The Dialogues of Plato and The Upanisad-s
35 Pages | Published in 2005, The Adyar Library Pamphlet Series No. 57 | Softcover | The Adyar Library and Research Center | ISBN: 8185141495.
The quest for Self-knowledge, or love of wisdom is the central theme of Greek philosophy and Upanisadic Tradition. Prof. Kazanas discusses in this paper some apparent similarities, as well as fundamental differences between the Upanisadic teachings and the Platonic dialogues on soul, body, desire, education, reincarnation, etc. His discussion is quite scholarly but very readable.
The Dialogues of Plato and The Upanisad-s
35 Pages | Published in 2005, The Adyar Library Pamphlet Series No. 57 | Softcover | The Adyar Library and Research Center | ISBN: 8185141495.
The quest for Self-knowledge, or love of wisdom is the central theme of Greek philosophy and Upanisadic Tradition. Prof. Kazanas discusses in this paper some apparent similarities, as well as fundamental differences between the Upanisadic teachings and the Platonic dialogues on soul, body, desire, education, reincarnation, etc. His discussion is quite scholarly but very readable.