as foundational source for modern spirituality. In his book, Pablo Sender presents Blavatsky’s profound but frequently puzzling statements systematically and in clear, concise language. He throws light on the nature of our spiritual essence, its evolutionairy unfoldment, and the work that we can do in daily life to consciously participate in this cosmic journey.

From page 178:

“Within yourself is the light . . . The light of the higher self and of the Mahatma are not different from each other.

In the presence of the Master the lower nature is spontaneously transformed. This is why in the taijasic state there is no need to fight, control or manipulate the lower. Passions and afflictions are powerful only when the pure awareness identifies with them. This practice, along with the a general ‘effort’ at leading a spiritual life, will eventually make the temporary state of ‘manas taijasa” more and more available, until it becomes permanent in the union of buddhi-manas. When we are aware of our innate divine Wisdom, conscious of our identity with everything , and aware of our transcendental and immutable nature, the human evolutionairy pilgrimage comes to an end. New field of self-expression open up to the liberated consciousness, which now becomes a beneficent force aiding human and planetary evolution.

.  .  .

Joy unto ye, O Men of Earth.

A Pilgrim hath returned back ‘from the other shore’.

A Saviour of Mankind is born. “

  • From: The Voice of Silence, fragment 3.
auteur: Sender, P.
ISBN: 9780997553505

Prijs: € 24,00

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Is Theosophy a Religion?

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891).

48 Pages | First edition, fourth reprint 2004 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590310.

‘Theosophy is not a Religion‘ says Madame Blavatsky; it is Religion itself, the Wisdom Religion from which individual religions have sprung. It is the one bond of unitym whicb is so universal and all-embracing, that no man as no speck – from the gods and mortals down to animals, the blade of grass and atom – can be outside of its light. Therefore, any organization or body of that name must be necessarily be a Universal Brotherhood.

Theosophy can be practised by Christian or heathen, Jew or Gentile, by agnostic or materialist and atheist, provided that no one of these is a bigoted fanaticm who refuses to recognize as his brother or sister a person outside his own special creed or belief. Theosophy embraces every science in life, moral and physical, because it shows the connection of man and all things in the universe with each other.

From the Introduction:

” Religion is the best armour that man can have, but it is the worst cloak.  – Bunyan.

It is no exaggeration to say that there never was – during the present nineteenth century, at any rate – a movement, social or religious, so terribly misunderstood, or more blundered about than Theosophy – whether regarded theoretically as a code of ethics, or practically, in its objective expression, i.e.. the Society known by that name. “

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 8170590310

Prijs: € 2,50

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Esoteric Buddhism

By Alfred Percy Sinnett (1840 – 1921).

212 Pages | Adyar First Edition 2008 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595434.

This book was published in 1883 and probably constituted the earliest sketch of esoteric teachings given in plain language. ‘Karma’ and ‘Reincarnation’ and other such terms, almost unknown in the West, thereafter came to be used in literary and theological circles.

The author candidly acknowledges that it was the ‘favour’ (of the Adepts) rather than ‘effort’ on his part that helped the writing of the book. He received teachings of great Spiritual Teachers or Mahatmas through Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). The book gives occult details concerning the Universe and its planets, going beyond the material world.

From page 212:

” In that which really constitutes Buddhism we find a sublime simplicity, like that of Nature herself – one Law running into infinite ramifications – complexities of detail, it is true, as Nature herself is infinitely complex in her manifestations, however unchangeably uniform in her purposes, but always the immutable doctrine of causes and their effects, which in turn become causes again in an endless cyclic progression . . . “

auteur: Sinnett, A.P.
ISBN: 9788170595434

Prijs: € 15,00

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The Multitudinous Universe – Blavatsky Lecture 2017

By Michael Gomes.

25 Pages | Blavatsky Lecture 2017 | Soft cover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

‘The Blavatsky Lecture’ is one of the most prestigious presentations in the Theosophical Society. Partly, because of its longevity, continuity, subject matter, the eminence of its presenters, and the fact that for hundred years these lectures have been available as separate publications, the Blavatsky Lecture has achieved a unique position among Theosophical talks. It is the equivalent of the Academy Awards of Theosophy.

