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Native Healer – Initiation into an Ancient Art

11 september 2019

By Medicine Grizzlybear Lake.

199 Pages | Copyright 1991, third printing 1993| Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606678.

Many claim to be healers and spiritual teachers: the author is both. Here he explains how a person is called to be a medicine man or woman and the trials and tests of a candidate. Lake gives an exciting glimpse into the world of Native American Shamanism. He was trained by numerous Native American teachers, including Rolling Thunder, and has conducted hundreds of ceremonies and lectures.

From the Introduction (p. 1):

" Traditional Native healers were the people, who provided medical leadership for the c0mmunity in the past, for most Native tribal systems. They were the seers, visionairies, doctors and counselors for the people. They advised the people about good health practices, which were medico-religious in nature, and they taught them to develop spiritually. When the people became sick, the Native healer doctored them. And if the healer did not have an answer to a particular problem, he or she would seek a vision by consulting with the Great Creator and spirits to find solutions. During such times the shaman could often see into the future. In some ways, that is what I am trying to share here. "


auteur: Lake, Medicine Grizzlybear
ISBN: 0835606678

Prijs: € 13,50

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Native Healer – Initiation into an Ancient Art

11 september 2019

By Medicine Grizzlybear Lake.

199 Pages | Copyright 1991, third printing 1993| Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606678.

Many claim to be healers and spiritual teachers: the author is both. Here he explains how a person is called to be a medicine man or woman and the trials and tests of a candidate. Lake gives an exciting glimpse into the world of Native American Shamanism. He was trained by numerous Native American teachers, including Rolling Thunder, and has conducted hundreds of ceremonies and lectures.

From the Introduction (p. 1):

” Traditional Native healers were the people, who provided medical leadership for the c0mmunity in the past, for most Native tribal systems. They were the seers, visionairies, doctors and counselors for the people. They advised the people about good health practices, which were medico-religious in nature, and they taught them to develop spiritually. When the people became sick, the Native healer doctored them. And if the healer did not have an answer to a particular problem, he or she would seek a vision by consulting with the Great Creator and spirits to find solutions. During such times the shaman could often see into the future. In some ways, that is what I am trying to share here. “