Kundun – A Biography of the Family of the Dalai Lama
By Mary Craig.
391 Pages | First published in Great Britain, first paperback edition 1998 | Paperback | Counterpoint, Washington | ISBN: 1887178910.
Here is the story of Tibet as told by its remarkable first family - a story of reïncarnation, coronation, heartbreaking exile, and finally the tenacious efforts of a holy man to save a nation and its people.
From the Foreword:
" We Tibetans are resilient, patient and resourceful. Ours is just a cause. We continue to be confident that the truth will ultimately triumph and our land and people will once more be free. Would the Chinese consider the Tibetan question so sensitive if our cause was dead? Under difficult circumstances we have kept the Tibetan spirit and a sense of hope alive. However, it is clear that these efforts alone will not be sufficient to bring about a final positive solution. Therefore, I appeal to the readers of this book to support the Tibetan people, so that ultimately they may again live in peace and dignity.
- His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. "
From Chapter 'Lord of the Lion Throne', p. 68:
" He is supposed to be the temporary embodiment of a god . . . called upon to lead, comfort and improve sinful, sufferinf mankind, and to teach the way to release. It is throughout the same being who sits on the Lhasa throne in successive embodiments. The secret person, the spiritual reality of the Dalai Lama, is immutable and only his body changes, a perishable vessel employed to reach down to the lowly human level and to make the dazzling light of the truth he embodies accessible to our limited understanding. "
- Giuseppe Tucci, To Lhasa and Beyond.

Kundun – A Biography of the Family of the Dalai Lama
By Mary Craig.
391 Pages | First published in Great Britain, first paperback edition 1998 | Paperback | Counterpoint, Washington | ISBN: 1887178910.
Here is the story of Tibet as told by its remarkable first family – a story of reïncarnation, coronation, heartbreaking exile, and finally the tenacious efforts of a holy man to save a nation and its people.
From the Foreword:
” We Tibetans are resilient, patient and resourceful. Ours is just a cause. We continue to be confident that the truth will ultimately triumph and our land and people will once more be free. Would the Chinese consider the Tibetan question so sensitive if our cause was dead? Under difficult circumstances we have kept the Tibetan spirit and a sense of hope alive. However, it is clear that these efforts alone will not be sufficient to bring about a final positive solution. Therefore, I appeal to the readers of this book to support the Tibetan people, so that ultimately they may again live in peace and dignity.
– His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. “
From Chapter ‘Lord of the Lion Throne’, p. 68:
” He is supposed to be the temporary embodiment of a god . . . called upon to lead, comfort and improve sinful, sufferinf mankind, and to teach the way to release. It is throughout the same being who sits on the Lhasa throne in successive embodiments. The secret person, the spiritual reality of the Dalai Lama, is immutable and only his body changes, a perishable vessel employed to reach down to the lowly human level and to make the dazzling light of the truth he embodies accessible to our limited understanding. ”
– Giuseppe Tucci, To Lhasa and Beyond.