From page 20:

” One of the enduring benefits of Theosophy is that it is practical. Certainly, its teachings are filled with high ideas and often difficult concepts that challenge our thinking. How can the teachings on rounds, races, manvantara, dhyani chohans, sevenfold planes of being, etc. be claimed as ‘practical’? One way that H.P Blavatsky described Theosophy was, the accumulated Wisdom of the ages tested and verified by generations of seers, To the mentally lazy or obtuse it will always remain a riddle. The Wisdom is constant and unchanging, and has been accessible throughout the ages to those, who approach it properly. From the beginning one of the demands has been that the mental principle becomes consciously active. “

auteur: Gomes, M.

Prijs: € 4,00

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Oneness and the Monad

By Yvonne K. Burgess.

85 Pages | Printed 2009 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) (HPB) reminded one group of students not long before she died that during the study of Theosophy, it was essential for them to bear in mind the reality of Oneness and to have an understanding of the importance of the monad. This aspect was recorded by one of those students, Robert Bowen. Also, in The Secret Doctrine I, p. 614 she states:

” Those unable to seize the difference between the monad – the Universal Unit – and the Monads or the manifested Unity, as also the ever-hidden and the revealed LOGOS or the Word, ought never to meddle in philosophy, let alone the Esoteric sciences. “

As a being, man is a perfected animal, the vehicle of a fully developed Monad, self-conscious and deliberately following its own line of progress, whereas in the insect, and even the higher animal, the higher triad of principles is absolutely dormant. – CW X p. 313.

auteur: Burgess, Y.K.

Prijs: € 10,00

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HPB Teaches – An Anthology

By Michael Gomes.

579 Pages | First edition, first reprint 2006 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Society, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593972.

With a title like H.P.B. Teaches, the reader may wonder: ‘teaches what‘? HPB herself gives the answer: ‘metaphysics, psychology, philosophy, ancient religions, zoology, natural sciences’. One might add occult symbolism, spiritual evolution, guidance on moral and social issues, after death states, cycles and human destiny. Aside from the major books she is famous for – Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy and The Voice of Silence (1889) – it is estimated that in a brief span of seventeen years, from 1874 to 1891, Mme. Blavatsky wrote close to one thousand articles, essays, and letters to journals, which in many cases focus within the space of a few pages on the topics listed above.

For the first time in one volume a representative selection of articles by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), co-founder of the Theosophical Society, is available. The forty articles in this book cover every facet of HPB’s writings in English, including one of her semi-fictional stories.

From page 21:

” Many thousand years ago the wise King Solomon declared that ‘There is nothing new under the Sun’, and the words of this very wise man ought to be repeated till the farthest ends of time. There is not a science, nor a modern discovery in any secretion of it, but was known to the Cabalists thousands of years since. This will appear a bold and ridiculous assertion, I know: and one apparently unconfirmed by any authority. But I will answer that where truth stares one in the face, there can be no other authority than one’s senses. “

auteur: Gomes, M.
ISBN: 8170593972

Prijs: € 22,80

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Dynamics of the Psychic World – Comments by H.P. Blavatsky (Softcover)

Comments by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) compiled by Lina Psaltis.

132 Pages | 1972, Second reprint 2006 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 817059121X

Psychic phenomena, magic, hypnotism, spiritualism, planes of perception, dreams, and spiritual progress – these are some of the subjects discussed in this collection of excertps from the writings of one of the most famous occultists of history:

In this small book the compiler has drawn together from various sources some of the important and interesting statements made by H.P. Blavatsky more than a century ago on subjects, which are arousing wide interest today. Her comments not only reveal something of her profound knowledge and wisdom, but are also fascinating, informative and relevant. They contain valuable advice to those who would dabble in psychic realms without being aware of their dangers and pitfalls.

From page 104/105:

” The key in each degree is the ‘aspirant himself’. It is not the fear of God, which is the beginning of Wisdom, but the knowledge of SELF which is WISDOM ITSELF. How grand and true appears, thus, to the student of Occultism who has commenced to realize some of the foregoing truths, the answer given by the Delphic Oracle to all who came seeking after Occult Wisdom – words repeated and enforced again and again by the wise Socrates: MAN KNOW THYSELF . . . ” 

  • From: Collected Writings, Vol. IX, p. 162.
auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Psaltis, L. (comp.)
ISBN: 8170594863
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
1: s:81:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}";
2: s:57:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"8170594863";}";

Prijs: € 7,00

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100 Years of Modern Occultism – A Review of the Parent Theosophical Society

By L.H. Leslie-Smith.

