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17 januari 2025

Old Diary Leaves – Volume III 1883 – 1887

By Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907).

460 Pages | First printed 1904, second edition 1929, reprinted in 1972 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835674800.

The first Volume of these historical sketches covered the period from the meeting of Madame Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and myself, Henry Steel Olcott, in 1874, to our departure from New York for Bombay in December, 1878. The second Volume tells of our adventures in India and Ceylon, the formation of Branches, the giving of lectures, healings of the sick by hundreds, occult phenomena produced by H.P.B. etc., and brings us down to the Autumn of 1883: at this time we take up the thread of narrative, and go forward to the Month of May, 1887.

I think the reader will agree with me that the subject-matter of this third Volume possesses absorbing interest, quite equal to that in its two preceding Volumes, if not greater. Accounts are given among other things of my meetings with several of the ‘Masters’ in the course of my travels, and of the results of the same, of our removal of the Society’s Headquarters from Bombay to Madras, of H.P.B.’s last departure from her beloved Indian home into exile of an European residence. The troublous time of the Coulomb conspiracy are dealt with in this Volume and the true story of the S.P.R.

From Chapter XXVII – ‘The Opening Ceremony’ (p. 403):

” We are together, Ladies and Gentlemen, upon an occasion that is likely to possess an historical interest in the world of modern culture. The foundation of a Library of such a character as this is among the rarest of events, indeed, it be not unique in modern times. We need not enumerate the great libraries of Western cities, with their millions of Volumes, for they are, rather, huge storehouses of books; not the collections of Oriental literature at the India Office, and in the Royal and National Museums of Europe; nor even the famed Saraswati Mahal, of Tanjore: all these have a character different from our Adyar Library, and do not compete with it. Ours has a definite purpose behind it, a specific line of utility marked out for it from the beginning. It is to be an adjunct to the work of the Theosophical Society; a means of helping to effect the object for which the Society was founded, and which is clearly stated in its constitution. Of the three declared aims of our Society, the first is to form a  nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, or color. The second is to promote the study of Aryan and other Eastern literatures, religions and sciences. “


auteur: Olcott, H.S.
ISBN: 0835674800

Prijs: € 5,00

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Oude Wijsheid, Modern Inzicht

Door Shirley Nicholson, vertaald door Wim D. Margadant en Frank Visser.

220 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1989 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750598.

Engels origineel: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Insight | First Adyar Edition 2011 | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9788170595281.

De Oude Wijsheid verschijnt als Theosofie opnieuw in de geschiedenis en brengt omstreden begrippen als reïncarnatie, karma, evolutie, het Goddelijke dat in ieder van ons aanwezig is en de onderlinge verbondenheid van al wat bestaat, in de Westerse wereld. Nicholson laat zien, dat een aantal van de denkbeelden die in De Geheime Leer (1888) van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) zijn geschetst, overeenkomsten toont met wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen in gang gezet door bijvoorbeeld Albert Einstein(1879 – 1955), Ilya Prigogine(1917 – 2003), David Bohm (1917 – 1992), Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962) en vele anderen.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 10 – ‘Goddelijk Denkvermogen’ (p. 129):

” Een manier om te beginnen aan het proces van toenemende innerlijke orde is te letten op de symmetrie overal om ons heen, in vormen in de natuur, in de kunst, architectuur, muziek, zelfs behang en textiel. Als we volledig doordrongen raken van het idee van symmetrie, kunnen we verder gaan naar een dieper begrip van orde. We zouden de hele natuur kunnen ervaren als een bewegende orde, zoals in de muziek, waar al de ritmen en de tonen geharmoniseerd zijn, alle delen samen verbonden in een dynamische structuur.

We zouden zelfs een glimp kunnen opvangen van de werkelijkheid van zuivere orde als een beginsel, dat niet van objecten afhankelijk is. Dit besef kan innerlijke orde herstellen en ons regenereren en vernieuwen. Zoals kristallen neerslaan rondom een kern in een chaos van bewegende moleculen in een oplossing, zo kunnen we een innerlijke kern van orde scheppen, die voortdurend zal aangroeien als deze put uit een vormloze massa ervaringen. Ons uiterlijke, wereldlijke zelf kan geladen worden met orde en schoonheid, net als de diepere niveaus van het hogere denkvermogen geladen zijn met de orde van het Goddelijke Denkvermogen. Hoewel we deze werkelijkheid in het diepste van ons wezen veel te weinig aanraken, zijn we dragers van een Goddelijke Orde en kunnen we leren deze in onszelf en buiten in de wereld tot uiting te laten komen. “

auteur: Nicholson, S.
ISBN: 9789061750598
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1875: De Oude Wijsheid verschijnt als theosofie opnieuw in de geschiedenis en brengt omstreden begrippen als reïncarnatie, karma, evolutie, het Goddelijke dat in ieder van ons aanwezig is en de onderlinge verbondenheid van al wat bestaat, in de Westerse wereld. Wetenschap en religie verwerpen dit wereldbeeld ten stelligste. Ruim een eeuw later: Shirley Nicholson geeft een overzicht van de Oude Wijsheid. Heeft de theosofie in al die jaren invloed gehad op de Westerse cultuur? Erkennen wetenschap en religie nu de geldigheid van zulke begrippen? Geheel en al? Gedeeltelijk? In het geheel niet? In deze levendige uiteenzetting van het theosofische denken laat de schrijfster zien dat een aantal van de denkbeelden die in De Geheime Leer van H.P. Blavatsky zijn geschetst, nu in onze cultuur opgenomen zijn en dat nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de wetenschap en nieuwe religieuze denkwijzen deze “Wijsheid van de goden” beginnen te bevestigen. Dit is te zien in de toenemende belangstelling voor onderwerpen als holistische geneeskunde, ritueel, kernfysica, enzovoort. Dit alles zou men het geleidelijk spiritueler worden van de samenleving kunnen noemen.


Prijs: € 13,00

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Adyar- Historical Notes & Features up to 1934

By Mary Katherine Neff (1877 – 1948) and others with a foreword by Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875 – 1953).

54 Pages | First edition 1934; published as A Guide to Adyar, second edition 1999 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593328.

From Java westwards to Vancouver, from Iceland southwards to New Zealand, through the three Americas, North, South and Central, and in the islands of the Antilles, wherever live and work the Theosophists among whom I have been, the word Adyar represents not only a place but a vision of hope for mankind. The home of the Theosophical Society – the ‘Parent Society’ as it has been called, from which have now branched several independent offschoots – is for tens of thousands that place where flies a wonderful flag of idealism.

This idealism, which Adyar bodies forth is represented by a group of theosophical workers from many lands, and representing all the world faiths, who toil to make of all the nations and of all the religions one indivisible whole. To build bridges between people and people by proclaiming the power of the ideal of brotherhood, to build bridges between faith and faith, science and religion, between work and art, by stating to a modern world the old truths of Divine Wisdom, this is Adyar’s work day by day . . .

From page V:

” A place between the river and the seas,
Divine and filled with an almighty peace.
You, who have heard the sound of angel’s wings
And, answerless, have questioned without cease,
Rest here, and learn the very Scheme of Things. “

  • Isabel Foulkes.




auteur: Neff, M.K.
ISBN: 8170593328

Prijs: € 1,32

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Life is for Living

By Surendra Narayan.

223 Pages | First Edition 1999 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593263.

This Volume assembles the addresses and articles of Mr. Surendra Narayan, mainly published in The Theosophist during the period 1980 to 1995 when he was the International Vice-President of the Theosophical Society. With characteristic Wisdom, clarity, humanism and catholicity of outlook, these essays, written in an easy style, serve to enlighten and inspire the reader intellectually and spiritually. All serious students of life should find them interesting and useful.

Mr. Narayan comes from a family of Theosophists, who always stressed right living. He believes, that if humanity cannot attain liberation or Nirvana without living in this world, this world would not have been created. His lectures and articles have won appreciation in many countries.

From Chapter 36 – ‘Living in Richness’ (p. 220):

” The sages have said, that one who has risen above personal desires becomes free from anxiety, fear, worry and is ever tranquil, calm and joyous. Such a one does not want anything from anybody, is ever helpful to all, living like a king who is responsible in richness. In the Yoga Vāsishtha, such a person is spoken of as one from whom good qualities emanate all around, as white swans fly all over from a pure lake; having seen whom, having heard about whom, having met with whom and having remembered whom, all creatures feel joy. It then adds: Him or Her from whose heart emanates purity all around, the Guardian Angels of the world protect and support . . . “

auteur: Narayanaswami Aiyar, K. (tr.)
ISBN: 8170593263

Prijs: € 10,00

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Be a Lamp unto Yourself

By Kotha Satchidananda Murty (1924 – 2011).

278 Pages | First Edition 2000, Adyar Pamphlets New Series No. 2 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593344.

‘What alone serves as the light here for a man? The Self alone serves as his light.’

The Theosophical Society, founded in 1875, is a worldwide body, whose primary object is Universal Brotherhood based on the realization that life, in all its diverse forms, human and non-human, is indivisibly One. The Society imposes no belief on its members, who are united by a common search for truth and the desire to learn the meaning and purpose of existence by engaging themselves in study, reflection, purity of life and loving service. Theosophy is the Wisdom underlying all religions when they are stripped of accretions and superstitions. It offers a philosophy which renders life intelligible and demonstrates that justice and love guide the cosmos. Its teachings aid the unfoldment of the latent spiritual nature in the human being, without dependence or fear.

From the Conclusion (p. 20):

” Lastly, it is easy enough to say, ‘Search for yourself; whatever you find in the end will be quite all right.’ But this does not seem to be of much use in practice. That is why everybody, who has been a religious preacher or teacher has always added something more. For example: Follow, devote yourselves to one who is wise, who is able to lead, who is dutiful, who is noble, who is very learned and who is above all a good and disciplined (wo)man. 

This is from Dhammapada, Sukhavagga, 12.

