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The Absolute – The Ultimate Reality (Parabrahman) (Blavatsky Lecture 1985)

21 november 2018

By Harry Upadhyay, Ph.D.

32 Pages | 27 July 1985| Softcover | The Theosophical Society in England, London | No ISBN.

The Blavatsky Lecture delivered at the Annual Convention of The Theosophical Society in England at the University of Nottingham, 27 July 1985.


'Unperceivable, beyond empirical dealings, beyond grasp of the organs of action, uninferable, unthinkable, indescribable . . . '  - Māndukya Upanishad.

These words of the Māndukya Upanishad are not the only significant references to the Absolute, the Ultimate Reality; Parabrahman. Such words about Brahman and Ātman abound in most of the Upanishads. I quote here just a few. Maitri Upanishad says - 'The Spirit Supreme is immeasurable, inapprehensible, beyond conception, never-born, beyond reasoning, beyond thought.' Mundaka Upanishad says - 'He cannot be reached by the senses, or by an austerity or sacred action . . . '

auteur: Upadhyay, H.

Prijs: € 2,00

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The Absolute – The Ultimate Reality (Parabrahman) (Blavatsky Lecture 1985)

21 november 2018

By Harry Upadhyay, Ph.D.

32 Pages | 27 July 1985| Softcover | The Theosophical Society in England, London | No ISBN.

The Blavatsky Lecture delivered at the Annual Convention of The Theosophical Society in England at the University of Nottingham, 27 July 1985.


‘Unperceivable, beyond empirical dealings, beyond grasp of the organs of action, uninferable, unthinkable, indescribable . . . ‘  – Māndukya Upanishad.

These words of the Māndukya Upanishad are not the only significant references to the Absolute, the Ultimate Reality; Parabrahman. Such words about Brahman and Ātman abound in most of the Upanishads. I quote here just a few. Maitri Upanishad says – ‘The Spirit Supreme is immeasurable, inapprehensible, beyond conception, never-born, beyond reasoning, beyond thought.’ Mundaka Upanishad says – ‘He cannot be reached by the senses, or by an austerity or sacred action . . . ‘