69 Pages | Independent Journal Edition | Softcover | Theosophical History Center, London | No ISBN.

From its Preface:

” Although this brief sketch, undertaken at the request of the General Council of the Theosophical Society, covers most of the important events in the first century of the Society, it is no wise a history, not even a condensed history. For that, several years of research would have been required, instead of a few weeks. The booklet is a personal appraisement of the period. “

Founded in 1985, the Theosohical History Centre seeks to promote interest in the history of the Theosophical Society and related fields.

auteur: Leslie-Smith, L.H.

Prijs: € 4,00

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Esoteric Psychology – The Theosophical Janus

By John S. Gordon.

36 Pages | Soft cover | August 2008 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.

‘The Blavatsky Lecture’  delivered at the Summer School of The Foundation for Theosophical Studies, Wills Hall, The University of Bristol, Sunday August 2008.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), as we know, at least once remarked that ‘Theosophy is not for dumbskulls!’ By that, her writings clearly demonstrate, she meant that the operative principles behind this all-embracing form of wisdom-philosophy have to be studied carefully and followed in practice before it can even begin to be properly understood. However, those principles are not be taken on board like some religious ritual, driven by blind faith and a happy assumption that somebody else will take up the full responsibility for explaining their full significance.

What Theosophy is and how it works cannot really be understood other than through direct experience of the principles behind the operation of consciousness itself is regarded by the cutting edge of modern science as the next major frontier to be crossed, it is this subject which I propose to address today – although not perhaps in the manner which an orthodox scientist might adopt.

auteur: Gordon, J.S.

Prijs: € 4,00

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Esoteric Buddhism

By Alfred Percy Sinnett (1840 – 1921).

212 Pages | Adyar First Edition 2008 | Paperback | ISBN: 9788170595434.

This book was published in 1883 and probably constituted the earliest sketch of esoteric teachings given in plain language. ‘Karma’ and ‘Reincarnation’ and other such terms, almost unknown in the West, thereafter came to be used in literary and theological circles.

The author candidly acknowledges that it was the ‘favour’ (of the Adepts) rather than ‘effort’ on his part that helped the writing of the book. He received teachings of great Spiritual Teachers or Mahatmas through Helena P. Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). The book gives occult details concerning the Universe and its planets, going beyond the material world.

From page 212:

” In that which really constitutes Buddhism we find a sublime simplicity, like that of Nature herself – one Law running into infinite ramifications – complexities of detail, it is true, as Nature herself is infinitely complex in her manifestations, however unchangeably uniform in her purposes, but always the immutable doctrine of causes and their effects, which in turn become causes again in an endless cyclic progression . . . “

auteur: Sinnett, A.P.
ISBN: 9788170595434

Prijs: € 8,50

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Light on the Path – And an Essay on Karma (Adyar Mini)

By Mabel Collins (1851 – 1927).

86 Pages | Third Adyar Edition, 1st reprint 2013 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595823.

‘These rules are written for all disciples’. As we have it present, this book was dictated by Master Hilarion through the mediumship of Mabel Collins. Master Hilarion received it from his own teacher, the ‘Great One’, who among Theosophical students is sometimes called ‘The Venetian’; but even He is the author only of part of it. It has passed through three phases.

Light on the Path was the first of three treatises, which occupy a unique position in our Theosophical literature – directions from those who have trodden the Path to those, who desire to read it.

auteur: Collins, M.
ISBN: 9788170595823

Prijs: € 4,50

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Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) – Struggles and Quest

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

325 Pages | Published in 2017 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, London | ISBN: 9781999815707.

Social and political reformer, women’s rights activist, prolific writer and orator extraordinaire, was one of the best-known opinion-formers in late 19th-century- and early 20th century Britain and beyond. As president of the Theosophical Society from 1907 until her death, she made a major contribution to the occult and spiritual revival of the time.

In this new biography by Dr. Muriel Pécastaing-Boissière – senior lecturer in British civilization (Victorian Studies) at Sorbonne University, Paris –  links are explored between Besant’s freethinking socialism, feminism, criticism of the Empire and conversion to Theosophy.