But then the question arises: Where am I or you to find such a (wo)man? That is your business and mine. “

auteur: Murty, K.S.
ISBN: 8170593344

Prijs: € 1,36

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The One True Adventure – Theosophy and the Quest for meaning

361 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2008

Theosophy is a vision of wholeness for all humanity that inspires a fellowship united in study, meditation, and service. It is an open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore their own spiritual path. The ultimate goal: self-transformation.

auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 9780835608688
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Mills balances these words of caution with words of inspiration and hope from notable scientists, theologians, philosophers, mystics, novelists, poets, and public servants. Whether citing The New York Times or Madame Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine; quoting the 19th century British explorer Edward Whymper or the Secretary-General of the UN, Mills leads her readers on a fascinating pilgrimage where all those who dare to partake are sure to find love in the pursuit of wisdom. The journey toward transformation is what Joy Mills calls “the one true adventure.” Now in her eighties, Mills shares her remarkable Theosophical insights with audiences across the globe in this thought-provoking collection of essays. The One True Adventure: Theosophy and the Quest for Meaning features a cross-section of her best writings spanning six decades. Revealing a youthful vibrancy throughout the text, she explores ideas that are “eternally applicable to the human condition.” While she acknowledges that the human condition often seems riddled with endless misery and folly, Mills asserts that we have not yet become fully human and that there is great hope in our potential for growth. Before that can happen, however, we must turn our gaze inward. “The struggle to become a person, to become human, takes place within,” she expounds. To become fully human is to uncover “our essential unity, our immortal destiny; our potential divinity.” In The One True Adventure Mills groups her essays to correspond with the four stages in the quest for meaning: The Human Condition, Our Hidden Potential, Esoteric Teachings, and Self-Transformation. This text is not simply the summary of a wise woman. They are also a guidebook to the acquisition of wisdom by anyone who follows their guidance. In her essay “Seek Out the Way,” for instance, Mills employs the metaphor of life as a journey. On the journey of life we participate either as tourists, enjoying life in a superficial sort of way, or as pilgrims, seeking a deeper sense of life’s meaning and purpose. The true quest is not for the passive spectator. To engage fully requires that we are willing to pay the price by assuming full responsibility for our own choices, and “a readiness to risk all for the sake of the journey.”


Prijs: € 23,00

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100 Years of Theosophy – History of the Theosophical Society in America

By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).

215 Pages | First edition 1987 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. |  ISBN: 0835602354.

Theosophical history seldom lacked the colorful personalities and intriguing situations that always lend piquancy to human narratives.

Beginning with ‘Birthing and Growing Pains’, concluding with ‘A New Vision is Granted’, historian Joy Mills relates the founding, the growth, the goals achieved and not achieved, the momentous and the less significant vicissitudes that accompanied the theosophical movement in America.

In this meticulously researched work, Mills captures the intense dynamics, the human drama, that is inevitably part and parcel of any revolutionary movement away from society’s established religious pattern. This history of The Theosophical Society in America is, in a very real sense, the history of a small group of spiritually dedicated individuals; people determined to establish a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood and to encourage a search for ‘Truth’ in this world of illusions, dilemmas, sufferings and satisfactions.

100 Years of Theosophy is a definite overview of the evolution of Theosophy and the Theosophical Society in the United States, But it is necessarily more. It is also the story of the people involved. Their daring, their commitment. Their extraordinary spiritual perspective. Their quarrels and their caring. So complete is this chronicle that Dr. Ellwood suggests that it ‘is certain to be the standard history of the Theosophical Society for years to come.



auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 0835602354

Prijs: € 12,48

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O Hidden Life – An Exposition by Joy Mills

By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).

14 Pages | Reprinted from The Theosophist, June 1976 | Softcover (Leaflet) | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592410.

Sometime, in early 1923, Dr. Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), then President of The Theosophical Society, penned some lines that have since become familiar to members throughout the world, have been translated into several languages, and have, indeed, become a nearly indispensable part of ebery Theosophist’s vocabulary. The words have been set to music; they have been chanted and sung; and few gatherings of the Society that have been held since that year have not been opened with the recitation of these words. At every International Convention, successive Presidents of the Society have inaugurated the proceedings with the antiphonal recitation of what has come to be known as the ‘Universal Prayer’ or ‘ Universal Invocation’. Simple in the extreme, the words possess the magical power of a mantram:

” O Hidden Life, vibrant in every atom;

O Hidden Light, shining in every creature;

O Hidden Love, embracing all in Oneness;

May each who feels himself as one with Thee,

Know he is therefore one with every other. “

  • (From page 2.)


auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 8170592410

Prijs: € 2,50

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The Myths of our Lives – A Way to Personal Transformation (Study Course)

By Joy Mills (1920- 2015).

41 Pages | Copyright 1990, 1996 by The Theosophical Society in America | A4 Study Course | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835601160.

While the program is divided in four parts, each part can be expanded into several sessions or compressed into one session. Participants in the program may determine how long or short a course they want it to be. Not included, but recommended, is a fifth section in which group members meet to share in total the myths they have written. Such a sharing is both personally valuable and provides a useful review to the material covered in the course.

From Chapter 4: ‘Creating Rituals’ (p. 26):

” Myth, symbol and ritual are all closely related and are all expressions of archetypical realities, that may or may not be conscious within us. In fact, as we become familiar with the myths of our lives, we may find that we have been performing many rituals quite unconsciously. Sometimes people, who are very much opposed to ritual and ceremony, or who think these are outmoded by contemporary scientific and rational ways of acting, discover they have been performing rituals all their lives and in fact have even been quite unconsciously governed by them. Just as in the preceding sessions we have become aware of the myths of our lives and discovered what archetypes of the heroic journey we are living out, we may now explore whether we can find new ways to live in the world, and even how we can activate the archetypes, that we would like to experience on our hero journey. “

auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 9780835601160

Prijs: € 7,50

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Living in Wisdom – Lectures on ‘The Secret Doctrine’

By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).

60 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1994,  2000 editie | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750680.

Dutch translation: Leven in Wijsheid – Lezingen over ‘De Geheime Leer’ | First published in 1989 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 906175061X.

In the summer of 1988 Joy Mills gave a series of lectures celebrating the centenary of the publication of The Secret Doctrine, by H.P. Blavatsky. This book contains the texts of these lectures. In these lectures, Joy Mills places a special emphasis on the ethical conclusions to be drawn from study of this book. She elaborates on the mythological nature of the content of The Secret Doctrine, particularly where it refers to the origins and development of man. In contemporary language, and with frequent references to the latest developments in physics and biology, the essence of The Secret Doctrine is made more accessible to the modern reader.

Joy Mills has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1940 and has served as General Secretary of the American Section and the Australian Section, and she was International Vice-President of the T.S.. She was director of the Krotona Institute School of Theosophy in Ojai, California. Her lecture tours have taken her to more than 50 countries.

auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 9789061750680
Additional DescriptionMore Details

In the lectures, Joy Mills places a special emphasis on the ethical conclusions to be drawn from study of this book. She elaborates on the mythological nature of the content of The Secret Doctrine, particularly where it refers to the origins and development of man. In contemporary language, and with frequent references to the latest developments in physics and biology, the essence of The Secret Doctrine is made more accessible to the modern reader. Joy Mills has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1940 and has served as General Secretary of the American Section and the Australian Section, and she was International Vice-President of the T.S.. She was director of the Krotona Institute School of Theosophy in Ojai, California. Her lecture tours have taken her to more than 50 countries.


Prijs: € 6,75

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Leven in Wijsheid – Lezingen over ‘De Geheime Leer’

By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).

76 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1989 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 906175061X.

Engels origineel: Living in Wisdom – Lectures on ‘The Secret Doctrine’ | Eerste druk 1994, 2000 editie | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750680.

‘Leef het Leven als je tot de Wijsheid wilt komen’.

De Geheime Leer van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) verscheen in 1888 en is nog steeds het belangrijkste werk op het gebied van de theosofische filosofie. In de zomer van 1988 hield de Amerikaans theosofe Joy Mills in Nederland een serie lezingen over dit werk. Dit boek bevat de tekst van deze lezingen.

Zij gaat hierin onder meer in op het mythisch karakter van hetgeen in De Geheime Leer geschreven staat over het ontstaan van de wereld en de wording van de mens. Ook legt zij sterk de nadruk op de ethische gevolgen, die voortvloeien uit deze studies. In eigentijds bewoordingen en met verwijzingen naar nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de wetenschap wordt De Geheime Leer voor de lezer toegankelijk gemaakt.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 1 – ‘De Geheime Leer: het wekken van een nieuwe Wijze van Denken (blz. 6):

” In de gepubliceerde verzameling van de brieven, die bekend staan als de Mahatma-brieven aan A.P Sinnett komt een erg duidelijke uitspraak voor. Een van hen, Mr. A.O. Hume, vond dat hij, als goed opgeleid Engelsman, orde kon aanbrengen in de leringen van de occulte leer en hij schreef dan ook aan een van zijn adept-leraren: ‘Waarom vertelt u ons niet gewoon wat de occulte leer is en dan zal ik het onder woorden brengen in termen, die voor het Westerse denken redelijk en rationeel en zinvol zijn. ‘

En de adept-leraar antwoordt: ‘Het lijkt misschien vanuit uw Westers gezichtspunt zo dat het enige wat ons te doen staat is het schrijven van een handboek over occultisme. Maar’, zei hij, ‘zo gaat het niet toe in onze scholen (dat wil zeggen in de esoterische traditie), want totdat en tenzij de student voorbereid is om de waarheid te ontvangen of te begrijpen, is er eenvoudig geen waarheid. Niemand houdt deze voor hem of haar achter, hij/zij kan haar gewoon niet begrijpen!’ “

auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 906175061X
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“Leef het leven, als je tot wijsheid wilt komen” De Geheime Leer van H.P. Blavatsky verscheen in 1888 en is nog steeds het belangrijkste werk op het gebied van de theosofische filosofie. In de zomer van 1988 hielt de Amerikaanse theosofe Joy Mills in Nederland een serie lezingen over dit werk. Dit boek bevat de tekst van deze lezingen. Zij gaat hierin onder meer in op het mythisch karakter van hetgeen in De Geheime Leer geschreven staat over het ontstaan van de wereld en de wording van de mens. Ook legt zij sterk de nadruk op de ethische gevolgen die voortvloeien uit deze studies.


