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To Light a Thousand Lamps – A Theosophic Vision

4 december 2019

By Grace F. Knoche.

209 Pages | A Sunrise Library Book, Copyright 2001 | Hardcover | Theosophical University Press, Pasadena California U.S.A. | ISBN: 1557001707.

Dutch translation: Duizend Lichten Aansteken | Theosophical University Press | ISBN: 9070328615.

'If enough men and women will not only believe, but also follow their intuitions and consciously cast their lot with the cause of compassion, there is every reason to have confidence, that our civilization will one day make the leap from self-centeredness to genuine brotherhood in every phase of the human enterprise'.

Written with directness and warmth, To Light A Thousand Lamps shares a universal perspective on the central questions of human existence, while providing practical insights on daily living and spiritual growth. Offering a thoughtful critique of religious and scientific views and current practices in light of Theosophy, the author presents the foundation ideas of mankind's spiritual heritage, addressing our responsibility as partners in a oneness that reaches to the core of each and every being. In so doing she suggests how we can live with dignity, purpose, and compassion, whatever our circumstances.

From Page 16 - 'The Daily Initiation' (p. 16):

" Every people has borne the sacred burden of the Divine in its deepest heart. How strange, with this wondrous heritage, that we should ever feel 'widowed of the presence of the Gods', as though the link with our Divine Source had become frayed, no longer assured. We are not the first civilization to feel lost and bewildered, nor will we be the last, but this does not mean there is no remedy. Help has always been within our grasp: to ally our whole being with the building energies of the universe and to refuse to strengthen by default - certainly never by design - the destructive forces, that are ever alert to attack the irresolute Soul. Still, we must persevere, for once we make the choice, all the 'devils' in the underworld of our nature will seemingly be let loose to test the integrity of our resolve. The more in earn earnest we are, the more subtle and persistent the resistance - not instigated by others, but by our higher self. There is nothing mysterious about this. "

auteur: Knoche, G.F.
ISBN: 1557001707

Prijs: € 17,95

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To Light a Thousand Lamps – A Theosophic Vision

4 december 2019

By Grace F. Knoche.

209 Pages | A Sunrise Library Book, Copyright 2001 | Hardcover | Theosophical University Press, Pasadena California U.S.A. | ISBN: 1557001707.

Dutch translation: Duizend Lichten Aansteken | Theosophical University Press | ISBN: 9070328615.

‘If enough men and women will not only believe, but also follow their intuitions and consciously cast their lot with the cause of compassion, there is every reason to have confidence, that our civilization will one day make the leap from self-centeredness to genuine brotherhood in every phase of the human enterprise’.

Written with directness and warmth, To Light A Thousand Lamps shares a universal perspective on the central questions of human existence, while providing practical insights on daily living and spiritual growth. Offering a thoughtful critique of religious and scientific views and current practices in light of Theosophy, the author presents the foundation ideas of mankind’s spiritual heritage, addressing our responsibility as partners in a oneness that reaches to the core of each and every being. In so doing she suggests how we can live with dignity, purpose, and compassion, whatever our circumstances.

From Page 16 – ‘The Daily Initiation’ (p. 16):

” Every people has borne the sacred burden of the Divine in its deepest heart. How strange, with this wondrous heritage, that we should ever feel ‘widowed of the presence of the Gods’, as though the link with our Divine Source had become frayed, no longer assured. We are not the first civilization to feel lost and bewildered, nor will we be the last, but this does not mean there is no remedy. Help has always been within our grasp: to ally our whole being with the building energies of the universe and to refuse to strengthen by default – certainly never by design – the destructive forces, that are ever alert to attack the irresolute Soul. Still, we must persevere, for once we make the choice, all the ‘devils’ in the underworld of our nature will seemingly be let loose to test the integrity of our resolve. The more in earn earnest we are, the more subtle and persistent the resistance – not instigated by others, but by our higher self. There is nothing mysterious about this. “