Auteur: Pécastaing-Boissière
ISBN: 9781999815707

Prijs: € 11,25

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The Ancient Wisdom – An Outline of Theosophical Teachings

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

440 Pages | Second edition, 2015 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595939.

The essence of Theosophical teachings, ‘sufficiently plain to serve the elementary student and sufficiently full to lay a sound foundation for further knowledge‘, is how Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) describes this work. It is an introduction to that ‘Universal Wisdom’, which has been called Theosophy, Brahmā vidyā, the Perennial Philosophy and so on, and provides an all-embracing religion and ethic, as well as a philosophy that is conducive to right understanding and right living.

Even those who have a little knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom can experience the illumination, peace, joy and strength it brings into one’s life. For more than one century, Annie Besant’s exposition has brought light to thousands of seekers.

Auteur: Besant, A
ISBN: 9788170595939

Prijs: € 18,50

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Reïncarnatie in Kaart Gebracht

Door John Algeo.

152 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1990, onderdeel van de Adyar-Reeks | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging, Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750636.

Engels origineel: Reïncarnation Explored | Published in 1987 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9780835606240.

Mensen zijn van nature nieuwsgierig naar het onderwerp reïncarnatie. Opnieuw de gelegenheid krijgen om onze diepste dromen, onze menselijke, zelfs bovenmenselijke mogelijkheden te realiseren, is inderdaad een opwindend vooruitzicht. In deze verkenning van het idee, dat mensen vele levens hebben, bespreekt John Algeo enkele van de meest gestelde vragen:

  1. Wie geloven er in reïncarnatie?
  2. Wat reïncarneert er?
  3. Wanneer reïncarneert iemand of iets?
  4. Hoe lang duurt de periode tussen twee levens?
  5. Waar worden we de volgende keer geboren?
  6. Waarom reïncarneren we?

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 12 – ‘Waarom reïncarneren we?’ (blz, 128):

” In zekere is het hele proces van manifestatie – het voortkomen van de Monade uit de uiteindelijke Eenheid en zijn terugkeer daarnaar – een enkele reusachtige incarnatie. Deze wordt gevolgd door andere soortgelijke incarnaties in reusachtige evolutionaire cycli. Want reïncarnatie is het patroon van het universum, waarvan onze kleine persoonlijke incarnaties slechts minder belangrijke cycli zijn. Toch vervullen deze minder belangrijke cycli onze reïncarnatie als opeenvolgende persoonlijkheden, ook hun rol in de kosmische huishouding. En die functie bestaat uit het verhogen van de kwaliteit van ons wezen, ons bewustzijn en onze vreugde. Door reïncarnatie kunnen we ons in de wereld gaan verheugen. Door reïncarnatie leren we alles wat er te leren valt. Door reïncarnatie ontwikkelen we ons tot volledige wezens. “



Auteur: Algeo, John
ISBN: 9061750636

Prijs: € 10,50

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Addresses to new Members of the Theosophical Society

By an anonymous author with Adresses of several renown Theosophists.

46 Pages | Second edition 2010 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: unknown.

With Adresses of: Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), Charles W. Leadbeater (1854 – 1934), George S. Arundale (1878 – 1945), C. Jinarājadāsa (1875 –  1953), N. Sri Ram (1889 – 1973) and Radha Burnier (1923 – 2013).

From the Address of C. Jinarājadāsa:

” My Brother, I address you as a brother and not as a friend, because our whole basis of the work of our Society is based upon the attempt to realize and practise the significance of the great Law of Brotherhood. When you signed up your application to join, you read what are the Three Objects of the Society; but of these the first and foremost is that of Universal Brotherhood […] ” (p. 27).

Auteur: Anon.
ISBN: Unknown

Prijs: € 2,25

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Theosofie – Eeuwige Wijsheid voor deze Tijd

Door een aantal leden van de Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, onder redactie van Arend Heijbroek en Els Rijneker

172 blz. | Uitgegeven in 2016, incl. woordenlijst en aanbevolen literatuurlijst | Paperback | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750970.

Dit boek gaat over die aspecten van Theosofie die betrekking hebben op ons eigen spirituele leven, en die ons kunnen helpen antwoorden te vinden op de uitdagingen van deze tijd. Het behandelt in korte inleidende hoofdstukken de meest relevante thema’s.

ISBN: 9789061750970
Auteur: Anon.
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Na kennismaking met een aantal fundamentele uitgangspunten van theosofie komen aan de orde: het scheppingsproces, het esoterisch mensbeeld, karma en reïncarnatie, tussen sterven en geboorte, het spirituele pad, meditatie, de Mahatma’s en praktische onderwerpen zoals ethische vraagstukken en wetenschap. De thema’s worden als concepten ter overweging aan de lezer voorgelegd, omdat wij allen zoekers naar waarheid zijn. De schrijvers hopen dat dit boek mag leiden tot verwondering, de leermeester van ware wijsheid.