Prijs: € 7,95

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From Inner to Outer Transformation – Lectures on ‘The Voice of the Silence’

By Joy Mills (1920- 2015).

94 Pages | First edition 1996, reprint 2002 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750830.

Bij het Juni nummer van Theosofia wordt een ‘Special’ gepubliceerd met de Nederlandse vertaling van dit werk.

‘ Bestride the bird of life, if thou would’st know. ‘

It is the nature of a bird to fly upwards. When one moves to a higher position, for example to a mountain’s peak, one’s vision is greatly extended. There is much more to be seen from an airplane than from a train or an automobile. This does not mean, that the closer view of the terrain, which is seen when one is walking or driving in a car, is not important, but to gain a wider perspective of the entire area one wishes to explore, a view from the heights is essential.

The theosophical worldview gives a panoramic view, and this is an essential part of its uniqueness. Many philosophies and much of science start from a very limited view and stay there; for example, in some cases, the view is only of the physical world, and then the existence of anything beyond the physical or material is posited as perhaps plausible, but not very likely. On the other hand, the theosophical philosophy encourages us to gain the widest view possible, to start not with the physical, but with that which is the ground of our being, the ultimate reality underlying all phenomenal existence.

From Chapter II – ‘Waking up’ (p. 29):

” In the Voice of Silence, we are encouraged to take a wider view, the view a bird would have. And what is that view? From the theosophical perspective, it is a view of the universe. which brings about the profound realization of the unity of all existence. You realize, that our generation, of all generations that have lived on this planet, is the first to have seen our globe whole, that is there are no boundaries. Where are the boundaries? Where are the frontiers? 


If our aim is as The Voice of Silence tells us, to ‘follow in the steps of holy Tathagata’, which is to take the Bodhisattva path, then we must see the world and all within it as does a Bodhisattva. It has been said, that a Bodhisattva sees the single thread, that unites all consciousnesses, all beings. […] We know, that there are groups in which there is ancestor worship. There is a truth in this, because the blood is symbolic of the living thread, which connects us with all ancestors and if one goes back far enough, there is only one ancestor, which is the Great Man, Purusha. We are all linked as bloodbrothers then. This was one of the great symbols in mediaeval time, to become bloodbrothers, to mingle the blood. ” 


auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 9061750830
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Quotes from the first chapter of this book:

Rooted in one ultimate reality, the universe and all within it proceed by a process of emanation into being. When we say “one ultimate reality” we should not really say “One,” because One implies two. So, rooted in a non-dual ultimate reality, the process was radiation through which emanation occurred and within that inherent lawfulness of the system gave rise to an evolutionary cycle of becoming, which in the human stage is self-directed and self-consciously chosen. The pivotal doctrine of the esoteric philosophy is that there are no special gifts in man, save those won by his own Ego [reincarnating self] throughout a long series of reincarnation and metempsychosis. This is important because it is not simply by living a certain number of lives, reïncarnation, that we come to transformation.
… Consciousness is primary. … Only in the human stage does consciousness become reflective upon itself and therefore self-conscious decision and effort become not only possible but constitute the priveleged choice and the responsible act of every human being. We must choose: responsibility is there.
Joy Mills has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1940 and has served as General Secretary of the American Section and the Australian Section, and she was International Vice-President of the T.S.. She was director of the Krotona Institute School of Theosophy in Ojai, California. Her lecture tours have taken her to more than 50 countries.


Prijs: € 7,25

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Zoek Naar de Weg – Studies in ‘Licht op het Pad’

Door Rohit Mehta, vertaald door E.J.H. Bonjer-van Eeghen.

146 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1977; dit boek maakt deel uit van de Lotusreeks I | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750413.

Engels origineel: Seek-out the Way – Studies in ‘Light on the Path’ | Uitgegeven in 1957 | The Theosophical Publishing House | ISBN: 9780722972014.

Licht op het Pad (Engels origineel Light on the Path), geschreven door Mabel Collins staat bekend als ‘een der kostbaarste juwelen van de moderne Theosofie’. Het bestaat uit 30 aforismen van geestelijke lering met een diepe betekenis, die integraal in dit werkje zijn opgenomen. Ze zijn afkomstig uit een serie toespraken door Rohit Mehta, gehouden in Benares in het hoofdkwartier van de Indiase afdeling van de Theosophical Society.

Afkomstig van blz. 70:

” ‘Licht op het Pad’ zegt: Groei, zoals de bloem groeit, onbewust, maar vurig verlangend haar Ziel te openen voor de lucht. Zo moet gij vooruit dringen om uw Ziel te openen voor het Eeuwige. Maar het moet het Eeuwige zijn, dat uw kracht en schoonheid te voorschijn brengt, niet de begeerte naar groei. Want in het ene geval ontwikkelt gij u in de lichtende glans van reinheid, in het andere verhardt gij u door de hevige hartstocht voor het bereiken van persoonlijke grootheid. “

auteur: Mehta, R.
ISBN: 9789061750413
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Rohit Mehta is niet alleen in India, maar eveneens in vele delen van de wereld een welbekende schrijver, die door zijn heldere schrijftrant gaarne wordt gelezen, omdat hij in staat is vrij moeilijke onderwerpen op duidelijke wijze uiteen te zetten.


Prijs: € 4,25

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The Eternal Light

268 Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 1985

The aim of this book is to answer fundamental questions in the light of the teachings of Theosophy and to explain that if the Universals describe the pattern of evolution it is the Unique or the Individual that reveals the purpose underlying the evolutionary growth.

A well-known author and eloquent speaker, Rohit Mehta lectured in many parts of the world on religion, philosophy, yoga, and psychology.

An Adyar book, imported from India.

auteur: Mehta, R.
ISBN: 083567004X
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Rohit Mehta (1908-1995) was educated in Bombay, Surat, and Ahmedabad, India. As a student he took part in the Indian freedom struggle and was imprisoned on more than one occasion. He was attracted by the Socialist movement, but when he found its philosophy not satisfying his needs, joined the Theosophical Society, soon becoming an active member, serving as General Secretary of the Indian Section from 1945 – 1959. Other titles by the author: – Negative Approach – The Search for Freedom


Prijs: € 6,35

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Seek Out the Way – Studies in ‘Light on the Path’

By Rohit Mehta.

98 Pages | First edition 1955, second edition 1957, first reprint 1990 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591465.

Dutch translation: Zoek naar de Weg – Studies in ‘Licht op het Pad‘, translation by E.J.H. Bonjer-van Eeghen | Published in 1977 and part of The Lotusreeks |Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750413.

Light on the Path (Dutch: Licht op het Pad) is one of the most precious gems in the literature of modern Theosophy. It may rightly be described as the most outstanding book on the Mysticism of Theosophy. Ever since its publication seventy years ago, this book has been a source of inspiration to large numbers of people throughout the world. The origins of this book are ‘lost in the mists of pre-historic antiquity’, and in the course of thousands of years its form has been enlarged by the inclusion of different commentaries. In its original form it is believed to have contained thirty aphorisms written as a palm-leaf manuscript. These thirty aphorisms have been retained in the modern editions of the book, but together with them commentaries and notes have also been added so that in the present form the book is much larger than it was in the olden times. These thirty aphorisms contain spiritual instructions of profound significance. A book like Light on the Path transcends all limitations of age and race and, therefore, has universal application. The instructions contained in this book are of great value to men and women of our age as they were to the spiritual aspirants of previous generations.

From Chapter IX – ‘The Middle Way’ (p. 98):

” To live in the present – this indeed is the secret of treading the Path. It is here that the spiritual pilgrim realizes that the discovery of the Path and the treading of the Path are a joint phenomenon – not separated by an interval of time. When the discovery and the treading of the Path become a joint phenomenon then the problem of discipline no longer exists. In fact man becomes the meeting place of the great spiritual paradox: Freedom in Discipline. “

auteur: Mehta, R.
ISBN: 8170591465

Prijs: € 3,30

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The Negative Approach

235 pages | Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 1998

This book contains essays on a variety of subjects in the fields of religion, philosophy, psychology, education, the meaning of life and everyday living. An original light is cast on some teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism which are interpreted psychologically in a way reminiscent of Krishnamurti’s teachings.

The author’s approach is logical, sometimes inspiring and often useful in helping us towards a certain understanding of that which cannot be expressed in words.

auteur: Mehta, R
ISBN: 8170593107
Additional DescriptionMore Details

A well-known author and eloquent speaker, Rohit Mehta lectured in many parts of the world on religion, philosophy, yoga, and psychology. Other titles by the author: – The Eternal Light – The Search for Freedom


Prijs: € 8,80

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De Scheppende Stilte – Oerpeinzingen over ‘De Stem van de Stilte’

Door Rohit Mehta, vertaald door Ir. A.J.H. Leeuwen.

189 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1977; dit boek maakt deel uit van de Lotusreeks I | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750291.

Engels origineel: The Creative Silence | Uitgegeven in 1986 | The Theosophical Publishing House | ISBN: 9788170590170.

Rohit Mehta heeft getracht in deze Overpeinzingen over het bekende werk van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) De Stem van de Stilte, een verklaring te geven van een van de merkwaardigste boeken die ooit over het geestelijk leven zijn geschreven. Blavatsky geeft in haar werk de mystieke leer van de Boeddha en de leer van de Vedanta weer. Beide kunnen als nagenoeg identieke wijsgerige stelsels worden beschouwd. Zo noemt Blavatsky de Vedanta ‘vergeestelijkt Boeddhisme’ en het Boeddhisme ‘radicaal Vedantisme’.

