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The Harvest of Life (The Blavatsky Lecture 2002)

18 december 2019

By Alan Hughes.

37 Pages | The Blavatsky Lecture delivered at the Summer School of The Theosophical Society in England, The University of Nottingham Sunday 4th of August 2002 | Lecture | The Theosophical Society in England | No ISBN.

How would you have answered Sinnett's question? Is it so different from the child's question: 'What are people for, Dad'? It's the question of questions: Without a satisfactory answer, our lives will lack direction and purpose. What a massive industry the prolonging of life is today. 'Vanity, vanity', says The Preacher of Ecclesiastes, unless - to paraphrase him - one's labour under the sun produces a harvest. And Thomas a Kempis uses the same word: 'It is vanity', he says, 'to desire a long life and to take no heed of a good life'.

'The Good Life' is a common phrase today but what does it mean? I sit on Goring beach and wonder how Thomas a Kempis would have defined it. I watch and feel the fire of the sun setting; the air moves around me and the sea heaves and crashes its arriving waves onto the stones, which grumble at being disturbed. What are the hidden four elements, and - more importantly - is the outcome of all this process beneficial in any way; which brings us back to Sinnett's question to the Master. 'What is the nature of a good harvest and what is it not'?

From Chapter II (p. 8):

" You are part of the One Existence, which men call God. You are divine in your origin and divine in your innermost nature. Your body is mortal; your spirit, which is your true Self, is immortal; your Soul, which is the Self, which thinks and feels and regards itself as 'I', may win its immortality if it becomes the servant of Spirit, and not otherwise. "

auteur: Hughes, A.

Prijs: € 6,50

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The Harvest of Life (The Blavatsky Lecture 2002)

18 december 2019

By Alan Hughes.

37 Pages | The Blavatsky Lecture delivered at the Summer School of The Theosophical Society in England, The University of Nottingham Sunday 4th of August 2002 | Lecture | The Theosophical Society in England | No ISBN.

How would you have answered Sinnett’s question? Is it so different from the child’s question: ‘What are people for, Dad’? It’s the question of questions: Without a satisfactory answer, our lives will lack direction and purpose. What a massive industry the prolonging of life is today. ‘Vanity, vanity’, says The Preacher of Ecclesiastes, unless – to paraphrase him – one’s labour under the sun produces a harvest. And Thomas a Kempis uses the same word: ‘It is vanity‘, he says, ‘to desire a long life and to take no heed of a good life’.

‘The Good Life’ is a common phrase today but what does it mean? I sit on Goring beach and wonder how Thomas a Kempis would have defined it. I watch and feel the fire of the sun setting; the air moves around me and the sea heaves and crashes its arriving waves onto the stones, which grumble at being disturbed. What are the hidden four elements, and – more importantly – is the outcome of all this process beneficial in any way; which brings us back to Sinnett’s question to the Master. ‘What is the nature of a good harvest and what is it not’?

From Chapter II (p. 8):

” You are part of the One Existence, which men call God. You are divine in your origin and divine in your innermost nature. Your body is mortal; your spirit, which is your true Self, is immortal; your Soul, which is the Self, which thinks and feels and regards itself as ‘I’, may win its immortality if it becomes the servant of Spirit, and not otherwise. “