Prijs: € 15,00

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Theosophy as the masters see it, as outlined in the “Letters from the masters of the Wisdom”

250 pages | Paperback | TPH Adyar, 2000

A summary of the teachings of the Mahatmas by a noted Theosophist and feminist.

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170593360

Prijs: € 6,00

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The Technique Of The Spiritual Life

125 pages | paperback | TPH Adyar, 2002

More and more Souls are seeking inwardly, trying to find the way to divine realization. It is man’s destiny that one day he must learn to plunge into the mysterious depths of his own glorious being, for only there is to be found true wisdom and the real power to help.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170593824
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.


Prijs: € 5,25

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Trust yourself to life

133 pages | paperback | TPH Adyar, 1994

Clara Codd has long been a popular theosophical writer. She writes with an eloquence and spontaneous naturalness about the most profound aspects of living. In this gentle little book she tells how she feels about God and man, death and life, and love – both human and Divine.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170592291

Prijs: € 3,90

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Meditation its practice and results

109 pages | paperback | TPH Adyar, 2005

Learn how to realize your inner possibilities and solve life’s riddles through meditation.

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170590442

Prijs: € 4,00

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The ageless wisdom of life

269 pages | hardcover| TPH Adyar, 1993

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170592194
Additional DescriptionMore Details

She joined the Theosophical Society at age 27. In her autobiography, So Rich a Life, Clara states, “I had come home at last after long wandering. I had found the beginning of the way.” Three years later Clara was appointed the first national lecturer for the English Section. Later she served as National Secretary (president) of the Australian and South African Sections. Clara Codd’s Theosophical career lasted nearly 70 years, during which time she traveled to virtually every continent


Prijs: € 11,50

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De Stem van de Stilte – De Wereld achter het Werk

Door Ingmar de Boer.

48 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2013 | Brochure | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750932.

De schrijver van deze brochure, Ingmar de Boer, neemt ons mee in de denkwereld van De Stem van de Stilte van H.P. Blavatsky (HPB), waarin we allereerst het voorwoord van de Stem bekijken, in een poging daaruit zo goed mogelijk een beeld te construeren van de oorsprong van de aforismen, zoals HPB die zelf schetst. We lopen door de tekst van het werk en we gaan eerst de herkomst na van alle technische termen. Daarna proberen we verder aan de hand van deze analyse een concreet idee te formuleren omtrent de oorsprong van De Stem van de Stilte.

Afkomstig van blz. 12:

” Weet je, wat ik doe is het volgende. Ik maak iets wat ik alleen kan beschrijven als een soort vacuum in de lucht voor mij, en richt mijn blik en mijn wil erop, en al snel komt scene voor scene langs als de opeenvolgende beelden van een kijkdoos, of, als ik een verwijzing nodig heb of informatie uit een boek, concentreer ik mij, de astrale tegenhanger van het boek verschijnt en ik neem eruit wat ik nodig heb. Hoe beter ik mijn geest vrij kan maken van afleidingen en fixaties, hoe meer energie en concentratie er is, hoe makkelijker me dit lukt. ” 

auteur: Boer, I. de
ISBN: 9789061750932
Additional DescriptionMore Details

H.P. Blavatsky’s De Stem van de Stilte is een werk waarin krachtig geformuleerde aanwijzingen staan voor de reiziger op het pad naar wijsheid. Het heeft een bijzondere poëtische kwaliteit. De boeken en artikelen die over de Stem zijn geschreven sinds zijn verschijnen, handelen vaak vooral over de uitleg van de inhoud van het boek. Soms worden daarbij de achtergronden van het werk wat vergeten, waardoor de interpretaties oppervlakkig of subjectief van karakter blijven. Verder zijn in de loop van de tijd de wetenschappelijke opvattingen op het gebied waar de Stem naar verwijst zodanig voortgeschreden, dat het voor de lezer steeds moeilijker wordt het werk in zijn context te zien en door te dringen tot de werkelijke betekenis. Veel van de oosterse termen die in de Stem worden gebruikt zijn niet gemakkelijk terug te vinden in hedendaagse woordenboeken of studieboeken, waardoor het moeilijk is verbanden te leggen met moderne literatuur.