Afkomstig van blz. 89:

” De parasiet, die het hart doorknaagt en het levenssap drinkt, is het verlangen om zich ergens aan vats te klampen. En het verlangen om zich ergens aan vast te klampen ontstaat uit de heugenis aan vroegere ervaringen. Het is dit verlangen, dat de leerling ertoe brengt achterom te kijken. De roos, die weer tot knop wordt, is inderdaad de toestand van het denkvermogen, dat bevrijd is van de heugenis aan vroegere ervaringen. Het is een toestand van vernieuwing, van geestelijke wedergeboorte. Terug te keren tot de kindstaat is geestelijk herboren worden. “

auteur: Mehta, R.
ISBN: 9789061750291

Prijs: € 4,25

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Some Mystical Adventures

By George R.S. Mead (1863-1933).

338 Pages | Photo copy of the first 1910 edition, J. Watkins, London | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 1564593592.

From Chapter I – ‘As Above, So Below’:

“Heaven above, heaven below; stars above, stars below; all that is above thus also below.”

– Kircher, Prodrom. Copt. pp. 193 & 275.

‘As above, so below’. Is this great ‘word’ a sacramental phrase, a saying of wisdom, an aphorism, a mystic formula, a fundamental law; or a two-edged sword of word-fence, that will probably do the wielder serious damage, if he is not first put through careful training in its handling – which?

Whether this saying is of Hermetic origin or no, we will not stay formally to inquire. In essence it is probably as old as human thought itself; and, as probably, the idea lying underneath it has been turned topsy-turvy more frequently than any other of the immortal company.


  1. As Above, So Below
  2. Heresy
  3. The elasticity of the permanent body
  4. The immensities
  5. Heirs of the Ages
  6. The Master
  7. Initiation
  8. A measure of what Wisdom means to me
  9. Adumbrations
  10. The heroic life
  11. On the track of Spirituality
  12. Guesses at what to expect
  13. On the art of symbolism
  14. The Self-taught
  15. On the way of the Path
  16. Mystic reality
  17. The deathless race
  18. Mystic cosmogony
  19. Some elementary speculations
  20. On the nature of the Quest.
auteur: Mead, G.R.S.
ISBN: 1564593592

Prijs: € 15,00

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Quests Old and New

By George R.S. Mead (1863-1933).

338 Pages | Photo copy of the first edition in 1913 by G. Bell & Sons, Ltd, London | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 0922802793.

from the Preface:

” All the studies or sketches in this volume are illustrative of the quest of reality, the search for truth, or the restless striving of the human soul for the satisfaction of its needs, spiritual or philosophical, mystical or psychical. The subjects are gleaned from the past and present, from east and west; and all of them, each in their different ways, seem to the writer to be of deep interest and great importance, even though some are little known and may appear on first acquaintance somewhat strange. “


  1. The Way of the Spirit of ancient China
  2. The Doctrine of the true Man in ancient Chinese mystical philosophy
  3. Spiritual reality in progressive Buddhism
  4. The ideal life in progressive Buddhism
  5. Some features of Buddhist psychology
  6. The doctrine of reincarnation ethically considered
  7. Some mystical experiments on the frontiers of early Christendom
  8. The meaning of Gnosis in the higher forms of Hellenistic religion
  9. ‘The Book of the Hidden Mysteries’ by Hierotheos
  10. The rising psychic tide
  11. Vaihinger’s philosophy of the ‘As If’
  12. Bergon’s intuitionism
  13. Eucken’s activism.




auteur: Mead, G.R.S.
ISBN: 0922802793

Prijs: € 17,50

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Concerning H.P.B. (Stray Thoughts on Theosophy)

By George R.S. Mead (1863-1933).

Pages | Photo copy | Reprinted from The Theosophical Review, Vol. XXXIV , 1904/1919 | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 1564592529.

I (Wisdom) love them that love me – Prov. viii, 17. Where there is mystery, it is generally supposed that there must also be evil. ” – Lord George Gordon Byron (1788 – 1824).

Let us for a few minutes turn our thoughts together to the woman without whom, in every probability, there would have been no Theosophical movement to-day as we understand it. Let us consider briefly the crude and blundering question: ‘Do you believe in Blavatsky?

To me this question sounds strange, sounds even if I may say so, vulgar. ‘Blavatsky’ No one who knew her, knew her thus tout court. For her enemies even, while she lived, she was Madame Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), or at least H.P. Blavatsky; while for her friends and lovers she was Helena Petrovna, or H.P.B., or the ‘Old Lady’ – which last once gave occasion to a pretty witticism of a friend, who slyly remarked that it would have been awkward had Madame been Monsieur.




auteur: Mead, G.R.S.
ISBN: 1564592529

Prijs: € 3,20

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The Universal Flame – Commemorating the Centenary of The Theosophical Society

By several contributors, edited by L.H. Leslie-Smith and a foreword by John B.S. Coats, international president of the Theosophical Society from 1972 to 1980.

255 Pages| Published in 1975 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835675068.

A group of essays by students of the occult concerning man’s immemorial and upceasing quest for reality. The Universal Flame is being published to mark the centenary of The Theosophical Society. The Society was founded in New York in 1875 and later moved its Headquarters to Adyar, now a suburb of Madras in Southern India, but at that time eight miles from the centre of the city. Adyar has remained the spiritual and administrative centre of the Society’s work since the original founders took up their residence here in 1882; and it is therefore a real happiness to present from International Headquarters this collection of essays to a world, in which growing interest in the search for Truth about Man, the Universe and God is becoming everyday more apparent.

From the backflap:

” These things shall be  – a loftier race

Then e’er the world hath known shall rise

With flame of freedom in their souls,

And light of knowledge in their eyes. “

  • John Addington Symonds in: The Days That Are To Be.


auteur: Leslie-Smith, L.H. (ed.)
ISBN: 0835675068

Prijs: € 5,67

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The Monad – And other Essays on the Higher Consciousness

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

167 Pages | Second edition, 8th reprint, 2012 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592884.

The Monad is a collection of essays written by Leadbeater and published in Theosophical magazines between 1913 – 1920, pertaining to the Higher Consciousness of man. It casts light with a clairvoyant insight and Theosophical understanding on topics, such as psychic development, the Buddhic consciousness and the meaning of Time. This small volume deals with subjects, that are of the highest importance for students of Theosophy, and over the years it has become a classic of Theosophical literature.

An extract from the first Chapter:

” Even when clairvoyance is developed – even when a man opens the sight of his causal body, and looks at the causal body of another man – even then, though he sees a manifestation of the ego on his own plane, he is still far from seeing the real man. “

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9788170592884

Prijs: € 5,25

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The Masters and the Path (Abridged)

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

322 Pages | Third edition, 4th reprint, 2015 | (1st ed. 1925) | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170591986.

Leadbeater, eminent seer and occultist, writes in this book of the Perfected Men, the Masters, ‘Men beyond mankind‘, whose existence ‘is one of the most important of the many facts, which Theosophy puts before us’.

Drawing on his personal experiences, the experiences of others, and the teachings of the religions, the mystics and the saints, he writes about the personalities of the Masters, their homes, their work, their nature and their powers. He also decribes the various stages on the Path the aspirant has to thread to reach them, from probation to acceptance as their disciple, and beyond.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9788170591986
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9788170591986";}

Prijs: € 29,00

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The Inner Life

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

383 Pages | Published in 1978 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835605021.

A clairvoyant, Leadbeater wrote, is simply a person who develops ‘the power to respond to another octave out of the stupendous gamut of possible vibrations’ and so is enabled ‘to see more of the world than those of more limited perception’. And what a world Leadbeater describes for us in these pages – a world of Master Adepts and their pupils, untapped human powers and potentials, ancient Mysteries, Deva-s and Nature Spirits. In short, the unseen workings of the universe . . .

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9780835605021
Additional DescriptionMore Details

C. W. Leadbeater was a highly developed clairvoyant and the author of over thirty books on the spiritual life and on the psychic nature of man. He unfolded and perfected his own psychic faculties under the guidance of his Adept teacher and in 1893 began his clairvoyant investigations, on occasion collaborating with Annie Besant, the second President of the Theosophical Society. His worldwide lectures presented a new viewpoint to thousands of people.


Prijs: € 21,50

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The Devachanic Plane

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

132 Pages | First edition 1896 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059068X.

NB: The complete title of the work is: The Devachanic Planes or The Heaven World – It’s Characteristics and Inhabitants.

From the Preface:

” Few words are needed in sending this little book out into the world. It is the sixth of a series of Manuals designed to meet the public demand for a simple exposition of Theosophical teachings […] These Manuals are not written only for the eager student, whom no initial difficulties can daunt; they are written for the busy men and women of the work-a-day world, and seek to make plain some of the great truths that render life easier to bear and death easier to face. Written by servants of the Masters who are the Elder Brothers of our race, they can have no other object than to serve our fellowmen “.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 817059068X

Prijs: € 5,50

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The Smaller Buddhist Catechism

Compiled by Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934) and translated by Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).

41 Pages | First edition 1902, first reprint 2004 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059443X.

This work is a translation of a small Sinhalese Catechism of Buddhism in two parts, called Bauddha Sisubodhaya, which was compiled by Mr. C.W. Leadbeater in 1889, when he was working in connection with the Buddhist Theosophical Society. During the work of teaching in Buddhist Sunday Schools and later in the Buddhist English High School of Colombo (now Ananda College), Mr. Leadbeater found Colonel Olcott’s Catechism far above the grasp of most of the children, as that Catechism was not composed for children. A far simpeler work being urgently needed, Mr. Leadbeater with the help of Buddhist friends put together this little publication.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W. (comp.)/Jinarajadasa, C. (tr.)
ISBN: 817059443X

Prijs: € 2,25

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How Theosophy Came to Me

Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

154 Pages | Reprinted 2001 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590132.

Eminent clairvoyant Leadbeater relates in this autobiographical sketch how he came into contact with H.P. Blavatksy (1831 – 1891) and other leading Theosophists in England, and what curious events and phenomena occured during the voyage he made with her to India. The reader will find also vivid world-pictures of Adyar in the early days of the Theosophical Library, an account of Leadbeater’s journeys with H.S. Olcott (1832 – 1907) in Buddhist countries, and of the occult training he received from an Adept.

