Some Mystical Adventures
By George R.S. Mead (1863-1933).
338 Pages | Photo copy of the first 1910 edition, J. Watkins, London | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 1564593592.
From Chapter I - 'As Above, So Below':
"Heaven above, heaven below; stars above, stars below; all that is above thus also below."
- Kircher, Prodrom. Copt. pp. 193 & 275.
'As above, so below'. Is this great 'word' a sacramental phrase, a saying of wisdom, an aphorism, a mystic formula, a fundamental law; or a two-edged sword of word-fence, that will probably do the wielder serious damage, if he is not first put through careful training in its handling - which?
Whether this saying is of Hermetic origin or no, we will not stay formally to inquire. In essence it is probably as old as human thought itself; and, as probably, the idea lying underneath it has been turned topsy-turvy more frequently than any other of the immortal company.
- As Above, So Below
- Heresy
- The elasticity of the permanent body
- The immensities
- Heirs of the Ages
- The Master
- Initiation
- A measure of what Wisdom means to me
- Adumbrations
- The heroic life
- On the track of Spirituality
- Guesses at what to expect
- On the art of symbolism
- The Self-taught
- On the way of the Path
- Mystic reality
- The deathless race
- Mystic cosmogony
- Some elementary speculations
- On the nature of the Quest.

Some Mystical Adventures
By George R.S. Mead (1863-1933).
338 Pages | Photo copy of the first 1910 edition, J. Watkins, London | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 1564593592.
From Chapter I – ‘As Above, So Below’:
“Heaven above, heaven below; stars above, stars below; all that is above thus also below.”
– Kircher, Prodrom. Copt. pp. 193 & 275.
‘As above, so below’. Is this great ‘word’ a sacramental phrase, a saying of wisdom, an aphorism, a mystic formula, a fundamental law; or a two-edged sword of word-fence, that will probably do the wielder serious damage, if he is not first put through careful training in its handling – which?
Whether this saying is of Hermetic origin or no, we will not stay formally to inquire. In essence it is probably as old as human thought itself; and, as probably, the idea lying underneath it has been turned topsy-turvy more frequently than any other of the immortal company.
- As Above, So Below
- Heresy
- The elasticity of the permanent body
- The immensities
- Heirs of the Ages
- The Master
- Initiation
- A measure of what Wisdom means to me
- Adumbrations
- The heroic life
- On the track of Spirituality
- Guesses at what to expect
- On the art of symbolism
- The Self-taught
- On the way of the Path
- Mystic reality
- The deathless race
- Mystic cosmogony
- Some elementary speculations
- On the nature of the Quest.