Prijs: € 5,00

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Inleidingen in Mystiek en Esoterie (5 Delen Lotusbundel 1)

Door 5 bekende auteurs binnen de Theosofie.

722 Pagina’s | De Lotusreeks I is gepubliceerd in 2012 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750925.

De 5 boeken van de Lotusreeks I zijn nu samengebundeld te bestellen voor maar €12,50! Ieder boek is evenzo los verkrijgbaar in onze Webshop.

De Lotusreeks I bestaat uit 5 titels:

  1. Zoek Naar de Weg – Studies in ‘Licht op het Pad’ – Rohit Mehta.
  2. De Scheppende Stilte – Overpeinzingen over ‘De Stem van de Stilte’ – Rohit Mehta.
  3. Praktische Mystiek – Voor Gewone Mensen – Evelyn Underhill.
  4. Meditatie – Een Praktische Studie met Oefeningen – Adelaide Gardner.
  5. De Zeven Menstypen – Geoffrey Hodson.

1. Zoek Naar de Weg – Studies in ‘Licht op het Pad’ – Rohit Mehta.

Licht op het Pad geschreven door Mabel Collins staat bekend als ‘een der kostbaarste juwelen van de moderne Theosofie’. Het bestaat uit 30 aforismen van geestelijke lering met een diepe betekenis, die integraal in dit werkje zijn opgenomen. Ze zijn afkomstig uit een serie toespraken door Rohit Mehta, gehouden in Benares in het hoofdkwartier van de Indiase afdeling van de Theosophical Society.

2. De Scheppende Stilte – Overpeinzingen over ‘De Stem van de Stilte’ –  Rohit Mehta.

Rohit Mehta heeft getracht in deze Overpeinzingen over het bekende werk van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) De Stem van de Stilte, een verklaring te geven van een van de merkwaardigste boeken die ooit over het geestelijk leven zijn geschreven. Blavatsky geeft in haar werk de mystieke leer van de Boeddha en de leer van de Vedanta weer. Beide kunnen als nagenoeg identieke wijsgerige stelsels worden beschouwd. Zo noemt Blavatsky de Vedanta ‘vergeestelijkt Boeddhisme’ en het Boeddhisme ‘radicaal Vedantisme’.

3. Praktische Mystiek – Voor Gewone Mensen – Evelyn Underhill.

Dit bekende boekje, geschreven in Londen in 1914, gaat onder meer in op de vraag: Wat is Mystiek? Underhill geeft een beschouwing over de wereld van de ‘werkelijkheid’ en behandelt onderwerpen zoals: de voorbereiding van de mysticus, liefde en wilskracht, meditatie en bezinning, en de vernieuwing van het bewustzijn. Ze komt uiteindelijk tot de volgende definitie: ‘Mystiek is de kunst van het éénworden met de Werkelijkheid en een mysticus is iemand, die deze éénwording in meer of mindere mate heeft bereikt, of althans iemand, die streeft naar en gelooft in éénwording’.

4. Meditatie – Een Praktische Studie met Oefeningen – Adelaide Gardner.

Gardner biedt een eenvoudige, tegelijk zeer praktische handleiding in meditatie voor alle leeftijden. Per hoofdstuk zijn oefeningen opgenomen voor individuele toepassing en groepsmeditatie. De volgende onderwerpen komen onder meer aan de orde: het doel van meditatie, verschillende methoden, concentratie en contemplatie, hindernissen en hulpmiddelen, groepsmeditatie, het helpen van anderen door gedachten en aanbevolen literatuur voor verdere studie.

5. De Zeven Mensentypen – Geoffrey Hodson.

‘Het leven gelijkt enigermate op een geweven tapijt: aan de onderzijde ziet men een wirwar van kleuren, knopen en draden; een patroon kan men echter niet ontdekken. Zodra de bovenzijde wordt bekeken ziet men de bedoeling van het weefsel en, hòe alles – juist in die volgorde – werd gerangschikt’, aldus Hodson. Het menselijk verstand, dat begrensd is, kan de ‘waarheid’ niet geheel bevatten, want deze is onbegrensd. Maar het begripsvermogen van de mens kan worden getraind en vergroot, wanneer het leven vanuit verschillende invalshoeken wordt waargenomen. Zo kan iemand een berg waarnemen, iedere keer vanuit een ander gezichtspunt. Ook al blijft de berg hetzelfde; de aanblik is iedere keer weer anders en zo kan de berg steeds beter worden begrepen. Zo werkt het precies met het leren kennen van ‘waarheid’.