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 8170590132

Prijs: € 5,00

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The Hidden Side of Lodge Meetings

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

27 Pages | Reprinted 2002 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591678.

Leadbeater was a highly developed clairvoyant and the author of over thirty books on the spiritual life and the psychic nature of man.

From page 2:

” Naturally the work of every Lodge has its public side. There are lectures given to the public and opportunities offered for them to ask questions; all this is good and necessary. But every Lodge, which is worthy of the name, is also doing something far higher than any work on the physical plane, and this higher work can only be done in its own primary meetings. Furthermore, it can be done only if these meetings are properly conducted and entirely harmonious. ” 

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 8170591678

Prijs: € 2,50

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Speurtocht naar het Zelf

Door Eunice Layton en Felix Layton.

75 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1987; dit boek maakt deel uit van de Lotusreeks II | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750239.

Engels origineel: Some Basic Concepts of Theosophy | Uitgegeven in 1960 | The Theosophical Publishing House | Geen ISBN nr.

Dit boekje bestaat uit vier toespraken over Theosofische grondbegrippen, beginselen van de oude wijsheid, die onderwezen werden door de wijzen van alle volken en tijden:

  1. Een goddelijk plan in een chaotische wereld
  2. Ken uw ware zelf
  3. Reïncarnatie
  4. Heerst er gerechtigheid in de wereld?

De Theosofisch Vereniging is een groepering van zoekers naar ‘waarheid’, die allemaal het geloof in de algemene Broederschap der Mensheid gemeen hebben. Zodoende is er geen dogma of geloofsbelijdenis, die het denken van de leden aan banden legt. De beschouwingen in dit werkje zijn voor hen, waarheidszoekers overal ter wereld, in de hoop dat ze zullen helpen om dieper inzicht te verkrijgen in de speurtocht naar het ontdekken van het eigen wijze ‘Zelf’.

Afkomstig van blz. 71:

” We zijn niet alleen de omstandigheden, die we zelf hebben geschapen, maar we zijn ook in de best denkbare gelegenheid om die geestelijke vermogens te ontplooien, waaraan we toe zijn. De werking der wet is een zege, al denken we daar soms anders over. We zijn hier niet toevallig. Het is niet bij toeval, dat we hier wonen in plaats van China of op de Zuidzee Eilanden of nog ergens anders. Als we onze lessen leren, indien we die eigenschap aankweken, die de omstandigheden en het leven ons proberen bij te brengen, zullen we na de volgende stap voorwaarts gedaan te hebben, zien, dat onze omstandigheden op miraculeuze wijze zijn veranderd. Niet de wereld moet veranderd worden, maar wij zelf. Zoals wij zelf zijn, zo maken we de wereld. “

auteur: Layton, E./Layton, F.
ISBN: 9789061750239
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}
2: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9789061750239";}
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Een passage uit de laatste toespraak:

We zijn niet alleen precies in de omstandigheden die we zelf hebben geschapen, maar we zijn ook in de best denkbare gelegenheid om die geestelijke vermogens te ontplooien waar we aan toe zijn.
De hier geschetste opvattingen zijn de beginselen van de oude wijsheid, die onderwezen werden door de wijzen van alle volken en tijden. Deze eeuwige wetten worden hier aangeboden, gezien in het licht van de gebeurtenissen en ervaringen uit het dagelijks leven in de twintigste eeuw. Hierdoor kregen ze iets origineels, waardoor deze lezingen populair werden. Er wordt geen aanspraak gemaakt alle grondwaarheden van de Theosofie naar voren te hebben gebracht. Er  worden alleen  denkbeelden weer gegeven, die de schrijvers ontdekten bij hun studie van de uitgebreide klassieke literatuur van de Theosofische Vereniging en tijdens hun zoektocht naar de diepere betekenis van het leven. De auteurs zijn er in geslaagd deze denkbeelden helder uiteen te zetten.


Prijs: € 4,25

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Life: Your Great Adventure – A Theosophical View

By Eunice and Felix Layton.

178 Pages | Revised edition 1988 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN 083560635x.

Formerly published as Theosophy: Key to Understanding (1967), this book is based on many talks the authors have presented in lectures and classes throughout the United States and in various other countries. They provide answers to basic human questions, such as:

  • Is there some meaning to existence?
  • Is there life after death?
  • Will we live again?
  • How can we find inner peace?

With their wide background of experience, Mrs. and Mr. Layton are able to bring a common sense approach to the metaphysical concepts of Theosophy and relate them to the problems of people in their daily lives.

From Chapter 15 – ‘Release Your Imprisoned Splendor’ (p. 170 & 171):

” How beautifully the book ends, having gone through all these other qualifications. For it concludes with this reminder: ‘Of all the qualifications, love is the most important, for if it is strong enough in a man, it forces him to acquire all the rest, and all the rest without it would never be sufficient . . . He who is on the Path exists not for himself or herself, but for others; he/she has forgotten him/herself, in order that he may serve them.

This the test of where every individual, including each of us, stands in the evolutionary process. To the degree that we forget ourselves in the service of others, to that same degree have we begun to release this imprisoned splendor. “


auteur: Layton, E./Layton, F.
ISBN: 083560635X
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Other titles by the author Felix Layton: – Light On the Path (CD) – Second Object of the Theosophical Society (CD)


Prijs: € 6,50

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Life: Your Great Adventure – A Theosophical View

By Eunice and Felix Layton.

178 Pages | First edition 1994 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 8170592402.

Formerly published as Theosophy: Key to Understanding (1967), this book is based on many talks the authors have presented in lectures and classes throughout the United States and in various other countries. They provide answers to basic human questions, such as:

  • Is there some meaning to existence?
  • Is there life after death?
  • Will we live again?
  • How can we find inner peace?

With their wide background of experience, Mrs. and Mr. Layton are able to bring a common sense approach to the metaphysical concepts of Theosophy and relate them to the problems of people in their daily lives.

From Chapter 15 – ‘Release Your Imprisoned Splendor’ (p. 170 & 171):

” How beautifully the book ends, having gone through all these other qualifications. For it concludes with this reminder: ‘Of all the qualifications, love is the most important, for if it is strong enough in a man, it forces him to acquire all the rest, and all the rest without it would never be sufficient . . . He who is on the Path exists not for himself or herself, but for others; he/she has forgotten him/herself, in order that he may serve them.

This the test of where every individual, including each of us, stands in the evolutionary process. To the degree that we forget ourselves in the service of others, to that same degree have we begun to release this imprisoned splendor. “


auteur: Layton, E./Layton, F.
ISBN: 8170592402

Prijs: € 6,50

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To Light a Thousand Lamps – A Theosophic Vision

By Grace F. Knoche.

209 Pages | A Sunrise Library Book, Copyright 2001 | Hardcover | Theosophical University Press, Pasadena California U.S.A. | ISBN: 1557001707.

Dutch translation: Duizend Lichten Aansteken | Theosophical University Press | ISBN: 9070328615.

‘If enough men and women will not only believe, but also follow their intuitions and consciously cast their lot with the cause of compassion, there is every reason to have confidence, that our civilization will one day make the leap from self-centeredness to genuine brotherhood in every phase of the human enterprise’.

Written with directness and warmth, To Light A Thousand Lamps shares a universal perspective on the central questions of human existence, while providing practical insights on daily living and spiritual growth. Offering a thoughtful critique of religious and scientific views and current practices in light of Theosophy, the author presents the foundation ideas of mankind’s spiritual heritage, addressing our responsibility as partners in a oneness that reaches to the core of each and every being. In so doing she suggests how we can live with dignity, purpose, and compassion, whatever our circumstances.

From Page 16 – ‘The Daily Initiation’ (p. 16):

” Every people has borne the sacred burden of the Divine in its deepest heart. How strange, with this wondrous heritage, that we should ever feel ‘widowed of the presence of the Gods’, as though the link with our Divine Source had become frayed, no longer assured. We are not the first civilization to feel lost and bewildered, nor will we be the last, but this does not mean there is no remedy. Help has always been within our grasp: to ally our whole being with the building energies of the universe and to refuse to strengthen by default – certainly never by design – the destructive forces, that are ever alert to attack the irresolute Soul. Still, we must persevere, for once we make the choice, all the ‘devils’ in the underworld of our nature will seemingly be let loose to test the integrity of our resolve. The more in earn earnest we are, the more subtle and persistent the resistance – not instigated by others, but by our higher self. There is nothing mysterious about this. “

auteur: Knoche, G.F.
ISBN: 1557001707

Prijs: € 17,95

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The Esoteric She – Articles on Madame Blavatsky’s Life, Work and Teachings

By William Quan Judge (1851 – 1896), compiled and edited by Daniel H. Caldwell.

108 Pages | Published in 1991 | Point Loma Publications, San Diego U.S.A. | ISBN: 0913004-.

May 8, 1991 marks the centenary of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s death. In commemoration of this event The Esoteric She has been compiled from the writings of William Q. Judge. This compilation presents a unique collection of Judge’s articles on Blavatsky’s life, work and writings. Judge tells of his first contact with Madame Blavatsky and of his subsequent involvement and work with Blavatksy. He also defends her against several of her critics.

Judge’s position as one of the three chief founders of The Theosophical Society gives this Volume a distinct perspective. Hopefully, the reader will gain a greater understanding of Blavatsky’s life-work as well as a greater appreciation of Judge’s contribution to the Theosophical Cause. For a biographical sketch Mr. Judge and a list of his writings, the reader is referred to William Quan Judge: His Life and Work: compiled and edited by Sven Eek and Boris de Zirkoff, in Echoes of the Orient, (Volume I, pp. xix-lviii), published by Point Loma Publications in 1975.

