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Theosophy & Yoga

9 juli 2021

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and Jenny Baker.

100 Pages | 2019 | Paperback | Martin Firell Company, London | Serie Modern Theosophy | ISBN: 9781912622153.

This volume explores the ways in which both theosophy and yoga base spiritual progress on the deepest possible understanding of the nature of life - that it exists as a single unity. This is the fourth in a series of books, collected under the banner 'Modern Theosophy' re-presenting important texts drawn from the history of the theosophical movement and further complemented by texts from contemporary authors and innovative thinkers.

Author: Besant, A / Baker, J.
ISBN: 9781912622153
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9781912622153";}

Prijs: € 7,95

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Theosophy & Yoga

9 juli 2021

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) and Jenny Baker.

100 Pages | 2019 | Paperback | Martin Firell Company, London | Serie Modern Theosophy | ISBN: 9781912622153.

This volume explores the ways in which both theosophy and yoga base spiritual progress on the deepest possible understanding of the nature of life – that it exists as a single unity. This is the fourth in a series of books, collected under the banner ‘Modern Theosophy’ re-presenting important texts drawn from the history of the theosophical movement and further complemented by texts from contemporary authors and innovative thinkers.