auteur: Mehta. R./Underhill, E./Gardner, A./Hodson,G.
ISBN: 9789061750925
Additional DescriptionMore Details

1. Zoek Naar de Weg – studies in “Licht op het Pad” (Rohit Mehta) Licht op het Pad door Mabel Collins wordt wel “een der kostbaarste juwelen van de moderne theosofie” genoemd. Het bestaat uit dertig aforismen die geestelijke lering van diepe betekenis bevatten. Ze zijn integraal in dit boekje opgenomen dat is ontstaan uit een serie toespraken door Rohit Mehta, gehouden in Benares in het hoofdkwartier van de Indiase afdeling van de Theosophical Society. 2. De Scheppende Stilte – overpeinzingen over “De Stem van de Stilte” (Rohit Mehta) Rohit Mehta heeft in deze overpeinzingen over het bekende werk van H.P. Blavatsky De Stem van de Stilte, getracht een verklaring te geven van een van de merkwaardigste boeken die ooit over het geestelijk leven zijn geschreven. Blavatsky geeft daarin de mystieke leer van de Boeddha en de leer van de vedanta weer. Beide zijn nagenoeg identieke wijsgerige stelsels. Zo noemt zij vedanta vergeestelijkt boeddhisme en boeddhisme radicaal vedantisme. 3. Praktische Mystiek – voor gewone mensen (Evelyn Underhill) Dit bekende boekje, geschreven in Londen in 1914, gaat onder meer in op de vraag wat mystiek is. Het geeft een beschouwing over de wereld van de Werkelijkheid en behandelt onderwerpen als de voorbereiding van de mysticus, liefde en wilskracht, meditatie en bezinning, en de vernieuwing van het bewustzijn. “Wat is Mystiek?”, blijven velen zich afvragen na lezingen, preken en anderszins te hebben aangehoord: kunnen wij westerlingen dat bevatten en er mee leven? Evelyn Underhill geeft “een” definitie: “Mystiek is de kunst van het éénworden met de Werkelijkheid. Een mysticus is iemand, die deze éénwording in meer of mindere mate heeft bereikt, of althans iemand, die streeft naar en gelooft in zulk een éénwording.” Dit boekje heeft in onze hedendaagse maatschappij nog niets aan actualiteit verloren. 4. Meditatie – een praktische studie met oefeningen (Adelaide Gardner) Dit boekje geeft een eenvoudige doch zeer praktische handleiding in meditatie voor alle leeftijden. Per hoofdstuk zijn oefeningen opgenomen voor individuele en groepsmeditatie. De volgende onderwerpen komen onder meer aan de orde: – het doel van meditatie – de verschillende methoden – concentratie en contemplatie – hindernissen en hulpmiddelen – groepsmeditatie – het helpen van anderen door gedachten – aanbevolen literatuur voor verdere studie 5. De Zeven Mensentypen (Geoffrey Hodson) “Het leven gelijkt enigermate op een geweven tapijt: aan de onderzijde ziet men een wirwar van kleuren, knopen en draden; een patroon kan men echter niet ontdekken. Zodra de bovenzijde wordt bekeken ziet men de bedoeling van het weefsel en, hòe alles – juist in die volgorde – werd gerangschikt.” Zo is het ook met de schijnbare wanorde in de levens van mensen en volkeren. Het menselijk verstand, dat begrensd is, kan de Waarheid niet ten volle bevatten, die onbegrensd is. Het begripsvermogen van de mens neemt toe, indien men de aspecten van het leven vanuit verschillende gezichtshoeken gaat aanschouwen. Vergelijk de benadering b.v. van een berg vanuit verschillende standpunten: de berg blijft ongewijzigd, echter de (Uw) aanblik is steeds anders. Ten slotte leert U die berg kennen en zo is het ook met het zoeken naar Waarheid.


Prijs: € 12,50

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Theosofia – Holisme en Oude Wijsheid

64 blz. | Paperback | Theosofische vereniging in Nederland, 1989

Het speciale nummer van Theosofia, de zg. special, heeft deze keer als onderwerp het holisme.


Prijs: € 3,00

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