From Chapter 17 – ‘Conversations on Occultism with H.P.B.’ (p. 100):

” Look here; here’s a man, who wants to know why the Master’s don’t interpose at once and save his business. They don’t seem to remember what it means for a Master to use occult force. If you explode gunpowder to split a rock, you may knock down a house. There is a law that if a White Magician uses his occult power an equal amount of power may be used by the Black One. Chemists invent powders for explosives and wicked men may use them. You force yourself into Master’s presence and you take the consequences of the immense forces around him playing on yourself. If you are weak in character anywhere, the Black Ones will use the disturbance by directing the forces engendered to that spot and may compass your ruin. It is so always. Pass the boundary that hedges in the occult realm, and quick forces, new ones, dreadful ones, must be met.  Then, if you are not strong, you may become a wreck for that life. This is the danger. This is one reason, why Masters do not appear and do not act directly very often, but nearly always by intermediate degrees. What do you say – ’the dual forces in nature’? Precisely, that’s just it; and Theosophists should remember it. “

auteur: Judge, W.Q.
ISBN: 0913004-

Prijs: € 6,19

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The Secret of the Ages – And Other Theosophical Essays

By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).

69 Pages | First edition 1926, reprint 1927, second edition 1988 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.

‘The first edition was issued under the title The Mediator. Some of the titles of the essays included therein have been altered in this Volume to make them more meaningful. The essay The Mediator does not find a place in this edition; hence the change of the title of the book.

From Chapter 10 – The Secret of the Ages (p. 63):

” If only we will look rightly into our own heart, and listen to the still small voice there, we shall hear where our path lies, and we shall always see visions of our work. At the bottom of our nature we are unselfish, and we hunger to give. Even when we are reckless in selfishness, the soul’s cry at our depths is ‘Let me find how to give’. When, with increasing will, heart and mind are used to subdue the fierce thirst for sensation, then, evitably vistas appear of a work. For Soul and work are interchangeable terms, and the greater the work the more spiritual the Soul . . . “

auteur: Jinarajadasa, C.

Prijs: € 2,75

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Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom (Second Series)

By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).

189 Pages | First to fourth reprints 1973 – 2002 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593964.

From the Foreword:

” I AM privileged to introduce to the world this priceless booklet of Letters from the Elder Brothers, who were the true Founders of the Theosophical Society. Many a Pilgrim on the Probationary Path will find in it much of help and inspiration, and it will serve to deepen the sense of the reality of our Teachers, sometimes blurred in the mind of neophytes by the tumultuous happenings in the outer world, as the notes of a vina are drowned if played in the rattle of an engine-shed. May it speak to those who have ears to hear. “ – Annie Besant

auteur: Jinarajadasa, C. (comp.)
ISBN: 8170593964

Prijs: € 7,50

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First Principles of Theosophy

By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).

465 Pages | Facsimile reprint published in 1995 | Softcover | Kessinger Publishing, LLC, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 1564595358.

Theosophy is the Wisdom arising from the study of the evolution of life and form. This Wisdom already exists, because the study has been pursued for long ages by properly equipped investigators into nature’s mysteries. The investigators, who are called ’the Masters of Wisdom’, are those Souls, who in the evolutionary process have passed beyond the stage of man to that next higher, that of the ‘Adept’.

As man evolves to Adept, he gains knowledge by investigation and experiment. The knowledge so far gained by an unbroken line of Adepts is Theosophy, the Ancient Wisdom. As man becomes Adept he ceases to be merely an item in the evolutionary process, and appears as a Master and Director of that process, under the supervision of a great Consciousness called in Theosophy the LOGOS. He is enabled, as co/operator with LOGOS, to see nature from His standpoint, and to some extent survey her, not as helpless tool, but with the vision of her Creator. Such a survey is Theosophy to-day.

From Chapter XVI  – ‘God’s Plan, Which is Evolution’ (p. 368):

” So the Solar System, as the Logos and His seven great Assistants, who work with Him, appears as a great Flower of many petals, with a great, glowing golden heart at its centre. Whoso can attain to this vision of the work of the Logos can never have a shadow of doubt as to His Love and Might and Beauty. Each vision of the Truth, through religion or philosophy, through science or art, or through philantropy and service, leads the Soul one step nearer to the goal, which is, to live and move and have his being, in full consciousness, and with exceeding joy, in the Logos of our Solar System. “

auteur: Jinarājadāsa, C.
ISBN: 1564595358

Prijs: € 27,00

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A Divine Vision of Man, Nature and God

By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).

76 Pages | First Edition 1928, 1st – 3rd reprints 1949-1954, second edition 1986 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590329.

These three Lectures were delivered by the Author at the Queen’s Hall London in May 1927, and formerly published  under the title ‘The Divine Vision’.

It is a true saying, and one experienced and proved by us all, that we rise to higher things on the stepping stones of our dead selves. The life of man is a continual change of vision; as experiences come to him one after another, it is as if he rose from one level to another as he climbs up a mountain side, and therefore his visions steadily changes.

We recognise that there are two kinds of vision possible for us, that of the ordinary man of the world, and that other vision, which is presented to us by the great leaders of humanity, the founders of the religions. But we are apt to imagine that that lofty vision of the great teachers is something reserved for them alone, that we men in these lower levels are not capable of a divine vision. Yet the whole purpose of the message of Theosophy is to show that what the greatest of mankind has achieved shall some day be the achievement of every human being. In the course of these three Lectures, I shall try to show there is possible for us a divine vision of man, of nature and of God.

From Page 26:

” The student of Nature wonders the more and is astonished the less, the more conversant he becomes with her operations; but of all the perennial miracles she offers to his inspection, perhaps the most worthy of admiration, is the development of a plant or of an animal from its embryo. Examine the recently laid egg of some common animal, such as the salamander or a newt. It is a minute spheriod in which the best microscope will reveal nothing but a structureless sac, enclosing a glairy fluid holding granules in suspension. But strange possibilities lie dormant in that semi-fluid globe. Let a moderate amount of warmth reach its watery cradle, and the plastic matter undergoes changes so rapid and yet so steady and purposelike in their succession, that one can only compare them to those operated by a skilled modeller upon a formless lump of clay. As with an invisible trowel, the mass is divided and sub-divided into smaller and smaller proportions until it is reduced to an aggregation of granules not too large to build withal the finest fabrics of the nascent organism. And, then, it is as if a delicate finger traced out the line to be occupied by the spinal column, and moulded the contour of the body, pinching up the head at one end, the tail at the other, and fashioning flank and limb into due salamandrine proportions in so artistic a way that, after watching the process hour by hour, one is almost involuntarily possessed by the notion that some more subtle aid to vision than an achromatic microscope would show the hidden artist, with his plan before him, striving with skilful manipulation to perfect his work. ” – Lay Sermons, Chapter – ‘The Origin of Species’.


auteur: Jinarajadasa, C.
ISBN: 8170590329

Prijs: € 3,00

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132 blz. | Paperback | Uitgeverij Kok, 2000

Uit de serie Wegwijs, onder redactie van R. Kranenborg, E.G. Hoekstra en J.B.G. Jonkers.

In dit deeltje over de theosofie vindt de lezer onder meer een historisch overzicht, een systematisch uitgewerkt beeld van de vaak gecompliceerde opvattingen en een opgave van de theosofische organisaties die in Nederland actief zijn. Een uitgebreide literatuurlijst besluit dit deeltje.
Het moderne esoterische denken zoals dat ondermeer te vinden is in de New Age-beweging heeft zijn wortels voor een deel in het theosofische gedachtegoed, waarvan in dit boek een samenhangend mens- en wereldbeeld wordt beschreven.

auteur: Jansen, R.
ISBN: 9789043501057
Additional DescriptionMore Details

De serie Wegwijs geeft betrouwbare, zakelijke informatie over wereldgodsdiensten, religieuze en levensbeschouwelijke groeperingen en stromingen. De serie staat onder redactie van drs. E.G. Hoekstra, dr. J.B.G. Jonkers en dr. R. Kranenborg. De auteur, R.D.C. Jansen (1926 – 2006) was lid van de Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland en auteur van het jubileumboek Een kern van broederschap – 100 jaar Theosofrsche Vereniging in Nederland 1897-1997. In deze uitgave beschrijft hij de ontwikkeling van het theosofisch denken en de daarbij betrokken personen en organisaties in Nederland over de laatste honderd jaar.


Prijs: € 10,75

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. . . Een Kern van Broederschap – 100 Jaar Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland 1897 – 1997

Door Ruud Jansen.

228 Pagina’s | Jubileumboek, uitgegeven in 1997 | Hardcover, incl. Noten, Register & Illustraties | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 906175725.

The Theosophical Society werd in 1875 opgericht te New York door Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) en enkele anderen. De belangrijkste doelstelling van deze vereniging is het vormen van een kern van Broederschap zonder onderscheid van ras, geloof, geslacht, kaste of huidskleur. Daarnaast heeft men zich het aanmoedigen van een vergelijkende studie van godsdienst, filosofie en wetenschap en het onderzoeken van de vermogens, die in de mens sluimeren ten doel gesteld.

Sinds 1878 is het Hoofdkwartier van deze internationale vereniging gevestigd te Adyar, Madras, India. De Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland – de Nederlandse Afdeling van de Theosophical Society – werd in 1897 opgericht. Dit boek bevat het verhaal van honderd jaar Theosofie in Nederland. In de vorige eeuw hadden in het Westen nog maar weinig mensen gehoord van begrippen als yoga, karma, reïncarnatie, aura’s en chakra’s. Het is de verdienste geweest van Mevr. Blavatsky dat deze termen nu gemeengoed geworden zijn in onze cultuur. Vooral in de wereld van de New Age wordt veelvuldig geput uit Theosofische bronnen.

In Nederland is de Theosofische Vereniging na een bloeiperiode in de twintiger jaren van de 20ste eeuw, nu veel minder bekend dan de talloze New Age groeperingen, die de laatste decennia zijn opgekomen. Vanwege haar honderdjarig bestaan is zij echter in staat te verwijzen naar diepere achtergronden en een samenhangend esoterisch wereldbeeld te schetsen.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 1 – ‘Inleiding’ (blz. 11):

” De Theosophical Society werd opgericht om allen samen te brengen, die een helder inzicht trachten te verkrijgen in de ware aard van de mens en de samenstelling van het universum. De Society streeft drie doeleinden na:

  1. Het vormen van een kern van de Universele Broederschap der Mensheid zonder onderscheid van ras, geloof, geslacht, kaste of huidskleur.
  2. Het aanmoedigen van de vergelijkende studie van godsdienst, wijsbegeerte en wetenschap.
  3. Het onderzoeken van de onverklaarde natuurwetten en van de vermogens, die in de mens sluimeren.

De Theosophical Society kent geen vastomlijnde leer of dogma’s, maar biedt wel een aantal thema’s aan, die als uitgangspunt kunnen dienen voor persoonlijke geestelijke ontwikkeling. “

auteur: Jansen, R.
ISBN: 906175725

Prijs: € 17,50

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The Harvest of Life (The Blavatsky Lecture 2002)

By Alan Hughes.

37 Pages | The Blavatsky Lecture delivered at the Summer School of The Theosophical Society in England, The University of Nottingham Sunday 4th of August 2002 | Lecture | The Theosophical Society in England | No ISBN.

How would you have answered Sinnett’s question? Is it so different from the child’s question: ‘What are people for, Dad’? It’s the question of questions: Without a satisfactory answer, our lives will lack direction and purpose. What a massive industry the prolonging of life is today. ‘Vanity, vanity’, says The Preacher of Ecclesiastes, unless – to paraphrase him – one’s labour under the sun produces a harvest. And Thomas a Kempis uses the same word: ‘It is vanity‘, he says, ‘to desire a long life and to take no heed of a good life’.

‘The Good Life’ is a common phrase today but what does it mean? I sit on Goring beach and wonder how Thomas a Kempis would have defined it. I watch and feel the fire of the sun setting; the air moves around me and the sea heaves and crashes its arriving waves onto the stones, which grumble at being disturbed. What are the hidden four elements, and – more importantly – is the outcome of all this process beneficial in any way; which brings us back to Sinnett’s question to the Master. ‘What is the nature of a good harvest and what is it not’?

From Chapter II (p. 8):

” You are part of the One Existence, which men call God. You are divine in your origin and divine in your innermost nature. Your body is mortal; your spirit, which is your true Self, is immortal; your Soul, which is the Self, which thinks and feels and regards itself as ‘I’, may win its immortality if it becomes the servant of Spirit, and not otherwise. “

auteur: Hughes, A.

Prijs: € 6,50

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Grondslagen van Esoterische Filosofie – Uit de Geschriften van H.P. Blavatsky

Door Helena Petrovna Blavatksy (1831 – 1891), met een voorwoord door Ianthe Helen Hoskins (1912 – 2001).

80 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1992, gebaseerd op de Engelse 1988 editie | Softcover, incl. woordenlijst en literatuurlijst | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750673.

Engels origineel: Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy | First Adyar Edition, fifth reprint 2012 | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592211.

Zoals het zand, dat op zichzelf vormloos is, door de wind wordt beroerd en als gevolg daarvan een oneindige rijkdom aan patronen te zien geeft, zo zijn alle dingen voortgekomen uit een samenspel van stof en geest is voortgekomen uit het Ene.

De esoterische filosofie legt er de nadruk op dat achter de veelvuldige wereld van onze ervaring een enkele Realiteit ligt, die de bron en oorzaak is van alles wat ooit was, is en zal zijn. Aangezien alle dingen zijn voortgekomen uit het Ene Allerhoogste, zijn ze zelf, in hun ware aard, dat Allerhoogste. De oneindige verschijnselen van het gemanifesteerde universum, van het hoogste tot het laagste, van het omvangrijkste tot het nietigste, zijn het Ene, gehuld in naam en vorm.

In dit zevende deel van de Adyar-reeks zijn enkele sleutelpassages samengebracht uit de Geheime Leer van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, de grondlegster van de Theosofische beweging. De lezer kan zo in kort bestek kennis nemen van deze diepzinnige esoterische filosofie.

Afkomstig uit ‘Drie Grondstellingen’ (blz. 26):

” De ENE WERKELIJKHEID; haar tweevoudige aspecten in het voorwaardelijke Heelal. Verder stelt De Geheime Leer: (B) De eeuwigheid van het Heelal ‘in toto’ als een grenzeloos gebied, periodiek ‘het toneel van talloze Heelallen die zich onophoudelijk manifesteren en verdwijnen en die de zich manifesterende sterren en de vonken van de eeuwigheid worden genoemd. De eeuwigheid van de pelgrim is als een oogwenk van het Zelf-bestaan (Boek van Dzyan). Het verschijnen en verdwijnen van werelden is als een regelmatig getij van eb en vloed. “

auteur: Hoskins, I.H.
ISBN: 9789061750673
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Zoals het zand, dat op zichzelf vormloos is, door de wind wordt beroerd en als gevolg daarvan een oneindige rijkdom aan patronen te zien geeft, zo zijn alle dingen voortgekomen uit een samenspel van stof en geest. Dit tweevoud van stof en geest is voortgekomen uit het Ene.

‘De esoterische filosofie legt er de nadruk op dat achter de veelvuldige wereld van onze ervaring één enkele Realiteit ligt, die de bron en oorzaak is van alles wat ooit was, is en zal zijn. Aangezien alle dingen zijn voortgekomen uit het Ene Allerhoogste, zijn ze zelf, in hun ware aard, dat Allerhoogste. De oneindige verschijnselen van het gemanifesteerde universum, van het hoogste tot het laagste, van het omvangrijkste tot het nietigste, zijn het Ene, gehuld in naam en vorm.’

Miss Ianthe Hoskins was onder meer algemeen-secretaris van de Engelse Afdeling van de Theosophical Society (Adyar). Zij heeft in vele landen seminars over diverse theosofische onderwerpen geleid.


Prijs: € 5,65

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Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy – From the Writings of H.P. Blavatsky

By Helena Petrovna Blavatksy (1831 – 1891) with a foreword and notes by Ianthe H. Hoskins (1912 – 2001).

84 Pages | First Adyar Edition, Fifth reprint 2012 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar. | ISBN: 9788170592211.

Dutch translation: Grondslagen van de Esoterische Filosofie – Uit de Geschriften van H.P. Blavatsky | Uitgegeven in 1992 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750673.

Some of the most important statements from the Secret Doctrine of Madame Blavatsky have been extracted and put together in this little book. It is a valuable introduction to the main teachings of the Ancient Wisdom, which Blavatsky said was the common spiritual heritage of humanity. Each passage is briefly introduced by Miss Hoskins, who has added short glossary of terms as an appendix.

For the inquirer, who wishes to learn the fundamental principles underlying the universal Wisdom tradition, this compilation is a stepping stone, but for more ardent students there is material for deep reflection and meditation.

From Chapter ‘Isis Unveiled: A Ten-point Summary’ (p. 72 & 73):

” To sum up all in a few words, MAGIC is spiritual WISDOM; Nature, the material ally, pupil and servant of the magician. One common vital principle pervades all things, and this is controllable by the perfected human will. The Adept can stimulate the movements of the natural forces in plants and animals in a preternatural degree. Such experiments are not obstructions of Nature, but quickenings; the conditions of intenser vital action are given.

The Adept can control the sensations and alter the conditions of the physical and astral bodies of other persons not Adepts; he/she can also govern and employ as he/she chooses the spirits of the elements. He/She cannot control the immortal spirit of any human being, living or dead, for all such spirits are alike sparks of the Divine Essence and not subject to any foreign domination. “

auteur: Hoskins, I.H.
ISBN: 9788170592211

Prijs: € 6,50

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Verborgen Krachten in de Natuur en in de Mens

By Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

189 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1970; dit boek maakt onderdeel uit van de bundel Lotusreeks II | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750314.

Nederlandse vertaling van: Occult Powers in Nature and in Man (1988) | The Theosophical Publishing House, London.

In zes prachtige voordrachten heeft Geoffrey Hodson het gehele overzicht tezamen gebracht van het scheppingsproces, in al zijn grootheid, zoals dat in het algemeen wordt opgevat door bestudeerders van De Geheime Leer. De schrijver vertelt ons, dat hij zich in gedachten drie dingen ten doel gesteld heeft:

  1. Aan de lezers enig begrip te geven van de scheppende Godheid zelf.
  2. Enig begrip van de ontwikkeling van zonnestelsels
  3. Een diepere kennis van de plaats van de mens in de schepping, in het Grote Werk.

Afkomstig uit Deel 2, Hoofstuk 4: ‘De invloed en het werk van de Wereld-moeder (p. 182, 187 & 187):

” Indien ik hier even een persoonlijke toon aan mag slaan, dan herinner ik mij zeer goed, hoe ik vele jaren geleden me voor het eerst bewust werd van het werkelijk bestaan van de Wereld-moeder. Ik denk, dat ik hoe vaag ook, het voorrecht had Haar te zien, niet alleen als een ideaal of zelfs als een in een reeks van Personificaties van het Moeder-aanzicht van de Godheid, maar ook als een wonderbaar levend Wezen, het schitterend Juweel in de Hierarchie van de Adepten der aarde, de Wereld-moeder van deze periode, de Sterre der Zee, zoals zij dikwijls wordt genoemd. “


” In de naam van Hem, dien ik lang geleden gedragen heb, kom ik u te hulp. – Ik heb elke vrouw opgenomen in mijn hart, om een deel van haar daar te houden, zodat ik daardoor haar kan helpen in het uur van haar grootste nood. Hef de vrouwen van uw ras op, tot zij alle gezien worden als koninginnen en laat voor zulk vorstinnen elke man zijn als een koning, opdat de een de ander zal leren door het zien van elkanders koningschap. Laat elke woning, hoe klein ook, worden tot een hof, elke zoon een ridder, elk kind een page. Laat ieder de ander ridderlijk behandelen, in elk hun vorstelijke afkomst eren, hun koninklijke geboorte; want er is koninklijk bloed in ieder mens; het zijn allen kinderen des Konings.”

auteur: Hodson, G.
ISBN: 9789061750314
Additional DescriptionMore Details

De stof voor deze voordrachten wordt in twee gedeelten gegeven. In het eerste hoofdstuk is in een allesomvattende visie, een algemene beschouwing gegeven over het geheel, dat in de volgende vijf hoofdstukken in onderdelen uitgewerkt wordt. Met buitengewone helderheid wordt een theosofische voorstelling opgebouwd van de zich ontwikkelende Kosmos, de emanatie van zonnestelsels uit hun goddelijke oorsprong. De schrijver verklaart de evolutie van het zich ontplooiende goddelijke Plan, beginnende met de prekosmische toestand, waarop gezinspeeld wordt als: “de duisternis zweefde over de wateren.” De overige hoofdstukken geven een synthese van theosofische denkbeelden over de aard van de mens en zijn betrekking tot zijn herkomst. Degenen, die bekend zijn met Mr. Hodson’s vroegere geschriften, zullen in dit kleine werkje de verstandelijke en metafysische helderheid terugvinden, welke het resultaat is van jaren van grondige studie van deze soort diepzinnige onderwerpen, die hier behandeld worden. Het boek is een nuttige en waardevolle aanvulling van de theosofische litteratuur, die het geordende plan van de goddelijke gedachte weergeeft, dat binnen het bereik van de mensheid is gebracht door de grote Adepten, de Oudere Broeders der Mensheid, doormiddel van Hun boodschapper – H.P. Blavatsky. Dit boek is het resultaat van een serie lezingen die Geoffrey Hodson gehouden heeft gedurende de gedenkwaardige “Summer School” van 1953 in “Olcott”, het hoofdkwartier van de Theosofische Vereniging in Amerika.


Prijs: € 4,25

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Mme. Blavatsky Defended

By Iverson L. Harris.

174 Pages | Published in 1971 | Softcover | Point Loma Publications Inc., San Diego, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0913004014.

Refutation of falsehoods, slanders, and misrepresentations published by the National Broadcasting Company, Truman Capote, Walter Winchell, the John Birch Society, Time magazine and others.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was not a revolutionary, except possibly that all efforts toward human enlightenment and decency are a revolution against bigotry, ignorance, hypocrisy, selfishness, superstition and other traits of human nature that tend to corrupt modern civilisation. She was tireless in exposing and opposing these.

What is Theosophy? Theosophy is two-fold. It is an enquiry into the nature of man in his relationship to the universe, and as such incorporates the heart of all the world religions. It is also a way of life. The members of the Theosophical Society are expected to live up to the high ethical principles embodied in the teachings.

From Page 154:

” The universal religion can only be one if we accept the real primitive meaning of the root of that word. We Theosophists so accept it; and therefore say we are all brothers – by the laws of nature, of birth, of death, as also by the laws of our utter helplessness from birth to death in this world of sorrow and deceptive illusions. Let us then love, help and mutually defend each other against the spirit of deception; and while holding to that which each of us accepts as his ideal of truth and unity – i.e., to the religion which suits each of us best – let us unite to form a practical nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, or color. “

auteur: Harris, I.L.
ISBN: 0913004014

Prijs: € 7,00

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H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine

240 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 1988

An anthology of Blavatasky’s contributions to world thought.

Virginia Hanson (1898-1991) joined the Theosophical Society in 1949 where she was first active in the Washington Branch, of which she was president for several years. She was also president of the Mid-Atlantic Federation and a frequent lecturer for the Society. In 1990 she was awarded the T. Subba Row medal in recognition of her contributions to Theosophical literature, including Masters and Men, and The Reader’s Guide to the Mahatma Letters.

auteur: Hanson, E. (ed.)
ISBN: 0835606309

Prijs: € 9,95

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H.P. Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine

227 pages | Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 1971

Commentaries On Her Contributions to World Thought

An Adyar book, imported from India.

auteur: Hanson, V.
ISBN: 0835673200
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Virginia Hanson (1898-1991) joined the Theosophical Society in 1949 where she was first active in the Washington Branch, of which she was president for several years. She was also president of the Mid-Atlantic Federation and a frequent lecturer for the Society. In 1990 she was awarded the T. Subba Row medal in recognition of her contributions to Theosophical literature, including Masters and Men, and The Reader’s Guide to the Mahatma Letters.


Prijs: € 4,99

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Living the Wisdom – A Guide to Social Transformation (Study Guide)

By Jean Gullo, Joseph D. Gullo & Diana Dunningham-Chapotin.

88 Pages | A4 Study Course | Quest Books, U.S.A. | No ISBN.

This guide is designed for use as a series of workshops. The information, questions and discussion matter contained herein are aimed towards service in the spirit and with the underlying principles of Theosophy. It may be used effectively in groups of any size, but can be useful to individuals as well. Where there are questions for discussion, responses by an individual might be written down or put in a journal.

From Part One: ‘True Theosophists’ (p.1 & 2):

” Many of us, though caring, are overwelmed by the enormity of the social and ecological changes needed, and the problems to be dealth with. It is well to bear in mind that many millions of people are feeling same concern and frustration. Our individual yearning for change and the goodwill to bring it about are part of a huge and growing tide of thought. We may begin where we are, and with a few or many others, then work toward greater realization and growth.

In heeding the admonition of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (HPB), co-founder of the Theosophical Society (TS), that we are not true Theosophists until we help humanity, we may join the flow of ‘people power’ sweeping the planet. This is the time for such female qualities as nurturing, caring and compassion to come to the fore in humanity. Many individuals and organizations are already working toward these ends. We may work in theosophical groups or in harmony with others and thereby greatly increase the effectiveness of our efforts. Working with others (networking) is important now if we are to make the greater changes.

Where can we start? Contemporary issues such as ecology, peace, international economic and political cooperation, human and animal rights, poverty, the weakening of family structures, the homeless, health and healing are becoming increasingly urgent. “

auteur: Gullo, J./Dunningham, D.

Prijs: € 7,50

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The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement

By Michael Gomes.

248 Pages | First edition 1847 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606236.

It all began in 1874 on a farm in Chittenden, Vermont, at that time a mecca for spiritualists. There, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Russian born noblewoman, world traveler, respected psychic, outspoken iconoclast, first met Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), lawyer, journalist, Civil War administrative hero. It was on November 17, 1875 that this initial meeting culminated in the founding of the Theosophical Society.

Historical researcher Michael Gomes charts the dramatic origins of the theosophical movement, one of the most influential philosophical systems to arise during the last hundred years. In this skillfully woven story of the early years of theosophy, the author re-creates the key events involving Blavatsky, Olcott and a small group of like-minded occultists. His account covers the publication of Blavatsky’s ‘occult encyclopedia’ Isis Unveiled, concluding with the pilgrimage to India by the ’theosophical twins’.

auteur: Gomes, M.
ISBN: 0835606236

Prijs: € 10,96

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Keeping the Link Unbroken – Theosophical Studies Presented to Ted G. Davy

By Michael Gomes.

196 Pages | Copyright 2004 | Softcover | TRM – Theosophical Research Monographs | ISBN: 0974188905.

Theosophical Studies Presented to Ted G. Davy on His Seventy-fifth Birthday.

One of the writers in the present Volume, trying to articulate the contribution of Ted G. Davy to the field of Theosophical research, sent in the following: ‘He is not famous. It may be that when at last his life comes to an end, he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on this earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water. Yet it may be that the way of life he has chosen for himself may have an evergrowing influence over his fellow men, so that, long after his death perhaps, it may be realized that there lived in this age a very remarkable creature. “

‘Remarkable’ would certainly be the word agreed upon by most of the presenters in this Volume. Aside from his role as mentor, friend, advisor to many in the field of Theosophical studies for almost half a century, Ted Davy functioned as editor of The Canadian Theosophist from 1961 – 1991. Continuing the tradition of its founder, A.E.S. Smythe, the Journal was regarded as ‘the conscience of the Theosophical movement‘.

From the end page:

” An Acrostic for Doris and Ted Davy by John Robert Colombo
Taken from the Index to H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (1888: 3rd ed., reprinted 1928).
‘A strange story – a legend rather – ‘ Section XLI, ‘The Doctrine of Avataras, ‘ Volume III.

* * *

Doors of ancient dwellings

One manifested

Rounds, actuality of seven

Immetalized, light

Scale, angelic beings


Thought, abstract absolute

Earth-born cement, nitrogen

Dinosaurians of gigantic proportions

Dazzling face, great king

Astral, action comes from the North

Vault, starry

Year of Brahma. “

auteur: Gomes, M. (ed.)
ISBN: 0974188905

Prijs: € 18,90

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Chains and Rounds

Edward Lewis Gardner (1869 – 1969).

15 Pages | Reprinted 1966, 1975, 1991 | Mini-booklet | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

From the Appendix to The Web of the Universe.

A study of the Earth Chain is a study in essence of the whole Scheme. Just as in embryology one may trace the evolution of the physical form through all the earlier stages of development from the simple cell, so in the first three Rounds of our Chain the work of the first three Chains is recapitulated. On these Rounds certain work is done rapidly that took untold ages of effort on the earlier chains. The Scheme works onwards to the Climax of its involution in the fourth Round of its fourth Chain. The Rounds are the big and important divisions of a Chain’s manifestation.

From page 3:


” In each Planetary Scheme there are seven successive incarnations or circuits of the great Life Waves from the Solar Logos. On each Chain, from the first onwards, all the stages of consciousness known as the kingdoms of nature, from the elemental to the human, are present. The broad rule appears to be that, for the span of a Chain, a given impulse of the Logoic consciousness functions through the forms of one kingdom only. “

auteur: Gardner, E.L.

Prijs: € 1,25

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